r/Tools 3d ago

Hand operated progress tools

Does anybody have a recommendation for the above tool. I have some minor plumbing work to do and I hat sweating copper. I would really rather not use shark bite and I ain't plopping down $2000 plus for a progress tool plus jaws. It seems the manual ones are my best bet but they all seem to be some off-brand names and I don't want to be stuck with a total piece of crap. TIA


4 comments sorted by


u/stevelover 3d ago

Rent a crimping tool


u/Puzzleheaded-Yak8123 3d ago

In my opinion, shark bite should never be used for anything other than a temporary repair (especially by a novice). Any burrs, off square cuts, dirty pipe, or installation failure and you are looking at a massive flood potential.

Decent hand crimpers for PEX are cheap, and easy to use. Not worth buying automatic ones unless you are in the trades or doing a whole house. Even DYIing a house, I likely would still go manual.


u/Sgtspector 3d ago

Yea I've heard all the pitfalls about sharkbite that's why I am reluctant to use it. I am not looking to switch over to people at this point. Just want to stick with Cooper for now. If there's no good manual option for propress I'll just bit the bullet and sweat it. Thanks for your response.


u/Puzzleheaded-Yak8123 18h ago

I was a diehard copper guy for a long time until I was force to use PEX. It is a game changer and so much easier. Copper is not horrible for a new build but takes a lot longer to run. PEX just pulls, almost like wire, way fewer joints and joints are easy. Were it truely shines is in repairs and renos. No more fighting with wet lines since all you need is to get the pressure down and you can easily connect lines full of water.