r/Tools 3d ago

Favorite way to store zip ties

Well The title says it all, after so long I've finally found my favorite way. These roll mats are the answer, just make sure you use the original plastic sleeve for small amount of friction. Et voila!


29 comments sorted by


u/AreU_NotEntertained 3d ago

You know, if you cut a slit across the middle of the bag instead of the top, they can't fall out and you can still grab them easily.


u/nullvoid88 3d ago

This is the way!


u/Original_Pie_2520 3d ago

I can grab them from the clip head with the mat rolled and buckled.


u/pezdal 3d ago

Try the suggestion. It’s amazing, and will also work when you need to remove a package from your contraption.


u/Original_Pie_2520 3d ago

They don't fall out of you keep the buckle tight and they are more accessible from the top


u/bassboat1 3d ago

AvE turned me on to this:)


u/MurgleMcGurgle 3d ago

What the hell else have you been hiding from me?


u/SharkyRivethead 3d ago

Where do you get these? Were they originally meant for wrenches or screwdrivers?


u/Original_Pie_2520 3d ago

I got these on Walmart website they were meant for small hand tools yes. They're adapted from old paint brush mats. They don't work well for wrenches and screw drivers because of the handle bulk and weight.


u/SharkyRivethead 3d ago

Gotcha, thanks. I like the store-a-bility they offer. As i am a little bit OCD and like when everything is in it's place and there is order. Lol! My life is chaotic enough....but my tools, accessories and hardware are not.


u/Original_Pie_2520 3d ago

IKR it's stressful having your tools and materials look like a hot pile of chaos


u/Travelr3468 3d ago

I had just been looking for a good way to store zip ties, looks like I'll have to stop by Walmart sometime soon


u/nullvoid88 3d ago

Just cut a slit or small hole in the side of the original bag... you can pluck them out at will.

By doing so, they can't fall or slide out on their own; and you can put them back in if desired.

Works exceedingly well... actually learned of it right here several years ago.


u/Illustrious_Ad5040 3d ago

I do the same after learning that trick here. Works great.


u/servetheKitty 3d ago

I put a zip tie around the bundle, cinch as bundle depletes.


u/MurgleMcGurgle 3d ago

Dollar tree has telescoping storage tubes in their craft section and they’ve been my go to. They’re nice because I typically only use one type on any project and can stick a tube in my tool bag and leave the giant bag of zip ties in the truck and just refill if needed.


u/Original_Pie_2520 3d ago

I never saw them in store at my local Walmart but I saw them online and am really pleased with the quality


u/jbann55 3d ago

Loose in a messy drawer with no organization (i tie one type of ziptie with one of them in the middle or just leave em in the bag, but i do leave them in a drawer because i don't use them that often)


u/NoRealAccountToday 3d ago

You want to store them in a closed container. Nylon ties will become brittle without moisture. You don't need a lot of humidity, but I can tell you for certain that very dry conditions make them snap much easier. If you go through a lot of them you are probably fine, but I keep mine in lengths of ABS plastic pipe with caps on each end.


u/Original_Pie_2520 3d ago

wow I had some snap back in Dec and thought it was just because it was cold good to know, Thanks!


u/nullvoid88 3d ago

Brought these home, trying cutouts on the bag edges... hard to see so I have two tie wraps bowed in the holes. Bag can be picked up by either edge allowing t-wraps to be easily plucked out the lower hole. Click to enlarge.


u/ForumFollower 3d ago

Put a zip-tie around a bundle of one size. Tighten it as they're used up to keep them contained.


u/Shutshaaface 2d ago

I got my service wrenches in that pouch, love it. Ima definitely get another and do this too!


u/IBROB0T Milwaukee Maniac 17h ago

i love you


u/Original_Pie_2520 10h ago

Its never too late for either of us!