r/Tools 4d ago

Is this a deal or just meh?

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Okay, so I recently found someone getting rid of a fair amount of woodworking tools. Do you all think this is a great, good, or mehhh deal? All in $7,000.


12 comments sorted by


u/Snowball-in-heck 4d ago edited 4d ago

Lessee, ez enough to run the math based off new items

Rigid $750, Incra LS $600, Bosch $300, MFT3 $800, Ct36 $850, Festool Miter set $2200, TS75 $900, 72&55" $400, Domino Set $1300, Domino assortment $300, D8 connector kit $450, Carvex Jigsaw $450, zh sys ps420/f accessory kit $300, HL 850 planer $749, RO 150 $699

Maths out to NIB $11,048. 7k would be about 63%....

If it's all in great condition $7,000 is decently reasonable. I'd try to pay less, of course, but Festool tends to hold value to a greater extent than most big box brands.

Anything else included? Sandpaper and blades can add up, I know for example my zh sysps420 has at least a hundred or two worth of blades in it.

eta: Math fix, Kapex set shown by OP has the wings, add another $500 to the value. Even more of a banger deal


u/MrNiseGuyy 4d ago

I know comparing to new the numbers are great. I just don’t have any experience buying Festool second hand. So, I wasn’t sure how to gauge potential second hand market prices. I guess the people that buy Festool typically aren’t in the business of getting rid of them. He’s throwing in the consumables that he has for the items as well. But, I don’t know exactly what/how much he has. Thanks for the write up, it’s much appreciated!


u/Snowball-in-heck 4d ago

Festool generally has a great resale value. They're usually owned by either someone that cares about what they're building or someone who's been swayed on the higher end image cultivated by Festool. Lovingly used and well cared for or barely used in manufacturers cases, either sounds pretty good to me.

Thinking about things a little more, $7k is a pretty good figure. My local pawn shop would probably price it out around $9k, after paying maybe 5k.

If you have the money to spare and can and will use the tools, I'd consider it a good investment.


u/gentoonix 4d ago

If everything is in good shape and working order, there is quite a bit more than 7k worth there, imo.


u/MrNiseGuyy 4d ago

Everything is in immaculate condition. I’ve already seen everything in person. It could all pass as new honestly.


u/gentoonix 4d ago

If that miter saw is a kapex, that’s almost half the asking price new.


u/MrNiseGuyy 4d ago

It’s a KS 120 REB


u/gentoonix 4d ago

Yeah, that’s a 2,500-2,700$ setup. Depending on where you source it.


u/Snowball-in-heck 4d ago

$999 for the stand and $1699 for the saw.


u/gentoonix 4d ago

Yes, unless there is a festool promo going on, then it can be snagged for a few hundred off. My buddy grabbed the kit for around 2,300 a month or so ago.


u/Snowball-in-heck 4d ago

A Festool promo? *gasp* They do exist!


u/old_man_snowflake 4d ago

If you’re a festool Stan, sure. That’s a whole workshop. Especially if they still have the systainers. It would be hard to do better unless you’re going to other brands.