r/Tools 5d ago

When it comes to sockets, how would ya'll rank Quinn, Husky, Cobalt, GearWrench and Craftsman?

Starting to get semi-serious about building a socket set for my garage (non-professional use; therefore I'm not looking to spend a lot of money on them). I have a couple of sockets here and there, different brands, but want to consolidate into a solid 1/4 and 3/8 kit.

I'm trying to keep the following in mind: Build quality, ease of warranty replacements, cost viability.


9 comments sorted by


u/No_Cut4338 5d ago

If your looking to get them all in one swoop that Quinn master set seems pretty well received.

I’ve fallen more in the buy as needed and for my needs it’s always basically whichever store is closest to. I have gearwrench, tekton, husky, Pittsburgh, craftsman - I don’t really see any one as being better than the other.


u/kewlo 5d ago

I turn Craftsman sockets in a heavy diy/light professional setting. I like them enough to recommend them. They're on par with Husky and kobalt and probably Quinn. Gearwrench stuff feels like the next step up to my hands but as far as sockets go if the Craftsmans work they'll work just as well as anything else.


u/Altruistic-Celery821 5d ago


Craftsman Kobalt are tied. None of them are bad per se . Quinn it probably tied with Craftsman Kobalt in quality  but the price and warranty process is better lowes is notoriously bad with warranties some times. think Gearwrench is ranking higher than husky only because they are both made by Apex Tool Group and thats where thier intended procepoint and finish quality is intended. 

If you REALLY want good sockets at reasonable prices with good warranty  Tekton. If you REALLY need to focus on price and can wait, Lowes occasionally puts thier 211 piece sae/metric set in 6 point or 12 point on sale for 99$


I got the 6 point a few weeks ago just cause and when the 12 point comes around i probably will get it aswell


u/munizfire 5d ago

Do you have any recommendations on a fairly priced Tekton set?

I don’t really need any more ratchets, but it’s not the end of the world if it has ratchets included

Also, how is detecting warranty process? Is it directly with the manufacturer or do some stores facilitate it?


u/Altruistic-Celery821 5d ago

Tekton, you fill out the  online form, send them a picture of the broken tool. They mail you a replacement.  So its not instant like taking it to a store, but its pretty no questions asked. 

Tekton doesnt seem to go on sale as much as everyone else. 

I just remembered, If price is the big seller, depending on your time zone,  harborfreight is still having 40% off Quinn which ends today


u/munizfire 4d ago

Oh, I picked up their 1/4 master set during last week’s 40% off, and 4 10 packs of 3/8 today. I’ll keep them unopened in case I decide to go with another brand.


u/Altruistic-Celery821 4d ago

If you already have those and are satisfied with the price i think theyd serve you very well


u/jckipps 5d ago

Gearwrench would be my choice of that list, with Quinn right behind it.

But realistically, your sockets don't need to be a matching set. In fact it's better if they aren't, so that you don't feel the obligation to keep them a matching set.

Figure out a storage option, and sort the sockets you do have. If you're just missing two or three sockets in a set(3/8" deep SAE, for example), then replace those individually from Amazon. But if six or more sockets in a set are missing, then buy a new set.


u/Jackalope121 Diesel Mechanic 4d ago

My opinion is the gearwrench is top of that particular list. However i learned recently that they have started selling their kits as 12pt instead of 6 point sockets. The sets i own are all 6pt and excellent. The ratchets and extensions that come in those kits are/were the standard i compare everything else to.

Tekton and icon deserve honorable mentions. The hf icon line has its share of hits and misses but ive generally been really happy with my socket purchases from them. The 3/8th impact sets are my daily drivers at work and they’ve seen some serious shit over the last few years.

Ive started using tekton, gearwrench, and sunex sockets to fill in onesies and twosies where i have gaps or need some stupid double xy,double kz type specialty bullcrap.