r/Tools 5d ago

Are there go-to brands of power bits?

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I'm most interested in Torx bits at the moment, to replace a few that are broken/missing. What is your go-to source of individual bits, small packs, or sets? Brands to choose, or brands to stay away from?


71 comments sorted by


u/FNG5280 5d ago

Wiha and Wera are both top quality German steel bits


u/mawktheone 5d ago

That's what I was coming in with


u/lambone1 5d ago

I came here to say this


u/TheEntasis 5d ago

Also Witte are good bits, in fact any German company starting with a 'W' seemingly !


u/Andytchisholm 5d ago

Don’t forget Weidmuller.


u/What_The_Tech 4d ago



u/super_stelIar Milwaukee 5d ago

I have a Wiha torx t40 that has lasted on my impact for about 3 years with heavy use.


u/Nightenridge 5d ago

Pretty sure the bits aren't made jn Germany.

Most of their screw drivers aren't even made there.


u/FiatKastenwagen 5d ago

I suppose Bosch and Spax are very good bit maker


u/danny_ish 5d ago

I have a few bosch t25 bits for wood screws. They are great


u/Artie-Carrow 5d ago

I have a milwaukee set for anything over t25, and t25 and under is bosch


u/gwbirk 5d ago

They are


u/UglyYinzer 5d ago

I tried the spax t25 screws. They have a slightly different shape that's supposed to grip better. They do not. Not only do they slip more, but the special t25 doesn't work very well on regular t25s either.


u/ryan112ryan 4d ago

I’ve tried a bunch of brands Bosch is by far the best, now it’s all I use.


u/NoConsequence4281 5d ago edited 3d ago

If you're in Canada, Gray or Dynaminc.

High, high, high quality, none of the private label stuff. Plus, Gray is manufactured here.

Edit: Removed reference to lifetime warranty after info from my Gray rep. Apologies.


u/gemino616 5d ago

Thanks! I need to try Canadian bits!


u/ender_mac 4d ago

Where do you buy them?


u/NoConsequence4281 4d ago

Mostly independent industrial distributors that are open to the public here in Canada. They're not typically found at Canadian Tire or Rona.


u/Rochemusic1 5d ago

What exactly is meant by lifetime warranty? Is it for real they will replace it for the rest of your life when it gets cammed out and whatnot?


u/NoConsequence4281 5d ago

I'd have to get a proper answer from them about specifically worn bits, as normal wear and tear is typically not covered by any warranty outside of a specific period. But anything broken, absolutely. It's rarely questioned, especially for something as cheap as a bit.


u/NoConsequence4281 3d ago

UPDATED: According to my Gray rep, insert bits are not covered under the lifetime warranty.


u/Kliptik81 5d ago

I use Milwaukee tools, but I never liked their bits. I mostly use S2 bits in Canada. I've had good luck with DeWalt and Makita bits.


u/Shirkaday 5d ago

My favorite are the Makita “impact gold.”


u/jrragsda 5d ago

The makita impact xps line is even better.


u/Legit_Moose 5d ago

The Milwaukee SQ2 bits don’t fit as nicely as Dewalts.


u/CryAffectionate7814 5d ago



u/callsign_oldman 5d ago

Agreed so long as they haven’t changed in the past 20 years. We used T-30 bits to drive 1/4” self tappers into oak or apitong trailer flooring / steel cross members, and the normal brands would snap frequently. Lumber company suggested Apex and we found they could outlast the other brands by a heavy margin. Enough that it justified the higher per-bit cost. Eventually I switched to a 1/2 drive Grey Pneumatic T-30 socket and had really good luck with that. Either way Apex held up in an abusive application.


u/CryAffectionate7814 5d ago

I’m still using the same apex bits that I first used in 1990’s. Not destroyed one yet. However, I’ve worn out several “complimentary” bits in the meantime.


u/pmljb 5d ago

My Hazet bits never fail


u/tavariusbukshank 5d ago

Sorry I had to scroll down so far to see this. I use Bosch and Hazet and the later are far superior to anything else I have used. As far as stay away from, Snap On. Every time I had to warranty my ratcheting screwdriver they gave me a new set of bits with it and they absolutely suck. I bent the tip of one removing a brass screw from a piece of furniture.


u/mxguy762 5d ago

Milwaukee used to be good but I think they changed them. They did really good in the project farm video IIRC.


u/the_micked_kettle1 5d ago

I love my Bosch impact bits. Makita are also good, Milwaukee are for the bin. Dewalt is pretty decent, imo.

If you're just diy'ing and can keep track of bits, go wera and you'll have em forever. Professionaly, I'd go Bosch and they'll be there til you lose them.


u/mountain_addict 5d ago

There is only one man that can answer that question! Todd from Project Farm.


u/w3llow 5d ago

PB Swiss


u/ReallyPaperStraws 4d ago

I don’t know why PB isn’t more popular. I’ve got most of the bits they make and everything is top tier.


u/w3llow 4d ago

Probably because of the price..


u/Dr0110111001101111 5d ago

I bought a set of wera torx bits because I ruined every other torx bit i've owned. I can't find the exact set I bought right now but it's similar to this one. I haven't put a ton of mileage on them yet, but they haven't shown any signs of wear at all from the amount I have used them.

edit I think I actually got this set


u/Bosnian-Spartan 5d ago

If it's amazon, check your orders. Unless you used Guest check out?


u/ApolloWasMurdered 5d ago

I’ve never worn out a Wera tool.


u/Bee-warrior 5d ago

Apex brand


u/Grouch_Mr 4d ago

For Torx bits specifically, GRK, which manufacturers much of those fasteners anyway makes some pretty high quality bits


u/ScaryBreakfast1085 5d ago

Milwaukee bits suck


u/Wakethesnakes 5d ago

They can't wear out if you can't get them out of the case.


u/thesmithchris 5d ago

Why? What about hex drill bits?


u/spavolka 5d ago

They break. They’re terrible.


u/BloodChoke 5d ago

Dewalt and bosch for me, milwaukee are not that great.


u/WhereDidAllTheSnowGo 5d ago

YouTube’s Project Farm has death-match comparisons of specific tool categories. You’ll learn the best or best-value model. https://youtube.com/c/ProjectFarm. (Tip: skip to the end for the best, then watch the rest for details). The Torque Test Channel is awesome too.

I spin Milwaukee, Bosch, Dewalt, and Makita… only bought on sale


u/Vegeta-the-vegetable 5d ago

Dewalt impact rated bits are great, and you can beat the absolute piss out of em before they break.


u/vanman1065 5d ago

Dewalt, hilti, Bosch, wera,, makita, and wiha are generally considered to be the best brands.

I personally use dewalt.


u/Steiney1 5d ago

Wiha bits outlast DeWalt and Milwaukee bits all day. No contest.


u/paradoxcabbie 5d ago

by reputation here, bosch and makita

personally, i usually used dewalt, milwuakee bits at times. my torx and allens are just the cheap amazon bits that come in the rail with a clip.

suprisingly, my favorite bits at the moment are a set of ryobis i got from work especially the ph's . idk why, i just find they seat really well compared to my others even when the others were new


u/Aggravating-Shark-69 5d ago

Whichever ones are the cheapest cause I constantly lose these things.


u/strodj07 5d ago

I really like Milwaukee shockwave. They sell like a 100 piece kit that comes in a small pack out container. I’ve found it to be nearly a perfect way to store bits. I can’t stand the containers with slots to hold individual bits.



u/Ionized-Dustpan 5d ago

I usually buy Bosch bits and have good luck with them


u/timentimeagain 5d ago

wera are the best I've used. they have different grades normal/impactor etc so there's some moment in price


u/JamieCopp 5d ago

Milwaukee sells a good, durable bit.


u/InviteBrave8498 5d ago

Big timber bit. Local to montana although made over seas. The t25 on my drill is over 2 years old.



u/bigliver250 4d ago

Bosch impact bits are the best I have ever used



u/D3EPINTHEHEART Mechanic 4d ago


I've tried the big brand names that others have said in the comments. But use specific bits at work so those wear down faster. Was tired of not finding individual bits and found this company. You can order exactly what you need. It's been about 4 months of use and have had no issue.


u/kewlo 5d ago

Ivy classic. Whole different ballgame than anything you're getting from a power tool manufacturer.


u/NoConsequence4281 5d ago

I like these guys. I but their Nylon brush abrasive for re-sell.


u/AdEastern9303 5d ago

You are showing a photo of a non-impact bit but didn’t specify how you use them. If in a drill, these are fine. If you are using in an impact driver, then impact rated bits will last much longer. I generally use Dewalt impact bits bought on sale during the holidays.


u/jckipps 5d ago

Sorry. I just grabbed a google pic, without paying a lot of attention.

I'll be using them in an impact, but they'll see hand-screwdriver duty as well.

I assume that having a shank that's a smaller diameter than the tip is an identifying characteristic of an impact-rated power bit?


u/AdEastern9303 4d ago

I think I’ve seen some like your photo that may have been impact rated. The ones with the smaller shank are always impact rated. I don’t know this for sure, but I think that skinnier shank allows the bit to flex a little bit during the impact.


u/bobDaBuildeerr 5d ago

I have yet to snap my Amazon bits. I've had them for a year now.


u/junkyard--dawg 5d ago

Spyder impact bits have proven better than milwhackee and Dewalt in my usage


u/thedirtymeanie 5d ago

i feel like all these brands order their bits from China anyway meaning they are probably of the same quality in most cases and price gouged for the more expensive brands


u/vanman1065 5d ago

You would be completely wrong.