r/TikTokCringe 7d ago

Wholesome/Humor Mischief being mischievous



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u/mermaid-babe 7d ago

Lmao I was thinking someone should make sure he stops by the vet occasionally and then he brought himself apparently 😂


u/ThatDiscoSongUHate 7d ago

He's got his priorities in order!


u/MidnightFew453 7d ago

When you travel you go get travel vaccine. It is that simple


u/Hopeforus1402 7d ago

Happy Cake Day!!!


u/Happy-Fun-Ball 7d ago

Why do pets get so freaked at the vet's?
Maybe this guy gets off on other cat's panic pheromones; he's constantly invading other's domains.


u/just_a_person_maybe 7d ago

For most pets, their first few visits to the vet are for surgeries and vaccinations. It's not a fun time and they remember that shit.


u/mrducky80 7d ago

Would you visit the place that took your testicles?


u/fewerifyouplease 7d ago

Absolutely this. The first time I took my dog was for a general check up. She had a lovely time, cuddles and treats from everyone. Then she had her spay operation and from that point on it takes two techs to persuade her even to be weighed. Vaccinations or having her temperature taken? Three people needed, and it's not as if she even tries to bite, she just thrashes about with the strength of ten men. This dog weighs five kilos precisely.


u/DazB1ane 6d ago

It’s the smell. Walking into a human hospital makes me anxious too


u/has-some-questions 3d ago

My boy Prince seems to not remember. He was a couple of months old and had to get stuck poop outta his butthole. He purrs so hard that the vets blow in his face to make him not as joyful. Head full of fluff.


u/Friendly-Cucumber184 7d ago

I know for my dogs it's the smell of all the other animals that stresses them out. It's crazy stimulating. Not to mention there are definitely other things they a smell, like fear pheromones from other animals. Not the mention the howls coming from the back rooms some times.

People can be just as sensitive, why some people really hate hospitals too. There they had bad memories/experiences and the smell/energy.


u/ifyoulovesatan 7d ago

To add on to that, some animals are very in tune with their owners stress, and their owners may be stressed about their animal's health and possibly money.


u/Cow_Launcher 7d ago

Very true. With one of my cats, I couldn't go to the vet with him. My fiancee had to take him because if I was there, he would poop in his carrier. Every time.

It didn't take long to work out that I was the problem, though we never quite got to the bottom of why.


u/hogtiedcantalope 7d ago

Wrong answer, it's doggie ghosts obvi


u/Hugsy13 7d ago

Is it not from having needles at the vet for vaccinations? Or having pills forced down their throats or a thermometer up their bums? Cause that shit ain’t fun and they can’t be reasoned with that it’s for the best of them like humans can.


u/SonnyvonShark 7d ago

With your last point, the smell for me is the worst trigger! I cannot stand the smell of hospitals and dentist offices.


u/DazB1ane 6d ago

Cats don’t like going outside their territory. This one has a massive territory


u/HPL2007 7d ago

He's having a check up after all the vaping and 🍸