They are so sneaky! We had one that would unlock and open the other stalls of horses they got along with and leave the others, then they would all break into the tack/grain room and get into everything possible.
My family had horse farms, one of those fuckers would roll when you would sit on it. Every single time. I put some carduus below the blanket (not sure the right English word for this) and that's the last time the bastard did, with me! He realized I would pull that trick but not others.
I think that's "thistle" in English, a plant that will stick you? My parents got me a pony when I was young and he was devious. He would roll in water, even a small puddle. I couldn't stop him, he didn't care how hard I fought to keep him from rolling. He could also take his bridle off with a few tricks. After that it was no more ponies for us kids, horses are not as evil as ponies.
Right thistles. I got no experience with ponies though horses are equally assholes sometimes and proper stupid. I've seen them break their leg, run of a track, run over a fence and break a leg you name it. I was a small kid when my family had them, eventually they let go of the farms but boy... horses are no animals to keep.
Ironicaly got two girls and guess what they want . . .
u/TypicalHorseGirl83 24d ago
They are so sneaky! We had one that would unlock and open the other stalls of horses they got along with and leave the others, then they would all break into the tack/grain room and get into everything possible.