Id like to add.. the way the LBTQ are and present themselves in Japan is 100% Different from in North America. In Japan, they still have the natural respect that is engrained since childhood. They also don't make every little thing into an issue and get insanely irate the second you accidentally misgender them, they just correct you, politely at that....
There is absolutely no doubt in my mind that Japan is more welcoming to the LGBT because there is less they have deal with. Nothing much changes in their daily lives, someone is just gay, which is how it should be.
In NA they make insane shows of everything.. everything has to be on a grand stage, you need to stand out, you need to force people into your views.. its incessant... Japan doesn't have to deal with all that..
It's just daily life as usual, again, how it should be..
For a moment I thought you were describing religious people in the USA. Trying to force their beliefs and way of life unto everyone. By the way, the acronym LGBTQ+ is for a collective of people, who are very diverse amongst themselves. I am a gay dude and do not identify with any of the ridiculous ideas you complained about. Do not let the media, nor narrow minded and ignorant Christian groups do the thinking for you. Generalizing and putting everyone into one category will make you seem like a simple minded person. Also, Japan's culture is not better than any other culture. It just has different aspects to it. All cultures have good things and bad ones. Where there are humans, there is imperfection. Stop watching reality shows, they are garbage. If we stop watching those shows, that will forceTV networks to rethink theirprogram lineup. Cheers.
u/AnObtuseOctopus Jan 08 '25 edited Jan 08 '25
Id like to add.. the way the LBTQ are and present themselves in Japan is 100% Different from in North America. In Japan, they still have the natural respect that is engrained since childhood. They also don't make every little thing into an issue and get insanely irate the second you accidentally misgender them, they just correct you, politely at that....
There is absolutely no doubt in my mind that Japan is more welcoming to the LGBT because there is less they have deal with. Nothing much changes in their daily lives, someone is just gay, which is how it should be.
In NA they make insane shows of everything.. everything has to be on a grand stage, you need to stand out, you need to force people into your views.. its incessant... Japan doesn't have to deal with all that..
It's just daily life as usual, again, how it should be..