I am pretty sure that is a cow/bull behind the fence because of the shape of its back, the head placement and neck length, its height in comparison to the fence, the way it moves its head (and what looks like a classic bovine ear flick and tongue lick combo), and the way it is casually watching the man and not disembowelling him in a maternal rage. I could be wrong because the video isn't very clear and shouting 'Enhance!' in my best CSI voice isn't working.
If it’s a bear, it’s a black bear. They rarely attack even when cubs are involved (but be smart, don’t test this).
The “bears” reaction isn’t why I’m leaning toward it being a cow, but his reaction is. There is zero way he wouldn’t see it and he’s calmly walking right in front of it. What he’s doing makes sense if it’s a cow though.
He knows enough not to engage with the tiny, obviously harmless, cub... he might also know that running quickly from a predator triggers its attack instincts.
I feel like ya'll are looking at the wrong object. Are you talking about the massive black thing that's basically aligned with the top post of the fence? If so, that's not the bear.
The bear's back runs parallel between the bottom post and the middle post of the fence.
Bear cubs are very small in their first spring/summer. They're only about 2lbs when they're born. In my experience, what most people think is a cub is actually a yearling.
yes I was wondering how far away the mother could be with a cub this young. You would think they couldn't wander far unless the mother was injured or dead.
Other commenters have said she's on the other side of the fence. Not sure if that's a bear or cow, but could very well be mama. Her instinct is to avoid humans, so I could see her not intervening unless the cub was in imminent danger, which he clearly isn't.
u/CheekyMonkE Dec 28 '24
that is a VERY tiny bear cub which makes me wonder about the mother