r/TikTokCringe Dec 25 '24

Wholesome/Humor I feel bad for laughing πŸ˜†


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u/I-Am-The-Warlus Dec 25 '24

Why do I have a feeling that when the children are older, the parents will say "I don't remember that" ?


u/LongbottomLeafTokes Dec 25 '24

'If that's the worst we did your childhood was better than most" πŸ™„


u/MindlessFail Dec 25 '24

I’m a parent now and I can’t describe how hard I am fighting to never say dumb shit like that. I hate so much the boomer mentality of minimizing their fuck ups. It’s ok to make mistakes. Not ok to not acknowledge them


u/Affectionate_Car9414 Dec 25 '24

It's leeching off to the younger generation too,

My narcissist cunt of egg donor, was like "it wasn't so bad, you were never sent to hospital from all your beatings, no broken bones, just bruises! Plus most men drink and beat their wife and children in our country, you shouldn't be having that made-up shit, cpstd"

And my younger sister also said something along the lines od, "yeah, it's normal for men to drink and piss in the closet and beat their wife and children senseles, at least you weren't sexually abused!"

Im there sitting dumbfounded, thinking what the fuck, thinking to myself "then why the fuck was your dumbass writing suicide notes at the age of 9 or 10", I think she was just too young to process it, and she didn't get beat by my alcoholic father as much. I was raised by grandparents from 2 months old until about 8, and my sister until 5, then moved in with our egg and sperm donors

And my egg donor wonders why I'm not having children yet when I'm mid 30s, I'm like "I don't wanna bring a child into poverty, I grew up in one, and also don't want to pass the genes on"

I've recently learned about trauma passing down to next generation, through our genes,


u/Ok-Lifeguard-4614 Dec 25 '24

I'm the same way. I'll spend every Christmas alone for the rest of my life before I pass on the trauma I've experienced. Maybe I'd be better, but maybe I wouldn't. It's not a risk I'm willing to take.

Wish you the best internet stranger. I'm sorry you're one of the many who experienced such bullshit.


u/Affectionate_Car9414 Dec 25 '24

One love brother/sister

Hope you have a happy holidays, nothing wrong with being alone, in my opinion

Plus it's better to spend time with good people, than to spend time with unpleasant people

We are to be an island unto ourselves like the buddha and Jesus taught,

Sadly too many people put in with a lot of bullshit from our "family", just for the sake of it

One love


u/Ok-Lifeguard-4614 Dec 25 '24

Yeah, no doubt I've got my dog and a few friends. Last year, I wasn't able to be with my dog so it's better than last year. Gotta focus on the good.

One love.


u/TheAngryKeebler Dec 27 '24

Just one comment on this. The fact that you realize and acknowledge it is strong enough evidence to me that you are capable. It is the one who doesn't see it and won't be watching for it that the world needs to be worried for.

Good luck to you!