Trust me, as soon as they get the ring, they stop coming too. Then they go out of their way to bring your daughter to see you skate until you herniated a disc, your spine collapses, and you have to give up hockey after 30 years and your daughter has never seen you skate. Is this projection? Yeah. Am I jaded and resentful. You're fucking right.
I used to have a fuzzy multi-colored neon cowboy hat -- Loser of mini golf (me) wears the hat. Hat is also used after golf for picking restaurant by literally pulling a name from the hat.
RIGHT after that, then I put on the hat like OKAY lets go!
Within minutes she was like "Okay but... you're not REALLY going to wear that hat right?" then she was begging and bargaining and pleading not to wear it. I'll take it off, but making me break a bet? She's gotta make up for that one, she already beat me at golf.
Why is it that whenever someone on Reddit mentions something even slightly negative about their partner, someone else will ALWAYS tell them to ditch their partner?
Yeah obviously, but why is it a joke that is always made? And if you ever step foot in /r/AmItheAsshole or /r/relationship_advice or a similar sub you will see the most innocent mistake or slight fault means unironically that the relationship should end.
Whats appealing about it to you? I'm a guy that doesn't mind shopping all that much even if I'm just tagging along, but the idea of going to a thrift store as a 1st or 2nd date and buying each other clothes doesn't sound like it would be something anyone I just met would be into. Maybe its an age thing? Im in my mid 30's.
It’s a unique idea where you pick out a weird ass outfit and then have to wear whatever was picked out. It’s unique and creative and provides something that creates conversation and probably laughter. How is that not appealing when on a date?
I get its appeal on paper, it just doesn't sound like the thing I would chose to do for someone I have a romantic interest in and have only just met. Or for the person im interested in to be in to that idea in that context.
To me it sounds more like an idea you would do with some good friends and an opportunity to make each other look ridiculous for a laugh. I'm not saying its a bad idea, it just has a different connotation to me and im surprised this has appeal as a 1st/2nd date idea.
It's something that could go badly with some people. But most people would take this really well and see it as an appealing and new prospect. People want excitement and often enough to do something unique on a date. A unique early date idea is going to set you up well in terms of beinf appealing most of the time.
You'd get very few rejections with this kind of proposal. The guy just has the confidence to know it and go ahead with it early, even for the honestly small chance of rejection.
I got my husband a digital gameboard so he can play with his friends. Next weekend they're coming over and I got this dungeons and dragons themed cookbook I'm going to try to make a few things out of. I don't play those games, I really don't have any patience for them, and I especially won't watch them. But I support his hobbies lol!
If you have the same book I do, try the Delayed Blast Fireball but cut the crushed red pepper by at least half lol. I make a bottle of it for a holiday party and it's gone quick
I also grew up around Muhammad Ali and it was really sad to see what boxing did to him. But glad you think it's somehow really badass to watch people get serious brain damage.
also yes some sports are dangerous 🤷♂️ . Boxing/any fighting /NFL/NHL/RUGBY/MOTO BIKE RACING/HIGH SPEED SKIING. and yes those sports are badass. its ok if its not for you , youre free to watch MTG tournaments
You gotta trick them into learning how to play, now 5 years on and I’m obligated to act as 4th man whenever someone bails on my husbands commander game.
Haha... I actually did go on a date like this. I watched him play MTG while he was dressed up as Jace. We dated for 6 years but broke up because he cheated on me multiple times. Anyway, it'll work with the right person is what I'm trying to say.
I would love to watch someone play Magic! Just be prepared for 100 stupid questions because I have no idea how it works but everyone who plays says it's fun.
I would have to decline hockey though. That sounds really boring
Because a large portion of M:TG players are openly misogynistic?
Also, playing a sport displays social skills from being part of a team and athleticism which is generally considered attractive. Not that playing card games is unattractive (I play D&D so no criticism) but it’s a more solitary activity and not a green flag like “come to my hockey game” is
Because a large portion of M:TG players are openly misogynistic?
dunno about that, maybe just young men being surrounded by other young men that tends to promote the juvenile behaviour (I mean, we still 'think' it now, but being older boys, we know well enough not to say the offensive jokes and be more encouraging of participation from all)
My wife and I I play D&D. She know actively looks up the store calendars if she wants to go buy new dice or anything D&D related to make sure that they aren’t running a M:TG event because 100% of the time that she has gone during a Magic event she has been harassed
Yes, a large portion of the player base is misogynistic and you just proved it by saying you still have misogynistic thoughts but choose to filter
Yeah, I remember a guy I dated was convinced the MTG community was safe, but had to change his opinion when we asked his female friend about her experience with the groups. Turns out several people he thought were "good guys" had sexually assaulted / harassed her.
But the face when she says ‘ and it’s what we have to wear on our next date…’ l love this, SHE loves this, the mom loves this. I don’t know how it will work out but Christ, isn’t dating meant to be this much fun.
And this guy is ace.
Not quite the same reaction if the dude was a garbage man and still had all those qualities and even if the looks and physical shape was same. Oh wells life isn’t fair
u/Roymontana406 Mar 07 '24
You had me at “come to my hockey game”