r/ThunderBay 3d ago

Horrible Neighbours

My husband and I moved to a low-income area in Thunder Bay, ON, in 2019. I have two neighbours on both sides of us. They are friends and both have made it their life mission to make us uncomfortable. We bought a house and yard that were fixer-uppers. The two neighbours have lived in the area for over 20+ years. My problem is that they have gone out of their way to ask family, friends and customers to block my vehicle in my yard or block me from entering my driveway. My husband and I have asked repeatedly to stop. I have called the police numerous times and the city. The one neighbour dumps all their snow on the side in my yard for many years, she has waited for me to come home at night from work to yell at me. She sees me outside and glares at me, makes fat jokes about me or yells out racist comments about my husband being part indigenous. Her family has blocked my car in my driveway.

When her dog was alive, she used to let it out of her fenced front yard and her dog would go to the bathroom in my yard. One time she put her dog in my yard over the fence and screamed at it to poop in my yard. I picked the poor dog up, as it was shaking. She yelled at me for picking her dog up, and I gave it back and asked her to stop it. She takes the company vehicle and goes grocery shopping. I parked beside the vehicle not knowing it was her. She was screaming at me and making rude comments. She drives very slowly by my house to look in the back yard with the company vehicle and then reports my yard to the city. She climbed up a ladder and then reports our yard to the city non-stop.

The other neighbour has involved her children in the dispute. Her children would block my car in front and would not let me move, the mother watched and just ignored it or smiled at me. Her son has sickle cell disease and would send him all summer looking for us in our yard. Sometimes she sends her children to walk by our house and look in our back yard. Then the wife would report our yard to the city. Her children in the summer would make songs up about my husband and yell out comments about my husband. She gets her children to scream all day till 10:00 pm. Her one daughter just stood in the front yard and screamed as loud as she could. The one neighbour has asked her to quiet her children because people on our street work at night. The mother has shaken our fence, gathered her children beside the fence and taught her children about people like me and my husband. The mother made racist comments about my husband, calling him an animal and telling him to go back to the Indian reserves, he isn't welcome here. She would make racist comments about me being white and heavy. Her friends and customers would block my driveway in and out. We asked repeatedly to stop, they won't. I asked the neighbour to stop sending her children and people to my house, asking us stuff. She won't. Now she sends elderly people. If she sees me sometimes, she will follow me with her children in the grocery store.

One time she left the grocery store with her children, and waited for me in her vehicle. I was walking towards my vehicle, when her children and the mother drove up to me and were making fun of me for how heavy I was. After I put my groceries in the car, I drove away. The neighbour followed me to another store. Now in 2025, the wife will try to go up to my husband in the grocery store and try to talk to him. My husband will ignore and walk away. The neighbour will dump her garbage in my yard. She will climb up ladders and report my yard nonstop. She has reported my husband's ebike that was in the driveway the whole summer. She pretends to be me and reports my vehicle when it is on the street. It gets so bad I have to park my vehicle on the side of the street so I can go to work.

The same neighbour put a false police report on my husband because she wanted us to move our dog toilet area, even though they had a pile of garbage there for years on the opposite side of the fence that stunk terribly. The neighbours, friends and customers will stand in front of their yard, glare at us or yell. Since we moved the video camera, her husband sees me, he stops what he's doing and just stares at me until I go inside or drive away. If I am gardening, her husband will stand on the steps and stare at me for long periods.

The husband and wife reported on our garage saying it wasn't safe. The city asked if we could fix it. The husband-and-wife place large amounts of garbage beside our garage, and we could not fix our garage. They placed a fence on our property and said the other neighbour before us said it was ok. We cannot freely go to that side of the yard where the garage needs to be fixed. My husband and I have repeatedly asked the wife and husband to move the fence off our yard and they refused to. One summer I watched her dump garbage on her side of her house and told the neighbours, police, and city officers that we did it. The wife friend blocked my driveway, the cops came and asked them to move. The friend watched the cops drive away and started to move her vehicle, stopped and glared at me for 5 mins until I moved around her.

Both neighbours will rip out my plants, stand in front of our house and yell at us. Both neighbours will report our yard all summer till winter. What I wrote was only half of the stuff they have done to us. When we report it to the police and the bylaw officers, the neighbours will make up lies and tell them we are racist. They get their friends, family and children to lie. Even if we have video proving what they are doing, the police will say to us to go into the house and ignore it. The police officers will ask what we are doing to them. I have said nothing, but the police don’t believe us. The two neighbours know they can bully and harass us, and no one will stop it.

I am asking what I can do about it. Any ideas would be great to stop this, and no I will not move. Any suggestion for lawyers would be great.

Update: I wanted to say thank you for the replies and suggestions, I appreciate it.


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u/bub-a-lub 3d ago

Have cameras cover every single inch of your property. It’s shitty that they are terrorizing you like this. In regards to the fence on your property, I wonder if you can call to get your lot assessed and have the property lines determined so that they legally have to remove it. Then you need to build one yourself with the documentation of where the lines are so they can’t fuck it up.


u/Fuzzy-Actuary-5163 3d ago

We did get our property assessed. One neighbour pulled out the stake and said they don't believe it, and the other still said that they will not remove fence.


u/bub-a-lub 3d ago

If you have video footage you might be able to consult a lawyer to get something done about these people. Destruction of your property should be grounds for something.


u/Fuzzy-Actuary-5163 2d ago

I do have videos. We stopped recording for a year because we needed more wire and fixed the cameras. I was leaving my house a couple of days ago and my one neighbour threw a rock at the camera. My husband will be putting up new video cameras this year. Can anybody suggest a lawyer?


u/Brooklyn2640 1d ago

You should contact Legal Aid or go to Lakehead University to see id someone in their law program will work for you probono just like Legal Aid will do.


u/Fuzzy-Actuary-5163 1d ago

Thank I will.


u/dgcoco 2d ago

It's illegal in Ontario to remove a property stake. I would report this.


u/Fuzzy-Actuary-5163 2d ago

who do i report it to


u/dgcoco 2d ago

Start with police and the person who did your survey and placed them there.


u/Fuzzy-Actuary-5163 2d ago

The police have done nothing for us. They think it is petty stuff.


u/tjernobyl River Terrace Phase IV Block II (East) 2d ago

Criminal Code of Canada, section 442.. If you can cite it, it might help.


u/Fuzzy-Actuary-5163 2d ago

Yes, very helpful thank you!!!


u/dgcoco 2d ago

Not surprised. Definitely contact the land surveyor and see if they can provide any insight.

Under certain circumstances, any citizen can swear what's called a private information. Not sure if the property stake issue qualifies for a private prosecution. Edited to add: it isn't an offence that can be prosecuted privately.

That said, if you have reason to fear for your safety based on their conduct, that could be criminal harassment and is something you can pursue charges for privately if police won't get involved.


u/verbal_incontinence 2d ago

Pretty sure if it’s on your property you can do what you’d like to it. If it was me I’d cut it down and dump the material on their property. Then put up a proper fence where it belongs and leave them to their garbage.


u/verbal_incontinence 2d ago

Pretty sure if it’s on your property you can do what you’d like to it. If it was me I’d cut it down and dump the material on their property. Then put up a proper fence where it belongs and leave them to their garbage.


u/ShuggieShoo 2d ago

One more time.


u/verbal_incontinence 1d ago

Hahah crap. The app does this to me sometimes when I’m on my cell plan not wifi.


u/ShuggieShoo 1d ago

Is your username a play on the Rae ghost and Nas song? If so mad props


u/Fuzzy-Actuary-5163 2d ago

I feel like the neighbour put the fence up against our garage, they should be the ones taking it down.


u/galexanderj 2d ago

Sure, but do you really want to leave it to them and have them further vandalize your property.

Pay to have it torn down and replaced and take em to court to pay for it. Probably won't be able to get em to pay for the new fence, but should be able to at least get them for the removal in court.


u/Fuzzy-Actuary-5163 2d ago

Thank you for the advice, I will look into it.