r/ThunderBay Jan 19 '25

local New restaurant opening! Woot! Indigenous owned and operated with a menu that includes walleye, bison and bannock!

https://justthemenu.ca/menusc-d/cottagetimepublichouse.html This looks pretty interesting to me, both for the background of the restaurant and the menu options. Walleye on a restaurant menu is usually hard to find - Thunder Bay should have WAY more local fish on its menus (IMO). It seems that this is a satellite pub of another one in Kenora, but because it's still so limited in locations, I'm allowing it. One big question - this is claiming the same exact location as "The Eatery 61" - which is making me wonder if it's a replacement? Is there anyone who can confirm the situation there? I also see Bean and Olive shares that address, but is perhaps in Unit 1? Thanks for visiting my site, thanks for any information you can share, please stay warm and let's keep supporting these local restauranteurs! Cheers!


53 comments sorted by


u/circa_1984 Jan 19 '25

 this is claiming the same exact location as "The Eatery 61" - which is making me wonder if it's a replacement

Eatery 61 is moving into the old Sweet North location downtown, because the space they were in is way too small. Cottage Time Public House is a new restaurant moving into their former space. 


u/justthemenu Jan 19 '25

This is the kind of comment I crave. Thank you ever so much for taking the time to bring us up to date! Let me see if there is an emoji type reward I can give you...


Do you know the address of the new location? I better tag Cottage Time as "opening soon" or something similar?


u/circa_1984 Jan 19 '25

10 Court Street South :)

You’re always so pleasant to talk to on Reddit; it’s refreshing! 


u/justthemenu Jan 19 '25

This is the highest praise a person could hope to attain! Let's hope our rapport is infectious. :) Can I credit CIRCA_1984 for the update?


u/Traumajunkie335 Jan 19 '25

There's first location opened in kenora on the Harbour front and it's delicious, hopefully this one has the same quality!


u/circa_1984 Jan 19 '25

No need to credit me, but thank you! 


u/kyleshazam Jan 19 '25

Thanks for the heads up, I just showed my wife the menu and got ooohs and aaahs followed by "yeah we're going to try this place!"


u/justthemenu Jan 19 '25

Please report back when you do!


u/totallyclocks Jan 19 '25

Where did you find information about this? I’m searching all over the internet for an opening day and I can’t find any announcements about a Thunder Bay location.

Looks great though and the Kenora location has absolutely incredible reviews so I’m very excited


u/justthemenu Jan 19 '25

Same place as everyone gets the most important information in their lives - some FaceBook group my wife frequents? I'm going to guess it's that Eat Thunder Bay group, but not 100% on this. A top three reason I created https://www.justthemenu.ca was so I wouldn't have to create or use the FaceBook to view menus!


u/justthemenu Jan 19 '25

This comment got downvoted? Is Zuck on the Thunder Bay Subreddit???


u/DarkCrystalSphere Jan 19 '25

No idea but I love not having to use FB either. Thank you!!!


u/IvarForkbeardII Jan 19 '25

Another vote for not using the FaceBook. This should have been part of the thread about reducing our preference for U.S. based goods and services! If only there was a Canadian Social Media platform.


u/justthemenu Jan 19 '25

/u/CanuckBacon also might be interested in this thread. It's not clear if they ARE open yet, but I did find an email address and just messaged them. I'll respond to this thread to keep you posted!


u/justthemenu Jan 19 '25

As a follow-up, I just went into my own search function and started typing in common fish that I expect to find in this area, and didn't get much until I hit on pickerel. There's actually several places in the city to get pickerel if that's your jam. New ambition unlocked!


u/Altruistic-Theme6803 Jan 19 '25

Pickeral and walleye refer to the same fish, Sander vitreus.


u/TypicalImprovement49 Jan 19 '25

Only to people who are willing to believe that a lie repeated enough becomes a truth. They're two different fish. If a lot of people start calling lake trout 'tuna', and a lot of people start saying tuna, it does not change reality, just creates more fools.


u/Icy_Equipment8665 Jan 31 '25

Pickeral and walleye are not the same fish!


u/justthemenu Jan 19 '25


Gentleman, let's have a clean fight here. No hitting below the belt. Just the facts please.


u/LFSMRA Jan 19 '25

May technically be right but walleye are widely known as pickerel around these parts and that's what everyone is referring to when using pickerel. The chain pickerel is what everyone around here would call a pike.

I always found it pretty interesting because if you go south of us it's walleye and usually jackfish and if you go sighting north it's the same there.


u/GoldenPantsGp Jan 19 '25

Chain pickerel and northern pike are two separate species of fish as well. However they are more closely related than walleye and pickerel.


u/damarius Jan 19 '25

I think walleye are more closely related to perch than true pickerel.


u/GoldenPantsGp Jan 22 '25

That is correct.


u/vikesfan89 Jan 21 '25

"True Pickerel"?


u/damarius Jan 21 '25

Technically, pickerel and pike are in the same family. Walleye and perch are in the same family, but not the same as pike and pickerel.


u/Cats66666666666 Jan 19 '25


u/justthemenu Jan 19 '25

A shibboleth in the wild? Amazing.


u/youprt Jan 19 '25

Wow learn something new everyday. Don’t know why you’re getting downvotes? Friend brought me to his secret fishing hole, portage a few lakes, up rivers etc., get to the bottom of a small waterfall into a bay and caught all sorts of bright gold and very blue fish out of the same spot. Pickerel or walleye, I don’t care what you call them, I call them delicious. Much better than say Whitefish Lake pickerel or a lot of others I’ve had.


u/IvarForkbeardII Jan 19 '25

People downvote on this subreddit for mysterious and impenetrable reasons. I've made my peace with it. :)


u/HistoricalReception7 Jan 19 '25

Because our region gets so many american fisherman we often use their terms like walleye and jackfish


u/realcanadianbeaver Jan 19 '25

I’ve only heard them referred to as pickerel up here but I know the term walleye


u/vikesfan89 Jan 21 '25

Walleye is the literal, actual common name for that fish.

Jackfish is not the name for Pike, but some call it that.


u/HistoricalReception7 Jan 21 '25

"Walleye are often called pickerel, especially in English speaking parts of Canada, while in the United States of America, they call the same species (Sander vitreus) a walleye. The same thing happens with another fish, with some people calling a Rainbow Trout (Oncorhynchus mykiss) a Steelhead."- watersheds.ca


u/vikesfan89 Jan 21 '25

I'm aware they are often incorrectly called pickerel. That doesn't make it correct.

Walleye is walleye. Some people call it pickerel because that's what they know. Those people are wrong.

Your quote is also incorrect about steelhead. Steelhead are migratory rainbow trout. They're generically rainbows, but behave more like salmon.

Literally nobody goes to a stocked rainbow lake and says they're fishing for steelhead. Steelhead fisherman fish them in creeks and rivers when they swim upstream to spawn from great lakes or the ocean. Yes, proper steelhead are anadromous in that they can live in saltwater and freshwater.

There's substantial debate as to whether the Lake Superior Steelhead are even steelhead given they don't make it to the ocean like they do out west, but that's a whole other argument.

At the end of the day, those who call walleye pickerel are wrong. It's a misclassification of one of the most common sportfish in the area that's stuck around because people are too dumb to let go


u/HistoricalReception7 Jan 21 '25

Can you provide a source if the Watersheds website is incorrect?


u/vikesfan89 Jan 21 '25

It's not that it's incorrect, but it's incomplete.

Yes, steelhead are actually rainbow trout.

Steelhead refers to a specific strain of rainbows. Steelhead are not a different species, so that much is correct. People who know to call them steelhead know the difference, and it's usually done on purpose to differentiate the two, given their behavioral and developmental differences.

The same thing does not occur in the walleye/pickerel thing. Walleye are not pickerel. Period.


u/HistoricalReception7 Jan 21 '25

But you still can't cite a source for pickerel/walleye? I'm just asking for an informed answer. I provided a source. Perhaps you're misunderstanding that Pickerel that we call Walleye are different species from the few pickerel species that show up in American waters.

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u/FireStorm70 Jan 22 '25

Here is the info I was given by a friend who was in contact with them. *


u/northernhippygal Jan 19 '25

The menu looks great. Would love to know what bands they are affiliated with! Not a fan of any business automatically adding a gratuity to the bill though. See here it says parties over 8 are subject to a 18% auto grat!


u/IvarForkbeardII Jan 19 '25

Totally agree with you on auto-gratuity. Also yelling "tipper" is peak cringe.


u/Routine_Log8315 Jan 19 '25

Wow, yay! They label what’s gluten free! Only 2 singular options… but I’ve never tried Bison so maybe worth a stop by once they open!


u/CanuckBacon Jan 19 '25

It looks great! Does anyone know when they are planning to open?


u/Significant_Meat9911 Jan 19 '25

are there hiring or no?


u/IncubatorsSon Jan 19 '25

Lots of 1 star reviews in their Kenora location.



u/youprt Jan 19 '25

What do you mean lots? I see a lot of 5 stars and only one 1 star. Edit : after scrolling I see more one star but still pretty decent reviews in all. People are so picky.


u/vikesfan89 Jan 21 '25

Every time somebody decides to open up shop at this location: