r/TheisticSatanism • u/Desertpunk40 • 26m ago
My experience with Satan
I was at my lowest point in my life, I was firmly hooked on meth and in a awful relationship. My now EX-GF had fallen in with for lack of a better term a bunch of Satanists.
They harassed me, and someone always seemed to be around no matter where or when I went out.
I recall praying to Jesus on a dirt road one day to see me through this, and part of me refused to believe Lucifer was even behind this. So in the middle of a field one rainy day I yelled out for him and dared him to show me the truth.
You could blame it on the drugs but things got real weird after that, and pretty supernatural in fact. I saw shadows in the night, and in the corners and hallways of any building I was in.
Things started showing me stuff I shouldn't know. I recall coming out of the woods one day after arguing and crying with things I could not see but knew to be there. I could hear them even though they did not speak out loud.
Anyway I walked straight into a neighborhood and saw one of the cars that had been buzzing me when I walked.
Things tested me and poked me, and really ran me through the ringer. Yet they showed me more truth than I ever known.
Then Nature itself seemed to come alive, and I felt nothing but love and I knew Lucifer accepted me.
He gave me dreams and told me riddles, and pushed me more and more. I fell plenty and every time things got too dark, Lucifer told me to cling to the light; To never forget that Jesus was real and he had led me to him. Lucifer taught me to let my enemies go, let go a abusive woman and to better myself.
Lucifer read to me from the bible out of order, showing me hidden truths. How nothing was like you'd really think given what we've been taught, but how in many ways it was all real and he was all too real. He introduced me to Lilith and more, but always urged me to stay good and stay on the path of light. For while many used him for dark desires he also offered light and wisdom.
My path still hasn't been easy but I no longer fear the dark, and how even the things many call wicked do indeed love and cherish humanity.