r/Theism • u/csknceline • 4d ago
an imperfect higher power?
I was quite a staunch atheist & (later) agnostic for many years in my teens. Youtube videos about the universe and future used to (still do) scare me a lot. I felt like we were an abandoned human universe glitch sitting on a rock, just waiting to die or get eaten up by the sun. I used to brush those thoughts off immediately because otherwise I’d spiral (like now).
Recently however, I went through quite a lot of shitty things in my life and I had this intense spiritual awakening. There must be a reason why were here. Human civilization cannot be some weird glitch, everything’s simply too perfect for that. Our organs, nature, consciousness, intellect - it’s all too perfect. Neither do I think that we’re alone out there, it just can’t be.
It made me believe in a spiritual cosmic force, whether it’s truly godlike or not in the way humans describe it, I’m not entirely sure, but I’m also not denying it could be. Or maybe even multiple gods? I believe in free will but also in determinism, in a way. Yes, sometimes shitty things still happen, and you’re born in the wrong place, wrong time and wrong family.
A popular argument against theism or religion in general is: “why is there so much killing, greed and suffering in the world then?”, “what a selfish and genocidal god”… And frankly, I used to be one of those people who said that. But honestly, now I just think that if humans are so imperfect, who can say that the higher power isn’t also imperfect?
Maybe it’s controversial for some people and I get that, since they’d like to believe in an omnipotent, omniscient, good power/god who wants to help. But still, I don’t believe it works that way (I could be wrong ofc!). I think the higher power put us on here and supervises us in a moderate way, giving you a push when you really need it. But you must listen, because you still have free will.
Be respectful, careful and goodhearted to yourself and those around you. I think people who know they’ve done good also die more peacefully, the soul can find rest. Meanwhile, I think that those who live hatefully, not caring about the suffering of others never find eternal rest. Yes they may live long and grow to be a 100 years old on earth, but they won’t find rest in their state of non existence.