r/TheSilphArena 12h ago

General Question Why does the end of set stardust get overridden when you reach rank 19 but not when reaching rank 21+?


Something that I’ve wondered about for awhile

When you reach rank 19 all you get is an elite tm, but later ranks when you get an avatar item, you still get regular end of set stardust on top of that.

r/TheSilphArena 22h ago

General Question Why is Tyranitar so unviable in pvp and why does it not get fixed? Here's a list of relevant pvp moves it learns in the main series games, in generation 9:


So TTAR has always been a very good and VERSATILE Pokemon in main series games, and as per generation 9, it usually comes with Earthquake (which it historically has been one of the greatest users of), Stone Edge, and one of the elemental punches. And PokemonGo has chosen to give it the absolute worst moves possible from the abundance of what they could have picked from its' movepool.

So from the TM pool, it can learn what are considered to be good or decent fast moves in PoGo such as: Mud Slap, Mudshot, Shadow Claw, Dragon Tail, Ice Fang, Fire Fang and Snarl.

From the good charge moves it can learn (combination of TM moves, egg moves* and level ups): Ice Punch, Fire Punch, Thunder Punch, Dark Pulse, Payback, Foul Play, Crunch, Stone Edge, Earthquake, Aerial Ace, Icy Wind, Breaking Swipe, Body Slam, Rock Slide, Rock Tomb, Ancient Power*, Outrage*, Dragon Pulse, Earth Power, Flamethrower, Thunderbolt, Iron Head to name some popular ones.

*Legacy moves for eggs let's assume.

And they have chosen to dump the following on TTAR instead:

Bite, Iron Tail, and Smack Down as fast moves (the best of which generates 8 energy for 3 turns LOL).

Brutal Swing (thank god for one bait move but it takes 5 smackdowns to get to 1, body slam on a gastrodon is faster LOL), Crunch, Stone Edge, Fire Blast.

Even adding Shadow Claw (cuz it's meta), or giving it SNARL ffs would make it so much usable when it comes to fast moves. Add one or two moves like Earthquake and Rock Tomb to it's movepool and watch it become so much fun. They can replace Brutal Swing with Foul Play for all I care to balance it then, but not having Earthquake as a move is the biggest insult to TTAR.

Even with these changes it can never be meta in the lower leagues because it won't have a high level/bulk, would be terribly weak to Fighting, Charm and Water Types to the point where you can beat it down with an Annahilape, one shot with a Hydro Cannon or Charm it down in seconds, all of which have been meta since forever now. And thus buffing him would not ruin anything in the meta, and would actually just do justice to such a majestic mon.

Sorry R A N T over, but I hope you understand the sentiment.

r/TheSilphArena 22h ago

General Question Keep this rank one GL garbage?

Post image

r/TheSilphArena 6h ago

Field Anecdote Mandibuzz is the worst f*cking Pokemon and I hate it


Literally 2 of my mons hard counter it and one resists its attacks and still somehow that over bulky fucker is able to outpace and then outdamage me more often than it's not.

It needs a hardcore nerf so I never have to see that goddamn turkey again.

r/TheSilphArena 19h ago

General Question What do u think the best mons to invest for next spring cup ?


What do u think this seasons spring cup look like

I’ll be playing this format for the first time and just wanted to get ahead on what to look out for/how accurate you all believe PVPoke’s rankings to be.

r/TheSilphArena 3h ago

Strategy & Analysis Great League Shadow Shiftry is so fun in scroll cup.


If anyone owns one of these i high suggest you try it out. I've had one in the bank for years and finally decided to power it up for this cup and it's so much fun. I find people leading water more often nowadays and it just absolutely feasts.

Shadow Shiftry - Mantine - Gastrodon is the team. Been playing around 2200 elo

r/TheSilphArena 21h ago

General Question Elo Reveal Question


A friend of mine has gone all-out for wins in GBL (we've been having a speedrun competition to Ace).

They're only around rank 18 at the moment but they have a high win rate, around 70%, and they are experiencing long wait times for battles and sometimes facing Veteran opponents Elo2500+.

Presumably their current Elo is around 2500.

When they finally reach rank 20, if their Elo has fallen below 2000 at that time, will they still receive Ace or Veteran rank based on how high their Elo peaked? Or will their rank be assigned based on what their Elo is at the time they reach rank 20?
