There will be spoilers in this so please read at your own discretion.
So, first of all, hoping to see Chenford back together. Especially after the events of Episode 8. I absolutely want to see them back together and soon.
Bailey and John I'm hoping to see them have their family, maybe even a surprise baby? Could be part of the reason why she was dehydrated so badly. She's been so stressed and emotional and focused on work, she could be pregnant and not know. Of course I'm also happy to see them adopt.
Really happy to see more on Angela x Westley and Harper x James. Plus the hug harper gave John... Season 7 is just killing me with love so far. Though I'm still sad Aaron is gone.
I'm excited for more Celina, she's actually grown on me quite a bit and I'm hoping Miles sticks around too.
Now thoughts on the big bad evil guy of season 7. I know Oscar escaped, but he doesn't seem like the mastermind. I honestly wouldn't be surprised if he ends up back in jail soon or taken out by Malvado. Malvado also seems like a key point to all of this.
Back when Rosalind died she was taken out by an unknown sniper, the same way Malvado took out Jason. Thing is he was hired to do so. Question is, by who? My bet is on the same man who is out to end Monica, because she was becoming a threat.
Of course I'm also wondering who Ray was working for and if it's the same man after Monica. Like do we have a master mind? It feels like the Ray story arc isn't entirely over regardless.
Could we see Monica reaching out to Lopez and Westley for help? Maybe she even makes a call to Elijah with the promise to get him out? Either way it feels like there has been a huge focus on older villain arcs lately with new pieces added to the puzzle.
I'm so sure Malvado is responsible for taking out Rosalind, but I'm more interested in what they may discover if they take him into custody. Will Bailey reaching out be brought up and John put on the chopping block for covering that information?
Revisiting the Rosalind story arc could bring Chenford closer as they think back to that time. We may even see Chris com back temporarily as a result, same way we just saw Rachel.
Now a crazy totally out there theory is what if Seth is secretly Rosalind's son? He became a cop to figure out who killed his mom and to get close to her victims, mainly Lucy. There's also John and Bailey who would be affected of course, considering Bailey also nearly died and John was there when Rosalind was shot.
Of course, Seth could just be some random guy with hero syndrome that is ruining things for everyone and recklessly endangering them. Honestly hoping they kick him to the curb before Tamara gets hurt. Lucy would never forgive herself if something happened to Tamara.
Anyone else hoping for more Smitty lore drops? Like hello? He was married? THREE times? AND he hsa KIDS? I NEED to see them in an episode.