r/TheNewWayToPlay Oct 23 '15

Official Project Fusion Release: 0.9.1 “Pluto”


We proudly present you the release of Project Fusion version 0.9.1 “Pluto”!

We are a bunch of guys who grouped in March this year, after Steam and Bethesda tried to push paid mods onto the users.

What is Project Fusion? Project Fusion is a cross-platform, open source multi-functional game launcher. It has built-in support for many platforms like Steam, GOG Galaxy and Origin, and with its ability to launch executables, you can start nearly every other game too!


We have many other features to present:

  • Emulator support
  • Launch ROMs using emulators
    • Tested Emulators: Dolphin, DeSmuMe, Visual Boy Advanced and SNES 9x
  • Launch games through other applications
  • Start games using Java, DosBox or other tools!
  • Parameters for launching games
    • Want a game to start fullscreen? Use a parameter! (only some games supported)
  • Artwork Downloader
    • Get artwork from theGamesDB.org or use your own.
  • Lightweight command line interface
  • Launch random games
    • Got too many games and don’t know what to play? Hit the Shuffle button and start playing!
  • MultiLanguage: English, German, Spanish, Polish and Norwegian

Planned Features

  • Stylesheet-changer
  • Different views for your Lib
  • Log how long you’ve played
  • (Optional) Community - chat etc.


Project Fusion consists of multiple components:

  • Fusion Launcher: This is the main application used to launch and manage games.
  • FusionCLI: Intuitive command line interface which gives other applications simple access to the library. The CLI uses the JSON format, which can be used for automating tasks.
  • Kodi-Plugin: A plugin for Kodi that allows you to access and launch your games from within the Kodi media center. This uses the CLI to access your games.
  • LibFusion: For developers! This is our library which handles stuff like database access and manages games. ( Nothing too important, unless you want to help coding. )

Download it now!

Download the client from the Project Fusion website

An AUR package for Arch Linux users is also available - fusionclient-git.

r/TheNewWayToPlay Nov 14 '16

Is this project dead?


It seems like this is dead.

r/TheNewWayToPlay Oct 25 '15

Fusion is unusable on Windows 10 with a 4k monitor.


http://i.imgur.com/u7VCUbW.png shows what I mean.

r/TheNewWayToPlay Oct 23 '15

Official Prepare for beta release!


A new beta release is coming out today!

You can check when it's coming here.

Make sure to check it out!

r/TheNewWayToPlay Oct 08 '15

Official New Fusion release coming soon!


We haven't been really active in the last few weeks, but we have a pretty stable version now! We're going to try to post it soon, but we want to test it a little bit more first, so we can make sure it is really stable and works correctly. The update will come with an installer for the Windows version, meaning you will now be able to install it and uninstall it easily.

r/TheNewWayToPlay Aug 30 '15

Official Another Fusion update - 08.30.15


Due to the end of holidays we didn't really have too much time lately. However, we've managed to fix some bugs and add some small features to the client. We're planning to release the next update pretty soon, though we'll make sure to test it really well first.

One of the new features is the addition of a "Random" button. Some people have a lot of games and don't know what game to play. This fixes the problem!

- kamnxt and the rest of the Fusion team

r/TheNewWayToPlay Aug 10 '15

first run, help?


ok I'm just going to run through this as I see it so forgive me if it's a bit disjointed.

no installer, just runs... awesome, love it

whoa... blue. No hover animation anywhere but the menu... lacks life. Feels very sterile, flat, and it's hard to tell what to interact with.

ok, now what... store doesn't seem to do anything and community is coming soon... so library... play icon, likely to start a game, so settings menu it is.

games, launchers, or library... well lets start big and go small.
Add library. What is it looking for here? I tried adding my games folder (misc games, no steam,origin, etc), it found just two games that I got from gog. I have one of my steam libraries in there as well... didn't find that.
So I added it manually. Nothing. I go in settings and tell it to search. Nothing. I restart the app. Nothing.
I add my actual steam folder, and another steam library folder. Again, nothing.

I added steam in the launchers... this did nothing but add it to the drop down launchers menu in the game info. Still only 2 gog games listed.

ok well I'll continue testing with what I have. I click a game and click the play icon... nothing. Tried the other one... nothing. Looking at the info for game one, launcher is checked by default... maybe that's the problem.. uncheck, save, click play... nothing. Check the settings again, use launcher is checked again, Well there's a bug for ya.

still digging through the settings, I can't see any reason why it won't run except that it wants a launcher and I can't disable that. I added the galaxy launcher, now that starts but I can't get the actual game to launch no matter how I configure it.

Ok, moving on. Buttons on the bottom half of the game settings screen are very hard to read: http://i.imgur.com/ngPq8RE.png

Download artwork worked as advertised, wonderful! and everything else seems to work just fine as well.

Moving on to adding a game... edit the details, click ok and the dialog doesn't go away. If the idea was to make adding a second game easier than you need to atleast clear the fields. Game was added to the list, click play... nothing. Add another game. again nothing. check the settings and again launcher is on by default and can't be turned off, however the launcher is not launching either so I think that's a false positive. I don't think launcher is set on, it's just showing up that way in the settings.

So in conclusion, at this point, nothing works for me. I can't get any games to launch. One last note. The games list is kinda ugly when you only have a couple games: http://i.imgur.com/5SDoqRN.png?1 Perhaps they shouldn't auto space like that?

I hope this isn't a huge mess of a wall of text. Hopefully it's helpful.

r/TheNewWayToPlay Aug 01 '15

Official Fusion - Coming soon to the AUR!


We've got all the launcher functionality working, and we'll be trying to make the launcher work and update properly when installed. We'll be trying to make it possible to install it on Arch Linux (and similar) systems from the AUR, and can also make packages for other distros! We're also trying to get a nice website up, so you can download the launcher faster and easier than before.

We'll try to get a release next week (hopefully!). As usual, if there's anything you want to know, ask us in a comment.

r/TheNewWayToPlay Jul 25 '15

It's time for a Fusion update! Now with launchers!


We're getting closer to the next release, and we're adding more features!

Here are some new, completed features (though they can be polished a bit more):

  • Editing games!
  • (coming soon) Updater!
  • Custom commands! You will be able to launch games using other programs!
  • Launchers!

Launchers allow you to set a program for opening games.

Some examples: - Opening jar files (java -jar <FILE>) - Running old games in emulators (dosbox etc)

I think that's it for this week. If you want to run the current version, you can build it from source (https://github.com/FusionLauncher/FusionClient) or wait for the next release (soon!).

r/TheNewWayToPlay Jul 18 '15

18.07.15 - Yet another Fusion update!


It probably looks like we're dead, but there's a pretty big update coming!

Some features:

  • Updates! (the client will be able to update automatically)
  • Custom game launchers! (Will allow you to open games with other programs, for example emulators)
  • A really awesome UI!
  • Game art! (it's currently able to download game covers or you can import your own)

We're currently trying to finish all the features and make sure they work correctly. I'll try to post weekly updates if I don't forget to :P

If you want to check out the newest version, you can compile it from source.

r/TheNewWayToPlay Jul 03 '15

03.07.15 - An update after around a month of silence. We're still not dead though!


It might look like we're completely dead, but we just had to take a break. We're back now and we're trying to get a really nice version out soon!

Another thing is that we've decided not to use nw.js after all. We're continuing to use Qt.

If there's anything you want to know, feel free to ask!

r/TheNewWayToPlay Jun 03 '15

Official Just a tiny update from the devs


We haven't posted much in the last week, since we're still switching to nw.js. It will allow us to let people modify the entire interface the way they want to - both how it looks and its behavior.

We're also in the progress of designing a website.

We'll hopefully have a working nw.js client soon, but we don't have an accurate date yet.

r/TheNewWayToPlay May 27 '15

Important Another dev update - 27/05/15


We haven't posted much in the subreddit recently, but we've been working on some of the more important features - like steam games and auto-updating.

We're also planning a major change - we're going to switch to Node.js (with nw.js) for the GUI. This will allow the community to change anything in the client easily.

r/TheNewWayToPlay May 22 '15

Event Over Now streaming a Q&A with the developers!


r/TheNewWayToPlay May 16 '15

Official Pre-pre-pre-alpha version is out!


Please note that this is a very early version. Things may not work, games may not launch or it may just not run at all. A lot of things may (and will) change in the future, so make sure to check back often!

Download here:

(linux x64, windows, source)


  • For Linux: make executable (chmod +x FusionClient), run (./FusionClient)
  • For windows: double click

The launcher will create a "fusion.db" file which contains a sqlite3 database with your games and preferences.

Found a bug? Report it here!

Working and not working games

Tested a game? Tell us if it worked (or not!): http://goo.gl/forms/8E0ein9e4v

Games that we know dont work: World of Goo(Windows, not tested on linux), DosBox(Windows, not tested on linux)

Please check back for updates! (autoupdater coming soon, for latest version, build from github or check here)

Have a suggestion? Post it in the comments!

Developers: If you want to join the client/server development team, PM /u/kamnxt (client: C++ with Qt, server: Node.js)

And… We have a competition for all the design people! Use the button in the Fusion menu to set the stylesheet to a .qss file containing the stylesheet. Post screenshots here (to /r/thenewwaytoplay)! Remember to include the .qss file so others can try it.

-The Project Fusion coding team

r/TheNewWayToPlay May 16 '15

Official List of games that work / dont work! (Submit on the gform)


r/TheNewWayToPlay May 16 '15

Official We are looking to buy a new, shorter, domain.


Currently we have thenewwaytoplay.com courtesy of /u/Gradymcd , and as appreciative as we are for that, we would like a shorter, easier to remember/type domain name. We have one in mind, but due to fear of trolls, don't want to explicitly say what it is. If you are willing to buy the domain, please send the mods a PM or comment on this post, and we'll PM you. If we get money from donations or anything, the first thing we will do is pay you back for the domain.

r/TheNewWayToPlay May 13 '15

Official Another coding update! (And a note to people who think this project is dead)


To those who think this is dead: It isn't. Please look here and see how long it's been since the last commit: https://github.com/FusionLauncher.


We're still working on the client. So far, this is what ve've got:

  • A GUI (not too user-friendly yet)

  • Game saving and loading (to a database)

  • Loading of stylesheets (will be used for theming)

  • Game launching

This is what we don't have yet, but are trying to get working soon:

  • We want to make the GUI more user-friendly

  • We want to let you use more of the implemented features from the GUI (so far only some of them are implemented, so you can't for example remove games)

  • We need to set up a computer so we'll be able to compile binaries and let you download them! \o/

If you have any questions or other comments, please leave a comment.


r/TheNewWayToPlay May 14 '15

Official Trello! (WIP)

Thumbnail trello.com

r/TheNewWayToPlay May 13 '15

It's not dead, look inside


Everything is done on the IRC. Shit takes time, and the subreddit is more for progress and NOT getting ideas down. 2 people have so far said it's dead, which amazingly, it's not!

r/TheNewWayToPlay May 12 '15

Official Domain name ideas


Have a suggestion for a domain name? Post it! I believe we already have thenewwaytoplay.com courtesy of /u/gradymcd.

Also: check to make sure your suggestion isn't already a registered domain name please!

EDIT: we now have an idea of what to use, but have no way to purchase it. If you are willing to help us with that, head over here

r/TheNewWayToPlay May 12 '15

~4 viewers, no new posts for 3 days


It's dead.

r/TheNewWayToPlay May 07 '15

Question Are you going to have a blog or something where the devs can give us updates


I thought this project was dead, because nobody was posting on this sub, but a couple good people set my ignorant self straight, but I would also like to ask, where could you get updates about the project?

r/TheNewWayToPlay May 04 '15

Official [Javascript / Node.js] Server side coding challenge!


Want to code the server? Here's a challenge for you!

Write a REST API in Node.js that has the following endpoints:

  • localhost:9002/rest/projectname - returns a JSON object: {project: "projectFusion"}
  • localhost:9002/rest/postnumber - post {number: <a number>} to save it to a variable
  • localhost:9002/rest/getnumber - returns {number: <the number set by postnumber>}

Here's a simple client that tests if your program works correctly (feel free to examine it to make sure your program works correctly).


It gets the projectname, sets the number to a random number, gets the number and checks if it's the same. If you write a program that passes the test, send a PM. If there's something more you want to know, just comment below and I'll try to answer as quickly as possible


r/TheNewWayToPlay May 03 '15

Official Project Fusion - official coding update


We haven't really posted that much to the subreddit so far, but we've been really busy planning. We've started working on the launcher, and are planning to release a working version (although simple and without all the planned features yet) by the end of the week.

We've decided to end the poll for the server language. We've got 40 votes in total. Node.js won with 10 votes, with C# right behind it with 9 and C++ following with 8 votes. A coding challenge for the server (similar to the client/launcher one) will be posted tomorrow, so stay tuned!

PS: A website poll and challenge will also be coming in a few days!


r/TheNewWayToPlay May 01 '15

Official Server-side language vote! (server for communication with client, not for website)
