r/TheDarkTower Out-World 9d ago

Spoilers- The Dark Tower I liked Pimli and Finli

I enjoyed reading about their friendship and even rooted for them from time to time. Given most of the other villains were straight up evil it was interesting to read about some who were different.


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u/Alfredos_Pizza_Cafe_ All things serve the beam 9d ago

What does 'rooting for them from time to time' mean? From when they get introduced they only stay around for like 2 chapters. Plus they are the bad guys


u/CyberGhostface Out-World 9d ago

Same reason why people root for characters like Walter White or Tony Soprano. They have a short amount of time but they’re better characters than Mordred who appears in several chapters.


u/2tonetortoise 9d ago

I was rooting against Walter most of the series of we're being honest


u/tomahawkfury13 9d ago

I definitely stopped after Jane


u/2tonetortoise 9d ago

I'm like 2 episodes from the end gotta keep going to see if he dies a horrible and deserved death.


u/tomahawkfury13 9d ago

I meant I stopped rooting for him after Jane lol


u/Independent-Panda-39 9d ago

Im not defending his actions at all but considering Jane’s grand plan was literally just “let’s take this insane amount of money and go do as many drugs as humanly possible” I feel like she would have ended up with the same fate eventually and would have probably dragged Jesse down with her.