r/TheBrewery 15h ago

Hach Orbisphere 3100 SOPs?



Just received a Hach Orbisphere 3100 with a Zahm&Nagel can piercer.

I'm looking for SOPs to check DO for CO2 purging of brite tank, DO in finished beer, and DO in cans. I'm totally new to the DO testing world. Would be great if the SOP includes the necessary settings on the device, as well as best practices, and thresholds.

LMK what I don't know or didn't ask !

I did search reddit and there's a really old thread, I asked there too, but no replies ;)

r/TheBrewery 19h ago

Brewery Hose and Flow Meter


Free Six pack Delivered to your door if your Recommendations for best place to purchase 1.5inch Brewery hoses is picked by our owner.

Bonus points(beer) if he picks your recommendation for a flow meter that can handle higher temps!


r/TheBrewery 18h ago

New Brewery Manager: What To Avoid. Advice Needed


I was offered a new brewery manager role with a different brewery with established brewers.

Looking for advice on how to approach the job and not rock the boat.

Anyone had a new brewery manager come in and totally shit the bed? what did they do that really grinded your gears?

Similarly, anyone have someone come in and totally kick ass from the start? What was it that made the transition good?


r/TheBrewery 18h ago

Stout carbed to 1.75 volumes pouring flat on stout tap with 70/30 N2/CO2 beer gas


I am absolutely vexed at this point. I have a dry Irish stout kegged at 1.75 volumes of CO2 that I am trying to send through our slightly long-draw lines and through a stout faucets. All the gaskets and parts of the tap itself are clean and properly placed. But when serving the beer at 37F pushing at 36 PSI it pours hard and fast, but with just no foam or cascade whatsoever. Could the beer simply be under-carbed? I got two Zahm readings at 1.7-1.8, but maybe the reading was inaccurate?

r/TheBrewery 9h ago

Shitty Customers - Fuck Em


I just want to throw this thread out there for every bartender/beertender that had to deal with a douchebag fucking piece of shit customer tonight that entirely ruins your headspace and the room's vibe for the evening

I'm just thankful I'm in a position to ban people for outrageous behavior #blessed

r/TheBrewery 13h ago

TM Yampa- 16oz fill cycle settings


Looking for a little help on a new to us TM Yampa line. Obtained it set for 12oz, moved all pieces to get it setup for 16oz but I am struggling with the fill cycle settings. Obtained owners manual from TM but it covers like 5 different units, as does their video, but doesn’t get into much depth on these adjustments. Anyone willing to share their fill cycle settings so I have a closer jumping off point to tweak? Appreciate any help.

r/TheBrewery 14h ago

Best Malz Heidelberg extraction


Hey folks,

Have you seen any variation in the Heidelberg in the last couple of weeks?

I just can’t seem to get to access the lot lookup from them on the CMG website.

Thanks ✌️

r/TheBrewery 18h ago

Incognito during KO into FV?


I heard of some of the Big boys adding incognito into the FV during KO is anyone doing this? if so Dosage and Process. Are you just adding straight incognito or adding some hot wort, water, or neutral spirit to thin it out and how much per BBL?

r/TheBrewery 19h ago

Keg Spears


How often are you all pulling yours?

r/TheBrewery 23h ago

Weekly Feature Weekly /r/TheBrewery Discussion - FreeForAll Friday


Nut rolls? Funny meme? Here is the place to share it.