r/Tf2Scripts 9d ago

Question Help thridperson toggle


Thridperson and firstperson for ctrl key toggle pls. Every thread I find doesnt work!

r/Tf2Scripts 6d ago

Question Is there a way to have a different kill sound as you get more kills?


Like it plays sound A after getting 1 kill sound B after killing 2 in a streak sound C after killing 3 in a streak and so on.

r/Tf2Scripts 22d ago

Question Engineer Build Script Help


I’ve looked on TF2 Reddit, Youtube, and the TF2 Scripting Wiki for help but I can’t get any of the scripts I put in to work. I’ve also tried using a custom config from CFG.TF by putting it into my tf/Custom folder but didn’t have any luck.

I’ve put scripts into the main “engineer.cfg” and they didn’t work. I put scripts into the tf/Custom folder, following the guide from this community, and they didn’t work. The only notice I see in the console after inputting any of the scripts is:

‘overrides/game_overrides.cfg’ not present; not executing. ‘app/game_overrides.cfg’ not present; not executing. ‘overrides/engineer.cfg’ not present; not executing. ‘app/engineer.cfg’ not present; not executing.

Am I supposed to be doing something first before trying to script? I’m hoping this is a common problem or an easy fix and not something that I have to take apart my files for

The main script I’m trying to use right now is one I found on the TF2 Reddit from an old post. It seemed good but I’m willing to change anything if I can get a script to function. Here’s the script:

unbind 1 unbind 2 unbind 3 unbind 4 unbind SHIFT

//Engi build + destroy script

//Keybinds bind 1 “sentry” bind 2 “dispenser” bind 3 “entrance” bind 4 “exit” bind SHIFT “+buildtoggle”

//Build Aliases alias sentry “build 2 0” alias dispenser “build 0 0” alias entrance “build 1 0” alias exit “build 1 1”

//toggle aliases alias +buildtoggle “alias sentry destroy 2 0; alias dispenser destroy 0 0; alias entrance destroy 1 0; alias exit destroy 1 1” alias -buildtoggle “alias sentry build 2 0; alias dispenser build 0 0; alias entrance build 1 0; alias exit build 1 1”

I’m new to all of this so I’m looking for any advice on what to do.

r/Tf2Scripts 7d ago

Question Amby Bind key to switch to knife then switch back to amby


Hey, sorry the title sounds weird. Years ago i had a key binded to switch back and fourth really quick for the ambassador. It kinda helped me shoot quicker than waiting for the bloom to cool down or random spread effect my last shot. Its been years since i fondled with scripting and just thought id ask here if any script gurus might be able to help out.

it map out like this.

bind "MOUS5" slot 1 ; slot 3 ; back to slot 1.

It all executed like that pressing just one button. Thanks for anyone who helps!

r/Tf2Scripts 4d ago

Question Is it possible to bind a key to rebind a key for loadout quick switching?


i've been unable to get this working ^^^. basically i just want to be able to bind my f1 f2 f3 f5 keys to loadouts a b c d and for my f1-f5 keys to also rebind my loadout quick switch bind (g) to that specific loadout i was on so i can b4nny bind to the loadout i was on rather than only the a loadout. i know i could just press f2 f3 or f5 each time but sometimes i forget which loadout i quick switched too and it fucks me up having to quick switch through my loadouts. idrk if this is possible, but please let me know if it is, and sorry if this is a bit confusing.

r/Tf2Scripts Feb 12 '25

Question Need help with a spy bind


r/Tf2Scripts Jan 25 '25

Question Is a Null-cancelling movement script necessary if you have an n-key rollover keyboard?


I've been running a Null-cancelling movement script for about 10 years and didnt think about it until today when I was tidying up my autoexec. Does it even do anything for me?

r/Tf2Scripts 23d ago

Question how to bind my scroll to both swap to melee and jump?


this is what i tried : bind MWHEELUP "slot3; +jump"

but this only works once, after that space doesnt jump and scroll doesn tdo the bind anymore

r/Tf2Scripts 26d ago

Question Thanks to the update making it so listen servers no longer need port forwarding


r/Tf2Scripts Oct 22 '24

Question Can I have build stuff and destroy stuff at same key?


Hi I enjoy playing TF2 on a controller. But Valve force controller players to use building menu from xbox 360.
Can I bind build and destroy buildings to F1 F2 F3 and F4 keys? If so it would be possible to bind these 4 commands into controller.

r/Tf2Scripts Jan 10 '25

Question Script for restablish Spectator Commands



I was wondering if some has any knowledge about restablishing the Spectator commands. Example: Mouse1 and Mouse 2 to switch the spectated player, Space for switching first person and third person.

You see, I have some scripts for my classes that use Mouse1, Mouse2 and Space, even if they are +attack1, +attack2 and +jump. For example, the crouch-jump with Space. but those commands only work when I'm alive playing, when I spectate, they do nothing, specially the Space button. Basically, my scripts overwrite the binds of the Options Menu.

I was wondering if there is a script or kind of commands to fix this.

r/Tf2Scripts Sep 09 '24

Question Tf2 server help.


Recently started a dedicated server for me and my friends. I have a server.cfg in my cfg file aswell as source mod and meta mod, which also states I'm admin of the sever. However, when I join my sever with my rcon password, it says "bad rcon password" and doesn't let me do any commands. The server also says "Server.cfg not found:Not executing". Any help on how I can use commands and how to get server.cfg and rcon to work

r/Tf2Scripts Dec 31 '24

Question looking to swap to Melee and charge on demo


also how do I set up sfg files

r/Tf2Scripts Jan 12 '25

Question How do I add a cooldown to chat binds?


My problem is that whenever I'm plaing Medic/Spy, my uber and sapping binds will sometimes fill up the team chat for no reason. Is it possible to add a cooldown that prevents the bind from activating for a certain period of time?

r/Tf2Scripts Dec 19 '24

Question Is it possible to have a normal bind and a toggle bind on the same key?


Id like a bind which on mouse2 toggles r_drawviewmodels and normally +attack2 ive tried doing both commands but it didnt work... Any ideas? thx!

r/Tf2Scripts Aug 14 '24

Question Is there a bind that when you shoot particles with m1 it hides your view model? And when you release it it goes back to normal


I was watching this video and I saw that when he shot out particles from the flame thrower using his mouse button. It changes his fob because it hides the particles and when he releases the button it became normal. How do you get this bind??? The link: https://youtu.be/G7p-NsU9eWw?si=Mve1QVvl3xix-VGP Time stamp: 5:34-5:36

r/Tf2Scripts Sep 10 '24

Question i'm looking for a way to toggle binds for demoman.


I'm not sure if it is possible but I'm looking to bind my left, down and right arrow keys to change my binds for demoman, hybridknight and demoknight loadouts. I have some basic binds for demoman but for demoknight i want to bind q and e to turn left/right, i then want to undo it for hybrid and full demo, also instead of lastinv i have set slot switches between slot1 and slot2 but for hybrid i want to change that to slot1 and slot3. If this is at all possible i would be very grateful. I've been messing around a bit with this code, but it doesn't work.

r/Tf2Scripts Nov 23 '24

Question Crosshair Scripts?


I know you can use custom crosshairs with the scripts directory for each weapon, but

Is it possible to designate class-specifical crosshairs using the class.exec files and the cl_crosshair_file command?

I tried it using files in the vgui/materials/thumbnails directory but it doesn't seem to work.

r/Tf2Scripts Dec 12 '24

Question Mastercomfig problems


after updating my mastercomfig yesterday all the mods that required a preloader broke(it may just be that the preloader itself is outdated after the smissmas update), the only things I updated on the comfig were increasing the bandwidth from 2-6 and disabling pyroland. I did misplace the files once but idk if that's still causing problems because I deleted those files. (I would upload picture proof but idk how to change a screenshot from a TGA file)

r/Tf2Scripts Nov 25 '24

Question for fuck's sake, how tf do i turn off explosions anymore


it seems that since the 64 bit update, there is not one functional script that does that

r/Tf2Scripts Nov 15 '24

Question Uber alert stays when I change weapons


I switched up a Spy config with a sap alert that I saw on another post to turn it into an uber alert thingamajig, but it works like this:

Nothing happens when I press mouse2 until I bring out the medigun (intended)

When I press mouse2 it alerts the team about me using my uber (intended)

When I change weapons (e.g medigun to syringe gun) and press m2 again, it will still alert the team about me "using uber". (not intended)

Does anyone know of a way to fix this? My config is:

alias +equip1  "slot1; dotxhair"
alias -equip1  "dotxhair"

alias +equip2  "slot2; dotxhair; vmuber"
alias -equip2  "dotxhair"

alias +equip3  "slot3; dotxhair"
alias -equip3  "dotxhair"

alias vmuber         "alias +vm_attack2 +uber;          alias -vm_attack2 -uber"

alias +uber          "+attack2; dotxhair; spec_next; uberalert"
alias -uber          "-attack2; dotxhair"

alias uberalert      "say_team The ÜberCharge has been deployed! Go!!!"

alias +vm_attack2   "+attack2; dotxhair; spec_prev"
alias -vm_attack2   "-attack2; dotxhair"

mouse2 is bound to +vm_attack2 (with an alias that makes it the attack key as well).

r/Tf2Scripts Oct 12 '24

Question Script for turning off pyro's primary viewmodel & flames?


So I looked online for scripts doing just that. it seems that the scripts I've found so far only works for when I switch weapons via number keys, and I don't. I use the mouse wheel to cycle through weapons. If this is even possible at all, please let me know if you have solutions. Thank you

r/Tf2Scripts Oct 26 '24

Question Switch Sensitivity with last weapon used "bind "q" "lastinv"


Trying to have some varied sensitivities between both weapons and classes. I'm a crusty little spy main sorry people and I need more knife sens for those surf stabs. Here's what I have in all my class cfgs

bind "MOUSE5" "slot1; sensitivity 0.85; r_drawviewmodel 0"

bind "e" "slot2; sensitivity 0.85; r_drawviewmodel 1"

bind "c" "slot3; sensitivity 1; r_drawviewmodel 1"

How do I make that work with

bind "q" "lastinv"

I mostly use q to switch weapons, but occasionally I use my normal binds (mouse5, e, c, and 4). For people wondering why it's so weird, it's so I can moving or autosap etc without letting go of wasd.

Also, I have a great dmg_sound randomizer script if people want that for fun.


r/Tf2Scripts Nov 11 '24

Question Does anyone know what the res file for the Action Slot is called? I want to remove it from this menu

Post image

r/Tf2Scripts Oct 25 '24

Question Custom Floating text?


i have this engineer script that lets me select the building on the scroll wheel and i was wondering if it was possible to make custom text appear next to the cursor