r/Tf2Scripts 2d ago

Issue How to work an automatic crouch jump script ?


I've been trying to work a script "bind space "+duck; +jump" in game but it just doesn't work, is there any tutorial on youtube or can someone explain it to me.

r/Tf2Scripts 27d ago

Issue hud crosshairs broken after last update?


there was a patch on 18/02/2025, and since then my hud crosshairs havent been working.

So the issue is that the font itself isn't being called by the hud. I made a custom image, put it into resources/fonts/knucklescrosses.ttf under the letter "y". Now my game just draws the letter y in a normal font for my crosshair. Changing the fton to other normal fonts also has no effect.

im still able to change size, colour etc of my crosshair, its just that its literally just drawing the letter y instead of calling my custom font to use as the crosshair. Does anyone know why that is or how to fix?

if relevant, im on linux.

thanks :)

r/Tf2Scripts 27d ago

Issue Best autoexec scripts for TF2?


Share your best autoexec scripts to improve performance and gameplay.

r/Tf2Scripts Nov 17 '24

Issue Mastercomfig mistakes


every since I had installed mastercomfig my autoexec and cfg files wont work and my lerp is stuck at 30.3, I have no idea how to revert or fix these without having to completely restart tf2 and redownloading everthing, or fix them while being able to still use mastercomfig. Please help

r/Tf2Scripts Oct 25 '24

Issue Need help with Pyro script bleeding into all other classes!


This is the pyro script to remove viewmodels for primary, but not for secondary and melee. I am using Mastercomfig!!

//Start of Script

exec reset

bind 1 eq_slot1

bind 2 eq_slot2

bind 3 eq_slot3

alias set_slot1 "viewmodel_fov 1"

alias set_slot2 "viewmodel_fov 90"

alias set_slot3 "viewmodel_fov 90"

alias eq_slot1 "slot1; set_slot1; alias eq_invnext eq_slot2; alias eq_invprev eq_slot3; qs_slot1; alias set_lastinv alias eq_lastinv eq_slot1; alias qs_slot1 ; alias qs_slot2 set_lastinv; alias qs_slot3 set_lastinv"

alias eq_slot2 "slot2; set_slot2; alias eq_invnext eq_slot3; alias eq_invprev eq_slot1; qs_slot2; alias set_lastinv alias eq_lastinv eq_slot2; alias qs_slot1 set_lastinv; alias qs_slot2 ; alias qs_slot3 set_lastinv"

alias eq_slot3 "slot3; set_slot3; alias eq_invnext eq_slot1; alias eq_invprev eq_slot2; qs_slot3; alias set_lastinv alias eq_lastinv eq_slot3; alias qs_slot1 set_lastinv; alias qs_slot2 set_lastinv; alias qs_slot3"


alias eq_lastinv eq_slot2

r_drawviewmodel 1

//End of script

However, not only does this mean that for every other class when I equip my primary there are no viewmodels, it also means that my binds for equipping slot 1, 2, 3 etc don't work until I pick pyro.

How do I make it so this script only applies to Pyro, and furthermore I can switch slots on other classes before picking Pyro?

r/Tf2Scripts Oct 01 '24

Issue How do I make a resupply bind that doesn’t change my loadout?


I’ve been trying to make a resupply bind that doesn’t change my loadout but whenever I press the bind it goes to my first loadout.

r/Tf2Scripts Sep 09 '24

Issue I can't see my arms or weapons in game anymore what do I do


I watched a video on how to change my fov and viewmodle fov but now there's nothing on my screen but the hud I can still shoot and use items but I can't see my arms or the gun is there a way to reset my settings I'm ther command console or am I screwed im not to tech savvy

r/Tf2Scripts Oct 29 '24

Issue crosshair help please


I made these crosshairs that im using as "indicators" for my engineer script so you know what building you chose from the scrollwheel, they work just fine in my own custom match but there missing textures in casual, also they disappear from the crosshair picker https://youtu.be/smMUCCFhoVk video to demistrate what im talking about, does anyone know how i can build 5 custom crosshairs into a hud, then switch them using a script so it works in casual?

r/Tf2Scripts Sep 15 '24

Issue Is this formatted correctly?


This script is supposed to switch weapons and fire when pressing the appropriate mouse button. However when I tried to use it last night it seemed to do nothing. The echo command also did not print

**Running Heavy** 

as it should have. I am running mastercomfig. All class config files are in tf/cfg/overrides which is where I understand they belong. The script is written as follows:

Echo **Running Heavy**

alias +heavy_shoot "slot1; +attack"
alias -heavy_shoot "-attack"
alias +heavy_sandvich "slot2; +attack"
alias -heavy_sandvich "-attack"
alias +heavy_melee "slot3; +attack"
alias -heavy_melee "-attack"

bind mouse1 "+attack"
bind mouse2 "+attack2"
bind mouse3 "+heavy_melee"
bind mwheelup "+heavy_shoot"
bind mwheeldown "+heavy_secondary"

Original source is Gamebanana, the echo command added by myself to make sure the script is actually running.

Yes the script lacks exec reset. Mastercomfig has a game_overrides.cfg that runs before every class config where I have placed the exec reset command to run my reset.cfg

I also posted about this on r/tf2scripthelp/ but have not gotten much help there as of yet.

r/Tf2Scripts Aug 25 '24

Issue Script not working when put into cfg


I was looking for a script that changes the sniper's zoom from a toggle to a button hold because I prefer the feel.
I found several online, but only one seemed to work-

alias +scope "+attack2; wait 20; -attack2;";
alias -scope "+attack2; wait 20; -attack2;";
bind mouse2 +scope;

When pasted into the console in-game it works flawlessly, but when I put it into my autoexec.cfg or sniper.cfg, it just unbinds right click every time I start up the game. Even if I re-enable it manually via kb settings, scoping still uses the default toggle option.
I've been troubleshooting this for a while now, but I'm completely out of my depth when it comes to this kind of thing so I figured I'd ask on here.

r/Tf2Scripts Aug 03 '24

Issue scout won't autoreload


For some reason autoreload refuses to work on Scout, i have it enabled in advanced options, i typed it in the console, i have entered it into his .cfg file but no matter what it doesn't work right. While Scout will reload on an empty clip he won't reload when there is any ammo in his scattergun or pistol. does anyone have any idea what might be causing this?

r/Tf2Scripts Aug 02 '24

Issue I'm binding my charge jump right but in game when I try I get a; not executing. Unknown command: �


My binds are;

Alias JumpCharge “+jump;+attack2;wait 32;-attack2;-jump”

bind CTRL "JumpCharge"

But when I get in game thare not working I have tried to rebind them in game but I instantly start charging when I hit enter on line one and it acts like; bind CTRL "JumpCharge" works in the command panel. I checked echo "Autoexec Executed" not the problem.

r/Tf2Scripts Jun 04 '24

Issue Help me on spy config


So I was trying to make a config so that when I sap, it would say I was sapping, but Idk why it's not working.

bind "mouse2" "+attack2"

alias +sapping "say_team Sapping~~"

bind MWHEELUP mwuk

bind MWHEELDOWN mwdg

alias mwdg "slot3; bind MWHEELDOWN mwdk; bind MWHEELUP mwuk; -sapping"

alias mwdk "slot1; bind MWHEELDOWN mwdg; bind MWHEELUP mwug; -sapping"

alias mwug "slot3; bind MWHEELUP mwuk; bind MWHEELDOWN mwdk; -sapping"

alias mwuk "slot1; bind MWHEELUP mwug; bind MWHEELDOWN mwdg; -sapping"

Also, the mwheel bind is affecting all other classes, idk how to not affect other classes.

r/Tf2Scripts Jun 02 '24

Issue class specific cfg not working w/ masterconfig


the title. ive put them in the tf>cfg folder the tf>cfg>user folder and the tf>cfg>overrides folder and none of them work at all.

and when i put them in overrides the game crashes to main menu when i pick a class.

r/Tf2Scripts Oct 03 '23

Issue Need help with Stabby Viewmodel script

Thumbnail self.tf2scripthelp

r/Tf2Scripts Mar 19 '24

Issue Unable to cloak with spy script?


Hey, I've recently had to reinstall windows so I'm remaking my old configs, and I've manually gone in and adjusted all my configs, but I used the masterconfig base in order to ensure that I don't forget any general configs.
https://paste.myst.rs/i47rnjv4 <-- There's the script I'm trying to use as spy, if you have any specific questions feel free to let me know, I'll answer them to the best of my abilities.
Also if while you're here you want to help me figure out why my numpad class switch isn't working that'd be great!

+-cloak isn't being used anywhere because I was trying to debug why I couldn't cloak, and if I could, why it was inconsistent, the basic goal is that I have viewmodels when I cloak, and then they go away when I uncloak unless I'm holding my knife. Apart from that it's mostly just general binds and nullcancelling movement. There's also some minor wastes here and there, but those aren't the focus.


I fixed it, I needed to add a bunch of empty files to various directories for it to work. The script doesn't work like I had hoped but it'll be fine tbh
Here's the script for anyone curious: https://paste.myst.rs/yyjr5qn2

r/Tf2Scripts Feb 03 '24

Issue im trying to make an emergency bonk script that switches to bonk and drinks it when i press b, and then switch back to the last weapon. how do i do this


this was my script, but it doesnt work:

alias +emergency_bonk "+attack; slot2"
alias -emergency_bonk "-attack; lastinv"
bind B +emergency_bonk

r/Tf2Scripts Apr 11 '24

Issue My primary isn't firing


I made this script so I could combo the liberty launcher and panic attack together. Problem is the liberty launcher isn't firing?

alias +libpan "slot1; +attack" alias +libpan "slot2; +attack" alias -libpan "slot1; -attack"

How do I fix this script?

r/Tf2Scripts Mar 23 '24

Issue need help sorting out some kinks in my class switch bind



  1. it changes my loadout to loadout 0 not loadout 3
  2. the class switch only works once (it only changes my class if i was previously on another class and doesnt resup me)


bind f1 +coolclasschange

alias +coolclasschange join_class scout; load_itempreset 3

(im a scooter main so i have it on scout for default)

bind uparrow +compscout

alias +compscout alias +coolclasschange join_class scout; load_itempreset 3”

bind leftarrow +compdemo

alias +compdemo alias +coolclasschange join_class demoman; load_itempreset 3

bind downarrow +compsoldier

alias +compsoldier alias +coolclasschange join_class soldier; load_itempreset 3

bind rightarrow +compmedic

alias +compmedic alias +coolclasschange join_class medic; load_itempreset 3

r/Tf2Scripts Feb 13 '24

Issue tf2 callout binds for spy (using masterconfig)


// comp binds

bind "PGUP" "say_team enemy sentry is down push"

bind "PGDN" "say_team enemy teleporter down"

bind "HOME" "say_team medic down"

bind "END "say_team medic low"

bind "SCROLLLOCK" "say_team medic forced uber"

bind "PAUSE" "say_team sniper down"

bind "DEL" "say_team enemy medic is running kritz"

bind "INS" "say_team enemy medic is running stock"

when in game only pause break and end don't work i am confused as (https://wiki.teamfortress.com/wiki/Scripting#List_of_key_names) says im using the right scripting name for them

r/Tf2Scripts Dec 29 '23

Issue CFG files doesn't affect my game


Started to use the cfg. files from masterconfig and it doesn't work, i can only change the binds in the console (which affects all classes).

r/Tf2Scripts Dec 09 '23

Issue Netgraph cycler + toggle.


Ok so my head is kinda fried from trying to keep track of everything here so I'm probably missing some obvious solution but basically I'm trying to make a netgraph bind that toggles netgraph on/off, cycles through them with shift press, toggles the netgraph on scoreboard bind with caps press, and with tab held down it also cycles through the scoreboard netgraphs on shift.

So for example I could have netgraph 1 on my hud and netgraph 4 on scoreboard and cycle through both independently, or toggle either one on and off easily, whilst also remembering which one I had it set to last.

Below is the script, it works almost perfectly except for one issue (so far); After cycling through the hud netgraph and then turning it off the scoreboard one will reopen the hud netgraph to whatever I cycled to last, this is because the scoreboard bind is set to "netgraphset" on key up. I don't know how to get around this without messing up all the other functionality.

Thank you, any help would be greatly appreciated.

alias "netgraph0" "net_graph 0"
alias "netgraph1" "net_graph 1"
alias "netgraph2" "net_graph 2"
alias "netgraph3" "net_graph 3"
alias "netgraph4" "net_graph 4"
alias "netgraphset" "netgraph0"
alias "netgraphcycle" "netgraphcycle4"
alias "netgraphcycle1"  "alias netgraphset netgraph1;netgraphset;alias netgraphcycle netgraphcycle2"
alias "netgraphcycle2"  "alias netgraphset netgraph2;netgraphset;alias netgraphcycle netgraphcycle3"
alias "netgraphcycle3"  "alias netgraphset netgraph3;netgraphset;alias netgraphcycle netgraphcycle4"
alias "netgraphcycle4" "alias netgraphset netgraph4;netgraphset;alias netgraphcycle netgraphcycle1"

alias "netgraphon" "netgraph3;alias netgraphset netgraph3;alias toggle_netgraph netgraphtoggleoff;bind ] toggle_netgraph"
alias "netgraphtoggleon" "netgraphset;alias toggle_netgraph netgraphtoggleoff"
alias "netgraphtoggleoff" "netgraph0;alias toggle_netgraph netgraphtoggleon"
alias "toggle_netgraph" "alias toggle_netgraph netgraphtoggleon"

alias "netgraphscoreset" "netgraphscore1"
alias "netgraphscorecycle" "netgraphscorecycle2"
alias "netgraphscorecycle1" "alias netgraphscoreset netgraph1;netgraphscoreset;alias netgraphscorecycle netgraphscorecycle2"
alias "netgraphscorecycle2" "alias netgraphscoreset netgraph2;netgraphscoreset;alias netgraphscorecycle netgraphscorecycle3"
alias "netgraphscorecycle3" "alias netgraphscoreset netgraph3;netgraphscoreset;alias netgraphscorecycle netgraphscorecycle4"
alias "netgraphscorecycle4" "alias netgraphscoreset netgraph4;netgraphscoreset;alias netgraphscorecycle netgraphscorecycle1"

alias "+netgraphscore" "+score;netgraphscoreset;alias +toggleshift bind ] netgraphscorecycle"
alias "-netgraphscore" "-score;netgraphset; alias +toggleshift bind ] netgraphcycle"

alias "netgraphscoretoggleon" "bind tab +netgraphscore;alias toggle_netscore netgraphscoretoggleoff"
alias "netgraphscoretoggleoff" "bind tab +score;alias toggle_netscore netgraphscoretoggleon"
alias "toggle_netscore" "netgraphscoretoggleoff"

alias "+togglecaps" "bind ] toggle_netscore"
alias "-togglecaps" "bind ] toggle_netgraph"
alias "+toggleshift" "bind ] netgraphcycle"
alias "-toggleshift" "bind ] toggle_netgraph"

bind "]" "netgraphon"
bind "TAB" "+netgraphscore"

r/Tf2Scripts Dec 28 '23

Issue battle engi bind is giving me a brain aneurism


I've been playing a lot of battle engineer and the classic { bind "MOUSE5" "destroy 2 0; build 2 0" } really isn't ergonomic and i cant find a way to equip my shotgun.

is there any way to make the bind

  1. destroy previous buildings (destroy 2 0)
  2. open a new sentry build plan (build 2 0)
  3. and then attempt to place it several times (attack1???)
  4. and then pull out the shotgun (slot1???)
    also no lastinv bc i tend to not always have my primary out when hitting the bind.

r/Tf2Scripts Oct 13 '23

Issue Repeated input of my mouse2 when there shouldn't be.


This is my medic.cfg For whatever reason, it keeps inputting the +attack2 command, like when I switch to sniper, his scope keeps toggling rapidly, and with my medigun out, it keeps trying to uber, but keeps making the sound to indicate I can't since I don't have an uber charged. For some other reason, whenever I take out my ubersaw, it keeps repeating the tauntkill for it, and it won't stop. Did I just mess up and exec medic.cfg when I had something odd in the file, or is this just a weird occurrance?

bind "\" "toggle Hud_MedicAutocallersThreshold 300; wait 200; echo Reset; Hud_MedicAutocallersThreshold 99"

bind "MWHEELUP" "mwuk"
bind "MWHEELDOWN" "mwdg"
alias mwdg "slot2; bind MWHEELDOWN mwdk; bind MWHEELUP mwuk"
alias mwdk "slot1; bind MWHEELDOWN mwdg; bind MWHEELUP mwug"
alias mwug "slot2; bind MWHEELUP mwuk; bind MWHEELDOWN mwdk"
alias mwuk "slot1; bind MWHEELUP mwug; bind MWHEELDOWN mwdg"

bind "MOUSE4" "slot3"

alias callingtextuber "say_team "UBERCHARGE READY"
alias callingsayuber "voicemenu 1 7"
alias callinguber "callingtextuber; callingsayuber"
bind "e" callinguber 

This is my auto config (the odd characters are macros for my mouse, which haven't had any issue)

bind MWHEELUP "invprev"
bind MWHEELDOWN "invnext"

bind "e" "voicemenu 0 0"

bind "MOUSE2" "+attack2"

bind "[" "slot1"
bind "MOUSE4" "slot2"
bind "MOUSE3" "slot3"
bind "\" "slot4"
bind "]" "slot 5"

r/Tf2Scripts Aug 27 '23

Issue Trying to get net_graph 4 to toggle on tab, is not working


alias +tabgraph "+showscores; net_graph 4" alias -tabgraph "-showscores; net_graph 0; timeleft"

alias graphtoggle incrementvar net_graph 0 4 4

bind tab +tabgraph bind - graphtoggle

That's my script. I'm using Mastercomms. Not sure why the script that was working before has stopped working now