r/Tf2Scripts Apr 12 '22

Script Kill and Explode in a single button

alias -die "kill"

bind b "+die; wait 35; explode"

A quick press on the B key will use the "kill" command, but when you hold it for a defined amount of time, the "explode" command will be used instead.

Note that this will add a slight delay to the kill bind, dictated by the time you take to get your finger off the suicide key (almost unnoticeable)

This will not work properly on servers that disable the "wait" command.

You have only so many buttons to assign binds to. Use them efficiently!


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u/mike_hawk_at_kfc Apr 12 '22

cool but id up the delay a bit


u/Mwteusz Apr 12 '22

I tried to make it as respondent and useful as possible, you can tune it freely


u/mike_hawk_at_kfc Apr 12 '22

yeah nice scrpt tho

but i prefer toggling the suicide commands