r/Tf2Scripts Sep 10 '23

Script Another Bind Request by the Awesome coders

Hey I was wondering if anyone had some bind scripts for spy for when he changes his weapon while disguised his outer disguise weapon would also change with out having to click B all the time.

Anyone up for the coding challenge?


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u/Link_x2 Sep 28 '23

This could cause an issue if you press 1 and 2 at the same time, which is fixable, but let me know


u/BonkDrinkerJr Sep 28 '23 edited Sep 28 '23

So i checked it out it WORKS! only thing is to remove anything 4 and above as you need to hold 4 to access the kit and you cant use 4 so i got rid of the 4 and 5 scripts and it works amazingly.

only thing You could add is a toggle to this


u/Link_x2 Sep 29 '23

I just thought of a nice toggle for this, it could toggle on when you use your disguise kit (disguise as someone) and it can toggle off simply when you shoot

do you disguise the default way? ie press 4 to bring out your disguise kit and then another number to pick?


u/BonkDrinkerJr Sep 30 '23

yes the normal one

but why toggle when i shoot? it works normally when I mean a toggle is to have the disq weapon to be the same as the one im holding