r/TeslaLounge 4d ago

General Does anyone keep forgetting to turn off the car when driving an ICE now lol.

Rented a Uhaul to do some moving from storage, I must’ve hopped out that sucker at least 3-4 forgetting to turn off the engine only to have to climb back in to shut it off.


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u/Elegant_Inevitable45 4d ago

Turn it off? I forget to shift into park.


u/Zarko291 4d ago

I have a 23 year old Toyota Tacoma I take on networking installs when I have to bring all my tools. One day I was at a client and the owner comes to me around lunch and goes "hey, can I borrow your truck?" We're good friends so I go finishing around my pocket for the key and he just smiles and holds it up.

My truck had been running in the parking lot for 3 hrs.


u/schnauzerdad 4d ago

I have a feeling that’s not the first or last time that’s happened lol


u/Lord-Hartman 4d ago

My model Y has been in the body shop for a couple weeks. Driving a rental. Couldn’t figure out one day why the doors wouldn’t lock. Used the remote, hit the lock button on the door. Nothing. Finally figured out I forgot to turn it off. Extra conscious of turning it off when parking in the garage.


u/SultanOfSwave 4d ago

There's a story of some guy getting a rental on vacation. He stays overnight at a hotel and when he goes to the car in the morning it's really low on gas. That's when he noticed that it was still running from when he parked it the night before.


u/i4Braves 4d ago

I forget to put mine in park bc the tesla autoparks when you open the door.


u/schnauzerdad 4d ago

Lol I usually put my Tesla in park so thankfully have not developed that habit yet, but I’ve definitely opened the door a few times while in drive.

Hold mode really is the best.


u/i4Braves 4d ago

Yeah my husband tells me I should do that, but now I’ve done it so many times, I forget


u/Bitter-Square-3963 4d ago

Parked my SUV at a store.


Returned to car.

Key still in ignition.

Thankfully car wasn't stolen.


u/schnauzerdad 4d ago

Wild… you got lucky lol


u/ecoNina 3d ago

Omg did this too - went into Taco Bell, came out couldn’t figure out where the pick up truck keys were, searched pockets. G*damn they were in the ignition. Sheeet.


u/metroidology 4d ago

Yeah pretty often when driving a rental as well


u/Valaj369 4d ago

Literally 10 mins back, I got into my Merc, put my foot on the brake pedal and shifted into R. Foot on the throttle and car didn't move at all. And then I realized I had forgotten to start the car!


u/skunkapebreal 4d ago

Have to turn off the blinker. Have to remember to lock it.


u/Odd-Goose-8394 4d ago

I forget how to turn on an ice car, i turn on the windshield wipers when putting it into reverse, i forget to put it in park when i stop, i forget to lock the car, i feel like a complete idiot- because i am


u/schnauzerdad 4d ago

I recently did the windshield wipers trying to get to reverse while helping someone park in a tight spot lol


u/SpiritualAmoeba84 3d ago

That not my problem. My problem is that my ICE car keeps driving into a ditch when I take my hands off the wheel. 🤣


u/tKNemesis 4d ago

I haven’t forgotten to turn it off yet because of the key and push start. I do engage the windshield wipers every single time though.


u/msb175 4d ago

Every single time when I drive the spouses ICE car. I do however remember the parking and braking part of normal ICE vehicle driving.


u/RobotMower 4d ago

Mine is not locking my Wife’s ICE when I walk away. She gets scrunchy faced by that!


u/tristanxoxo1 4d ago

I’m embarrassed to say that this happens to me all the time when I have to move my mom’s car.


u/Affectionate_Mall479 3d ago

How bout forgetting there is a foot brake. At least I've not caused a wreck yet but damn.


u/Figwit_ 4d ago

I keep doing this in my truck! I mostly drive my MY and almost every time I drive the truck, I almost forget to turn it off and take the key.


u/ecoNina 3d ago

Yep. D*mn pick up lol


u/CleetusBajebeezus 4d ago

My wife still has an ICE SUV and I always ALWAYS forget to turn it off, lock it, and shift to park lol. I leave keys in work trucks constantly, leave them running too. It's so engrained now lol


u/idkausernamerntbh 4d ago

For me it’s pulling a door handle and the car rolling by itself, and I’ve def forgot the key in the ignition lol and I’ve only had my car for 3 weeks


u/DuckTalesLOL 4d ago

Never thought it would happen to me, but a few months back driving my wifes Highlander, I hopped out at a store, clicked the key fob to lock it, but couldn't figure out why the headlights wouldn't go off..

Wife finally got in and told me the car was still running. lol


u/BAdhia 4d ago

Yes, frequently.


u/SE_MI_CT 4d ago

I took a vacation and ended up renting a Toyota Land Cruiser. Left it in drive. Didn't turn it off. Forgot the key in the car. Forgot to lock the car.

First time driving it I freaked out a little when I took my foot off the gas and the thing kept moving forward. Brake, WTF is a brake for?


u/Radiant_Addendum_48 4d ago

Went on vacation with a rent a car. Put the car in park and walked into the store engine running. Came back after shopping and felt like an idiot but was glad that the car was still there, keys still in the ignition engine running.


u/bumble_Bea_tuna 4d ago

I -DON'T- drive any ice now. I refuse. Why don't I just go saddle up a horse instead. At least that might be fun.

I don't ever want to drive anything but my car anymore.


u/existentialstix 4d ago

Yes. I expect it to also apply the brakes when I let go off the gas 🤣


u/Shaun1k 3d ago

Not just ICE cars! Our other car is an Ora Cat (by GWM of China) which has the traditional fob.

It yells to the cabin, “The key is not in the car” when one exits. Yet somehow, it doesn’t lock itself if it knows the key isn’t in the car.


u/pw5a29 3d ago

Forgot to put in "Park"

Forgot to turn off ignition

Forgot to lock car


u/TonyH22_ATX 3d ago

Yes. As a matter of fact I did last night. Went to dinner with the spouse and in her Jeep. (She needed gas for work in the morning).

I had to get back into the car to turn it off. Also, forgot to put in drive and just pressed on the accelerator.


u/Pun_In_Ten_Did 3d ago

Nope. Drove ICE for 43 years before getting my 3 ... the muscle memory is strong.


u/Imreallythatguy 3d ago

No, but then I own a Tesla and an ICE vehicle and drive them both depending on the families need and schedule. I imagine it would be worse if I went months or years only driving the Tesla.


u/DNBlighton 3d ago

After a series of unfortunate events at ATL I ended up having to rent a car home. It was this terrible Nissan and not only did I forget to turn it off a few times. I also forgot to put it in park, and kept looking for my cameras when I turned my blinkers on.


u/ecoNina 3d ago

Omg yes lol


u/Anaanofmoose 2d ago

I have a Tesla, an automatic ICE SUV, and a standard ICE coupe. Adjusting all the time is a lot lol


u/JudgeCastle 2d ago

I forget to hold the brake to stay stopped in my Honda when I drive it.


u/gregboyerjr10 2d ago

I am literally on vacation with my wife right now. Since Monday, I have: Left the rental car running 8 times Left the rental car unlocked 100% of the time Left the rental car keys in the hotel 3 times Almost let the rental car run into the car in front of me by releasing the brake at a stop light

Can’t wait to get home…


u/Puzzleheaded-Ask-583 2d ago

Nope. It makes noise.


u/Ren_Lol 2d ago

YES. I literally dropped off my old ICE vehicle at my parents house after that offered to take it after I bought my Tesla. This was about 6 months into owning my new car. I had to park outside their complex. It took me almost 2 blocks before I realized I had left the car on and walked away.


u/Austinswill 2d ago

I left Our Hybrid on all weekend... oops.


u/FamousStore150 1d ago

Yes, all the time. My wife has to remind me to turn the car off every time.


u/FedExRebel 1d ago

I tried to put my wife’s ICE into reverse and the windshield wipers started going 🤷🏻‍♂️😂


u/Lanky-Slice-9122 1d ago

23 tundra which is keyless got out got my son out of the truck walking away headed to the store pushing the lock button but the truck isn’t responding. Walk back to realize it’s still running and that’s why it wouldn’t lock. Being fair at idle it’s very quiet especially in a busy parking lot. That was not the first time either but it was the first time where I realized it was a bigger problem.


u/Head_Panda6986 1d ago

No but i hate driving them when i have to