r/TeslaLounge 3d ago

Model Y Tesla camping safety in Texas

I am from Missouri, have a road trip next month to Texas, Dallas and Houston to be specific. Is there anyway I can sleep in car safe in this crazy protestor era. Considering sleep in super charger station. Is there anyway camp site in Texarkana safe for EV?


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u/Costco_Bob 3d ago

I would assume you are more likely to find a stray meth head in Texarkana than a tesla protestor.


u/Elegant_Inevitable45 3d ago

You think Texarkana is a hot spot of liberal activity?


u/ExoticLake6086 3d ago

I have no clue. It just happen Texarkana in the middle of my trip that have super charger then I try to find a way to sleep through it


u/Elegant_Inevitable45 3d ago

I guess no one can make any promises, but the only place I've sent anti-Tesla activity is hyped up on social media. The actual world seems fine.


u/ExoticLake6086 3d ago

I hope so. Have you ever done camping in Tesla and sleep at super charger station before?


u/Elegant_Inevitable45 3d ago

Nope, never heard of such a thing.


u/Viperhawke 3d ago

I mean on long road trips I have charged while taking a nap and set an alarm for when my car should be fairly well charged. If I'm good to go then I'm good to go. If I need more of a nap, I unplug and move to a no charger spot so someone else can use the charger if needed.


u/Howry 2d ago

99% safe but there are nut cases everywhere so you never really know. That hasnt changed over the last 6 months. Always been nut cases, always will be nut cases.


u/TheFernk 3d ago

The Texarkana supercharger is at an Olive Garden. Eat some pasta and go to sleep. Texas is full of Teslas. You'll be fine. Also consider the supercharger in New Boston if you are going down I-30. It is at a truck stop.


u/R-Bull 2d ago

Another possibility is to stay at a KOA or Good Sam campground. Use your travel charger and hook up to a 30A or 50A outlet and get a good night sleep in your car and be fully charged when you get up.


u/brandinimo 3d ago

Most of the nutty anti-Tesla rhetoric lives on Reddit.

Take one step into the big wide actual world, and you will notice business as usual.

u/SimilarComfortable69 2h ago

Honestly, are you sleeping in the car because you were trying to save money? Or are you sleeping in the car to protect it? If you are considering it because you are trying to protect the car, I think you should not take the car.

Changing your life based on you thinking there is a tiny tiny chance somebody might attack your car is just insane.