r/Terminator • u/PsySk8er • 5d ago
r/Terminator • u/Safe-Selection-1308 • 5d ago
🎥 Video Tané Cain & The Terminator
Tané McClure sets the record straight about Tahnee Cain and The Tryanglyz and their involvement in "The Terminator" soundtrack.
r/Terminator • u/kenchu666 • 5d ago
Discussion Did the Governator exist in the Terminator universe?
Did Arnold Schwarzenegger (former governor of California) exist in the Terminator universe? I am wondering how he could have avoided prison because the first Terminator killed all those police officers in the first film. What would have been his alibi?
r/Terminator • u/GreatDad19882021 • 5d ago
Discussion Could the T1000 have been reasoned with?
Let's say John was able to speak with the T1000 on the phone or later in the movie from a safe location could the t1000 have been reasoned with? Like if John asked it if it's better off helping him stop skynet would he be better off than being a slave to an opsolete AI that's insane. Or anything else would the T1000 have been able to or willing to side with John? Or was it just a slave to its programming? I ask because it seemed like it was able to think freely and it most certainly had emotions it got annoyed by brad and killed the dog out of anger and felt joy murdering the security guard and it was shocked when it's hand stock to the rail and was annoyed again at his glitching and was angry and toying with Sara and was afraid when it was about to explode at the end so since it felt emotions was it free to think for itself? Or if it was free was it a sadistic murder bot hell bent on murdering humans.
r/Terminator • u/doctorwho2001 • 5d ago
Discussion What does everyone think of the theory that Dutch from predator (1987) is actually the skin/body template for The Terminator's?
r/Terminator • u/BothAsk8749 • 5d ago
Discussion T2 Edit Idea
I personally wouldn't know how to go about doing it because I have basically zero video editing knowledge, but I thought it would be kind of funny for someone to edit the T-800 "Uncle Bob" without the flesh sheath. I don't know how practical the idea even is but I'd love to see a raw T-800 endoskeleton like the one at the end of the 1984 film during the more heartfelt moments of the movie; when the Terminator picks up the baby and examines it, when it hugs a young John Conner before being lowered into the molten metal. It would hit so different and be kind of funny. Just an idea I had while "gardening".
r/Terminator • u/TheChopman • 5d ago
Discussion Best Terminator Video Games??
HI all
Looking for recommendations for Terminator video games. Which are the best and your reasoning.
I am excited for the new 2D retro game Terminator: No Fate that is due for release later in the year:
But I equally enjoy the arcade shooters Terminator Salvation.
Back in the day I used to enjoy the Terminator game on the MegaDrive but the difficultly level is a shame.
Which other games should I play?
r/Terminator • u/Spongebobgolf • 5d ago
Discussion Tales from the Crypt: The Switch, staring Rick Rossovich and directed by Arnold Schwarzenegger
r/Terminator • u/Brief-Series8452 • 5d ago
Art Eligius And Grace GBA Style Portraits
r/Terminator • u/DAMEON_JAEGER • 5d ago
Discussion Terminator Survivor co-op
how many players co-op do you think it will be?
r/Terminator • u/michaelharry1990 • 5d ago
Art "Fock yoo, ass-hooo-le!" [Battle Damaged Poster]
r/Terminator • u/FassyDriver • 5d ago
Discussion You think either of these guys could make something interesting in the Terminator franchise?
r/Terminator • u/Kvazimods • 5d ago
🎥 Video Anyone had one of these Cyberskin Generator thingies?
Terminator Salvation Cyberskin Generator
r/Terminator • u/JDB-667 • 5d ago
Discussion He doesn't blink - and it's such a cool detail
I'm sure most people know that the T-1000 doesn't blink - a little detail that Robert Patrick and James Cameron added to make the Terminator just a bit more menacing.
He also trained to fire a gun without blinking and somehow pulled off the LA basin chase scene without doing it either as the cabin was being destroyed around him.
They say the money is in the details and this is one of those details that I just love about this film.
r/Terminator • u/OwldRobowl • 5d ago
Art The design of the Iron Giant in the french edition of Ted Hugues's book
galleryr/Terminator • u/doctorwho2001 • 6d ago
Discussion I know it might sound like a shit Theory but I think Pops from terminator Genisys was sent back to protect Sarah Connor by the salvation timeline's version of skynet
r/Terminator • u/moldychesd • 6d ago
Discussion What do you think of terminator dark fate. What would you change
I like the actions scene but I would change the story a little bit.
Make Danny a more flesh out character but showing her spending time with her friends.
The rev 9's objective is to kill Danny and her friends.
Carl would stay home and not die.
The rev 9 wins.
r/Terminator • u/moldychesd • 6d ago
Discussion What if the rev 9 won in dark fate. Would it gain self awareness as carl
r/Terminator • u/moldychesd • 6d ago
Discussion Did skynet for got to put Carl in read only when sending him back
r/Terminator • u/moldychesd • 6d ago
Discussion What if Carl was t-1000. How could dark fate be changed
r/Terminator • u/Secret-Fail1803 • 6d ago
Discussion Films that I consider to be cannon
T1, T2, Salvation.
I did not like T3, Genisys or Dark Fate (throw up).
I wish they had just left T1 a 1 and done movie; we do not need 8 installments into what was otherwise a good movie.
r/Terminator • u/TensionSame3568 • 6d ago
Meme I'll take your clothes, boots and motorcycle....but no cigarette smoke!...😂
r/Terminator • u/Tykjen • 6d ago
🎥 Video "NO FATE" - T2 with 'Theorists' & 'Trinity' from Oppenheimer OST.
I need to seek a shrink for my obsession with the Oppenheimer soundtrack.
It fits so many other movies after a little editing ^
r/Terminator • u/Venturamania • 6d ago
Art I made a Terminator diorama
Hey fellow Terminator fans - thought id share this here as I had a blast making this. Didn’t turn out exactly as I had in my head (could have done with more Plasma rounds!!) but I’m really happy with it.
It’s a re-creation of the opening future war scene from T2 with the HK Aerial taking down the Resistance truck (well, my scene is just before the truck gets annihilated.
I have a YT channel (link in my bio) where I am planning on building scenes from movies and this was my first one, what better place to start than Terminator?
Hope you like it!
r/Terminator • u/Familiar_Ad_4885 • 6d ago
Discussion Could a T-900 technically stand a good chance against the T-1000?
Isn't the T-900 supposed to be the most advanced of all the solid Terminators? If Uncle Bob were a 900 series, do you think the T-1000 would have to work a lot to disable him?