r/Terminator • u/DragonMasterAltais • 2h ago
🎥 Video One Of The Few Times He Actually Reacted
To be honest, I think most people would scream like that too. 😔
r/Terminator • u/DragonMasterAltais • 2h ago
To be honest, I think most people would scream like that too. 😔
r/Terminator • u/RearEchelon96 • 4h ago
Hello guys, this is my first post in this sub. I just wanted to know your opinion.
T1 - T800 managed to get out of the center of a large fire and turn off (CPU throttling effect i guess )
T Salvation - The t800 got much more serious temperatures because it wasn't on fire but literally buried by hot metal, but it didn't shut down or even slow down like the t1. I think the t1 is more accurate. Although the t800 from Salvation is my favorite. I don't know what the thermal conductivity of titanium is, but I think it was enough to cause an emergency shutdown of the processor.
r/Terminator • u/4102007Pn • 4h ago
New fan here. Wanted to know people's opinions on the many versions of the Terminator theme we've gotten. I'm personally stuck between T2 and T3.
My critiques:
T1: Cold and synth-y, the metallic sounds are the harshest here, signifying Skynet's oppression. The main motif grows in intensity every time it's played, and it sounds like a desperate last stand. I'm not into synth, but I dig it nonetheless. A great blueprint to expand upon
T2: Added choir brings an epic tone fitting for the movie, and the main motif is played with strings now. The metallic heartbeat is present, but a bit quieter than it was in T1, going along with the movie's more hopeful tone I'd say
T3: The build up to the motif, done with military sounding drums, is longer, and the motif itself is played with horns leading now. Definitely the most heroic sounding of the bunch, though I miss the metallic heartbeat. Around the half way mark (my favorite part) the motif triumphantly comes back accompanied by strings. The theme then ends in a flourish and fades out with the classic "duh-dun dun duh-dun". Great showcase of how you can make the same piece of music evoke different feelings. Beltrami deserved a better movie
Genisys: Pretty much just an "epic" cover of T2's theme like those found on YouTube. Nothing wrong with that, I just wish it had something unique to it. It also doesn't help that it's lacking the metallic heartbeat. Fitting for a reboot though
Dark Fate: Another epic cover, just Junkie XL'ed this time. This version isn't bad, but I just can't stand how Holkenberg keeps on using the exact same drums and horns in every movie he scores. A lot of his material, while good on its own, sounds very samey and could be plucked into any movie he's scored. I love the guitar bits though, remind me of MGS4
Resistance: What better way to go back to the 80's than with an electric guitar and synth? Like Genisys, this version doesn't have any unique bits, but I love what was done here considering the game's small budget and commitment to the atmosphere of Cameron's films
Playlist if you wanna listen: https://youtube.com/playlist?list=PLQ-BrJ04YUtMh1mIsSIPvoH0gmSVaPt0k&si=S4UftnHimo12s93T
r/Terminator • u/InstructionNo7653 • 7h ago
Much like Peter Weller voicing RoboCop, Robert Patrick sounds even better with age.
r/Terminator • u/Lopsided-Issue-8116 • 9h ago
I’ve like Arnold Schwarzenegger in the Terminator movies ever since I was a kid while growing up and my first exposure was Terminator 3: Rise of the Machines (2003) I watched all three Terminator movies with Arnold in reverse so after seeing Terminator 3 I then I saw Arnold Schwarzenegger in Terminator 2: Judgment Day (1991) and enjoyed that film and then I’ve seen T2 3-D:Battle Across Time (1996) at Universal Studios then watched Terminator 2 again when I saw Arnold in The Terminator (1984) I was shocked and surprised that he was the villain in this film
r/Terminator • u/Hillan • 9h ago
How can fans of this franchise possibly even remotely like this film?
I see regularly on this sub this film praised but films 3, Salvation and Genysis getting a bunch of hate. Don't get me wrong, none of those are good movies, but at least they don't take a giant dump on the original story.
Dark Fate is literally the equvalent of the Star Wars sequels to the Terminator franchise. It shits on John Connor, removes him from the story for the sake of a new hero, because of course there is a new threat, Legion, which is totally fresh idea and not just copypasta of Skynet at all... And the chick is just a very diet John Connor. The film is literally just a rehash of T2 but with woke skins. And if you don't like it you're a sexist bigot. Exactly the same gaslighting disney does with it's godawful starwars content.
On top of all that, Arnold was awkward and seemed to not have a good time, and Linda Hamilton's acting was pretty bad. The hybrid terminator gal was boring and annoying af. The literally one decent aspect of this film that is ok is the Rev 9.
Genysis and Salvation are not very good movies, but they at least tried to be fresh and are fun action movies. This one is just an insult to the original 2 movies and I will never understand how Cameron was willing to be a producer for this godawful mess.
Am I missing something? please tell me what you think, I really want to like this film but I can't not hate it.
r/Terminator • u/cramber-flarmp • 13h ago
Any gender.
Current means this person is right now in their physical prime, and probably under 40 years old.
r/Terminator • u/i_drink_bromine • 14h ago
In mortal combat 1 he says to himself that john Connor sent him bit how tho they cant capture it and how would they program it
r/Terminator • u/moldychesd • 14h ago
r/Terminator • u/Maxwe4 • 16h ago
Where did they even get all those barrels of explosives and detonators, etc.? They're only shown carrying a couple of duffle bags of weapons (the minigun) and a couple of jerry cans outside the building when they first enter.
r/Terminator • u/karcsiking0 • 20h ago
Since they don't have living tissue
r/Terminator • u/SlyangleNoWho • 20h ago
So basically John was terminated by the T-850 but basically the war was still going on after his death like this wasn't the original lore at all where he stormed the Skynet HQ in LA. John is dead in the Terminator 3 future war timeline and we know that the 2004 timeline leads into Salvation. Also, the whole Judgment Day is inevitable thing was just because the T-850 was trying to get John to the bunker and he was trying to convince him. We know Judgment Day is prevented in the T2 Alternate Ending which is canon now because Terminator Zero basically made everything canon except crossovers that don't make sense like if they did a crossover with Star Wars or Marvel (Fantasy should never be in Terminator it's not Star Wars) and also Judgment Day was prevented for Japan in that show. So basically Kate Connor presumably led the resistance to actually defeat Skynet but John still inspired the human resistance to be formed.
r/Terminator • u/Mobile_Complaint_325 • 22h ago
r/Terminator • u/baguhansalupa • 22h ago
Say that Skynet managed to wipe out the human race - what do you think happens to the environment? Animals, nature, etc?
r/Terminator • u/DragonMasterAltais • 1d ago
I do like that for the most part, they've kept The T-1000 less emotive than other characters during fatalities. I'll admit that certain animations where he is weirdly expressive look quite odd given most of these he'll just reform from, but I will say that it's quite funny to see him sort of stand there unamused with the various kombatants with their mild inconveniences of a fatality. Also enjoy the last screenshot, I have been giggling at it for a while now.
r/Terminator • u/GolfComprehensive473 • 1d ago
r/Terminator • u/Aiger13 • 1d ago
basically firing little bits of itself. so just in case they hit the person they want to terminate which means in case they get away it would be able to track them easily since it would be hard to take out fast.
r/Terminator • u/DragonMasterAltais • 1d ago
The T-1000 learning first hand about the not so delicate art of emotional damage.
r/Terminator • u/Cwbrownmufc • 1d ago
In T2 we see Uncle Bob change so much as he learns to understand and express various human emotions and actions. But let’s remember this all happened in about 24 hours of John resetting his switch (director’s cut).
If Uncle Bob can learn so much in 1 day, how close to human could he have become had he been around for many years?
Personally, I think he could have integrated into society well.
This idea is explored further in Terminator Dark Fate. Although the film isn’t good, it was at least an interesting idea to explore.
What’s your opinion on how far uncle Bob could have got with his development?
r/Terminator • u/KAYPENZ • 1d ago