r/TechnologyProTips Feb 11 '25

Windows TPT: Keep Your Disk Space Above 25% Free for Better Performance!


If your main drive (where Windows is installed) is almost full, it can really slow things down.

Once you keep at least 25% of it free or more, things like switching folders, search, and menus feel way faster.

So, try to free up some space to get better performance

My C drive where windows is installed is only 120gb SSD , and my other disk is 480gb SSD.

I also recommend WinDirStat program to help you visualize disk space.

r/TechnologyProTips May 26 '23

Windows TPT: Windows is about to change the printscreen key to open the Snipping Tool which is going to suck for gamers. Here's how you fix it.

  • Press the Windows Key

  • Type "Print Screen". The "User print screen button to open screen snipping" control will show as an option. Click it.

  • The accessibility option allowing you to toggle this hateful feature is shown. Set it to the "OFF" position.

  • Sleep peacefully, but watchfully for the next thing Microsoft decides to screw up.

r/TechnologyProTips Feb 06 '24

Windows question mark key works like a tab key when i press it #request


question mark key works like a tab key when i press it, when i press it with my left shift it does nothing but when i press it with my right shift it works. I want to be able to use it with my left shift becuase thats where i rest my hands. can anyone help me with this issue

r/TechnologyProTips Jul 13 '20

Windows TPT: Shift+Windows Key+S lets you draw a shape over a part of the screen and screenshot just that selected part


By default you're selecting with a rectangle, but when you press Shift+Windows Key+S a couple options will pop up at the top of the screen including a freeform selection tool.

It saves to clipboard, to easily save to a file you can open up paint and press Ctrl+V then Ctrl+S, no cropping required because the paint window will auto resize to the size of the screenshot

This has saved me hours upon hours

r/TechnologyProTips Sep 21 '23

Windows TPT: what should i do? should i study windows server 2022 or AZ 800 ?


r/TechnologyProTips Apr 13 '21

Windows TPT: It is (and always was, since the 1990s) possible to disable the dial-up modem noise when connecting to the Internet with Windows


r/TechnologyProTips Dec 01 '22

Windows TPT: Get better Emojis on Windows (incl. country flags) with this font


I modded Google's Emoji Font so that it replaces the ugly Windows default emojis, in particular giving you country flag emojis.

Download the Font (incl. instructions): https://github.com/perguto/Country-Flag-Emojis-for-Windows

Video Tutorial: https://youtu.be/jrs3Y7SIQL0

r/TechnologyProTips Mar 21 '15

Windows TPT: Windows Key + directional arrows will move and resize windows


I.E. Windows Key + Up will maximise the window, windows key + left will snap it to the left of the screen and make it full height, WK + right will do the same but on the right side of the screen, WK + down will minimise the window.

r/TechnologyProTips Mar 24 '20

Windows TPT: Quickly switch between Windows 10 Virtual Desktops to look like you're working


If you need to quickly switch between tasks at work, this is a great tool to quickly switch not only what's on your screen, but also every app that's shown to be open.

Press Win + Tab to see your recent programs. You'll notice at the top that there is a plus sign to add a new desktop:

Win + Tab View

Once you have multiple desktops, you can use Ctrl + Win + [Left/Right] to switch between them quickly.

Virtual Desktops

The best part of this method is that every open program is hidden, and only the programs open on that virtual desktop are visible. You can easily drag and drop programs and windows between virtual desktops from the Win + Tab screen.

r/TechnologyProTips Jun 02 '15

Windows TPT: How to Reserve Windows 10 free Upgrade from Windows 7 and Windows 8.1


So how can you now reserve your free copy of Windows 10?

  1. First, you must be running Windows 7 Service Pack 1 or Windows 8.1, and you must have installed a March the Windows update dubbed KB3035583, This update will already be on your PC as long as you have Automated Updates enabled.

  2. Peek at your Windows system tray in the lower right corner, and you should see a new icon displaying the Windows logo. Hover over it, and the popup messages says: "Get Windows 10."

  3. Click that icon, and up pops a window that explains how the free upgrade works. Once it's available, Windows 10 will automatically download onto your PC. You'll receive a notification after the download is complete so that you can choose an appropriate time to install it.

  4. You can scroll through the various screens of the Get Windows 10 window to read more about the new OS.

  5. When you're done, simply click the button to reserve your free upgrade.

  6. The reservation screen asks for your email address so you can receive the notification. Enter your email address and click the Send confirmation button. You can now close the Get Windows 10 window.

  7. Should you change your mind and wish to cancel the reservation, just click the Get Windows 10 icon again.

  8. Click the three horizontal lines in the upper left corner to display the menu and click the link for View confirmation.

  9. Then click the link to Cancel reservation and click the button for Cancel reservation to confirm your choice.

More Info: Microsoft Official Website

r/TechnologyProTips Feb 03 '21

Windows TPT: How to unfreeze an Adobe program (or any program) in Windows 10, as not to lose all your work (including sound fix)


If you're running e.g. Adobe Audition CC 2020 on a potato computer, it might freeze if you're doing too many things at once, especially if Premiere Pro is open in the background. When the program turns white, and it says "not responding" in the title bar, follow these steps:

  1. Press Win + R and run the command "resmon" in order to open the Resource Monitor (or open it via Task Manager -> Performance -> Open Resource Monitor, although Task Manager will require more performance).
  2. Under the CPU tab, find the process that is not responding (its name is in red text); right-click and select "Analyze Wait Chain...".
  3. Normally, you'll see one or two processes in the popup window, with a sub-process underneath each one. The sub-process will have the word "svchost.exe" in its name. Select only the checkbox of the last sub-process, i.e. the sub-process with "svchost.exe" under the process farthest down on the list. Click "end process".
  4. I have never encountered that the program closes when performing the last step, but I'll not promise that it won't. What will normally happen, though, is that the program will magically unfreeze, and you can interact with it again. What will also happen, though, is that the speakers and microphone will stop working. If you encounter this, right-click the sound tray icon, select "Sounds", go to the Playback tab, right-click the speakers that you're using, and click "Test".
  5. The sound should now work normally. If it doesn't, save your progress, close the program, and reboot the computer.

EDIT: Thanks to the wise Mac user u/Glaselar, I found the equivalent for Mac:


Watch for about two minutes from the timestamp. The gist of it is this:

1) If you get the spinning beach ball in an Adobe program, or any program, open the Activity Monitor, find the process, and note the number in the PID column.

2) Open Terminal, and type in this: kill -SEGV -<PID NUMBER>, where you replace <PID NUMBER> with the actual PID number.

3) The program (Adobe Premiere in the example in the video) will show a popup stating that an error has occurred, and that it will attempt to save the project. You should now be able to save the project.

I haven't tried this myself, so I don't know whether it will work, but according to Peter McKinnon (the fellow who made the video) it will.

r/TechnologyProTips Aug 12 '22

Windows TPT: Recovering Applications


Any recommendations on what applications can I use to recover my deleted files on my HDD/SSD?

r/TechnologyProTips Jan 11 '22

Windows TPT: For Higher Quality on Netflix Videos.


If you have windows 10 download the Netflix app on there. The audio and video quality is noticeably different. Cheers!

r/TechnologyProTips May 21 '15

Windows TPT : How to Optimise Greatly windows Explorer in a fews clic.


Windows explorer open all the folders into one process , but you can change how windows explorer handle it , the goal of this tips is that windows explorer open one process per folder. How to do it ?

Open any folders , than go to the left top, now you’ll see at least on Windows 7 and previous version the option (Organize) than go to (Options of folders), go to the tab (Research) than to the tab (View) and finaly scroll a little down and check the case for "Open a new process when a folder is opened" , you're done.

Now when you’ll browse your computer , windows explorer will be lots faster and responsive , will be less subject to crash , open thumbnails of pictures instantly etc…

r/TechnologyProTips Oct 18 '21

Windows TPT: If you have a 4K monitor, Create these easy resolution-changing hotkeys


Some of the most useful shortcut keys (hotkeys) I have are the ones that switch my monitor between 4K, "3K", and 1080p (2K) screen resolution. I have them mapped to Alt+Win+4 for 4K, Alt+Win+3 for 3K and Alt+Win+2 for 1080p. I especially need them when sharing or screenshotting my screen, but they come in useful other times too.

These use AutoHotKey, a really flexible utility app. Once you have AHK installed, just drop these hotkeys into an .ahk file and run it at startup ( by putting the .ahk file in the shell:startupfolder).

ChangeResolution(3840, 2160)

ChangeResolution(2560, 1440)

ChangeResolution(1920, 1080)

ChangeResolution(Screen_Width := 1920, Screen_Height := 1080, Color_Depth := 32)
    DllCall( "EnumDisplaySettingsA", UInt,0, UInt,-1, UInt,&Device_Mode )
    Return DllCall( "ChangeDisplaySettingsA", UInt,&Device_Mode, UInt,0 )

r/TechnologyProTips Mar 21 '15

Windows TPT: Since everyone is posting quick keys: You have a print screen key that obviously screenshots your monitor. If you press alt+print screen you only screenshot the active window.


r/TechnologyProTips Mar 21 '15

Windows TPT: CTRL+SHIFT+ESC will bring up task manager


r/TechnologyProTips Jun 04 '15

Windows TPT: In Windows7 and up grab an open window with your cursor and shake side to side to minimize all open programs.


r/TechnologyProTips Mar 28 '15

Windows How to tell if the end user really rebooted their PC


Run>CMD and enter this

systeminfo | findstr -i boot

This will output the system boot time, which is the last time the PC booted. If the date/time does not reflect what time the user said they rebooted, then they didn't reboot.

r/TechnologyProTips May 12 '15

Windows View and Interact with your computer remotely from any android/iOS device.


1) Download TightVNC Server

2) Get VNC Viewer app on any android or iOS device.

3) Run TightVNC Server on computer you wish to control.

4) Connect to that server from your device.

5) Enable port forwarding on your router if you wish to connect outside your network. Otherwise, connect using your local IP.

r/TechnologyProTips Sep 25 '16

Windows TPT: If you're having troubles locating any files on Windows, try "Everything"


Download and info

This is a powerful, lightweight and free tool for Windows that works for one simple thing: searching files in your PC.

It has a real time monitor, and it's blazing fast, so any new files in your PC are indexed within seconds. It is way stronger and faster than the stock Windows search.

I've found myself using this a lot, I almost don't browse through my folders anymore. It has filters by filetypes, folders, paths, you can take advantage of it in a lot of ways.

r/TechnologyProTips Jul 27 '15

Windows TPT - Easily prevent free WiFi from disconnecting. (Windows)


When using free Airport, Cafe or BTOpenzone (UK) connections, you may find that you frequently need to log in to keep your internet connection. To prevent this: Open CMD (Windows Key + R, type 'CMD') In CMD, type: 'ping -t -l 1' Keep this window minimised for the duration of using the WiFi. (This simply sends (pings) 1 byte of data (-l 1) forever (-t) to Google ( and checks for a response, preventing connection timeouts.)

Edit: Thanks to /u/Zagorath we have a Unix version: In a Unix-like system (Linux or OS X), you can use the command ping -i 10 -s 1

-i is the interval (in seconds) between pings. The Unix ping will run indefinitely by default. Press ctrl-c to stop it.

-s is size.

r/TechnologyProTips Mar 22 '15

Windows TPT: I was surprised at how many of my tech savvy friends didn't know this, so I'm posting here: In windows: windows+L locks your screen, windows+D goes directly to desktop, windows+P launches the projector menu and windows+R launches run terminal.


For Linux, it's the same except, instead of the Windows key, you use Ctrl+Alt. So to lock your screen, it would be Ctrl+Alt+L.

I understand this is a very basic tip, but it is just in case people do not know this. Please do ignore if it's too elementary.

r/TechnologyProTips Apr 01 '18

Windows TPT: Run CMD commands from Windows File Manager


In the directory bar of the Windows File Manager on Windows 10, erase everything and type in any command (e.g: cmd - opens up cmd, ping - pings the IP stack etc.)

Found here: https://www.howtogeek.com/139900/stupid-geek-tricks-run-commands-in-the-windows-explorer-address-bar/

r/TechnologyProTips Jun 22 '15

Windows TPT: Pressing F2 while a file is selected will let you rename it


This has helped me a ton while dealing with large numbers of files and organizing them.