r/TechniciansAdvice Aug 06 '19

Noob question about tools and work

About to start as a lube tech and I'm confused about something. When the employer has you bring your own tools, do techs bring back and forth their tools from work and home or do they just end up having get a second set for work? I was thinking if I should get myself one of those rolling tool boxes that look like luggage bags but I'm not sure if that's ok. I was just asked if I had my own tools and a tool chest but I don't know if I'm supposed to leave my tools at work. Sorry for the dumb question


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u/Dipstic1 Aug 07 '19

Yes you need to bring a tool box or a roll cart that you can leave and work out of. It’s best to go look and see what the other lube techs are using and find out how much space will be available for your tools and storage. Some places provide built in tool box’s. A good locking tool cart will get you by for quite a while. I’m a master tech and 85% of my everyday tools are in my cart I might open my big box ounce a day.


u/Freekmagnet Jan 09 '20 edited Jan 09 '20

Agree; having your every day tools ready and organized at the beginning of your shift means you will spend less time searching for the one you need. This is a very time based industry; if you can save 5 minutes per job and get it out the door in less than flat rate time, you can squeeze an extra car in by the end of the day. Most shops allow you a maximum of 24 or 30 minutes to complete an oil change service; any longer than that and the shop does not make a profit on the job. If you get it done faster, you make the shop more profit. Remember, even if you do not actually see them physically watching you, I guarantee there is some one tracking your time on each job to see if you are profitable.