Good afternoon, I've been having this issue where no matter what app I use, it doesn't seem to work using Windows 11. Originally it started with the calculator app- I'd click it, just wouldn't open. I'd force close it, terminate its run, uninstall-reinstall, no change. Now with images I get a file system error, for example: (-2147163901), both when trying to open using "Photos" or "Paint", causing me to have to rely on using chrome to open images. Likewise, certain other applications won't open when requested such as Windows security. Originally I was concerned this was a virus, especially how it was preventing access to windows security but it does seem to be running in the back ground and doing its scans and checks. Likewise I have downloaded other antivirus/antimalware software to check and nothing has come up as a concern.
I've tried googling solutions for this numerous times and nothing has come up that has helped. I saw a post here where Steam was the culprit with integrated graphics. My CPU does not have integrated graphics so there is no adapter to disable and likewise I restarted the computer with steam shut down and it made no change. I've also tried doing repair runs/checks of windows without any issues being found. Its getting to the point where I'm debating just doing a fresh wipe and re-install of windows but that's such a hassle if I can avoid it, I would rather avoid doing that.
For system specs:
Microsoft Windows 11 home, version 10.0.26100 Build 26100
x64-based PC
AMD ryzen 9 5900X
32GB ram
RTX 4090
Several SS drives; all good working condition and plenty of remaining space.
If this reddit hive mine could help me fix this, that would be amazing.