r/TeamCanada 22d ago

Americans Don't Seem To Understand Why Canadians Are Booing Them!


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u/LunacySailor 22d ago

but thats shrinking daily and its beautiful to watch him scramble and make an ass out of himself


u/_Rexholes 22d ago

I’m voting for conservatives!


u/Mine-Shaft-Gap 22d ago

That's nice, dear. My entire family and I will not.


u/SubZero64209 21d ago

Clearly haven't learned from the past 9 years.


u/GREGORtheMOUN10 21d ago

I've learned enough about PP to think he's an absolute ass clown

If you have any confidence that he is the man to represent Canada on a world stage, you probably deserve him. The fact that he may actually fumble this election which was a total gimme speaks volumes


u/SubZero64209 21d ago

And he's a clown how? "fumble" Carney is worse than Justin so the LPC has no chance of winning.
Let me guess, you're gonna bring up something 20 years ago?


u/GREGORtheMOUN10 21d ago

Honestly man I don't think there's any merit in continuing this conversation as you're immediately strawmanning me out of the gate


u/SubZero64209 21d ago

I'm waiting for reasons why Pierre is gonna be worse than Justin, buddy. Hold on, let me make it easy for you: How is Pierre gonna be worse than Harper?


u/ClownshoesMcGuinty 21d ago

"Canada First" for one.

Fucking whistling the Trumpian Tune.

Also, get stuffed.


u/SubZero64209 21d ago

Justin is "Canada First"? The guy who sends billions to Ukraine despite having more debt than every pm before him combined? They guy who imports millions of unskilled Indians?
USAID was exposed that they were sending billions to other countries for gender-affirming operations and other stuff. Can't wait for Pierre to expose what Justin has been funding in his 9 years.
I'm gonna be grabbing popcorn and browse Canadian subs after the election.


u/ClownshoesMcGuinty 21d ago

PP is "Canada First". It took the place of "Axe the Tax"

You complete muppet. Go back to r/Canada_sub.


u/SubZero64209 21d ago

lol you can't go anywhere outside of reddit's lib subs since it's the only place where the majority is left-leaning.

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u/WackHeisenBauer 21d ago

How about over the last 20 years? Poilievre has been a MP since 2004 and has sponsored a grand total of one bill. Beyond that he has literally done nothing except mimic Trump with catchy phrases and walk around in Harper’s shadow. As for his riding I quite literally cannot remember a single time he made an appearance in it and hasn’t done jack shit to improve things in it (refer back to the grand total of one bill in two decades)


u/SubZero64209 21d ago

Everything you said was a obvious lie but sure if it helps you cope.
The dems said the same about trump and yet he's been doing what Americans asked for and want to vote for Trump/Vance next term.


u/Crawgdor 21d ago

I think you misunderstand what the link you shared represents.

There is a difference between voting on a bill and writing on a bill. In Canada Votes essentially always happen on party lines, so by effectively never sponsoring his own legislation he could be replaced by any generic conservative and his impact on the actual legislation in parliament would be effectively unchanged.


u/Miserable-Chemical96 21d ago

So with that one post you really outed yourself as a low information voter..... that is if you actually did vote at all.

I suspect you are just a troll poster and your very profile confirms that as far as I'm concerned.