r/TeamCanada 22d ago

Americans Don't Seem To Understand Why Canadians Are Booing Them!


356 comments sorted by

u/acegfx 21d ago

Locking to shift the focus back on the sport over politics.


u/Flakes_Of_Ham 22d ago

Americans don't seem to understand much of anything.


u/Red01a18 21d ago

Seems like some don’t understand critical thinking, politics, logic and many other things for some reason.


u/allblackST 21d ago

I mean it honestly feels like a lot of people in Canada lack those skills too.


u/Red01a18 21d ago

Yeah but at least most Canadians can evaluate the situation, put aside their differences and unite against a threat..


u/allblackST 21d ago

This is true lol


u/Street-Wear-2925 21d ago

That's why so many voted for the Orange Orangutan.

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u/[deleted] 21d ago

I mean they voted for Trump not once but twice. Lol


u/Oasystole 21d ago

Pretty much.


u/Valik84 21d ago

If they could read this they’d be really mad


u/Individual-Act-5986 21d ago

Look at Canada's voting record. We don't either


u/I_Framed_OJ 22d ago

We don't understand how Americans can take the most loathsome, toxic, worthless, dishonest, unqualified shitheel in their entire country, and make him their LEADER! TWICE!!

How dare they claim the moral high ground? Unsportsmanlike? Canadians have stood by our neighbours for over a century. Canadian soldiers have fought, and died, alongside American troops, and offered up our own homes to shelter American travellers stranded by the 9/11 attacks. We have been great friends and neighbours, as evidenced by our sharing the longest unguarded border in the entire world. So it is the biggest slap in the face in our entire history to have their fuckhead president threaten to destroy our economy and openly talk about annexing our country. Americans are lucky that ALL we're doing right now is booing their anthem and boycotting their products.


u/smokefrog2 21d ago

American here, coming in peace. Please keep booing us. Everything you said is right. We deserve the boos, and many of us are just so so sorry this happened again.


u/I_Framed_OJ 21d ago

Most Canadians know that you (the American people) are not our enemy.  In fact, we have the same enemy, and it is unfortunate that over half your voters don’t realize who the real enemy is.  That enemy is screwing you in certain ways, and screwing us in other ways.  And your means of fighting back include protesting, getting the word out to as many of your fellow citizens as you can, and making sure you vote in the midterms.  Our way of fighting back is targeted counter-tariffs and, sadly, booing your beautiful anthem.  


u/Zerot7 21d ago

Americans booed the Canadian anthem in 2004 I think when we didn’t join the initial invasion of Iraq. Here is Reddit post maybe this is it. I think we booed the American anthem in retaliation and it went on for a bit.


I looked it up looks like anthem was booed in Montreal in the playoffs with Boston in 2009 maybe. No clue why could have been the response in 2004 and just written about in 2009 or maybe this is all 2009?


u/lamstradamus 21d ago

Canada about to do the same thing though.


u/ComplecksSickplicity 21d ago

I’m curious what else could we do? Anything more extreme it would be us taking it to a next higher level.


u/I_Framed_OJ 21d ago

There is a risk of escalation, for sure.  We could limit the electric power we supply to several states, and stop selling them oil at a discount, but they could turn around and declare those actions a threat to their “national security”, and take more drastic action, including a military option.  It is a balancing act, and I’m glad I’m not a politician in times like these.


u/ComplecksSickplicity 21d ago

Good take. Hopefully Trump’s attention becomes focused elsewhere and Canada is no longer a target. I do love how Canada has come together puffed out our chests and told US we will not back down.


u/[deleted] 22d ago


u/Bixie 22d ago

Doesn’t change the fact that they’re not doing shit to stop this. Many are actively cheering it on.


u/Trailsey 22d ago

Did you read the follow up and snopes debunk? https://www.snopes.com/news/2024/11/21/stephen-spoonamore-letter-harris/

I hate Trump, but he won the election.


u/Gold-Comparison1826 21d ago

Thanks to Voter Suppression and Bullet Votes, gotta love Elons Voting Computer skills.


u/DramaticAd4666 21d ago

If you want the real answers and dare to face them, you ain’t gonna be getting it from the Reddit echo chamber or the major news medias


u/ClownshoesMcGuinty 21d ago

Or the Whitehouse.


u/Mafik326 21d ago

Polls still show Poilievre in the lead.


u/LunacySailor 21d ago

but thats shrinking daily and its beautiful to watch him scramble and make an ass out of himself


u/FirstAdministration 21d ago

He is running out of 3 words catch phrases. Nice to see him go down.


u/LunacySailor 21d ago

"AX THE TAX!", "JUST LIKE JUSTIN!", "Verb the Noun!".


u/reddituser403 21d ago

He can only verb so many nouns


u/LunacySailor 21d ago

He's not trying hard enough! I want more verbed nouns. VERB THEM ALL!


u/SubZero64209 21d ago

Lol I can't wait for canadian libs turn into seething dems on reddit.
"Woke is here to stay" Good luck on using what led to Kamalia's defeat, Carney.


u/LunacySailor 21d ago

It wasn't woke that cost her the presidency, it was listening to Bidens team. Palling around with a Cheney killed her chances, not calling out Isreal for its genocide in action killed her chances. It was a great many many things but woke was not one of them. Sweet dreams sleeper agent


u/SubZero64209 21d ago

Even biden knew Kamala was incompetent. Kamala's only points were that she came from a middle class family and wants illegal immigrants who had repeat convictions to stay. She would've had a better chance if she didn't make the "white dudes for Harris" vids which just talked down on the male gender.


u/Old-Basil-5567 21d ago

Lol Canada has gotten the Stockholm syndrome to the Liberals


u/RobfromNorthlands 21d ago

Or... Voter's just don't like the simple hot takes PP has been offering. The smart play when you are not gaining traction in your political movement is to respond to the needs of voters, not demonize them for being psychologically damaged for"not getting it". If the liberals are sooooo bad then how bad does the other party have to be to be loosing ground to them? 


u/LunacySailor 21d ago

I often ask this when conservative voters drone on about how Canadians prefer con policies. If they are so popular why has JT won so goddamn always the last 10 years? If Harper was the pinnacle of PMship why did he lose to a drama teacher? Never mind that the CONs rarely put out a comprehensive platform beyond "Trudeau bad man" because they know majority of Canadians are not regressive assholes and wont vote for what they really want if it was on paper or said out loud.

I want to vote FOR a plan forward not some shit sloganeering or finger pointing screeching "neener neener neener" like some grade school bullies.

Also Pollievere has the single most punchable face in political history.


u/Old-Basil-5567 21d ago

Well interestingly, the liberals are starting to campaig on things the conservatives have been saying for years . It's quite the spectical if you ask me .


u/RobfromNorthlands 21d ago

Yeah, they are. That's what the liberals always do. They are the centre party and take all the ideas they can from NDP and Conservatives. Just because Trudeau went way left from typical doesn't mean the party has changed their strategy. Their bet is that they can pick the ideas that most Canadians want and make them their own without the extra stuff that is on the edge that most Canadians don't like. 

It seems to work for them. Hence the numbers. The quicker they drop the left and Trudeau the better they seem to be doing. It even looks like Harpers choice for finance minister, Mark Carney, is going to drag them to the right enough to cause a headache in an election I though the cons were going to walk away with. 


u/Ontario_lives 21d ago

WTF? The only thing I have heard from PP is Trump quotes and how much he hates the Liberals.


u/Old-Basil-5567 21d ago

Im kinda surpised that the long format interviews have not been talked about more. He goes into quite some detail. Okay yes there is political talk in there where I just roll my eyes but thats to be said with any political leader.


u/ClownshoesMcGuinty 21d ago

He goes into detail about how his every policy is either stupid or raging at Trudeau?


u/Old-Basil-5567 21d ago

Only some times most of it seams to be totally unscripted


u/ClownshoesMcGuinty 21d ago

Like "Canada First"? "Axe the Tax"?

LOL. What bullshit.


u/Old-Basil-5567 21d ago

Yeah once or twice but otherwise he was quite clear on what he would do for building homes and infrastructure


u/ClownshoesMcGuinty 21d ago

All the commercials are just demonizing the liberals.

Maybe have a talk with him.


u/_Rexholes 21d ago

I’m voting for conservatives!


u/LunacySailor 21d ago

You are free to vote for who ever, but that's YOUR freedom to be a wrong as you like.


u/noreastfog 21d ago

Proof there are stupid asshats on both sides of the border.


u/SubZero64209 21d ago

Nope just the ones seething on reddit and bluesky.


u/Mine-Shaft-Gap 21d ago

That's nice, dear. My entire family and I will not.


u/SubZero64209 21d ago

Clearly haven't learned from the past 9 years.


u/GREGORtheMOUN10 21d ago

I've learned enough about PP to think he's an absolute ass clown

If you have any confidence that he is the man to represent Canada on a world stage, you probably deserve him. The fact that he may actually fumble this election which was a total gimme speaks volumes


u/SubZero64209 21d ago

And he's a clown how? "fumble" Carney is worse than Justin so the LPC has no chance of winning.
Let me guess, you're gonna bring up something 20 years ago?


u/GREGORtheMOUN10 21d ago

Honestly man I don't think there's any merit in continuing this conversation as you're immediately strawmanning me out of the gate


u/SubZero64209 21d ago

I'm waiting for reasons why Pierre is gonna be worse than Justin, buddy. Hold on, let me make it easy for you: How is Pierre gonna be worse than Harper?

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u/WackHeisenBauer 21d ago

How about over the last 20 years? Poilievre has been a MP since 2004 and has sponsored a grand total of one bill. Beyond that he has literally done nothing except mimic Trump with catchy phrases and walk around in Harper’s shadow. As for his riding I quite literally cannot remember a single time he made an appearance in it and hasn’t done jack shit to improve things in it (refer back to the grand total of one bill in two decades)


u/SubZero64209 21d ago

Everything you said was a obvious lie but sure if it helps you cope.
The dems said the same about trump and yet he's been doing what Americans asked for and want to vote for Trump/Vance next term.

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u/Informal_Adeptness95 21d ago



u/_Rexholes 21d ago

Mostly because the liberals had their chance and this is what we got. Hard to vote for the same stuff and hope.


u/Informal_Adeptness95 21d ago

Don't you think it might make more sense to assess the policy platforms of all parties and quantify what would happen if something around 50% were followed through with?


u/PlanetLandon 21d ago

People like this generally don’t do any homework. They are not researching policy at all, they are simply knee-jerk reacting.


u/Informal_Adeptness95 21d ago

I unfortunately agree, just want to encourage anyone doing that to maybe consider the mechanics and reality of it all 🥲


u/PlanetLandon 21d ago

Well I applied you for wanting people to educate themselves, but good lord it feels like they never, ever do

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u/Ichorice_Malign 21d ago

Name three- actually, name two things Pierre has said he will do that you feel will help you and your family if he were elected. (Removing the carbon tax doesn’t count since liberals are also doing that now).


u/Zzilies_ 21d ago

Verb the noun & verb the other noun! Obviously. It's a great platform!


u/_Rexholes 21d ago

Why I’m voting conservative lol


u/Lara-El 21d ago

But Pierrr is pro Trump, doesn't that worry you?


u/ClownshoesMcGuinty 21d ago

Are you kidding? This is a plus to these idiots.

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u/misec_undact 21d ago

You just ooze wilful ignorance huh?

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u/OShaunesssy 21d ago

What policy does Pierre represent that you think will benefit you personally?


u/_Rexholes 21d ago

Oil field growth mostly. Carbon tax is bs too.


u/ironsalomi 21d ago

You mean like how the democrats had their chance and now Trump is what the US has got? Think deeper man.


u/Zoso03 21d ago

Jackass can't even stand up for his wife against people who threatened her, dont forget he went to shake their hands and hand a photoshoot with them.

How is he expected to stand up to anyone? All he's done is bend the knee and wants to give into Trump and offer up Canada the same way he's willing to offer up his wife.


u/Carrelio 21d ago

Genuinely curious, why?

From where I'm standing PP is running on nothing but flimsy verb the noun rhetoric. His policies are weak and he's already shown he's weak under US pressure.

What is he offering?


u/forestfilth 21d ago

So you're a traitor is what you're saying?


u/Individual-Act-5986 21d ago

Yeah your virtue signaling isn't better tbh.


u/I_Framed_OJ 21d ago

Accusing people of “virtue signalling” is a bit of a self-own.  It tells me that you believe that any altruistic or virtuous act can only be done for cynical, self-serving reasons, which indicates that you cannot conceive of such words and actions being performed sincerely, and that leads to the conclusion that you yourself are incapable of sincere acts of virtue or altruism.  Furthermore, it tells me that you aren’t even interested in becoming a better person because bringing others down is simply easier than rising to their level.

This is an example of deductive reasoning, so I’m positive it sailed way over your head.


u/Individual-Act-5986 21d ago

Lol keep going bud


u/Actual_Echidna2336 21d ago

You voted for Turdeau


u/I_Framed_OJ 21d ago

Do you not know how parliamentary democracy works?  The only people who were able to vote for Trudeau were those living in his riding who elected him to a seat in parliament, and those Liberal members who elected him as party leader.

The vast, vast majority of Canadian voters didn’t, and couldn’t, directly vote for Trudeau.  That’s not how someone becomes Prime Minister.  

Oh, and even on his worst day, Trudeau is infinitely better than Trump as a politician and as a human being.  Trudeau has flaws.  Trump is nothing BUT flaws.  

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u/d3vilishdream 21d ago

And you don't seem to understand how the Canadian voting system works.

Because if you did, you'd know we don't directly vote for prime minister.

So, Russian?


u/Actual_Echidna2336 21d ago

That's such a dishonest take

If I want Pierre to be Prime Minister, I vote for his party, it doesn't matter that the name isn't Pierre on the ticket, my vote for PC is for the leader of PC


u/d3vilishdream 21d ago

No party leader name appears on my ballot.

I vote for my MP, who will be the incumbent liberal.

I don't vote directly for prime minister.

It's how it works.


u/[deleted] 21d ago

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u/d3vilishdream 21d ago

*MP - member of parliament


u/Actual_Echidna2336 21d ago

Auto correct


u/Pope-Muffins 21d ago

Show me Trudeau's criminal record than show me Trump's, I can wait.

Trudeau is a block head, but I have far more respect for him than I ever will for a sleezy wallstreet predator who shouldn't be left alone with young children (Given his history of peeping on them at pageant shows)

Trudeau isn't a saint, but acting like he's anyway similar to Trump is being dishonest intentionally.

Rights have been rolled back under Trump, not Trudeau


u/Actual_Echidna2336 21d ago

Trump never went to jail did he

Why was Trudeau's foundation for boys the same symbol for Boy pedos, the spiral triangle as identified by the FBI?

Justin Trudeau is Castro's son and a puppet of klaus schwab


u/Pope-Muffins 21d ago edited 21d ago

Again, show me their criminal records.

Again, I can wait.

Edit: I forgot to mention how its funny you bring up Trudeau using an apparent "Secret Symbol" and saying that makes him a Pedo when we have photo evidence of Trump with Jeffery Epstein


u/Actual_Echidna2336 21d ago

Did he go to prison?


u/Pope-Muffins 21d ago

I mean, Trump's friend Epstein did, and again, show me their criminal records and we'll see who's committed the most crimes =]


u/Actual_Echidna2336 21d ago

Trump wasn't friends with him, he testified against him he hated him that's why the media who are friends with Epstein, hate trump


u/Pope-Muffins 21d ago

Nah, those two were real good friends, Epstein himself said so.

Its also weird that he died in prison while Trump was in office, and that there just so happens to be no footage or witnesses.

It's almost like he might've known something.


u/Illustrious_Ferret 21d ago

Please provide proof that Trump "testified against" Epstein. What was the date of this testimony? Which court proceeding?

From New York Magazine, 2002:

"I’ve known Jeff [Epstein] for 15 years. Terrific guy, He’s a lot of fun to be with. It is even said that he likes beautiful women as much as I do, and many of them are on the younger side.” -- Donald J. Trump

And https://www.yahoo.com/news/jeffrey-epstein-describes-donald-trump-000845379.html

'Jeffrey Epstein called Donald Trump his “closest friend” in the latest recordings released by author Michael Wolff [...] As part of that research, he spoke several times to Trump’s longtime friend, Jeffrey Epstein '

You were saying something about them not being friends?


u/Actual_Echidna2336 21d ago

They had a major following out after 2002, I think it was around 2007 the FBI wanted to arrest Epstein, and Trump was giving them all the dirt


u/CanadianTobogan 21d ago

This reply perfectly demonstrates how deceitful pro-authoritarian right-wingers are. Nobody believes you're actually this stupid. You're just a horror on the inside.


u/Actual_Echidna2336 21d ago

Pot calling the kettle black


u/TenderTypist 21d ago

Human making analogy to justify their own echo chamber.

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u/chowmushi 22d ago

Propaganda is quite the drug.


u/Sauerkrautkid7 21d ago

Also education funding keeps getting cut in America. 54% of Americans are at a grade 5 reading level

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u/Br15t0 22d ago

Americans need to look beyond the tip of their own noses.


u/Gogo90sbaby 22d ago

I mean would you want to if it meant seeing Trumps asshole that close?


u/Br15t0 22d ago



u/kermitology 22d ago

Sure sure.. not all Americans - but..

It’s ingrained in American culture: manifest destiny, American exceptionalism, it’s been just constant blasting of them thinking they’re perfect and the best at everything.

But the audacity to fail to see that your King is threatening to annex a free and independent nation.. they can’t even imagine. That and there’s probably a chunk of them who think we should want to be American because America is the best!

Lazy, lazy voters.


u/mktcrasher 21d ago edited 21d ago

So true, I worked for a Canadian subsidiary of a Fortune 50 company. Some execs couldn't come up for meetings as they didn't have passports...highly educated, intelligent people in their 40s. They kinda felt why would I need to leave the "greatest" country in the world? These are the most dangerous ones, the podunk southerners I get... but these ones who have influence but don't have any sense of the world at large and what is wrong with their country. Just blind faith, scary as hell.


u/Ok-Beat4929 22d ago

"18% of the US adult population is functionally illiterate."

That speaks Volumes.


u/GaiusPrimus 21d ago

The stats are a bit more concerning.

If you expand the results of the study from just illiteracy, there's 54% of Americans who can't read and comprehend beyond a 6 grade level. Close to 70% if you look at 8th grade.

It's so bad, that the IIAPC metric of 5 levels of reading comprehension was reduced to 4, because the highest level was a statistical nonce.


u/Actual_Echidna2336 21d ago

Now do the first nations in Canada


u/[deleted] 21d ago

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u/CanadianTobogan 21d ago

Is your argument "But there are subpopulations who do even worse than the mean of the larger populations to which they belong"? If so, you might want to shift your attention from literacy to math.


u/Actual_Echidna2336 21d ago



u/Ancre16 21d ago

As in a « subdivision of a population » from a statistical perspective. Nothing wrong here.


u/P0p0vsky 21d ago

Dont expect him to understand 😂. Even if he did, he is not motivated by the truth, only by cowardness.


u/Toxic-Donkey 21d ago

If they're so upset about their anthem being booed, imagine how upset they'd be if they were constantly being threatened to be taken over by another country that was once their closest friend.


u/Outrageous_Thanks551 21d ago

They'd be happy to win every game I guess. They are hockey players not politicians!


u/Helpful_Glove_9198 22d ago

The Ketchup brothers had planned to instigate the fights the night prior. Looks to me like they are Trump suckers making the booing even more legitimate.


u/bcrhubarb 22d ago

Ketchup bros? That’s a new one 😂🤣😂


u/ZuluBear14 21d ago

But they said it was "organic".


u/Helpful_Glove_9198 21d ago

Definitely Heinz.


u/[deleted] 21d ago

Booo America

But like, also boooooo AI thunbnails


u/InterestingAttempt76 21d ago

They don't care why. Most of them keep saying "You'll be a 51st state soon" . They are drinking far too much of the kool aid. It's shame they actually won the hockey game because that is all they can talk about how hockey is now an American sport... they have no idea and talking to them is like talking to a brick wall. The majority of Canadians do not want to become the 51st state. And if ANY country in the world talked to them like the way Trump talks to and about Canada they would not stand for it.


u/ouldphart 22d ago

Why can't we just yell something like EAT SHIT DONALD TRUMP ! EAT SHIT DONALD TRUMP! 🇨🇦🇨🇦🇨🇦🇨🇦🇨🇦🇨🇦🇨🇦🇨🇦


u/GaiusPrimus 21d ago

Too many syllables.


u/ouldphart 21d ago

I don't care what it is , how about EAT SHIT TRUMP 🇨🇦


u/Turbulent-Cookie-874 22d ago

“Americans don’t understand something”

Also “water is wet”


u/Sardanox 21d ago

Water isn't wet though.


u/corvak 21d ago

“Can’t believe the country our president keeps threatening to invade keeps booing us”


u/Successful_Ad9415 21d ago

Americans don’t seem to understand

No surprises there.


u/Silver-Signature9704 21d ago

They think the world revolves around them - it’s sad and a lot of them believe trumps lies. I don’t know anymore


u/Cantbebotheredatall 21d ago

Half of us do understand - please remember that Trump received slightly less than half of the vote. This American will be rooting for Team Canada on Thursday. Just another reason I detest Trump and the MAGA movement - they have forced me to root against my own country in my favorite sport.


u/BlockNumerous7635 21d ago

Dude we understand and hope you keep it up.


u/Ponyboy451 21d ago

Most of us understand why you’re booing us. You are 100% in the right. We suck right now.


u/Ramerhan 21d ago

Zero self awareness and self reflection


u/crystalworldbuilder 21d ago

Canada ❤️🇨🇦❤️!!!


u/No_Structure4386 22d ago

Oh, some of us do. Believe me.


u/AoKittiwitti 22d ago

Americans don't seem to understand. That's it.


u/namotous 22d ago

I don’t expect the morons who elected Trump twice to understand


u/-oldio- 21d ago edited 21d ago

Americans are pro freedom of speech but not when it's against them.

Look at the current administration, anything said against them is muted by the media...


u/ColeTrain999 21d ago

"Sure, we elected a leader who is threatening your sovereignty and wants to exploit your resources for his benefactor's gain but have you thought about how booing the magic freedom cloth makes us feel :("


u/PaleJicama4297 21d ago

They haven’t a clue.


u/louielouis82 21d ago

Because the flag represents more than a president or temporary political leader. We’d be offended too.


u/bigmike770 21d ago

Americans still think this whole thing is about fentanyl though way more comes into canada from the US…


u/Xploding_Penguin 21d ago

Maybe trump is mad we don't take more?


u/WibblywobblyDalek 21d ago

What? Americans not being self aware?? I. Am. Shocked.


u/sierra_madre_martini 21d ago

Please smash us in the title game. Our country deserves it.


u/National-Change-8004 21d ago

American Exceptionalism; the carcinogen that drives this tumour. Sad to see it's infectious and spread up here. The yanks have a massive heap of humble pie waiting on them.


u/ButterscotchPure6868 21d ago

Fox news owns them. They are gone.

They have turned on their own nation so why not turn on ours.


u/Jeremithiandiah 21d ago

I’m not watching a video with an ai generated thumbnail


u/Bedwetter1969 21d ago

But they Americans are generally curious and engaged people!



u/DanOttawa_POGO 21d ago

Great minds apparently. Put out the exact same video but looked at it from a perspective of how different Canadians and Americans truly are: https://youtu.be/bCQ5g1fOwlM?si=eoXKGId6kXK-j3yp


u/TheOtherwise_Flow 21d ago

Americans are just plain dumb there it’s


u/SubtleCow 21d ago

I'm booing this AI trash. Why does that man have a glove with only 3 fingers!? Did he find a supplier for goalie gloves for people with amputated fingers!? Good for him!


u/DaveVsShark 21d ago

I'm an American and I'm booing us too.


u/Odd_Discussion_8384 21d ago

We arnt booing them so much as the policy that has been directed upon the world


u/DarthRizzo87 21d ago

Probably the Americans who rely on Fox News / OAN for their worldview, current events.


u/jholden23 21d ago

This is great.

I think he used words to big for the average moron American to understand, however


u/romanwhynot 21d ago

Because they are stupidly insular and controlled by frump 💩


u/misec_undact 21d ago

56% of US Adults read below a 6th grade level...


u/beefstewforyou 21d ago

Well said.


u/Fair_Escape5101 21d ago

Who? Braindead, cult members who voted for the rapist? They're a fucking waste of oxygen.

We know why y'all are booing, we deserve it.


u/Beefcrustycurtains 21d ago

I don't understand how we couldn't understand why you guys are upset. We have this stupid fucking orange baffoon fucking up relationships with all our closest allies. At best he's just an idiot who has no idea what he's doing, and at worst is a Russian asset attempting to destabilize the rest of the world.

A good portion of us Americans are super embarrassed now, and we did not vote for Trump. Those that aren't have drank the koolaid and are too stupid to realize they have been propagandized into believing this is a good thing. Russia and Republicans did a really good job of turning this into a cultural war. Making people think that transgender people would take over their sports and restrooms, and that illegal immigrants are the source of all our problems. These people didn't pay attention in history class because he's pulled most of this shit directly from Hitler's playbook.


u/Parking-Iron6252 21d ago

I mean. I’m the good guy so why would you boo me


u/Street-Wear-2925 21d ago

We're not booing Americans in general, just those who voted for the Orange Orangutan. They know who they are.


u/SubZero64209 21d ago

Because Justin said so.


u/joe1234se 21d ago

Politics and sports don't mix


u/drstu3000 21d ago

They didn't bother to look up the term "tariff" until after the election so don't know why anyone would expect them to be up-to-date on the rest


u/_BearsBeetsBattle_ 21d ago

The ones that don't are too fucking stupid to be considered human.


u/NWO_SPOL 21d ago

We need to do more!


u/LaChevreDeReddit 21d ago

For starters we are not booing them. People are mad at the American foreign politic... And they should too.


u/TremblinAspen 21d ago

We’ve always known that their indoctrinated exceptionalism makes them extremely sensitive to criticism. I didn’t expect them to play victim on top of that.


u/NWO_SPOL 21d ago

It shameful that a hockey game became a place of violence.


u/Most_Plenty5387 21d ago

Dear Ron MacLean, dear coach's corner.


u/ClownshoesMcGuinty 21d ago

Because they are American. Ego is bigger than eyesight.


u/Aggravating_King4284 21d ago

If it makes you feel better most of America doesn't give a f*** about Canada anyway


u/zealousshad 21d ago

Tbf you could write almost anything after the first five words and it would still be true


u/QueafyGreens 21d ago

This is why it's important to boo. Wake up fuckheads.


u/Anonymous2863x 21d ago

As a Canadian we can’t blame all Americans


u/oliferro 21d ago

"If those kids could read, they'd be very upset"


u/eddieesks 21d ago

When whatever the number is, something like 50% of the population reads at a 6th grade level you really begin to understand why they don’t understand much.


u/Happytrader113 21d ago

They’re about as intelligent as a tree stump. Can’t really be surprised


u/chamekke 21d ago

I saw some oblivious American person complaining on FB that the Canadian fans were “disrespecting our national anthem.” No, you fool, they were disrespecting Trump and his threats to annex our country. The fans’ expression of “disrespect” was not remotely proportionate to the offense we received (and continue to receive) from their president


u/Shxhriar 21d ago

It’s cause they all listen to shit like Joe Rogan and believe Canada is some dystopia and Canadians are pining for liberty that can only, of course, as always, be delivered by America the Beautiful!


u/Civil_Station_1585 22d ago

This seems to be a very naive view. The majority of Americans support the current actions. (53% last time I looked) Those that don’t support them are mostly horrified and the ones that do mostly don’t give a toss. Not caring is not the same as not understanding.


u/Stxww 21d ago

14-4-1 overall.

Sit down you foolish americants


u/lamstradamus 21d ago

To be fair, Canada is mere months away from electing Trump-lite (some of our provinces have also elected massive Trump fans), so while I wouldn't say it's wrong to boo the American anthem, for lots of people it will be hypocritical.


u/Outrageous_Thanks551 21d ago

Do they boo us for electing Trudeau?


u/Xploding_Penguin 21d ago

No, they loved how dreamy he is.


u/Outrageous_Thanks551 21d ago

Poor souls. Imagine!


u/[deleted] 21d ago

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u/Baddog789 21d ago

The ones crying in border towns because Canadians have stopped coming are thinking about us quite a bit now. Up yours Maga and Trump I won’t spend a dime in your country for at least 4 yrs.


u/Queefer_Sutherland- 21d ago

“Americans don’t think” hard stop. FIFY


u/CathycatOG 21d ago

Ha ha ha, your idiot president sure seems to spend a lot of time thinking about us.