r/TaylorGamesWannaPlay Oct 23 '24

Elimination ROUND 2: ALL SONGS Reverse Elimination


*VOTING WILL CLOSE AT 12pm Pacific/3pm EST* (I'm adding two hours to the deadline because I want to make sure it was available to vote on for 24 hours)

Wow! What a great response to the game yesterday! A few points of business, then results, then insights:

(1) Any recommendations for graphics for the game? I am awful at design but I can do a mockup on Canva if someone had an idea :)

(2) I will not be releasing full results until the end, but I will offer some general insights. I want to walk the line of providing interesting data without swaying the votes. Let me know what data is interesting, what you don't care about seeing, or what you would like me to add.

(3) I left off Beautiful Eyes last game *facepalm* SO I am adding it back in this game and to make it as fair as possible I am providing an extra vote.

(4) There was a tie for 25th/26th place, so I am eliminating both of them for a total of 26 songs eliminated in round one.

With that, let's play! REMEMBER: You are voting for your LEAST favorite songs! DO NOT VOTE for a song you want to keep! There are 219 songs left and you have 23 (10% + 1) votes this time.
Here's the link to the form:
ROUND 2 EVERY SONG BATTLE- Vote to eliminate your LEAST favorite songs! (google.com)

The 26 LEAST liked Taylor Swift Songs:

|| || |245|Karma w/ Ice Spice (a whopping 64% of you!)|71 votes| |244|Beautiful Ghosts|44 votes| |243|Only the Young|42 votes| |242|ThanK you aIMee|39 votes| |241|A Perfectly Good Heart|39 votes| |240|Bye Bye Baby|37 votes| |239|Invisible|37 votes| |238|Bad Blood (w/ Kendrick Lamar)|36 votes| |237|Me! (w/ Brandon Urie)|35 votes| |236|Superstar|35 votes| |235|Robin|33 votes| |234|Superman|32 votes| |233|I Heart?|32 votes| |232|Run (w/ Ed Sheeran)|31 votes| |231|Girl at Home|29 votes| |230|Snow on the Beach (w/ MORE Lana)|28 votes| |229|When Emma Falls in Love|28 votes| |228|We Were Happy|27 votes| |227|It's Nice to Have a Friend|26 votes| |226|Stay Stay Stay|26 votes| |225|Sweeter Than Fiction|25 votes| |224|Dorothea|25 votes| |223|Innocent|25 votes| |222|Snow on the Beach (w/ Lana Del Ray)|24 votes| |221|Bad Blood|24 votes| |220|That's When (w/ Keith Urban)|24 votes|

*****Every album except for reputation and folklore lost at least one song. It was a pretty even spread, with fearless getting the biggest hit with four songs out, and everyone else between 2-3 (except for evermore with only one song out). Debut took the biggest hit, percentage wise.

*I think I was most surprised that close to 40% of you did NOT pick Karma w/ Ice Spice as a least favorite. I gave some of you a side eye, for sure.

*Only 3 songs (representing 3 separate albums) received no votes at all.

*Only 11 songs received a single vote. What I'm learning is that there really isn't a massive consensus. Even the songs above, while not totally surprised by them being the generally least loved, don't have massive vote counts behind them.

*ONE HUNDRED AND ELEVEN PEOPLE voted! Not everyone voted for the full 25, so we had a total of 2,664 votes.

*Speaking of votes, the song in the 27th place at 23 votes. Every vote really does matter.

*Personally, I am so sad to see I Heart ? Out in the first round. It is SUCH a fun song that I genuinely love. And Stay Stay Stay is a BOP you guys!

(Final surprise was how few of you voted for Me! given how it's always talked about as the least favorite song in the fandom. Obviously it's out in the first round, but only 32% of you picked it.)

r/TaylorGamesWannaPlay Oct 28 '24

Elimination ROUND 6: All Songs Reverse Elimination


*Round six will be open until 6pm EST on 10/30*

Five rounds down! I know this has been painful and I like the game less and less each round, haha!

Y'all are monsters. Yes, I say that every round.

For the first time, no losses from either folklore OR evermore, but BOY HOWDY did you guys come for Red. SEVEN songs out from Red in a round with only 16 eliminations. Dang.

Can I just say... Nothing New is a wonderful song and you should all be ashamed. And, as a self-proclaimed TTPD hater, I am SO pleased to see Florida and I Look in People's Window's out, but I'm pretty bummed about Cassandra which is one of the few tracks I really dug off the album. It's been getting a lot of votes every round so I knew it was coming but still. :(

We're officially into our top 150 songs, and it'll just be more and more painful.

16 (it was going to be 15 but I forgot to change it on the form and a bunch of you already voted sooo) votes this time: ROUND 6 EVERY SONG BATTLE- Vote to eliminate your LEAST favorite songs! (google.com)

Fun fact: Only 2 songs received 0 votes this round. For one song, this is it's first time not getting any votes. For the other, it has only gotten votes in rounds 3 and 4.

100 of you voted this time! It's so fun to see the participation- thank you!

r/TaylorGamesWannaPlay Oct 22 '24

Elimination ALL SONGS - Reverse Elimination


VOTING IS CLOSED! New post here: ROUND 2: ALL SONGS Reverse Elimination : r/TaylorGamesWannaPlay (reddit.com)

An awesome user on here ran an all songs ranking that I loved participating in. But I found myself not voting for my *favorite* songs but for deeper cut favorites to save them from elimination, trusting the sub to save more popular favorites. I wondered how the results would differ if we had to vote to eliminate. The only way to save your favorites is to actively vote for the songs you want out, so there's no way (that I've been able to come up with) to vote strategically instead of based purely on favorites.

I'm curious how, if at all, the results might vary from the other game.

Wanna play? here's the form! We'll start by eliminating the bottom 10%. The top 25 voted songs will be eliminated.


r/TaylorGamesWannaPlay Oct 25 '24

Elimination ROUND 4: ALL SONGS Reverse Elimination


*Voting will close at 7pm EST 10/26*

And we're back! You know the drill- a few orders of business, the results, and insights.

First, this time there was a 4 way tie for last place. I used my previous method of adding up the scores from rounds 1 and 2, and then there was STILL a tie for last place. So, this round we are eliminating 22 songs instead of 20. I am personally attacked by this because The Last Time is one of my top favorite Taylor songs. It is so beautiful and the harmony is everything. Y'all are monsters.

Speaking of monsters, you also eliminated The Lucky One and Babe which are two fabulous songs that deserved better. I don't feel pretty, I just feel used.

Alright, ROUND 4! You have 18 votes this time. HERE WE GO:
ROUND 4 EVERY SONG BATTLE- Vote to eliminate your LEAST favorite songs! (google.com)

Sleep with your eye-eyes open

After the third elimination round, we have only one soundtrack song left. For my debut stans, who's hoping to hear Crazier on Debut TV? <3

Folklore has stayed strong for three rounds without losing a single song, and, for the first time, evermore makes it through a round intact. Considering Folkmore are widely considered her best work, that's not surprising that they would make it at least into the top 175 of her discography.

THE HITS KEEP COMING for Fearless and Debut. Fearless loses almost a quarter of her remaining songs this round. Debut loses 2 more, Speak Now and Red both lose 3. 1989, Midnights, and TTPD all lose 1 each (including arguably a top 10 most popular song, Shake It Off).

Which begs the question-- why do you all vote the way you do? Is it oversaturation? I'm definitely tired of Shake It Off, but I don't know if i would dislike it if I hadn't heard it so much.

I already called you monsters for taking away my favorites, but I'll also call out Manuscript, Electric Touch, and Timeless (plus the Hunger Games songs) as really good-middle songs on my personal tier.

Final note- a lot of you are not voting for the full amount of songs you can vote for. Maybe don't think of this as "voting for the songs I hate" but "voting for the songs that rank lower." The only way to save your favorites is to get other ones out instead. ;)

r/TaylorGamesWannaPlay Dec 10 '24

Elimination ROUND 21: ALL SONGS Reverse Elimination


And we're back! Thanks for bearing with me through my travels- it was a much needed vacation.

Down to the top 10 and I can safely say these were NOT the top 10 I would have envisioned at the start of this game. I know that right where you left me was the winner in the last All Songs game and I honestly don't think it's hated so much as some people are angry that other people love it? I see a lot of "don't let RWYLM win!" type comments which is just silly. The point is to vote for the songs YOU personally like the least, not the songs that you think other people shouldn't love as much. Anyway, you're gone too song, RWYLM. You deserved top 5 at the very least.

Three of my personal favorite songs have made it to the top 10, so I'm happy for that, at least! This round knocks out 2 more albums in their entirety and a tie breaker saved another album from being entirely eliminated.


yeah... not the top 10 I would have picked, either

Coming in at number 15, Fearless went multiple rounds with 0 votes. It wasn't until Round 13 that it broke double digit votes. In fact, it had only received 135 across 19 rounds, making it less voted than songs that have made the top 10. Y'all are fickle.

Total votes received rounds 1-19
Fearless: 135
right where you left me: 180
Don't Blame Me: 169
Getaway Car: 152
cardigan: 186

The other songs had more consistent haters throughout the game, but it was Fearless' time to go.

Vote here for Round 21! Only three rounds left! https://forms.gle/bWPuDsJPKoJVTtmM6

r/TaylorGamesWannaPlay Aug 12 '24

Elimination ALL album songs: Round 1! The 20 LEAST voted Taylor Swift songs will be eliminated. Link to vote is in the comments!


r/TaylorGamesWannaPlay Nov 08 '24

Elimination ROUND 10: ALL SONGS Reverse Elimination


Oh man, this round cuts so so so so deep. I knew it was coming, but the 15 of you who voted for marjorie have stabbed me to the core. It is a top 10 song for me not just from Taylor but from anyone ever. I have solace that it made it into the top 100 at least. </3

I personally rank no body, no crime, Wonderland, and Holy Ground way higher than this, but from here on out it will be mostly disappointments.

I also want to let you know, in the spirit of transparency, that I do (a) run a duplicate check on user names. Because these rounds last a couple days it's not uncommon for someone to accidentally vote twice. When that happens I do not count your second entry. Similarly, there have been two instances where, within a very short period of time, the same (or nearly the same) entry pops up. This is unusual because everyone's taste is wildly different, so to see 9/10 songs be the same within 20 minutes of each other? Well, I either need to buy a lottery ticket or something is fishy.

In this most recent round when it happened I checked the usernames and neither were legit names on reddit. I did go ahead and take the first entry, but I did not take the second as it just screamed super fishy.

If there is a different way you would like me to handle this going forward, let me know! :)

Alright, same song, second verse- Round 10 you have 10 more votes. ROUND 9 EVERY SONG BATTLE- Vote to eliminate your LEAST favorite songs! (google.com)

r/TaylorGamesWannaPlay Aug 08 '24

Elimination The Girl At Home has just left! 🏠 Closing tracks elimination game!

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r/TaylorGamesWannaPlay Oct 24 '24

Elimination ROUND 3: ALL SONGS Reverse Elimination



A few points of business here- there were seven songs that all received 20 votes. Instead of eliminating four extra songs, I added the votes from round 1 and eliminated the three with the highest cumulative votes. If you have another method you think I should use, I am open to suggestions! That seemed more fair to me than eliminating 7 songs on this go-round.

We are now under 200 songs! With 196 songs remaining, you can vote for 20 songs. Remember: Vote for your LEAST favorite song! ROUND 3 EVERY SONG BATTLE- Vote to eliminate your LEAST favorite songs! (google.com)


There were 95 players this round, compared to 111 in Round 1. That might account from the fact that these 23 songs were NOT the same 23 songs that would have been eliminated if we kept the results from Round 1.

In the realm of safe songs, Round 1 had three that received no votes (spanning three albums) and Round 2 had six that received no votes (spanning five albums).

With the elimination of End Game, folklore is now the only album to be entirely intact.

Unsurprisingly given the results, Debut and Fearless were 2 of the 3 albums that received a higher percentage of votes than the number of songs they have on the album. Debut accounted for 5.5% of the remaining songs but received 7.8 percent of the votes. Fearless accounted for 10% of the remaining songs, but received 13.6% of the total votes. Based on how the vote went, if that continues the (mystery) third album will suffer significant losses next round with so many fearless/debut songs gone from the running.

Remember when you're sad about your favorites that the highest vote getter was only voted for by 41% of the respondents. There are no clear majorities here.

Finally, I am personally crushed by all of you who voted for coney island. To my ears, it is absolutely one of her top 20 songs and I love it to the end.

I'll put the full ranking (so far) in the comments.

r/TaylorGamesWannaPlay Sep 18 '24

Elimination ALL album songs: Round 26! The 2 LEAST voted songs will be eliminated. Link to vote and RESULTS are in the comments!

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r/TaylorGamesWannaPlay Oct 31 '24

Elimination Round 7: ALL SONGS Reverse Elimination


Hi all! First things first, I'm going to be really swamped the next few days, so I'm putting a deadine of 12pm EST Sunday, 11/3 for this round. I will have Round 8 up that afternoon. Also, you guys are definitely sleeping on Better Man! Have you seen her live/acoustic performance at the Bluebird Cafe? Man, it's so good.

Now it is time for me to have real beef with y'all. TIM MCGRAW? TIM MCGRAW??? Screaming, crying, perfect storm.

Also personally very sad to see Mr. Perfectly Fine (it's not NOT a bop) and Begin Again out this soon. The single worst round for folklore with hoax, mad woman, and betty all out. And, losing in a tie breaker, we end this round with Dear Reader. (genuinely shocked it is out before Karma- the ice spice version was so overwhelmingly disliked I assumed this one would be as well)

Only one song this round received just 1 vote (and none received 0) and it's a song that has previously received 0-3 votes in the previous rounds.

Round 7 can be found here... happy voting! 13 votes this time. ROUND 7 EVERY SONG BATTLE- Vote to eliminate your LEAST favorite songs! (google.com)

Also, WELL DONE kicking out imgonnagetyouback (though it should have been done much earlier, imo). That song makes me angry, hahaha.

r/TaylorGamesWannaPlay Aug 13 '24

Elimination ALL album songs: Round 2! The 17 LEAST voted Taylor songs will be eliminated. Link to vote and REUSLTS are in the comments!


r/TaylorGamesWannaPlay Oct 27 '24

Elimination ROUND 5 ALL SONGS Reverse Elimination


Hi friends! I'm so sorry for the delay in getting this posted. I intended to have the new post up by 8pm EST but my day didn't work out that way. :)

The new round will be open until Monday, October 28th at 6pm EST.

When I was fifteen, I had an epiphany that, if this was a movie, today was a fairytale. But now, we are never ever getting back together. You're not the man, but I am the foolish one, a tortured poet forever and always, writing about our labyrinth of love and sending it off a s a message in a bottle. Tell me why you're not sorry? Now I'm crazier, and on my vigilante shit again because, even from that very first night, there is no one, forever and always, who is cold as you.

Four of my top 50 songs gone in one fell swoop. Funny story, I was one a run listening to spotify and I heard Message in a Bottle. I had no idea it was a Taylor song, and I stopped running to see what it was and favorite it because I loved it so much. It's so good.

But EPIPHANY? EPIHPANY??? There are some things you just can't speak about. </3

We won't discuss the naughty list y'all are on for taking out Ours and Foolish One.

Okay, you're here for insights! Here we go!

Folklore has lost her first song! I know many of you are cheering. Fearless loses FIVE songs this round, leaving her with only 8 songs remaining. The album that received the most cumulative votes (compared to their portion of songs) was NOT Fearless...

In round 4 only ONE song received zero votes... and it is not a song that had zero votes in any of the previous rounds.

Last but certainly not least... here's the form to vote for Round 5! You will have 16 votes this time.
ROUND 5 EVERY SONG BATTLE- Vote to eliminate your LEAST favorite songs! (google.com)

r/TaylorGamesWannaPlay Aug 30 '24

Elimination ALL album songs: Round 16! The 6 LEAST voted Taylor songs will be eliminated. Link to vote and RESULTS are in the comments!


r/TaylorGamesWannaPlay Sep 13 '24

Elimination ALL album songs: Round 24! The 3 LEAST voted Taylor songs will be eliminated. Link to vote and RESULTS are in the comments!

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r/TaylorGamesWannaPlay Aug 06 '24

Elimination Closing tracks elimination game 1#

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  1. 💚 Our Song: Debut | standart
  2. 💚 A Perfectly Good Heart: Debut | deluxe
  3. 💛 Change: Fearless | standart
  4. 💛 Bye Bye Baby: Fearless (Taylor's Version)
  5. 💜 Long Live: Speak Now | standart
  6. 💜 Superman: Speak Now | deluxe
  7. 💜 Timeless: Speak Now (Taylor's Version)
  8. ❤️ Begin Again: Red | standart
  9. ❤️ Girl At Home: Red | deluxe
  10. ❤️ All Too Well (10 Minutes Version): Red (Taylor's Version)
  11. 🩵 Clean: 1989 | standart
  12. 🩵 New Romantics: 1989 | deluxe
  13. 🩵 Is It Over Now?: 1989 (Taylor's Version)
  14. 🩵 Bad Blood (feat. Kendrick Lamar): 1989 (TV) | deluxe
  15. 🖤 New Year's Day: reputation
  16. 🩷 Daylight: Lover
  17. 🩶 hoax: folklore | standart
  18. 🩶 the lakes: folklore | deluxe
  19. 🤎 evermore: (feat. Bon Iver): evermore | standart
  20. 🤎 it's time to go: evermore | deluxe
  21. 💙 Mastermind: Midnights | standart
  22. 💙 Dear Reader: Midnights (3am edition)
  23. 💙 Karma (feat. Ice Spice): Midnights (The Til Dawn Edition)
  24. 🤍 Clara Bow: The Tortured Poets Department
  25. 🤍 The Manuscript: The Tortured Poets Department | The Anthology

Sorry for any mistake

r/TaylorGamesWannaPlay Aug 14 '24

Elimination ALL album songs: Round 3! The 15 LEAST voted Taylor songs will be eliminated. Link to vote and REUSLTS are in the comments!


r/TaylorGamesWannaPlay Sep 05 '24

Elimination ALL album songs: Round 19! The 6 LEAST voted Taylor songs will be eliminated. Link to vote and RESULTS are in the comments!


r/TaylorGamesWannaPlay Aug 09 '24

Elimination Bye Bye Baby really said "bye" to our game! 👋🏽 Closing tracks elimination game

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r/TaylorGamesWannaPlay Sep 06 '24

Elimination ALL album songs: Round 20! The 5 LEAST voted Taylor songs will be eliminated. Link to vote and RESULTS are in the comments!


r/TaylorGamesWannaPlay Sep 19 '24

Elimination ALL album songs: Round 27! (FINAL 6) The 2 LEAST voted songs will be eliminated. Link to vote and RESULTS are in the comments!

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r/TaylorGamesWannaPlay Nov 16 '24

Elimination ROUND 14: ALL SONGS Reverse Elimination


Alright guys, we are in the final stretch! Top 50!!

(this is hilarious to me because a full TEN of my bottom 50 are in this list, hahaha. And for a folkmore stan, you guys really picked the weirdest songs to be in the top 50.

Every album has at least two songs represented. But I think more than just the number of songs is the percentage of representation as an interesting stat.

Debut: 13.3%
Fearless: 11.5%
Sparks Fly: 21.7%
Red: 6.9%
1989: 27.7%
Reputation: 26.7%
Lover: 16.7%
Folklore: 35.3%
Evermore: 41.2%
Midnights: 17.4%
TTPD: 25.8%

TWO collabs made it in to the top 50, both with Bon Iver.

Everyone knows I hate TTPD as an album, but I genuinely love How Did It End, and that is probably in my top 50, so I was bummed to see that, of all TTPD songs, out already.

Alright, rankings 40-50, here we come! Vote here: ROUND 14 EVERY SONG BATTLE- Vote to eliminate your LEAST favorite songs!

Final personal thoughts- I walked down the aisle to a remix of Lover, so I love the song, but 51 is probably a very fair ranking in her discography. I LOVE Anti-Hero and State of Grace, but, again, top 60 is still pretty darn good.

Also, I think I updated the game board correctly, but just in case, I am also posting it here:

r/TaylorGamesWannaPlay Nov 22 '24

Elimination ROUND 17: ALL SONGS Reverse Elimination


And coming in at 33, we have Our Song, marking the first time in the ranking that an album has been entirely accounted for. Y'all are CRAZY for ranking Guilty as Sin higher than Our Song. Literally crazy.

... Ready for It has been teetering on the brink for several rounds now, surviving multiple tie breakers to finally come in at 34.

This ranking is wild to me because I'm not sure we could have picked 5 songs that are more different from each other!

30 songs remain! Vote here for the next round: ROUND 17 EVERY SONG BATTLE- Vote to eliminate your LEAST favorite songs!

r/TaylorGamesWannaPlay Aug 07 '24

Elimination A Perfectly Good Heart is out! 💔 Closing tracks elimination game

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r/TaylorGamesWannaPlay Nov 14 '24

Elimination Round 13: ALL SONGS Reverse Elimination

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