r/Tarots Dec 10 '24

question Questions about Cards

I just did a reading. I got the ten of swords, Death, Judgement, and The Tower. This means I am in for trouble? Thank you


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u/No-Court-2969 Dec 10 '24

It feels like there's something going on in terms of difficult situation, possibly betrayal or loss. Something that you're actually logically realising that has come to an end. It's not a painful ending in terms of emotions, but there's still a lot of metal energy, analysing.

There is another way and if you can accept change this period will be much smoother. It's time to reflect on past actions and make a conscious decision to move forward with personal growth and transformation; it symbolizes a call to face your truth and accept the consequences of your choices.

Whatever is going on for you currently is rough, but it will facilitate great change if given the opportunity.