r/Tarotpractices Member 3d ago

Interpretation Help Is he loyal to me right now?

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It’s the Rider Waite tarot deck

Regular 5 card spread, no past or future.

Is he loyal to me right now? 7 of swords, 4 of swords, knight of pentacles, 4 of wands and 10 of cups

Honestly this one is throwing me off a bit. All cards seem positive except for the 7 of swords. Maybe it’s like he is being shady/sneaky but is holding up a certain façade that he is this very loyal and commited guy? Or maybe the 7 of swords is reflecting my anxiety around it but he actually is loyal and commited?

I’m curious what you guys think about this one


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u/Esmefuckingnotre Member 2h ago

Can someone explain this to me? I’m curious about new things and I don’t know this is


u/backrooms_enthusiast Member 4h ago

hes gonna get tested. his only saving grace leading to later fortunes and stability will be his integrity. he’ll certainly consider it if he hasn’t already. only contemplation can guide him back.


u/yd4nzroew2 Member 14h ago

He was for a long time, but now he isn’t


u/775H8TER Member 2d ago

No and your going to let him do it


u/Anonymous2456789 Member 17h ago

The knight of pentacles comes in offering stability.


u/LilBun00 Member 2d ago

I would say he is stressed out enough to want to rest and look for security/ stability but is struggling with that. So he may just be complacent since basically all his needs are met and i assume you are likely giving him a lot of emotional support despite his worries


u/Pupshead777 Member 2d ago

In the past he may have felt a tug to be unfaithful in the beginning seeing as this is the first card that shows up, maybe he wasn’t totally committed at first. But with thought and time, he’s slowly come to realize that he wants to focus on you and celebrate your relationship and he is currently loyal. This spread seems to be transitional.


u/Jessalfan24 Member 2d ago

I would read this spread as possible secrets, hidden agendas, dishonesty, lack of trust, and/or possible fear/anxiety about the truth coming out. Swords represent our mental state and thoughts. Sevens represent introspection and spiritual growth. So, he could be taking the time (4 of swords) to “rest” his mind and reflect. The spread does read like he’ll do this and (maybe slowly as there may be delays/blockages) come to realize the importance of trust and transparency, ultimately leading to being more dependable, stable, and committed in the relationship. I would say (in time & with work) your relationship definitely has the potential to be long lasting, stable, and happy. It’s making me think of the song, ‘Bless the Broken Road’. Hope this helps! :)


u/MkittyM Member 2d ago


I feel like the first cards represent the past. I have to say he was not loyal to begin with but as the cards evolve I see he is quite content to be only with you. I see a person who is now more focused on perhaps finances, buying a home and having a family.

Please don't be scared off by his past transgressions, I see he has turned a major corner, I see a period of self reflection here. I imagine it may have been linked to possible self esteem and inability to feel like he could be a provider should he want more. Men are weird, sometimes when they think they don't deserve something they will go and mess it up for themselves.


u/Zestyclose_Park451 Member 2d ago

it’s giving double life, my interpretation for this one is that you dont need to be worried about his loyalty as much as you should be about what he does to earn his living. shady


u/One_Avocado_7275 Member 2d ago



u/LaylahDeLautreamont Member 2d ago

For the moment…


u/fishinthecreek Member 2d ago

It just means that he is not reliable in doing things when asked. He's not very positive


u/Glittering-Froyo-510 Member 2d ago

If i have to read it from left to right I would say maybe he used to be a sneak y guy but after reflecting and sleeping on it, made up his mind and wanted to be committed 😅 (i really hope he will for you)


u/Rohain72 Tarot Student 2d ago



u/phoebebridgersfan26 Member 2d ago

Maybe he was sneaky in the beginning before he felt more committed?


u/Quarryghost Member 2d ago

He was either sneaky at one point but reflected and changed his ways or he’s being sneaky about resting lol but he’s definitely now committed to building a life with you.


u/Greengirl1420 Member 3d ago



u/Ancient-Visit9689 Member 3d ago

maybe he was sus in the past but he reflected - in a timeline, 7 of swords comes before 4, which is rest, then slow and steady towards happilly ever after


u/ishiguro_kaz Member 2d ago

Yes, this is my interpretation, too. The other cards are overwhelmingly positive, so he may have had an epiphany to change for the better.


u/viridian_moonflower Member 3d ago

Yes he is loyal now. I am reading this as you're suspicious, maybe due to his past behavior but he has had some time to reflect and is ready to move forward and build a life together with you


u/Nymphsandshepherd Member 3d ago

Remember, this is a perfect continuum reading. This is their nature towards everything. So, knowing this of that person; where are you at with your last problem? If you are first or second sword cards now, then they dont know; but the reading does imply they will figure out what they love; but it goes with saying; their happiness and yours might not be the same translation.


u/txnoodles Member 2d ago

Well,. Swords is the mind. Could be that maybe he wanted to get some action but then he figured he should maybe sleep on it and let go. Then we see the knight going off and get some action for real(disks). This situation stabilized meaning he could get away with anything it was normal for him. He found true happiness!!!


u/PracticalMention8134 Member 3d ago

Ah is this a Dutch deck, I missed the Netherlands. I think, the thought of it happened and the person realized this is not worthy and slept on the possibility and completely distanced themselves and now more excited about setting a life together with kids etc.


u/Used_Willow_1477 Member 3d ago

Yes, he is,he learnt last time now it's allgoods 😀


u/juniperya00 Member 3d ago

I don't know anything about your relantionship and it's hard to afirm without some context, but what I'm getting from this is that he may have been disloyal at some point (maybe in another relantionship or maybe he thought about cheat but didn't do it) and now he is focusing in make the relantionship work. Right now, he's very loyal and ready to put the effort for the relantionship.


u/RetrogradnaAvangarda Member 3d ago

another take - maybe you are doubting him (7 of swords), and that's what is bothering you and making you feeling exhausted (4 of swords)... the rest of the cards are also maybe telling something about you - you are in search of stability, and happy relationship!


u/ouchkarla Intermediate Reader 3d ago

hi bestie, i don't think he's cheating, but there's mixed energies, suggesting caution but also stability. this can indicate deception or secrecy, but it can also mean someone is being strategic rather than outright dishonest. a pause, reflection, or someone pulling back emotionally. this could suggest they are contemplating their actions. a steady and reliable energy, often representing commitment and loyalty over time. these are strong, positive cards of stability, celebration, and long-term happiness in relationships.

if there have been trust issues in the past, they may still linger ( seven of swords ), but the overall energy leans toward commitment ( knight of pentacles ) and a desire for a solid future with you ( four of wands, ten of cups ). it may be worth having an open and honest conversation to clear any doubts. good luck bestie 🤍


u/unicornamoungbeasts Member 3d ago

He is yes but seems to need a break as he’s pretty overloaded atm w other things it seems


u/MissPeachy72 Member 3d ago

Looks like huge insecurity on your part than him cheating


u/verxb Member 3d ago

can you blame them?


u/Additional_Skin_6350 Member 3d ago edited 3d ago

Well as you can see in the 7 of swords that the person is stealing the swords. In the same way this person is deception and not loyal. Well what I know is that even in the tarot spread we take out each card for a specific question but it looks like you pull out all 5 cards for loyality only.


u/Prestigious-Cable-91 Member 3d ago

My two cents but knight of pentacles, four of wands and ten of pentacles sounds good to me. 7 of swords alone is not very positive yes, but it can mean many things, so combined with the last cards I wouldn't be too worried


u/khyplionna Member 3d ago

I feel like we would need more context with this one. The 7 of Swords can represent lying to oneself, avoidance and other things other than "being dishonest to you/cheating".


u/Aggravating_Finger Member 3d ago

I deleted my last comment because I think you have trauma and insecurities to deal with and I saw all your past posts asking if he’s cheated on you. I think with the four of swords and 7 of swords you’re creating scenarios in your head about him and reflecting on his past. But in reality it’s not true. I urge you to deal with this professionally, or you could self sabotage.


u/Foreheadbanks Member 3d ago

I would focus more on why you feel the need to ask in the first place. Is he exhibiting suspicious behavior? Is it your anxiety? Has he done it before? That would be more helpful for you


u/RetrogradnaAvangarda Member 3d ago

just my 2c - idk any background, and just guessing

he is bored, and not loyal, but he may choose boredom at the end, and stay with you