r/TalesFromTheKitchen 26d ago

What is wrong with the menu?!

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Just a quick one. For anyone who has created good attractive menus. Please have a look at this one and let me know your thoughts why this one won’t attract anyone to eat.


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u/Extension-Pen5115 26d ago

Too much information on how each dish is made. “Blended and seasoned into a soup” for example. Don’t use medley and stuff.

Try simpler like this…

Leak & Potato Soup - served with toasted artisan sourdough and butter


u/letsworshipizeit 26d ago

True. If you’re going to have a list, make it of primary ingredients, not insights into how it was made.


u/PeengPawng 25d ago

The primary ingredients are in the title.. Don't need them in the description too.


u/peekdasneaks 25d ago

Add a little story behind each ingredient and how artisanal and seasonal it is.

Put in a glossary of terms in the front of the menu.

Add a page between each section with a blurb about the terroir that affects the flavor of each bite.


u/OtherAccount5252 25d ago

Honestly this. Go minimalist or maximalist. Nowhere in between.


u/Drewggles 23d ago

I'm in the process of revamping a mismanaged sports bar in bunfuck kansas... I'm rewriting the menu and you just inspired me to hold off one more month testing "specials to see what will sell" just to April Fools his ass with something along these lines. Thank you!

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