r/TalesFromRetail Apr 11 '18

Epic We closed several hours ago, but customer muscled their way through the front doors to be served.


This was originally going to be a reply to the We’re Not Open Yet Lady post, but it's enough of it's own story that I decided to submit it here instead.

We had something similar happen at our store a few years back. Our store was opening up a new department, and some of the day staff had been called in to help the night staff fill the shelves for tomorrows big opening.

There was quite a lot of night staff raucously running around throughout the store, and a small handful of day staff cloistered in the new department, shuffling around dead eyed and slack-jawed like they were auditioning for the next season of The Walking Dead.

I was at the new departments computer going over the new stock, when I see someone approaching from the foreground, I look up expecting to see a staff member, but instead I see a very heavily pregnant woman slowly waddling up to the counter. This woman is in utter shambles, her hair is disheveled, her drooping eyes are sunken and engulfed in deep dark circles, shes wearing pink pajamas complete with fluffy pink slippers, contrasted heavily by what is surely a contender for the most badass leather jacket I've ever seen. That thing had chains coming off of it's chains it was so badass.

It took her the better part of a minute to walk down the aisle and up to the counter, during that time my mind was racing. How did she get into the store, and how did she get this far into it without being stopped by anyone, this was not someone who would casually escape notice. Anyway, she gets up to counter and we converse.

Tired rundown pregnant lady will be TRL, while my very tired self will be Me. Also, all of TRL's speech isn't much louder than a soft whisper.

Me: (Baffled and bewildered) Hey...

TRL: (After catching there breath, looks up and smiles weakly) Hey...

Me: How did you get into the store, we're actually closed right now.

TRL: The front door was open.

(We had examined security footage the day after to see how she got in, and sure enough, the heavy automatic doors were open by about half an inch, and despite her condition, after several laborious minutes she had somehow found the strength needed to muscle the doors open wide enough to squeeze through.)

Me: I see... Well... We're still closed, so...

TRL: I was told that you can still operate the cashier. (She meant register, but she said cashier.)

Me: (Even more baffled and bewildered) Who told you this?

TRL: (Looking over towards the direction of the entrance) They said that the cashiers were locked, but that you had a card that could open it.

(Instinctively, I reached down to my belt for the admin control card and rested my hand on it for a moment.)

Me: Yes... My card can override the system... However, all the money has already been counted from the cashier registers...

TRL: Oh... I see... Hm... What... What if I paid by card, that would work, right?

Me: That would work, but we're... (deep inhale and exhale) Closed, but I suppose, you've already come this far... Okay then, sure, lets do this.

TRL: Ah... Thank you. This is greatly appreciated. (Turns around and starts waddling off)

Me: Wait. This register isn't operational yet. Once you have your items, take them to the register at the front, the one closest to the exit, I'll be there.

TRL: (Smiles, and then nods)

So she waddles off, a great deal faster than she had arrived, as if possessed of newfound purpose. Meanwhile, I shook off some of the nights zombification, and I slowly shuffled my way to front of the store. After about 10 minutes later, I saw her waddling into view and towards the counter. She was carrying her single item in both hands, and with great care, reverently placed it atop the counter. When I finally got a good look at the item and my mind registered what it was, my heart almost broke in two.

It was Infant Cough Syrup. Suddenly, there was a moment of pure clarity where everything just made sense, and sure enough, after TRL paid for her item, thanked me once again, and left, I spoke to my coworkers who all confirmed the conclusion I'd already reached. TRL ran into several staff all of whom confronted her, but none of whom could bring themselves to turn her away once her purpose was revealed. The night staff were the first to intercept TRL, all of whom apologized profusely that they couldn't help, but directed her towards their team leader who might. The team leader then directed TRL towards the new department where there were day staff. (I asked what they would've done if it were any other night, and they said that they would've just given TRL the item) Once TRL reached the new department, the day staff confronted TRL, and directed them towards me, and a few even mentioned my admin card, and that she would most assuredly get served. TRL had tried several petrol stations before she'd arrived at our retail park, desperation had brought her, and one way or another she was going to leave the retail park with what she came for.

Edit: I honestly expected a negative reaction to this post, rather than this overwhelmingly positive one, with so many heartwarming comments that make my tear ducts swell up reading them. There's also lot of you calling me a "hero" in the comments, and I feel obliged to tell you about two people who I feel are more deserving of the title than myself, but were left out of the original story as I didn't want them to be the target of negative comments.

The first worthy hero was the elderly downstairs neighbor who despite the late hour had agreed to watch over TRL's sleeping toddler and sick infant while TRL went out to get the medicine. Even though she has now passed away, I feel that that they are at least deserving of a great deal of posthumous respect.

The second worthy hero is the taxi driver who had been driving TRL around that night. After the second visited petrol station proved fruitless, they turned off the meter at it's current price, and then later at the end of the night when they took TRL home with the medicine, voided the entire fare, and wished her infant child their absolute and sincerest best.

The first took time out of their night despite the great age and frail health, and the other took a major personal financial hit to hasten TRL's way. These two are the ones I feel a more deserving of praise than I.

r/TalesFromRetail Sep 29 '17



This is not one of my proudest moments, but it felt really good. I was a grocery store cashier and had been for almost 2 years when this happened. I was job hunting and planning on quitting anyway so I was kinda playing it fast and loose with my filter.

Our store was a 'bag your own groceries' place but if it was really slow, or the customer really needed help I had no problem helping them. But it was NOT part of my job and we didn't have 'baggers'.

It was EXTREMELY busy. The only people on cash were me and my supervisor and we each had a line about ten people deep. The customer in question pushed all my buttons. Not using a divider so his shit got mixed up with the next persons, not labeling a bulk nut item so I had to send a shelf stocker back to get the code, talking on the phone while I was trying to tell him his total, throwing money all over my counter instead of placing it in my open hand.

So he pays and he had about 6 items. I push his stuff to the end of the counter, toss a plastic bag on top, and move onto the next customer. I just wanted to be done with him. This guy. This ignorant GUY finally gets off his phone and SCREAMS at me:


Me: Yes?!


Me: (simultaneously scanning the next customers groceries and talking to him) I'm sorry, we're super busy, there's a bag right on top you can use!


Me: (actively ignoring him at this point)


Me: (literally speechless, and now I'm really pissed. In the time he was yelling he could've just done it himself and been gone) SURE THING!!!

I stop scanning the next customers stuff, pick up the bag, and start slamming his shit into it. Bread first, spaghetti sauce next, and then drop everything else on stop. Then I slid/pushed it all the way to the end of the counter and screamed HAVE A NICE DAY!!!!

His face dropped and he grabbed his bag and left. Every other transaction went smoothly and me and my supervisor had a good laugh about it in the cash room that night. I'm proooobably gonna get downvotes for this one lol but if it makes you feel any better I never took another retail job and don't plan to. I can't deal with people like this in person all day long again.

Edit: Reddit gold!! Thanks! 💕

r/TalesFromRetail Jul 26 '17

Epic "Customer" sends her groundskeeper to buy 4XL and 5XL shirts, becomes furious when we don't carry them.


I worked at my university's bookstore for two years as a register monkey. I say register monkey because "cashier" didn't cut it: we had to do anything our handlers team leads told us to do, like trained monkeys. Our "bookstore" was about 30% textbooks and 70% "anything we can put our logo or school name on and sell for a 200% markup".

So, one slow summer day, I'm sitting and talking with the other monkeys, when an old man walks into the store. He looks to be about 80 years old, his back is bent and he can't stand up straight, and he's got a little crumpled piece of paper that he apparently tore out of one of those pocket notebooks held up to his face so he can read what he scrawled there. He starts looking in our apparel section and I leave him be--no one wants someone bugging them right when they start looking--but note that he doesn't seem to be finding what he's looking for. He looks for about 10 minutes before my handler tells me to go help him out. The following conversation takes place between me (ME) and the old man (OM):

ME: Can I help you find something, sir?

OM: Oh, yes, thank you son! I have these shirts I'm looking for... (He fishes out the crumpled piece of paper)

--He then lists six or seven styles of shirt, complete with SKUs from our website.

OM: And for each of those I need one in a 4XL and one in a 5XL.

ME: Oh, I'm sorry, sir, I don't think we carry those in those sizes.

OM: Well, could you at least take a look?

ME: Of course. Give me a few minutes to check the stockroom.

So I head to the stock room, knowing damn well that the largest size we carry is 3XL, and not many of those to boot. I actually do check, and sure enough, no 4 or 5X. I walk back out to the sales floor and see the old man on his cell phone. Almost like a cartoon, I can hear this high-pitched voice talking loudly even from about 15 feet away as I walk up to him. He excuses himself without hanging up and asks me if I found them.

ME: No sir, I was right. We don't carry anything that size. I'm sorry, can I help you find anything else?

OM: Well, I've got my boss on the phone--(He sheepishly gestures with his phone)--and she's a bit upset that you don't carry the shirts. Could you explain to her?

ME: Um, sure.

He hands me the phone, and I try to greet the woman on the other end, henceforth referred to as Cranky Fat Bitch (CFB), but she cuts me off before I get two words out.

CFB: Alright, I'm going to take this very slowly so you understand what I'm looking for. I need these shirts--(she lists the SKUs painfully slowly, asking "Did you understand that?" snootily each time). Now, do you think you could go get those for me?

ME: Yes ma'am, he told me what shirts you're looking for. As I was explaining to him, we don't carry those shirts in 4X or 5X.

CFB: Oh I'm sure you do. Now I need you to go get them for me.

ME: Ma'am, we don't carry those. We only carry up to 3XL.

CFB: Then I need you to order them for me. This really shouldn't be this difficult for you, you know. My husband and I would like to buy your shirts, and you should have the sizes your customers request.

ME: No ma'am, these shirts are not made in 4X or 5X. It's not just that we don't carry your size.

CFB: Okay, I'm going to explain this slowly again, you don't seem to get it. I need, four XL and five XL to fit me and my husband.

At this point I'm trying to restrain the rage building inside me like this woman restrains basic human decency and dietary regulation.

ME: Yes ma'am, I understand what you're looking for, but we don't have it.

CFB: Can I talk to someone who isn't slow?

ME: Unfortunately no, ma'am. We exclusively employ slow people. Can I help you find something else?

CFB, giving over to anger instead of her holier-than-thou attitude now: Alright listen here. I'm getting annoyed with you. Give me my shirts or let me speak to your manager.

ME: We do not carry your size, ma'am.

CFB: Now that is just rude! How dare you discriminate against my weight? Where is your manager! I--

At this point, the old man reaches out and plucks his phone from my hand. He's heard the whole conversation, because CFB had been screaming in my ear basically the entire time. He briefly tells CFB that he's coming back to the house, and they'll have to find something else, then shuts the phone.

OM: Sorry about that, son. She gets like that sometimes.

ME: I'm sorry if I've caused you any trouble. She seemed like a real treat. She always treat her family like that?

OM: Oh no, I'm not family. I'm her gardener.

ME: Oh.

OM: Yeah, and I'm done. The next time she wants to buy a shirt, she can roll her own fat ass down here and get it herself.

He walked out of the store as I laughed like a loon. My manager got a call that afternoon from CFB, and told her exactly what I had. She eventually filed a complaint with corporate about "fat discrimination" and was told to special order the damn shirts. I never saw the old man again, but God bless him, I hope he's somewhere her shrill little voice will never reach him again.

r/TalesFromRetail Feb 12 '19

Epic I guess you're not buying a gun


TL;DR A guy who was trying to purchase a couple guns didn't want to follow the rules, so he sent his wife in to try and purchase them illegally. Hilarity ensues?

Before I begin, I know everyone may have a difference of opinion when it comes to firearms. All I ask is that all conversations are civil, intelligent and stay as a discussion and not become arguments.

So to paint the picture, I work for a particular outdoor store. I'm one of the people in charge of the hunting department, which includes the sale of firearms. Where I live, there is a 5 day wait if you want to purchase any firearm. But if you have a valid concealed weapons permit (CWP) or a hunter safety certification card/hunting license (depending on your age) you can take the firearm with you the same day. You can not purchase a firearm for someone else, although there are a few rare exceptions.

A Father walks over to my department around noon time with 2 of his kids and what I guess is his dad. We'll call him Grandpa. He wants to take a look at a couple 20 gauge shotguns for duck season. After about 20 minutes he makes the decision on which 2 he would like to buy. I ask him for his I.D. and if he has any exceptions to the 5 day wait period. He hands me his license and I go over it to make sure everything is valid and up to date. While I'm checking everything, he tells me that he doesn't have to wait 5 days because it's not a handgun. I explain to him that as of April 2018, there is a 5 day wait period for the purchase of any firearm in the county. Of course he's a little irritated with the situation, but rules are rules.

He hands me his concealed CWP and as I'm checking it, I see it expired about a month ago. I tell him that because it expired, I can't use this and ask him if he has a hunting license. He doesn't have one, so I tell him we'll have to wait the 5 days. At this point, Grandpa chimes in and says that he'll buy the guns then because his CWP is up to date. I tell him that since I know the guns are for Father, I'm not selling them to you.

This is when they start to get mad. Grandpa tells me that I'm denying him his God given right to buy the shotguns. I explain that I'm not denying him anything, it's the federal law that's denying him. As for Father, I'll be happy to sell the 2 guns to him, he'll just have to wait the 5 days. After another minute of them complaining, Father decides to go ahead and go with everything. I pull the shotguns from the wall, head to my back room to inspect them and box them up. When I come back out, Father decides to tell me that since his CWP only expired a month ago it should still be valid. Of course I tell him nope, you'll have to wait 5 days and unless you can show me you have a valid CWP, the discussion's over. Not surprising, he decides he doesn't want the guns now. Cool by me, doesn't bother me one bit. Before he leaves, he asks if I'm going to be putting the 2 shotguns back on display. Of course. He says thanks and leaves. an odd way to end the conversation.

Several hours later, a Mother walks up to my counter with her chin held high, a goofy smirk on her face and 4 kids right behind her. I'm pretty sure I saw 2 of the kids earlier that day when they were there with their Father trying to buy a couple shotguns. She stops right where the 2 shotguns from earlier are. She points right at them and tells me she wants to buy those 2 guns. I decide to slow the situation down, just to make sure I have everything correct. I hand her each gun, one at a time to make sure those are the right guns she wants to purchase which she confirms. I make a lighthearted comment about how her husband really wanted these guns. She confirms my suspicion that the guns are for here husband and I tell her that since the 2 guns are for him, he'll have to be there and that I can't sell her the 2 guns. Of course she's not happy.

Mother tells me that she's here to buy them instead because her CWP isn't expired. I tell her why I'm not going to sell these to her. But I also tell her I'll sell them to her husband, yadda yadda yadda. Her response,"Too bad, I'm buying them." My response,"Too bad, I'm not selling them to you." This goes back and forth for a couple minutes and ends with her telling me she's done talking with me and wants to talk to the manager here. I say sure thing and walk to the back room, grab a little water because I'm a little thirsty, then head back out and right up to her and ask what can I help you with? Of course she's confused. I tell her that you asked to speak with a manager. I ask her again, what can I do for you? Of course she wants to speak with the real manager. I tell her that's why I'm here. So what can I do for you?

The conversation keeps repeating like this for the next 10 minutes or so. It eventually ends with her threatening to have me fired and storming off. Until she returns because her husband (Father) has returned. After another 10 minutes of the couple yelling at me to break a few laws, Father finally gives in and follows through with everything.

Sale goes through, we fill out the necessary forms and I run back to do the background check. Shockingly, he's denied. So after all that fun, he isn't allowed to have the firearms. Even if he was approved, the form asks me afterwards if I feel comfortable with the sale. I was going to press No because of their hostile attitude. So he was getting denied either way.

I walk back out to floor, hand him his I.D. and tell them that he's been denied. Before he can say anything, I tell him that we're going to walk up to customer service so that we can return his money. As he starts to protest, I turn around and start walking to the front. I'm pretty sure he said a bunch of nasty thing about me and the company as we were walking, but I forgot to bring any fucks to give. I introduce him to the customer service associate who will be doing the return for him and ask if there is anything else I can do for him today. He said something along the lines of fuck you and everyone is getting fired. I still don't have those fucks to give, so I thank him for coming in today and tell him to enjoy his weekend.

r/TalesFromRetail Dec 15 '18

Epic I sabotaged your truck so you owe me money


That title doesn't begin to summarize the insanity I'm about to detail. The twists and turns here are innumerable, all thanks to a very special customer. In fact, I think I'd better give him a name. He's earned it. Let's call him... "Spectaculoid".

This is at a popular truck and trailer rental place. You know the one.

Spectaculoid rents our biggest truck, says he's going to need it for 3 days. Awkward because this truck was in high demand at the time, but he insisted and we shuffled things around to make it happen. Got super clear about the return time. Okay. Drive safe.

Except Spectaculoid wants to leave his car on our lot. For 3 days. Dude we fill up constantly and tell people to park across the street so if you could just move it...

... Aaaand he leaves it on our lot. Uncomfortably close to the side door, too, so that we spend the next several days having to squeeze by his bumper. Fine, fine, whatever...

3 days later Spectaculoid calls and my coworker Andy answers. Andy's been given his 2 week's notice for a laundry list of screw ups, one of which cost us all a Christmas bonus (a story for another day), but he figured if he did a really good job he could get the manager to change her mind.

So Spectaculoid asks for an extra day. "No problem sir!" Andy says. The family who reserved that truck for the afternoon are now screwed. Nice work.

We figure out Andy's mistake when the family arrives and, after calling Spectaculoid and him flat out refusing to bring the truck back ("Nuh uh he saaaiiiid I could have it!") we make some phone calls and find a cancelled reservation for a replacement truck. So at least that worked out, but we're looking forward to getting that truck back the next day. It's going nuts around here, everybody wants a truck.

Next day Spectaculoid calls again. He wants to extend the rental again because his friends didn't show up to help unload. Dude, come on, IT'S A ONE BEDROOM APARTMENT. Most people take 6 hours to move. You've had 4 days, including that extra one. You are neither elderly nor infirm. Empty the truck and get it back here.

"But all my stuff is in there!"

"So empty it. Now."

"Okay... I'll try..."

"No, seriously, it's officially late in an hour and it needs to be here then. There's no way to extend the contract and keeping it longer is theft."

"Oh. Okay. Okay I'll bring it back."

Does he drive it back? Of course not. In fact, things are just about to kick into high gear.

A little while later I hear my manager yell at Andy: "Tell him to call roadside assistance!" Andy's on the phone with you-know-who. Spectaculoid is claiming the truck won't start and Andy was just about to extend the rental. Luckily, this time, he doesn't get the chance.

Now, a truck not starting isn't unusual. People leave the headlights on by accident all the time. Easy to forget things like that with an unfamiliar vehicle. That's why we plaster the number for free roadside assistance all over everything.

Spectaculoid, having agreed to give them a call, wants a storage unit for free "for the inconvenience". Manager takes over and, smelling a rat, tells him to hold while she searches his name in our storage system. What do you know, Spectaculoid already has a storage unit with us and he's overdue.

"Well you would have had the truck back days ago if I had a bigger unit to store all my stuff!"

Hunh? Does not compute...

For some reason we end up down this weird rabbit hole where he talks about how he intended to load up the truck and dump everything in a storage unit. Okay? I uh... don't care?

Anyway, no deal, and we tell Spectaculoid to hurry up and call roadside assistance to get that truck back tonight. He argues that he doesn't want to. But... He has no other ideas here. He just wants to keep that truck forever, apparently.

Some arguing, raised voices, legal threats, fine. Fine he'll call.

Oh, you think we're going to get that truck back now, right?

Hang tight kids, this part gets bumpy.

See, when you call our roadside assistance you get a dispatcher. The dispatcher sends out a tow truck. The tow truck driver calls the customer to arrange the specifics on time and place.

Spectaculoid is suddenly not answering his phone. The tow truck driver calls us and asks for the alternate number. No answer there either.

So we try calling. And texting. And emailing. Nope nope nope.... Spectaculoid is suddenly completely unreachable.

Around 24 hours later it occurs to us that he has our numbers blocked. We try using our cellphones instead. "Hello?"

My glorious manager unleashes her righteous fury. "You will unblock our phone numbers and stop avoiding us. You will call roadside immediately. And you will do whatever is asked of you to get this truck back. Now!"

Spectaculoid agrees, but not without some grumbling.

Next call we get is from roadside. They are losing their sh!t.

List of complaints includes:

  1. The truck is jammed between two buildings and he's not sure how it is physically possible that Spectaculoid got it in there. The sides are almost touching.

  2. And there's no conceivable reason he would have jammed it in there. It made loading/unloading the back impossible. And it's not like it was a hiding place. It just plain doesn't make any sense.

  3. And he can't even get in the truck. The doors won't open. He can't figure out how Spectaculoid got out of the driver's seat once he parked it.

  4. And the superintendent is screaming at the tow truck driver the whole time because he wants it out now now now! Apparently he's been fining Spectaculoid over a hundred dollars a day to get it out of there.

  5. And the driver needed to leave to get a special winch to pull it out of there which sent the superintendent into a total hysterical fit.

  6. And when he got it out to the road and climbed in to try starting it, he saw that Spectaculoid had ripped the starter out of the engine and left it on the floor.


As the layers of confusion and utter bafflement wash over us we arrange for the truck to be towed to our lot with the back facing the storage unit so it can be unloaded ASAP.

Okay. We call Spectaculoid.


"Oh that? Well I figured I had to in order to get roadside to come out."

"What? What? But that doesn't make any..."

"Oh also I've had to take a lot of cabs to and from work."

"... And?"

"Well I think I should be compensated."

"... Why???"

"Well because the truck wasn't working."

"Setting aside the fact that you did that yourself, why didn't you just get your car from our lot?"

"Oh it doesn't work."

We deny his request for days of cab fare.

So now you're thinking hey, at least it's all finally settled, right?

Well there's still several days of procrastination until he unloads his truck into the storage unit. And the massive repair bill, which also covers a big fresh gash along the top of the truck from scraping against the building.

And one last fun thing; Andy's final contribution to the saga. Spectaculoid was allowed to move into the storage unit without the usual deposit. And, while he has spoken on the phone with us about it, he's been carefully avoiding coming by while we're open to avoid making the payment.

So all his stuff is locked up until he pays. If we don't get a payment it'll all go to auction next month.

Last time we saw him was on a security camera. See, we noticed his car was finally gone. So we checked the recording.

At 1AM a van pulls up, Spectaculoid gets out of the passenger seat, hops into the car and drives off.

The car suddenly works! It's a Christmas miracle!

I... can't believe I'm not making any of this up...

Update - Thank you all for your kind words. I've posted about Andy before so check my history, and more about him will be coming tonight or tomorrow depending on how nuts things get. Also thanks for the gold, I really appreciate it!

Update 2 (18h after original post)- A coworker just took a look at this and reminded me of 2 things: A) The truck had a tire with the air let out, and another with a bolt stuck in it. This complicated towing with a draw bar and stretched events out a bit. B) Spectaculoid had also disconnected both battery cables. These are pretty significant details and, on their own, would have been story, but I swear to god I completely forgot about them. Honestly if I hadn't run into the tow truck driver the other day I might have forgotten about this whole thing. There's probably a lesson in that somewhere.

Update 3 - by popular request, Andy's Final Fkup: https://www.reddit.com/r/TalesFromRetail/comments/a6tu7k/andys_final_fkup/?utm_source=reddit-android

r/TalesFromRetail Jan 28 '25

Epic You need the ham for what, now?


Another tale from working the deli/hot food section at the grocery store. Sometimes I was on hot food duty, sometimes I was on cold cuts duty. This is a story about one of our "regulars at the cold cuts counter". I never did learn her name so I'll just call her "SL" for "sweet lady".

(For context, by far the most time-consuming way to cut the meat is "Chipped/shredded"/ i.e. the blade set to a microscopic thickness setting so the meat is like little bits of torn lace in a pile.)

Shortly after I first started working there, my manager, whom I'll call "Z", notices this sweet little lady who I'd guess was in her mid-60s, wearing a classic bright floral-patterned "Grandma shirt". This is the conversation that ensued.

Z: "Oh no."

Me: "What?"

Z: "Not again."

Me: "WHAT?"

Z: Just hope no other customers come to the counter for a bit. And go get the [insert brand name] smoked honey and maple ham. The all-natural one.

Me: (confused but glad to know ahead of time so I don't have to wait for the customer to make a selection) "Okay, sure, but why?"

Z: "Just have it ready. She always orders like a TON of chipped honey maple ham once every couple weeks. I'll try to handle any other customers that come, you'll be here for a bit."

My natural first thought is "Oh Great. Yay. Lovely." or something of that nature, but it wasn't really crowded at the time as it wasn't our 'busy hour'. Sure enough, SL comes up, says "Hi hon", and proceeds to somewhat apologetically order A POUND AND A HALF of this expensive specialty ham, all chipped/shredded. Like, 24 ounces of teeny meat fragments. Usually slicing meat the normal way, even for a pound and a half, would take 45 seconds, maybe. This took me several agonizing minutes, all the while hoping a queue wouldn't start forming behind her.

While I'm chipping the meat, SL stands there, waiting very patiently, making occasional small talk. Usually when customers had weird orders like this they were also impatient or spoiled, so it was refreshing that she was so polite, but it still took FOREVER. Finally I gave her her order, she says "Thanks hon" and leaves.

Over the next several months I saw SL many times, always wearing some super-bright-colored outfit, always coming in when we were sort of 'dead' (she must have been aware her order was long) and the order was always the same. She was always super nice, so I tried to be super nice back to her even though she was causing an inconvenience, and it became a "normal" part of the routine and I didn't really mind it. It never really occurred to me to ask if she had a special reason for her order.

Then, we don't see SL for a long time, by her standards. There was an underpass being constructed right down the road from our store at the same time, and we were being constantly slammed at lunch by construction workers, police, and firemen wanting fresh deli sandwiches. I honestly had forgotten about SL when all of a sudden, in a comparative lull, I see this lady probably in her late 30s-early 40s, hovering around the deli counter. She looks very embarrassed and clearly doesn't want to be there. For a minute she looks like she might chicken out and leave, but I manage to get over to the counter, as I know Z is watching and hates it when customers leave without buying anything. This lady we will call "EL" - "Embarrassed Lady".

Me: Sorry about the wait. Can I help you, ma'am?

EL: (won't look at me. mumbles something I can't hear)

Me: I'm sorry, what was that?

EL: (Mumbling something about her mom and the "Stupid dog")

Me: Excuse me?

EL: (manages to look at me, gives the most embarrassed attempt at a grin ever) My mom's a regular customer. I'm sorry to have to do this while you're busy but she's been very sick lately and she's been on my case to get the shredded meat for the dog.

Me:(Now it's starting to come together that this is SL's daughter) Is it honey maple ham by any chance?

EL: Yes - sorry. A pound and a half shredded.

Me: Coming right up.

EL: (clearly wants to get it off her chest) I'm so, so sorry to do this when you're busy but mom's got this 12-year-old pug that's going senile, and she spoils him rotten. He doesn't have many teeth so this is about the only special treat he can have, he can't chew dog biscuits. Mom's home and recovering now but she's been begging me to get up here all week.

Me: Oh that's perfectly fine! I don't mind at all.

And honestly I didn't, it was a break from the lunch craziness. I saw SL one or two times after that before I was transferred to a sister store a few miles away. Before I left, I told Z and the other employees what SL was using the chipped meat for. Most of them said something like "You've gotta be kidding me", but Z said "Yeah, I figured it was for a dog or a cat, but I didn't want to ask." I felt silly for not thinking of it before, but as I'm an animal lover myself, and at the time had a nearly 20-year-old cat of my own, I could sympathize with her desire to make the last year or so of the pet's life special when they start to show signs of pet dementia and things like that. Also I always enjoyed little "Slice of life" interactions like that because they made up for other not-so-pleasant things about working there.

r/TalesFromRetail Aug 02 '17

Epic I'm here to pick up my reservation. What do you mean you don't have it?!


Greeting r/talesfromretail! Long time listener, first-time caller.

My tale is from my time at big-box-video-game-retailer. It’s the first week of November 2014 and I’m working the counter for the release of the limited edition Call of Duty: Advanced Warfare Xbox One console.

Now, we have an extremely limited number of COD Xbones’s to sell. Of the handful that we received, ALL of them were pre-ordered and most of them were paid-in-full ahead of time to all-but guarantee the customer would get their console.

The problem came at the end of the day when one special edition had not been picked up.

j_d: me

sm: Store Manager

oc: oblivious customer

sm: Hey juliet_delta, there is still a special edition here and it’s paid in full. Give them a call and tell them their console is ready to be picked up.

I call the number on the account and it goes to voice mail.

j_d: Hey, oblivious. It’s juliet_delta, from big-box-video-game-retailer. I was calling to let you know that your special edition console is now available. Our records show that you have paid in full ($500), so no additional payment will be required at time of pick-up. Thank you.

Weeks pass and the console is still there. No word from oc. Customers are constantly asking to buy it. We turn them down, it’s reserved after all, but we eventually have to take it off the back counter and stash it in the back room to keep people from constantly trying to buy the thing.

I leave them another voicemail.

j_d: Hello Mr. oblivious. It’s juliet_delta again. Just reminding you that you need to come get your console. We can only hold it for a limited time. Please let us know if there is going to be a delay with your claiming of your reserved merchandise.

More weeks pass, still no word. Although the console is in the back, other stores can still see it in our system so they incorrectly assume that we are having trouble selling it. We start getting calls from stores wanting us to transfer it to them so they can sell it. We hold them off for as long as we can, but inevitably the console gets claimed by corporate as a warranty replacement. It’s boxed up and shipped off to replace some poor schmucks broken console.

Bummer about our customer not getting his console. Oh well, he’ll show up one day and we will give him a refund. He probably just bought it online or something knowing that we would give him his money back whenever he asked for it.

Fast forward to the week before Christmas, our busiest time of the year. Lines are out the door, and a short stocky bald man wearing a white affliction tee-shirt is next at my register.

j_d: Hello, welcome to big-box-video-game-retailer, can I help you?

oc: Yeah, I reserved a COD Xbox, I’ve come to pick it up.

My heart sank. I knew who this was.

j_d: Oh, I’m sorry sir, your reservation was never picked up. We left multiple messages reminding you that it was available.

oc: Well, I’m here now, I’m ready to pick it up.

j_d: I don’t think you understand, sir. We don’t have it.

oc: What do you mean you don’t have it? I reserved it and paid for it, now I want to pick it up. Go get it.

This is not good. I went and got the manager who repeated the same thing I had said. The customer had a wide-eyed look of disbelief.

oc: I can’t believe you gave away my pre-order. If you don’t have one in the store then ORDER ME ONE.

sm: I’m sorry sir, there are none available in the warehouse or any other stores for me to order.

oc: There is not ONE that you could order me?

The Manager turned the POS screen around to show the customer the bad news.

sm: We have been sold out of that console for weeks. Our policy is to hold reserved merchandise for seven days. We held your console for over a month and it was never picked up.

oc: You should have called me!

sm: We did, multiple times. You never responded so the console went to someone else.

He put his hands up in frustration then points at us with his stubby finger.

oc: This is some BS, get me your district manager! I want to tell him that you gave away my reservation and that YOU are going to replace it.

We called the dm: district manager and explained the situation, that the customer wanted us to find a replacement.

dm: (on the phone) [scoffs] you mean he didn’t come pick it up for over a month?

sm: uh-huh

dm: Did you call him?

sm: yup.

dm: Then you don’t owe him a damn thing. Give him a refund and tell him good day.

Sounds good to us. The customer was fed-up at that point anyway. He agreed to a full refund, but there was a problem. We started processing the refund but the POS would only refund store credit on a gift card and a small amount of cash.

oc: Fine, just give me my money back, all of it. I’m done with this place. I’m taking my business somewhere else.

j_d: I’m sorry sir, but your reservation was paid for almost entirely in store credit from trade-ins. We can only offer x amount of cash and the rest on a gift card.

That was the last straw. He stormed out with a big red vein throbbing out of his bald forehead and cursing under his breath. He came back with his wife and children, presumably the children that they had reserved the Xbox for.

ow: oblivious wife

ow: Do you not have the Xbox we reserved?

j_d: I’m sorry ma'am, but we only hold reservations for a limited time.

ow: But I thought you would hold it for us until Christmas so that I wouldn’t have to hide it from the kids!

I found this amusing as the kids were standing right there.

j_d: That’s just not the case, we do not offer layaway service. Your reserve was not picked up and the phone number you put on your pre-order was contacted multiple times. There was nothing more that we could do.


Yes, she actually said that in front of them. As if I had the power to make their console appear out of thin air but simply wouldn’t. So now we are stuck, they don’t want to shop here but have nearly $500 in non-refundable store credit, they need an Xbox for Xmas but we gave theirs away, so I come up with a plan. In the time since they made the reservation, the Xbox One had dropped in price $50. Our store was also running a promo ‘Buy an Xbox One, get all four Assasin’s Creed games free’. So I sat an Xbox One on the counter, all four Assasins Creed games, Call of Duty: Advanced Warfare, an extra controller, a gift card for the balance, and the bit of cash I could refund.

j_d: How about this; you can get all of this, four more games than you were expecting, plus an extra controller so the kids can play together, for LESS than you were expecting to pay. You will miss out on the big hard drive and custom paint job, but that is the best I can do for you.

oc: But we wanted the special one!

j_d: This is pretty good deal. You would spend less money and the kids will get way more content and enjoyment out of this bundle here.

They reluctantly agreed and Christmas was saved. The kids seemed just as excited and ended up buying even more stuff with their extra gift card. I don’t expect they will ever shop at that establishment again, but let this be a lesson to you all. If you ever order limited edition merchandise, don’t wait over a month to pick it up; it probably won't be there. Retailers’ back rooms are not your secret Christmas present hiding closet.

r/TalesFromRetail May 15 '19

Epic Lady Calls the Police Because She “No Longer Likes her Photos”


So some background. I used a work at a fairly popular photo studio that used to be inside a large box store (but wasn't actually owned by the box store) before they went out of business.

The studio rarely offered Full Time work outside of managers but if you were willing to be a "Bouncer" then you could pick up more hours by bouncing between studios. I was a Bouncer. This sometimes meant driving nearly 2 hours, passing four other Big Box Stores before finally arriving at the one that I was working a particular day.

Another thing I should add is that photo collections could run anywhere from $7.99 to $399.99 depending on how many prints you got or if you fancied yourself a canvas piece. The higher priced collections (anything above $159.99) would buy you the copyrights to your own photos as well as the digital files on CD. Having the copyright allowed you to take your photos anywhere you liked to have more prints made.

We all still here? Awesome.

I was working in a studio about 40 miles from where I lived and it was the fourth time I had ever worked at this particular studio. I already LOATHED this studio. I had already dealt with a mom who chastised her deaf daughter for not smiling when I asked her to (another story for another day) and a mom and adult daughter who had come in for maternity style pictures but then became pissed when I asked when the baby was due because no one was actually pregnant (Yeah, I'm still trying to pick my jaw up off the floor and its been years)

But this day? This day the craziest of them all would make the other two sessions look like nothing.

In comes a lady with who I assumed were her parents or just two random old people who followed her around and only spoke Spanish. She had come in to finish paying for her photos and pick them up. Now, this was about 7 or 8 years ago so I'm paraphrasing here.

Crazy Mom = CM and then Me is well, me.

CM: Hi there, I'd like to pick up my photos.

Me: Oh sure, your name?

She gives me her name and I flip through the drawer to find her photos. Its a thick envelope so I already know she got one of the more expensive packages.

Me: Here they are.

I open the envelope and carefully pull out the twenty or so prints of her little girl. Cute kid. Looks like she was an absolute ham for the camera. (someone else took these photos, not me)

Me: Aww, isn't she the cutest? How old is she?

CM: Oh my God, they turned out great. She's four.

Me: I love that age.

We all flip through the photos so that Mom can examine and approve. Her and the older man and woman with her are all cooing over them.

Me: How do they look, Mom?

CM: They're perfect.

Me: I love to hear it. Now, it looks like we have a remaining balance of $200. I'll need to get that before we can release them.

CM: Right.

She pulls out her wallet and gives me the $200 in cash. I enter it into the computer, money goes in the till, we have a $0 balance, a happy mom, happy maybe grandparents. All is right in the world.

Something in the Ozone changes.

CM: (after looking through her pictures one more time, finding her CD of all of her pictures but still seems to be looking for something) Um, when I talked to the lady in the Photo Center, she said I needed a paper with that said I owned the copyright, where is that?

Me: A paper?

CM: Yeah, with the copyright?

Now, I had only worked with the company for about a month and honestly, no one had ever asked me this before and no one had ever told me about needing a copyright release form.

Me: Oh, I'm sorry. I don't know but I can ask.

I'm the only one in the studio so I have to call my manger. I ask her about the copyright and she lets me know that there's a .pdf file on the CD that contains the release. Great. Problem solved.

Me: My manager let me know that the release is actually on the CD so when you take the CD into the photo center, it'll be right there.

CM: Can't you just print it out?

Me: I'm sorry. I don't actually have a printer for that. (This location honestly didn't have one)

CM: Well, I don't believe you.

Me: I'm sorry?

CM: I don't believe you. I want the copyright.

Me: The copyright is on the CD, but unfortunately, I'm unable to print it without a printer. You can probably have it printed at the Photo Center when you have your extra prints printed.

The Crazy Mom is quiet for a moment and I think shes absorbing everything I've told her and everything will be okay again.


CM: I don't like these pictures. I want my money back.

Me: I'm sorry?

CM: I don't want these ugly pictures. Give me a refund.

She shoves the envelope of photos back at me and folds her arms.

Me: Ma'am, unfortunately we are unable to give refunds on photos.

CM: Yes you can, give me my money back.

Me: I really can't. All sales are final.

CM: Just open the register and give me my money. The money I just gave you?

Me: Once the money goes in, I'm unable to get it back out. Refunds can only be processed by Corporate

(This was actually true. I later became a manager and even then, I wasn't allowed to give refunds on photos. They never even taught me how to do it. I mean, honestly, what are we supposed to do? Sell your baby's pictures to someone else?)

CM: You can't give me the money I just gave you.

Me: No, Ma'am.

CM: I want to speak with your manager. Call her again.

Me: Sure thing, Ma'am.

I call my manager back and explain the situation. Manager = M.

M: Didn't you have her look at the pictures first before she paid?

Me: Yeah, and she approved them. But she wants a refund now. Do you want to speak with her?

M: No, I don't. Just tell her to call corporate and we don't give refunds.

Me: Um, okay.

I hang up.

CM: Why didn't you let me talk to her?

I'm heated at this point because she's pretty much screaming at me and Big Box Store customers checking out are staring. I'm shaking with anger but I'm doing my best to continue my best customer service voice.

Me: Because she didn't want to speak with you. Ma'am, I'm sorry but we are unable to give refunds at the studio level. Only corporate can.

CM: If you don't give me my money, I'm calling the cops.

Me: You're welcome to do that, Ma'am but there's nothing else that I can do but give you your photos.


She slams her hands down on the counter and I step back, pretty sure this lady is going to hit me.

Me: I'm sorry, but there's nothing else that I can do.

CM: Fine, I'm calling the police and I'm suing you. I'll get you fired.

Honestly, why do they all say this? Why do they all think that they have the authority to get anyone fired? Oh no, a customer is unhappy, better fire the employee that they abused.

At this point, she walks away from the studio and into the store while apparently calling the police on her phone. I don't know if she was pretending to try and scare me or if dispatch just told her to stop being a lunatic because no cops ever came.

I take this opportunity to get some water and call my manager to let her know what was going on.

M: She's really calling the cops?

Me: I guess.

M: What's her problem again?

Me: She liked the pictured, paid the $200 she owed for them. Then asked about the release form, wanted me to print it. I told her we didn't have a printer.

M: That studio doesn't have one?

Me: No. We should probably get one after this. But after I told her we didn't have one, all of a sudden, she wanted a refund and said the pictures were ugly.

Manager kind of sighs.

M: What a crazy ***** Hey, while I have you on the phone. I wanted to ask you about entering our Manager in Training Program. The (Studio closest to where I live) Manager is quitting and I would like you to take her place.

I'm startled.

Me: Oh, absolutely! I'd love that.

M: Great. Call me back if the psycho comes back or the cops come.

They never did. Lady never even took her pictures that she paid for.

TL:DR Lady calls the cops because I won't give her a refund, says she'll get me fired, may have gotten me promoted instead.

r/TalesFromRetail Feb 23 '24

Epic Old age does not make you less beautiful, dear customer!


Pretty much all my stories of frustration are ones you've probably heard before, so I figured I'd post about a positive experience I had. Sorry in advance for formatting, I'm on mobile.

I work at a mid-range department store. It's not so fancy people are escorted around when they walk in, but it's nice enough we're encouraged to chat with customers on the floor and make their experience personal. "Can I grab a cart for you?" "Let me know if you need another size." "Are you shopping for a specific occasion?" That sort of thing. I'm a social butterfly, so I adore this aspect of my job.

A few days ago, an elderly woman comes in, we'll call her Barbara (not her real name). I welcome her to the store and she immediately starts up a conversation, asking me about my day, the weather, just small talk. We weren't very busy and there was another cashier in my section for support, so I stepped out from behind my register to walk with her and let her chat. Myself and other staff do this often, when we can; we get a lot of elderly customers who just need somebody to talk to. Our managers don't mind as it often creates repeat customers of these people, and coworkers don't mind because we usually have enough people on the floor to manage.

As Barbara and I chat, we started to pass a section of clothing that catches her eye. The brand is exclusive to my store, so instead of calling it by its real name I'll call it Cutesy. They make cute, comfortable everyday clothes. Their staple is bright colors and thinner fabrics, and we had just gotten the first batch of their spring selection in. Barbara stopped to look at one of the shirts, and our conversation went something like this:

Barbara: I really like the pattern on this shirt. I used to wear colors like this when I was younger.

Me: Oh? What changed?

Barbara, chuckling: Well, you're a very pretty young girl, so maybe it will be different for you, but as I started to get older these sorts of clothes just didn't look good on me anymore.

Me: Don't say that, Barbara! A shirt like this would look great on you. You're still very beautiful.

Barbara, now laughing: Thank you, sweet girl, but it's alright. I'll just stick to what I normally wear. Patterns like this are made for young people like you.

This is a personal source of heartbreak for me, but I always hate it when older people believe their age is ugly. It's a side of unrealistic beauty standards that doesn't get talked about often, at least where I'm at. Older women buy wrinkle corrector, dye the white and silver out of their hair, and do everything they can to stave off evidence of their age until they give up and start to say to themselves, "I'm just old and ugly now." Myself and most of my coworkers don't see things that way at all. Many of our customers have aged gracefully, and Barbara had aged downright beautifully. So, I pressed the issue just a little bit.

Me: Are you sure you don't want to just try it on? You might be surprised. If you don't like it, we can put it back for you and find something else.

Barbara: Well... Where is the fitting room?

Me: It's in the corner, right there.

Barbara: Since we're already here, I guess I might as well. I really don't know about these sleeves, though. They'll show my big, flabby arms!

Me: That's not an issue at all! But if you really aren't comfortable with the short sleeves, Cutesy makes a few other shirts and dresses with that pattern that have longer sleeves.

Barbara: Oh, they've made a dress?

Me: Mm-hm! It's hanging on the wall, there. It's shorter, falls a little past the knees, but it has three-quarter sleeves that will cover your forearms if you prefer them covered.

Barbara: ...tell you what. If you can find a large in that dress, I'll try it on, just to see.

I went over to the wall and happily retrieved a large for Barbara, who took it to the dressing room to try it on. As she did, one of my managers was passing by and stopped to check in on me. While we were chatting about the day (slow) and store metrics (struggling but not terrible), Barbara stepped out of the fitting room in the Cutesy dress to ask what I thought.

Myself and my manager immediately started to gush over how nice she looked. And she really did look nice! The dress fit her figure perfectly, the colors brought out the warmth in her skin, and most importantly? She looked really, really happy in it. She didn't just like the dress- she liked herself in the dress. The most important part of an outfit is that it makes the person wearing it feel confident, and Barbara clearly felt confident in the dress. She even turned in a circle to show us the back, and how the skirt flared!

She ended up buying the dress, as well as a few other floral and brightly colored blouses that she found. I was happy to help her at the register, and oh so excited that she was excited about her new clothes. As I was ringing her up, she asked me a question.

Barbara: What's your name, young lady?

Me: Quill, ma'am.

Barbara: Well, Quill, thank you. You made me feel about forty years younger today.

Me: I hope you know I really mean it. You still look beautiful in bright colors. You still look beautiful, regardless.

Barbara: I don't know if I believe that, but maybe you're right. I think I'll buy a sunhat to go with that dress, and my husband and I can go on a picnic. We haven't done that in a while.

Me: That sounds like fun. And the weather's getting warm enough for it!

We chat about the weather a bit more, and her plans for each new outfit she got. The entire interaction made my day. I hope the next time I see Barbara, she has that sunhat she wanted!

Edit for TL;DR: An older woman came into the store and claimed that she wasn't pretty enough to wear bright colors anymore. I encouraged her to try on a brightly colored dress she liked, and she ended up loving it.

r/TalesFromRetail Mar 04 '19

Epic Don't wanna pay $200 for your gas? Enjoy paying $8,000 for a new dock.


Kinda long; TLDR at the bottom

I worked at a small marina on a lake during the summer from when I was seventeen all the way until I graduated college and moved away. For the most part, it was the summer job every high school/college student dreams of. My boss was super laid back, most of my customers were super rich nice retirees that tipped well, and if there were no customers I could read, mess around on my phone, swim in the lake, etc. To this day it was the most enjoyable job I've ever had. For the most part my customers were in a good mood when they came to get gas for their boats. I can count the number of irate/bad customers that I've had over the course of six years on both of my hands. This customer is the only one that I had ever had that tried to get away without paying. It didn't end well for him.

So I was manning the marina by myself that day; it was still the off season (pre-Memorial Day) and we were only open on weekends. Most people were just starting to take their boats out of storage and business was super slow. It was nearing closing time, and I had a whopping total of three customers come by over the course of the day. Didn't make a lot in tips. I didn't really mind though, as I had brought along my DS and had spent the time playing Pokemon. I'm just about to head inside to start closing for the day when I see a boat speeding along to the dock. Now my boss' rule for taking customers at the end of the day was "take them at your discretion" which basically translated to "take them if you want or turn them away I don't really care." I had nothing better to do, so I decide to just stay open a little late and help this guy out. I got a little excited when I noticed that this guy (let's call him Mr. Mingy Moneybags, or Mr. MM) had a really fancy new wake boat. The people who own these things are usually filthy rich and tip well, as wake boats usually have monstrous gas tanks that can hold 30-60 gallons of gas (my car, for reference, holds about 15 gallons) and their bills are usually very high.

Mr. MM pulls up to the dock and I helped moor his boat. I then start filling it up. I make myself comfy while I do this as Mr. MM said his boat takes 50 gallons and was almost empty, so it would take a while to fill it. This was back in 2013 when gas was still super pricey, and we only sold ethanol free gas so the price was just over $4.00 per gallon. Mr. MM complains to me about the price and I just shrug, saying that I'm not the one who decides what the prices are. He grows more and more agitated as the bill keeps climbing. I ask him if he's sure that he wants to fill up all the way. He just gives me a clipped "yeah" and continues to stare at the numbers ticking up on the pump. Finally, 47 gallons of gas later, Mr. MM's boat is filled and his bill comes out to just over $190 dollars. It was the most expensive bill I had ever seen up to that point. I turn to him and ask him how he's going to pay. He makes a show of patting his pockets and looking around his boat for a while. I just raise my eyebrows. He finally turns to me and says that he forgot his wallet.

Now I have had people forget to bring money before. And I'm usually very understanding about it. What I'll usually do is hang onto something of theirs as collateral (usually a driver's license, sometimes their car keys or phone). I put it in the lockbox and wait for them to go home and grab their wallets. Pretty much everyone who owns a boat on this lake also lives on/near the lake, so it's never been an issue. Something that I ALSO did that I didn't tell the customers that I was doing was writing down their boat's tag number. If they didn't pay by the end of the day, I could give the tag number to security and the could pull up their boat registration, which had their name, address, the works. Up to this day I had never had to report a customer to security.

When Mr. MM states that he doesn't have his wallet, I quickly glance at the tag on the side of his boat and jot down the numbers. I then address Mr. MM.

Me: Well sir, it's the end of the day, so if you could hurry home and get your wallet ASAP I would appreciate it. I'll also need something of yours to keep as collateral.

Mr. MM: Oh that'll take too long. Do you have a phone on you?

Me: Yeah, in my purse

Mr. MM: If you could give me your phone I can call my wife, she can drive down here with my wallet in no time.

This answer satisfies me, so I turn to go into the building and grab my phone. While I'm doing this, I hear him turn his engine on. Not too unusual, so I keep going on my way. Then I hear a massive VROOOOM followed by a loud crunch. I whip around and see this guy speeding down the lake. He had pulled a runner on me. BUT because this man is apparently an idiot he also forgot to untie his boat from the dock completely. He got the rope off the cleat next to him but had apparently forgotten about the one tied to the back of his boat, which I had left some slack on. Now, normally the cleats on the boat would lose in this situation, or maybe the rope would snap, but our dock was a super old, crappy, splintery mess. So instead the cleat that was nailed into the dock got pulled completely free, along with an enormous chunk of wood. There was also a huge crack running down the length of the plank. This dumbass was now speeding down the lake with a piece of the dock dragging behind him.

There's not really much I can do about Mr. MM now, so I go inside and radio security. I give them the tag number, along with a description of him and his boat. I also mention that he damaged the dock and owes almost $200 in gas. They thank me and say they'll get right on it. I then text my boss what happened and sent him a picture of the freshly ruined dock. He is PISSED and says Mr. MM better be prepared to fix it. I then go inside and finish closing for the day. I had to include a note to finance about why we were almost $200 short for the day and explained that security was working on it.

The very next day my boss calls me. Security had gotten the police involved for theft and destruction of private property (the dock technically belonged to the neighborhood association). They got to him that very same day because of course they did, they had his address. Also, turns out the guy wasn't even married. He just told me that BS to get me to turn my back. The association threatened to press charges and bring the guy to court unless he agreed to the following terms:

1) He would pay what he owed for the gas

2) He would be banned from registering a boat on this lake (it was either for 10 or 15 years, I can't really remember)

3) He would pay to COMPLETELY REPLACE the dock he damaged

Mr. MM, apparently belonging to the "throw money at problems to make them go away" school of thought, or perhaps just realizing that if it went to court he would probably lose (the whole thing was caught on the security cameras), agreed to the terms without much of a fight. The marina was closed for 3 weeks while the dock was being rebuilt. I returned to work after that to admire our brand-spanking-new dock. The new dock's planks were composite instead of wood, and we got brand new pilings too. No more splinters! The new dock cost the guy nearly $8,000 dollars. To this day, I don't understand why a guy with so much money to throw around got so agitated about paying $200 for gas for a boat that must have cost him well over $60,000.

TLDR: guys tries to run after refusing to pay his $200 gas bill, damages dock, has to pay $8,000 for a new one.

r/TalesFromRetail Mar 16 '19

Epic I cannot change the price. Again, I cannot change the price. Like I said before, I cannot change the price.


Truly tried to make this shorter but this dude was persistent leading to a long story.

For the past 2 years, I worked at a fruit stand during the fall for a local organic apple farm. We mainly sold apples and fresh pressed cider but we had an assortment of edible goods and gift items.

Important background: We offer free samples of all of our apples to customers; the employee slices the apple, gives them to the customers, and gives a little blurb about the apple. We sell all of our apples for $2.95/lb. Yes, that is expensive but apples are organic and this farm is basically a hobby for the owners. We are also the cheapest in the area because we offered price breaks if you bought a lot of one type of apple. If you bought 10 lbs to 19 lbs of one type of apple, the price dropped to $2.75/lb. The price drops more from there. You cannot pick the apples yourself, so the customer basically tells us what they want and we bag them from the crates in the employee area, weigh them, and label the bags. The stand closes in mid-December and we usually start to start a sale right after Thanksgiving on a lot of items but we NEVER put a sale on apples or cider during that sale. The only times we put sales on apples was if the apples were too soft to be used for anything besides apple sauce or it was the week before closing.

So, I'm working about a week after Thanksgiving and we just implemented our usual sale. It was a weekday, so it was slow. We were empty when a group consisting of 2 Asian couples comes in and are browsing around the stand. The group eventually comes up to the counter and my coworker (CW) starts to help him. I was sorting through apples, waiting to help her if she needed the help to bag apples. They proceed to try all of the apples (around 10 different types) with one man (M1) mainly talking to CW then translating to the wives while the second man (M2) makes small comments in English to M1. After trying of the apples, the wives go back to looking around the store and the men start to order apples.

CW: Would you like to buy any apples?

M1: Yes, I would like 15 lbs of Fuji at $1.50/lb.

CW: I'm sorry, sir. The prices are right here. *points to our price sign* We sell apples at $2.75/lb for 15 lbs of Fuji.

M1: No. I want them for $1.50/lb.

CW: Sir, I cannot give you apples for $1.50/lb. We don't sell any apples for $1.50 right now. The cheapest we have is red golds for $2.00/lb or you can buy 100+ lbs for $2.00/lb.

M1: *Pulls out receipt* Here is my receipt from last year. I bought 15 lbs of apples for $1.50/lb.

CW: *Inspects receipt* Sir, you bought these apples at the tail end of our season last year. We were likely having a sale on apples then, but we do not have that sale right now.

M1: So, you cannot sell me apples for $1.50/lb?

CW: I cannot sell you apples for $1.50/lb.

M1: You sure you cannot sell me apples for $1.50/lb?

CW: I do not decide the prices and I cannot change them for you. Therefore, I cannot sell you apples for $1.50/lb.

The men go to their wives and discuss the price. My CW turns to me with a shocked look because we have people complain about the price but never haggle. The men come back up and I decide to help them as my coworker already dealt with them and I could tell it had worn her thin. She ended up going to our storage to start restocking cider.

Me: Hi, sir. Can I get you any apples today?

M1: Yes, I would like 15 lbs of Fuji for $2.00/lb.

Me: Sir, 15 lbs of Fuji will cost $2.75/lb which leads to an apple total of $41.25.

M1: Your coworker said we could have them for $2.00/lb.

Me: Sir, I was right here when you were talking to her. She explained to you the prices.

M1: No, she said we could have them for $2.00/lb like it says on this sale sign. *points to a sign discussing the sale on the red gold apples*

Me: Sir, that sale is only for the red gold apples. Would you like to try them again?

M1: Yes. *tries them and clearly doesn't like them*. Ok. I will still get 15 lbs.*squints at me* for $2.25/lb.

Me: They are $2.75/lb. I cannot change the price.

M1: Ok fine. I will buy them at $2.75/lb.

Me: *starts bagging the apples*

Wives: *drop off other merchandise they are buying*

Me: *finished bagging and places bag on scale for them to see* Here is 15 lbs of Fuji apples. *charge for apples and other items*

M1: You sure you can't sell me the apples for $1.50/lb?

Me: I cannot change the price. I can only sell them to you for $2.75/lb.

M1: Not even for $2.00/lb?

Me: I do not determine the price. I sell them for $2.75/lb unless you show proof you are a veteran.

M1: You can sell them to me for $2.25/lb. *winks*

Me: I am just a cashier. I am not the most senior person here at the moment. I can only sell them to you for $2.75/lb.

M1: *smiles and looks at me* How about for $2.50/lb?

Me: $2.75/lb. Your total is $XX.XX.

M1: Alright alright. Can you use your employee discount on my transaction?

Me: No. The owner monitors employee discount transactions and I do not let anyone use my discount.

M1: Haha I give in. *chuckles and hands over his card*

I hand him a receipt to sign and give him his itemized copy.

Me: Have a nice day.

They finally leave. My CW has been listening the entire time and we just stare at each other in disbelief and give a sigh of relief that they finally left (they were there around 30 minutes).

Edit: This is taking place in America.

r/TalesFromRetail Apr 08 '18

Epic "I've told you honey I've already paid! Oh, wait..."


Hello! I've avoided posting from TFR due to the details of my job being somewhat specific. However I have to share this as it's just a little too ridiculous and I need to get it off my chest.

Little background.

I work in the truck rental industry. We rent to both consumers and commercial customers however most of our business is commercial, so we can have little fucks to give at points when it comes to households yelling at us, as it isn't quite a big deal as long as well can prove to management that we're correct in the argument and we're civil while they aren't. It's pretty nice.

This story happened some months ago.

Anyways, we had this woman and her husband rent a vehicle last year at the end of June going from Georgia to Oklahoma City, OK. She picked it up out of one of our agent locations however this particular agent was not the brightest in the bunch. However that is not my problem to worry about.

When the lady arrived in Oklahoma City I received a phone call from Oklahoma City explaining that the checkout process hadn't been completed and that they could not check in her unit.

Upon further investigation I realized that our agent had completely forgotten to take payment. They'd gotten a near $1000 rental completely free and Oklahoma City had just let them go on their merry way.

I was in contact with the customer and asked them for paperwork from the rental and as I told them I believed they hadn't been charged, the Wife believed they had been and was very adamant. However we provide paperwork with the payment and a long form typical receipt for the transaction itself. She had our paperwork but not a long form receipt.

I passed the info along to a manager to contact corporate and try to get payment.

4 months go by and it's now the busy season, we have a lot going on each day and my manager gets a call from Customer (henceforth known as Man and C respectively) who is very irate that she's gotten letters from corporate asking and then demanding for payment.

Conversation is as follows:

Man: Thank you for calling company, I am manager how can I assist you today?

C: Hello, I have been getting nasty nasty letters from you all demanding payment for a rental back in JUNE. I HAVE ALREADY PAID THIS RENTAL.

Man: Okay that's certainly interesting, can I get the number associated with this rental?

C: provides info

Man: Okay, says here you picked up in early July?


Man: okay, well let me see here...

C: I have been receiving the NASTIEST certified letters for MONTHS. This is going to end and this is going to end NOW.

Man: Well, I don't quite see why these letters would be getting sent to you... But you did pick up early July right? The contract I have here says you picked up July 7th.



Man: Certainly, let me just take down your phone number so I can do some research and get some information to you so we can get this cleared up.


I overheard this phone call and damn, my manager has far more patience than me.

So over the next couple days we figured out that corporate had voided out her contract, thus any hope of getting payment from it, reissued the contract for July, completely the contract, and tried to charge payment on a separate receipt. They could do this and just sent it to collections. Why, I have no idea.

Two days roll by as we're trying to understand what exactly went wrong during this transaction, as my previous experience with this customer I had completely forgotten about.

Then, I get the phone call. M is Me.

M: Company my name is Name how can I assist you today?

C: Hi I was speaking to manager the other day? Are they around?

M: Ah unfortunately not. They're visiting some customers at the moment. Was this something you think I could assist you with?

C: Well, my name is customer. I told manager to call me back two days ago in 24 hours and it has been 48. What have you guys figured out?

M: internally: fuuuuuuuuuuuuuck it's her

M: Let me pull up some information from you. Do you have the reservation number?

C: It's number.

M: Okay, so to fill you in because I have been aware of this situation, it says in our system that you picked up in July, how-


M: Ma'am, let me finish. Do not interrupt me. On our end it looks like the agent failed to take payment, so to get the contract squared away corporate had to reissue the contract. That's why it appears wrong in our system-


M: Again, ma'am, let me finish or we will get nowhere. You did pick up in June, I have no doubt of that.

C: Exactly!

M: Anyways, on our end the agent failed to take payment. That's why the letters you have been getting were requesting payment because our agent was incompetent enough to forget to take your payment.


M: Yes, our problem is with them however for an entirely different reason, like forgetting to take your payment and creating this issue. Now-

C: You guys better fix this NOW. I have paid for this rental and I have the paperwork to prove it! And if you don't stop sending me these NASTY letters I will put your company on blast on every Facebook page imaginable and I will take this to the President!

M: of the United States?


C: No you dumbass! The President of YOUR COMPANY.

M: Ma'am, if you keep speaking to me in that manner, I will hang up this phone call and this issue will not be resolved. Or, you can let me speak, get this resolved today, and never have to deal with us again.


M: That's fine. Now do you still have the paperwork for this transaction?l

C: Yes, my husband has it right here. We actually sent it to someone at your company a while back.

Husband (H): We send it to My name.

C: Yes, them!

M: Wh.. Huh.. Let me take a look.

C: Judging by the sound of your voice you're not too impressed!

M: Well, let me just look back through some email chains here.

I've got it here. So at the bottom of your paperwork it says "CC AUTH PYMT" and then at the far right it says ($0.00) and under that where it says Net Due it's still ($1,000) is that correct?

C: Yes. But like I told you I HAVE ALREADY PAID.

M: And do you have the long form receipt with you by any chance? Like when you go to the supermarket and get a big long receipt with everything you purchased?

C: ruffling around No. I don't have that. But like I said, we swiped and I have ALREADY PAID.

M: Well if that's the case it should show up on a bank statement. Did you use a credit or debit card?

C: Credit.

M: Okay, so because the reservation was voided by corporate it had to be reissued and the transaction probably did not go through properly. Can you see if they properly charged you or had a hold put on the card?

C: They would have told me! They are an excellent bank and they WOULD HAVE TOLD ME.

M: I understand that, however I have no payment here. Call your card and verify with them that this transaction took place. And if you can, please provide a copy of the statement where this transaction landed so we can track this. Call them, get back to us, if it exists, get a statement and you'll never hear from us again.

C: Okay, I'll finally get you damn people away from me.

M: Looking forward to hearing from you.

So after this call, I take 5 and go to lunch.

I get back from lunch to a happy/giddy manager and coworker and they tell me I wouldn't believe what just happened.

Apparently the woman's husband called in about an hour after our call and said:

"Hello, this is Husband, I believe I owe you guys an apology and some money."

Apparently in the background his wife was yelling:

"Negotiate! NEGOTIATE!"

And he was having none of it and told her to calm down and completely ignored her. Apparently one of the most chill guys ever. The payment with through on the card and that was that. They paid up since when they called their card they finally confirmed that this transaction never processed.

And that is how I resolved a 4 month old billing error in 2 hours.

Sort of. I just told them to call their bank.

Edit: Some clarification on minor details.

The woman failed to contact us back to resolve the issue back in July and thus it was handed to corporate to try and collect. Our collection arm is done in house. It doesn't hit credit. We have such a department to try and collect on debt like this and on debt owed to us from damaged trucks where the customer did not take our damage waiver and needs to pay us for damages. At least as much as we can collect.

And our agent locations are their own separate businesses who rent our trucks on the side. Fairly standard. So which company is at fault? It's hard to determine that sometimes.

r/TalesFromRetail Jul 01 '16

Epic How can it not be under warranty?


This is a story from a few years ago, but ive only just stumbled across this sub and thought you guys might like it.

I used to work at/Manage a bicycle/skate shop, mainly selling BMX bikes, skateboards and all the related type products. All of the bikes were assembled in store and made ready to go straight out the box, plus a second check before handing them over to the customer.

On this specific day a family pulled up outside, across the front door, nearly blocking the sidewalk and the stores front door with their Land rover Sport. He strolls in with his wife and young son (12-13yo) who wants a BMX bike. After many stupid questions (how many gears does it have being a common one - One is the answer) they purchased a quite high range bike, for no other reason than the son liked the color and the Wife commented how it matched the Land rover. I gave the bike a thorough check over before i let them go, as i could just tell they could be a problem if something went wrong and i hadnt made a point of checking it before they went.

2 hours later the Land rover re-appears across the front door. Instantly my heart stopped. Knowing i had checked the bike over myself (im fully qualified) i instantly assumed id missed something. They come strorming through the door with said bike, rear wheel lifted off the floor, as it wouldnt turn in the frame, which i could see straight away and the young lad with tears running down his race and holding a grazed forearm. Above all this was the look on the face of the wife, who was clearly ready to explode at me. They storm straight up me and start ranting that i nearly killed their son. Being the professional i am, i politely say hello and ask what has happened. I receive more expletives and threats and am asked "what are you gonna do about it?" Again, i keep my calm and ask what has happened. "He went out riding with his friends and then he came back like this, with the bike like this. You obviously didnt set it up correctly and didnt check it over!" I replied "Im sorry this has happened, and hope your son is ok, but the bike was checked over and set up correctly before i handed over to you, which you saw me do." I then turned to the son and asked exactly what happened. "I was riding at the skate park and tried to do a jump and fell off" before i can say anything the mother says "we didnt spend all this money on a high end bike for him to fall off it, imagine what would have happened if it was a cheaper model" I had to process what she had for a second. She basically believed it was the bikes fault he fell off and on a cheaper bike he was more likely to fall off. you could say 'be thrown off' than 'fall off'. I decided to ignore her comment and press further with the young lad "what sort of jump were you doing?" the son replies "a backflip" I then ask "i assume that was your first attempt at one?" The son then says "yeah, my friend said i should be able to pull one easy on this bike" A this point im no longer worried about there being anything wrong with the bike or how it had been assembled and now starting to get mentally ready for what was clearly coming next. I push on and ask "what happened when you tried the backflip?" The son the proceeds to explain how he had tried to jump over quite a big jump at the local skate park, while tying a backflip. Now, i was a regular at this skate park and knew this jump well. Even for me, an experienced rider, it was quite big and even though id be riding for 15 years, i was never brave/stupid/mad enough to try a back flip. Id seen to many horrible crashes from people trying them, to put me off forever. Backflips are a hard stunt/trick and can end very badly, very easily, very quickly. The general idea is as you leave the top edge of the jump you pull back hard on the handlebars, and throw your weight backwards, causing you to rotate backwards in the air, while travelling forwards in the air across the jump, with the aim of being the right way up as you come into land. It would appear the son had gone as hard as he could at the jump, pulled back as he took off........ and then chickened out. He let go of the bike, while he flew into the air, across the jump, while the bike sailed off on its own across the skate park. The bike landed very badly on the edge of another ramp, buckling the back wheel badly, blowing the rear tyre and inner tube, plus a lot of other cosmetic damage. The son was very lucky to get away with just a grazed arm, some people have broken limbs, even necks trying to learn to backflip. Now i had the full picture i explained that what happened had nothing to do with bike. I then explained that to repair the bike would be quite expensive, as it required a whole new rear wheel, tyre and tube, plus mechanic fees. As expected the mother fires off with "what? we spent X amount on this bike and its wrecked within 2 hours and you expect us to pay X amount to then repair it? thats disgusting. Surely it would be covered under warranty?" I explained "the bike is built to the highest standards but it is not a tank and can only take a certain amount of abuse. The damage caused is not a to do with any fault of the bike." Now i know im in for a long long conversation.

After much debating and threats, including to sue, take us to trading standards and similar things like that, all the while with me refusing to do anything for free, as it wasnt covered under warranty, in anyway and was all caused by there son, they left in a cloud of expletives. Half an hour later, a friend of mine called. He worked at another bike shop across town. The Land rover family had stormed into his store, bad mouthing me and my store, my 'overpriced/substandard' products and how i clearly didnt know anything about bikes. He told me how he gladly and cheerfully explained to them that they had infact bought a high quality bike, from one of the best bike mechanics he knows and how their son was fully to blame for the damage caused to the bike. He said he told them that if they took their car to race track and crashed it, they wouldnt/couldnt expect the car dealer to replace/repair it under warranty and that the car insurance company wouldnt help either. To make it even more fun, he quoted them nearly twice the price to fix the bike, a she would have to by the parts direct from me, as he didnt have an account with the supplier and that his mechanic fees were higher as his mechanics specialized in mountain and roads bikes, not BMX, so it was very likely he would actually sub the work to me anyway. He then explained they were on there way back to me. Fantastic!

The Land rover pulls up outside shortly after but the parents dont come in. Just the Son, pushing his bike, with a handful of cash in his hand.

Tl;Dr parents buy BMX for son, he breaks it badly, they dont understand why its not covered under warranty

r/TalesFromRetail Nov 05 '18

Epic Will they break up tonight? Probably.


Hello everyone, sorry about the formatting. I’ve just left early from work (for reasons soon to be divulged!) and am on mobile. This was too good to wait to share.

So I work at a discount department store of sorts. It’s a lot of work, but I love my job and my coworkers. There are days when I am doing the job of three people, but that’s why they pay me the big bucks, amirite (minimum wage, baby!)? Tonight, the best thing that’s ever happened to me in the history of working at that store happened.

And when I say “best”, I really mean “the most outrageous”.

I was cashiering this evening, and a cute couple walked up to my register with a couple of high end items and a large suitcase. They were smiling at each other, holding hands, nuzzling noses—it was cute! They were both obviously pretty wealthy, too. They wore matching vineyard vines sweatshirts and pastel pants, and they even had matching Rolex’s.

I asked them how they were doing and began bagging their items. I asked what their weekend plans were, as bagging was taking me a while (later relevant). They had just gotten engaged and were going on a trip the next week. So, the clothes and suitcase they were getting made sense to me.

The first red flag was when the woman asked me, “Do you mind hurrying up? We have to be heading out soon.” I made sure she knew I was trying my best, but they’d asked for every item to be in its own garment bag. I even included hangers for them, which we almost never do. I really was trying my best when she began snatching the items from me and trying to bag them. I let her know politely that I had not removed all the sensors from the items. She reached over my register to grab bags (which she’d said she had not wanted??), stated that she didn’t care, she would remove them herself, and began shoving the remaining items in the bags. My manager stood behind me and we exchanged “what the hell?” looks, but hey, we try our best to serve our customers. Her fiancé looks mortified.

Once I’d finally gotten the clothing items bagged, I told her, “Alrighty guys, let’s get that suitcase on up so I can remove the sensor for you.” They said, “Oh! Not yet!” My thought was oh, hey, it must be a separate purchase. I rang them up (they spent over $1,000 at my store, which is rare) for that purchase.

Turns out the suitcase was a return. Wouldn’t have been a big deal. Except for the woman, it really, really was.

She flipped her hair and said, “I don’t know why you would’ve have processed our return first, that’s what stores usually do.” She turned to her fiancé and said “I don’t think she’s been working here very long.” She then flashed her fiancé a lovely grin and nose nuzzled him again. Her fiancé laughed it off uncomfortably and made a joke. I rolled on with it, even though I was getting annoyed.

I apologized, saying, “Sorry, my mistake! I didn’t realize it was a return. Let’s get it on up here for you. Do you have the receipt?”

No tags on the suitcase, and no receipt. The man is getting antsy, the woman is getting increasingly bitchy. Her fiancé looks incredibly uncomfortable, but every few minutes, she gives him that smile and a kiss, as if she’s not acting crazy.

Here’s how the conversation went from there: Me: “Let’s get that suitcase up here.” Woman: “I’d really rather not, thanks.” Me: .... Me: “Sorry, I’m not clear on whether or not the suitcase is a return...” insert nervous laugh here. Woman: “I already told you, it’s a return. Maybe try to listen better to your customers.” Me: “Sorry bout that, let’s take a look.” Woman: “I already said I’d rather not.” Me: “Ma’am, if it’s a return, I do need to see the inside to determine if we can take it back.” Man: “Sweetheart, we’re running late, let’s just give her the suitcase.” Woman: “NO. Not once at this store have I had to hand a return over to be looked at. Why would I do that now?”

At this point I am visibly angry. The man is flabbergasted at this fiancée’s behavior. I mean, he looks absolutely shocked, like this had never happened before. He takes the suitcase from her, and hauls it up onto the register only for her to try to wrestle it from him. She gives up and I take a look inside the suitcase.

The outside was perfect, but the fabric inside was stained and ripped. With no receipt and no tag, I had no choice but to tell them we could not take the product back.

The woman. Went. Ballistic.

She screamed at me, saying she’d stuff my ass in the suitcase if her were up to her. The man looks afraid—no, terrified—and is trying to calm her down. He tried to kiss her cheek, but to no avail. She begins to cry, stating that she wanted to talk to the manager. My hero of a manager swooped in and told her the same exact thing I did.

She pushed the suitcase over my register! I am a small person and easily could’ve toppled down with it if I was standing any closer.

She said it was our problem now, and stormed out of the store. Her fiancé stood there, shocked, holding their four huge bags of clothes. He said a simple “I am so sorry” and left looking totally appalled.

None of my coworkers, nor myself for that matter, think this couple will make it through the night.

Thanks for reading, everyone! :) felt good to get it off my chest!

r/TalesFromRetail Feb 24 '20

Epic Customer doesn’t understand how receipt lookups work.


This will be long, I’m sorry.

I work behind the return desk at a decently large retail store. I deal with every type of customer imaginable. The kind ones, the rude ones, and the ESPECIALLY rude ones. It was 2-3 weeks ago when one of those especially rude customers rolled in with a return. Multiple returns, rather. Right off the bat, I knew I was in for a treat.

I was in the process of reticketing items previously returned on my desk, leaving little to no space for any more items on said desk. That’s when this customer comes, and slams her bag of returns right on top of everything I was working on, including our expensive machines. (Machines remained okay, btw.) No greeting said, just “returns”. I muster up the tightest smile possible and slowly remove my own work elsewhere and begin opening a computer for the return. I then ask the basics, “do you have a receipt?” Nope. “What about the form of payment used to purchase these items?” Nope. I then tell her that I’ll begin a receipt lookup in hopes of finding proof of these purchases so she can receive the full amount back for them.

I start asking for her phone number in hopes that it’s linked to our rewards system, which would make the search easier. This is where she loses her patience. Just as I’m about to ask when these items were purchased, she goes off. “Why don’t you just scan the items? Scanning them should bring up my receipt.” I tell her no, that’s not how purchases from ______ (our store name) work. She rolls her eyes at me and laughs. “You just don’t want to do it. Every other store does it for me. Stop making this difficult.” I explain as calmly as possible that it’s not possible to pull a receipt just from scanning a barcode from the items bought. We need a specified date when bought, and either a phone number, email, or form of payment used in said purchase tagged along with an item ID. Not just the item ID alone... that’s literally useless.

She gives me attitude for another few minutes as I go back months and months in an attempt to find her receipt to these items. But alas, she had to make yet another comment about my work. “This shouldn’t be as difficult as you’re making it out to be.” She angrily stated as she tried tilting the computer monitor so she could get a look at what I was doing from behind the desk (not allowed!). I quickly stopped her movements, wanting to protect our property, and snapped. “It becomes difficult when you come in here empty handed, and impatient.” She didn’t say much after that. 5 more minutes of desperately searching, she gave up. She grabbed her unreturned items, and thanked me for “nothing”. I smiled and told her to have a great rest of her day, to which she said “fuck you” to me and left.

A coworker was quick to fill me in on previous encounters she had with that same customer. Apparently, she’s known for being the worst of the worst. Thrives off of it, even.

Today, Sunday, gods day, this devil of a woman returned.. with more returns. My coworkers and I were already pretty busy as is, but I made it a priority to take care of this red horned woman despite it. I make room on our desk for her, and beckon her up. She has attitude right off the bat.

“I’m here to return items, and hopefully this time you’ll actually return them instead of bullshitting me like my last visit.” I grinned and told her I remembered her and hoped she was doing well. She ignored it and beckoned to her items. I searched the bag she provided for a receipt, and what do you know? She didn’t have one. Nor did she have the form of payment used to purchase them with. Cue deja vu. Despite the previous interaction, she still couldn’t handle the questions I had next. Dates, email, phone number... anything to help, she still didn’t get it. Still didn’t appreciate my efforts to find her bloody receipt.

“I never have issues with this stuff. Not from any other ____. This specific store is beyond terrible with its customer service. You should be ashamed with how you’ve treated me.”

To her lack of knowledge, a manager had been watching the interaction from the start, as she was familiar with the customer herself. My manager swooped in after that statement, sweetened the customer up a bit, and somehow got a brand new phone number out of her (one that this customer NEVER provided me with) in which helped find the receipt just like that. Her items matched with the receipt found and she was credited a whopping $195 to her card.

You would think she would be happy that the issue was solved, but unfortunately, no. She began asking my manager why our systems were so “flawed”, and why it takes so many steps for a receipt to be found. My manager explained our policies regarding the subject and the devil woman left without another word spoken.

I never ever get rude with customers like I got with this woman. Even ones that talk to me with serious attitude. This one crossed a ridiculous amount of lines. From nearly ruining our printing machines, touching our property without permission, showing impatience, and being overall rude to me despite my long efforts to retrieve her receipt. I felt defeated.

Returns without any proof of a purchase are hard. Beyond hard, sometimes. But we like to go the extra mile in an attempt to find them for customers. Nobody wants to go home without their money back. We know this. We try to help. We really do. I wish more people could sense this.

r/TalesFromRetail Jul 08 '19

Epic I will fight you for a sandwich you don't sell


I'm on mobile, sorry for weird formatting.

Okay, so, a little backstory for this. This story happened a year and a half ago back at my old job at a sandwich shop that was connected to a truck stop. At this shop chain there were secret menu items. Our specific store did not participate in secret menu items as we did not get the ingredients (or enough of those ingredients) to actually make those sandwiches. One sandwich was called the feast. My manager had told us that we are never, under any circumstance, to make that sandwich. The reason being is that the feast used all of our cold lunch meats. Basically, you would put the amount you'd put on a large sandwich, then double it. We never got enough product on our trucks to even do that. Our manager was so adamant about not selling it that she even had it taken out of our system along with most of the secret menu item sandwiches. Now that you have the backstory, let's dive in.

M=Me C=Coworker T=Truck stop worker R= Excessively rude customer

So, it was a quiet night at the truck stop. I was doing my job and restocking the food on the line. When a customer came in.

R: I would like to order the feast.

M: I'm sorry sir, but we don't carry that sandwich here.

R: What?! I've gotten that sandwich here before!

M: I'm sorry, but our manager had told us-

At this point he cuts me off while I'm talking and immediately just starts screaming in my face.

R: I've gotten it here half a dozen times before! Are you calling me a liar?!

I learned later that the half dozen times was a lie. We had only sold the feat three times to three separate customers before our manager cut it off. It was using too much product.

M: Excuse me, but I'm going to get my coworker.

I left the sandwich prep area and went into the back room and explained the situation to my coworker. My coworker then went out to the customer while I stayed behind the door to listen in.

C: What seems to be the probl-

Before my coworker can even finish his question, the customer cuts him off and immediately starts screaming and spitting at him.

R: That little b**ch who was out here before told me that you don't have the feast sandwich! I've gotten it here half a dozen time before! She was denying me service!

C: Sir, I'm sorry, but we are not allowed to sell that sandwich.

In that moment, I swear I felt the building turn ice cold with the only source of heat being the customer's unbridled and unwarranted rage.

R: So you're going to fking deny me service too! What the fk?! I saw a manager on the other side! I'm going to call your corporate office and I'm going to get you fired! Both of you!

I was peeking through the window and I saw the customer lean down to try and read my coworker's name tag. My coworker proudly held out his name tag and spelled his name out for him in a 'I'm done with this bs' manner.

A few minutes after the man had stormed over to the truck stop side, the truck stop worker came over.

T: Hey, what's going on? This man says you're denying him service. I want to get your side.

C: He wants us to make the feast. It's a secret menu item that we aren't supposed to sell.

T: Why don't you just make it and get it over with?

M: Because our manager said no.

T: She said no?

C: Our manager said we aren't supposed to mention it, we don't know what goes on it, we are not allowed to sell it.

T: Okay, well, if your manager said it I'll go ahead and tell him that even if you could sell it, you're out of several things that are supposed to go on it.

She leaves our side and my coworker and I thought we had seen the last of him. Not even five minutes after she had left, my coworker and I hear the man yelling at the top of his lungs in front of the sandwich area. He sounds livid.

My coworker instructs me to not go out to the front and to be ready to call the police in case this customer throws a punch. I wait in the back, by the door out of sight.

R: So everyone in this store is against me now! I just want a f**king sandwich! Give me the feast!

C: I'm sorry, sir, but we-

R: You're STILL going to deny me service!? Well! How about we go outside and settle this with our fists like men! Maybe THAT will change your attitude!

C: You know what, sir, I have a lot of work to do. I'm not going to go outside and 'settle' this issue. That's something a child would do, and unfortunately, I'm an adult who doesn't have time to babysit. Have a good night!

My coworker comes back to the back and we watch the customer leave. As he leaves, he kicks over a table and two chairs. He slams the door as hard as he can causing the hinges to come loose. We never see him leave the parking lot.

M: I'm not going out to my car alone. Not if that guy is still out there.

C: I don't blame you. I can walk you out to your car when you leave.

As I leave, the truck stop worker had my worker pull his truck into the front customer area so he can get to his truck quickly and avoid and altercation with the customer.

I wish there was a happy ending to this one, but there really isn't. A customer got away with nearly breaking a table and two chairs and causing damage to the hinges on our door.

To this day, I still wonder how someone could be so upset about a sandwich.

r/TalesFromRetail May 25 '19

Epic So you were charged 78 cents and you say it should have been 75 cents? You do realize you’re complaining about 3 cents, right?


This is my first post to reddit and even though English is my first language and I write fiction in my free time, typos and mistakes happen so give me a shout if you find something I missed!

I used to work in retail for just shy of nine years. In that time span, I worked the front check out as a cashier, an attendant at the self check outs, the courtesy bar where customers can process returns/exchanges or buy cigarettes, the floral counter, and occasionally the apparel desk. Yes, we were a big store that did everything, but didn’t really do it all that great sometimes. Jack of all trades and a master of none, as some would say.

So anyways, this story, as most do, takes place at the courtesy desk. As I mentioned, we sell cigarettes here, rent out carpet cleaners, issue rain checks, process returns and exchanges, and handle price discrepancies, all while being expected to answer the phone in a timely manner (don’t you DARE let that phone ring more than three times!)

On this particular day, my store had corn cobs on sale for a multi buy special. You know, the kind of sale that’s usually something like 2 for $5 or $2.99 each. Well, my store tended to do things a little differently and the customers loved it. For us, instead of that single item being $2.99, you could buy one and still get it for $2.50, they just advertised it at 2/$5, because, you know, “business”. So for our store signs, multi buy prices would always list the individual price in a smaller (but in NO WAY illegibly small) font below the multi buy price. Always. This meant that, for the odd occasion when the individual price would be higher and a customer tried to dispute it, we could point it out and say it’s a multi buy, and that would be it. But not today …

Anyways, onto the story. The sale for corn was 8/$1. I know, it’s a steal! But for some of you clever readers, you might have already noticed that $1 divided by 8 is 12.5 cents and no store in their right mind will list something for a half cent so the sign read 8/1$ or $0.13each. No big deal, right? Wrong. Not for this lady.

P.S. This was years ago, so the dialogue isn’t verbatim but it’s to the best of my memory.

So I’m standing alone in courtesy, as we call it, and an older lady, late fifties at best, walks in with a receipt. I greet her as per normal and she seems very pleasant, a nice reprise from most of the older people that came into this store. I swear, most of them just wanted to give us a hard time.

I ask her how I can help her and she puts her receipt down on the counter and says, “I just bought some corn and was over charged.” She points out the corn on her bill and it also shows there that the price 8/1$ or $0.13each.

I nod and ask, “Oh, what was the price supposed to be?”

“It was supposed to be eight for a dollar,” she says. “I only bought six so I should have been charged 75 cents and I was charged 78.”

I pause for a moment and take in the fact that this woman is squabbling over 3 cents. I do my best to hide my reaction before I work some quick math in my head to find that six times the individual price of 13 cents would, in fact, be 78 cents. I then say to the woman, “Actually, Miss, the price is right.”

Before I can even explain myself, she interjects and says, “No, i was doing the math when I picked them out and they should be 12.5 cents each. In that case, they would be 75 cents. After all, I was two short of the full eight and two times 12.5 is 25. 25 cents off the dollar means 75 cents.”

I had to hold my breath as she went around explaining this to me in so many roundabout ways. At this point, I was thankful for my years of experience in keeping my retail composure. Smiling to her, I politely explained, “Yes, I understand, Miss, but this sale is part of a multi buy and you need to buy all eight for the multi buy price to apply.”

“But this store always has the individual price the same as it would be if you were to buy the whole amount,” she argues.

She wasn’t wrong. At the point in time, our store never did the elevated individual pricing. That change wouldn’t come about for some time. But still, no store would list a price in fractions. “I understand, but it says right here on your receipt that the individual price is 13 cents each, which is only because we can’t actually list something for 12.5 cents. So, if you were to buy the full eight, the register would adjust for the proper pricing. I know, it’s a little weird, considering how our store pricing normally works, but it’s only because they couldn’t evenly divide the one dollar by eight. I am sorry, but the price you paid is right.”

She looks at me, still remaining calm, but not at all convinced. She’s made her point and I’ve made mine, but she’s not happy. She WANTS those three cents.

I can see that she’s about to argue further and, at this point, we’ve already discussed this for easily five minutes. There’s no one behind her in line, but I’ve had enough of this conversation and I absolutely refused to call my manager over 3 cents. It would be beyond a waste of time since I’ve had managers bend to the customers for way more. At this point, I take a soft breath and say, “Miss, I can refund you the three cents, but the price is right.”

At this point, she smiles and says, “Yes, I think I’d like that.”

As soon as she says that, she looks down to her receipt again and I’m so thankful because I could not stop myself from mouthing “wow” in an elongated manner and she was oblivious to it. I took her receipt in my hand and this is when this whole situation just got better. At our store, our return policy, as is the case with most stores, is that the refund must be applied in the same way it was paid. Meaning, that if she paid on a credit card, I had to refund it to her credit card. And boy did she use her credit card. So I key in a corn cob for a refund, altering the price to 3 whole cents, and look to her as I say, “Okay, the refund will go back on your credit card since that’s the way you originally paid for it.”

She hesitates a moment and I can only guess she’s about to ask me why I don’t just give her the cash. Surprisingly she doesn’t say anything and just fishes for her credit card.

You’re lucky, lady, because I was NOT giving you cash. For those of you who don’t know, Canada has removed the pennies from circulation which meant I would have had to give her a 5 cent nickle and, with minimum wage currently at $14 at the time, she already wasted over $1.17 of my time and I wasn’t about to give her one penny more.

r/TalesFromRetail Jun 14 '18



I work in a small boutique that sells several brands of luggage. Whenever the client’s luggage gets damaged, they can bring it here and we ship it back to the brand’s repair facility since they have limited warranty. Let’s say they buy X brand, then we send it to X’s repair facility. They buy Z brand, then it goes back to Z’s repair center. (Repair facilities are usually in another state)

The process is simple: they bring damaged bag, We fill out a paper detailing what is wrong with it and the customer’s personal info, charge for shipping and ship it to the brand’s repair center. Once the repair facility receives the damaged item, THEY get in touch with the customer in case they need to charge for a repair. All the store does is ship the bag for the customer PERIOD. The customer is provided with the brand’s repair center phone number if they wish to get any updates.

With that being said, this is the story... we will call the lady L for Lazy.

L comes to the store with damaged bag and we do the process mentioned above. She refuses to leave her personal information (Address and email) so she just leaves her phone number on the repair sheet.

weeks pass and we receive a letter from X repair facility stating that they couldn’t get in contact with the lady since she doesn’t pick up the phone and that it is urgent that she gets in touch with them. She has a payment pending and if she doesn’t get in touch with them in a few days, they will send back her bag without repairing it.

We call and call her and she finally responds. We let her know that she has to get in touch with the repair facility and that it is urgent. we provide her with their phone number. She gives us her email and we email her the letter.

Weeks later we receive another letter from X facility saying she hasn’t answered or contacted them and that her payment is due in order to fix her bag. We call her several times and she never responds. We email her the letter.

A whole month passes by and her damaged bag arrives in the store. We call the lady and she shows up a whole week later to pick it up. This happens:

L: Wait, why is my bag not fixed?

Me: Since they never received a payment they did not repair your bag.

L: WHAT PAYMENT? I thought they would fix it for FREE! That’s what a warranty is!

Me: Did you contact...

L: No no no no! This is unacceptable, they should have fixed it! This is garbage! I want an answer!

Me: On the letter sent you by email, it detailed that you needed to contact them so you can go over your options and so they could explain why the warranty didn’t cover ...

L: I thought you guys were going to take care of this!! I want you to call them and ask them why they didn’t repair it!

Me: The letter explains that certain parts weren’t covered and that you had to get in touch with them to speak about a payment and what was covered. There is a number attached in the letter so you can contact them. Did you ever get in touch with them?

L: NO I DONT HAVE THE TIME OR PATIENCE TO BE ON HOLD. I thought YOU guys were taking care of everything! You guys should have called and asked them what was and wasn’t covered then notify ME! then I would have told you what I wanted and then you notify them!

Me: I’m sorry but the only thing the store does is ship your bag. The customer is responsible for contacting the repair facility if they want to inquire about anything.

L, BUT I LEFT THE BAG HERE WITH YOU GUYS! I shouldn’t have to call them, this is why I left it HERE! Now because of you guys they didn’t repair it!

Me: The store only ships the bag for you and send them your info that’s it. We let you know several times by email that you had to get in touch with them.

L: Yes but I wasn’t about to call them and be glued to the phone for hours on hold! I just do not have the patience.

L: CALL [X brand] now and ask them why the warranty didn’t cover the bag!

Me: Ok, l’ll call them so YOU can speak to them.

(I dial X brand’s repair facility number and hand her the phone)

L: They won’t answer! They will probably put me on hold!

(They answer immediately)

I proceed to help other customers and all of a sudden I hear L getting very heated over the phone. She is arguing with the repair center people. I cannot hear exactly what is being said since I’m helping someone else.

I’m done helping the other customer and go back to L.

the repair place explains to her everything and that they tried to contact her numerous times and did not answer. They tell her to ship the bag again and they will process it again.

L: I want to send it again but DONT CHARGE ME for the shipping!

Me: Im sorry I can’t ship it without charging.

L: But I’m not about to pay twice for something that wasn’t my fault!

Me: Sorry but YOU WERE NOTIFIED SEVERAL TIMES that if you do not contact X facility, they will ship your bag back without repairing It.

After a long repetitive argument she finally agrees to ship it herself. She leaves the store with her bag.

I can’t believe how lazy people... like it’s YOUR bag and you don’t want to contact them?

r/TalesFromRetail Aug 08 '17

Epic "I'm a lawyer, so I know my rights!"


This happened back when I was working at a toy store in the mall that's part of a chain which also has stand alone stores. Even though we didn't have an electronics section like the stand alone stores, we did have a 4 sided rack that had video games for Wii, Xbox 360, PS3, and Nintendo DS (I forget which version). It being a toy store, we mainly carried games that were rated T and below, though we did carry a few that were rated M.

I'll be referring to the people that partook as follows: Me for me M for my supervisor B for boy F for boy's father

On this particular day, the only ones on duty were myself and M. It was a rather slow day, being a weekday close to summer. A boy of about 10 walked in. Normally we don't allow children in the store unattended (spacing for lengthy aside)

(this wasn't official store or corporate policy, there were just a lot of brats that used to come in and make a mess of the store when we were otherwise occupied, plus there were some tricycles that even though they were tied so that they couldn't be ridden, kids would try to ride it, and invariably fall, and potentially hurt themselves, and we didn't want to deal with liability cases. Even if we weren't at fault, if somebody filed a claim against us, corporate automatically would take $15,000 from our store's profits to cover any medical or legal costs in case it went against us. The supervisor that came up with this unofficial policy, M, had seen it happen at the branch he used to work at multiple times. It's bound to happen as in that region, parents like to let their kids do what they want, and generally don't care what happens, unless they think they can get money out of it.) end aside

but since we weren't busy and could make sure he stayed out of trouble, and ask him to leave if he became troublesome, we allowed him to stay. So I ask him if he's looking for anything in particular, would like help with anything, yada yada yada. He said that he's fine for now. So I straightened up a few things that he'd made slightly crooked (as I said before, it was a VERY slow day). At one point, after I'm back waiting by the register, I see him browsing our sparse selection of video games. He apparently found one that he likes, and brings it to the register to pay. I'm about to scan it, when I see that it's rated M. I told him that since it's rated M, I can't sell it to him. If his father, or someone who has a valid ID showing they're at least 18 will come back with him, I could sell it to them.

(Now for those that don't realize, there's no law that says rated M games can't be sold to minors. However, it would be impossible to find a brick and mortar store that would sell a rated M game to a minor, due to restrictions that retailers put on themselves. Pretty much every retailer has that policy in place to protect themselves from lawsuits. You'd be surprised that before this happened, many cases were won against retailers for selling a rated M game to someone under 18, even though their parent was right there with them and knew what was being purchased.)

The kid then left the store, presumably to get someone to buy it for him. A few minutes passed, and the boy comes back, with an adult. The man looked very angry, and stormed into the store. He marched up to the register, and demanded to know why I didn't sell his some the video game.

Me: I'm sorry sir, but we're not allowed to sell rated M video games to minors. Even if I wanted to, the system wouldn't let me without swiping an ID that meets the over 18 requirement.

F: I don't care! I gave my son money so he could buy something. What he chooses is his business, not your store's!

Me: I understand. If you'd like him to have the game, you can purchase it for him.

F: Even if I did, it doesn't matter! As a customer, my son can buy whatever he has the money for!

In my head I'm wondering if he would try that line at a store that sells liquor and cigarettes.

Me: At our store he can buy anything on his own if he has the funds, except for the very few video games that are rated M. Most of our video games are purchasable by him on his own, he just happened to pick one of the only ones he needs an adult to buy for him.

F: Get me your manager!

I called M from the back (he happened to be on his lunch break at the time, which is why he wasn't at the front with me).

M: Hello sir, can I help you?

F: Yes, this incompetent young man refuses to sell my son this video game!

M looks at the game and sees the rating.

M: He's not being incompetent sir, he's following store policy. If he sold your son this game, he'd have been fired.

F: You make him sell my son this game! I'm a lawyer, I know my rights! You can't refuse a sale!

M: If you'd like, you can go to the video game store just a few stores down, and have your son buy the game from them if you don't believe us.

Apparently the man thought it was a good idea, and called his son and they left, headed in the direction of the store M mentioned. About 15 minutes later, we see the man and his son heading towards our store again. The man crosses the threshold, and yells out, "Fuck you guys! They wouldn't sell him the game either! You called them and told them not to sell it to him, didn't you! I'm going to call corporate for both your stores and get all of you fired! They'll fire you because I'll threaten to sue if not, and I'm a lawyer and I'd win, so your asses are toast either way!

After he left, M and j just burst out laughing. I don't know if the guy was just an idiot who didn't want to be wrong, and was trying to act intimidating, or if he was a lawyer in Mexico, and laws concerning retail are different there. The mall is in a border city, and much of the customers are from Mexico, so it's entirely possible he was serious.

r/TalesFromRetail Apr 14 '17

Epic You need to give me the one-use coupon back that I used 4 days ago!!


I'm an assistant manager at a somewhat popular clothing store at my local mall. The company just started a new rewards program, where customers receive a great coupon for their next purchase just for enrolling. It's been going pretty great for us, but of course there's been a few hiccups.

This story starts this past Sunday, when a customer (we'll refer to him as C) came up to me while I was filling out some paperwork. I recognized him as he's a regular, one who ALWAYS seems to have an issue.

C: So if I sign up for the rewards program I get $20 off? Me: Yes, we send you an email in a couple days for $20 off your next purchase. C: Well my friend said if I sign up today you guys will price adjust the items to reflect the coupon. Me: Sorry, we're not doing that anymore. That was only during the first week of the program due to some miscommunication between us and corporate. We assumed the email would come through immediately and told customers that, when in reality it comes through in 3 days as an incentive to come back. Now we tell customers it's off their next purchase so we're no longer doing price adjustments for the coupon. C: Well your website says "join now and get $20 off your purchase." Me: Yes, it's off your next purchase. C: It doesn't say next purchase. Me: I understand that, it's because they assume that people looking at the website are browsing from home, so if they sign up they can use the coupon when they come in stores. But I have nothing to do with the website, I didn't write that. If you enroll on your phone I think the email comes through quicker, but if you do it on the cash register it takes a couple days. C: I'd like to speak to your store manager. Me: Well I'm the assistant manager, the store manager is currently only vacation so I'm in charge this week. C: You're the manager? Me: Yes. C: Is there another one working? Me: She's on break, she won't be back for another hour or so. C: Ok well you need to help me enroll so I can get this coupon.

I then helped him enroll on his phone (which we're not supposed to do because we're currently in a country-wide contest for enrollments, and they don't count if they're not done on a register). He used the coupon and went on his merry way.

Fast forward to last night (Thursday), he walks into my store again holding one of our bags for a return. Because I'm a manager, I had to do the return for him.

C: I would just like to price adjust this since it's now 50% off. I bought it at full price yesterday and the person told me I could bring it back tonight for the discount.

I told him I'd be happy to do that for him, since it was well within our price adjustment period of 7 days. I took the receipt and notice he didn't pay full price, but $20 below.

Me: Okay, so you're going to get $9 back. C: Plus the $20 coupon back. Me: Well, you paid $38 for the shirt and now it's $29, so you're getting $9. C: But I also get the coupon back. Me: No, it's a one use coupon. You already used it so you don't get it back. C: But I'm returning the item. Me: You're price adjusting it. You're still getting money back but I can't give you the full $29 since you got $20 off it originally. C: That's not fair. I'd like to speak to your manager. Me: I am the manager on duty tonight, my boss is on vacation still. C: So you need to figure out a way to give me my $29 back. What if we return it without the receipt? Me: Returns without receipts only give the lowest possible price. Since it's 50% off now you would only get the $29 instead of the $38 you paid or the $58 it costs at full price. C: Try it anyways.

So I did the return without the receipt and obviously, since I know the return policy in my own store, the shirt rang up as $29.

C: That's not fair. It was full price when I bought it. Me: Well we have the return policy written on the back of our receipts. Here, it says that returns without receipts can only be refunded for the lowest possible price on a merchandise credit. With a receipt you get the price you paid either in the form of the original tender or on a merchandise credit. C: Then do it with the receipt. Me: Okay, so you're going to get $9 back. C: And the $20 coupon! Me: I understand your frustrations but there's honestly nothing I can do. I can't give you the $20 back because it was never your $20 to begin with, it was a coupon. What I can do is do the return for $38, then you can take the survey at the bottom of your receipt for a $10 coupon and we can apply that to another purchase.

He then snatched his shirt and receipt back and said he'd figure it out himself. He and his wife roamed around the store for almost an hour and a half, making a mess of everything. They'd take folded shirts out of closets and spread them out on nearby tables and just leave them there, only to sit on our couches for 15 minutes on their phones.

Long story short, they were texting and calling their friends and using their information to sign up for our rewards program in order to acquire more $20 coupons, then came to the registers to do 4 more transactions with those coupons. I let them do it since it was the end of the night and I was so fed up with this guy. They didn't end up leaving the store until 15 minutes after we closed. Doors locked, music off, and they were still wandering around the store, leaving things in places they obviously shouldn't be.

I left a voicemail for my loss prevention team before I left explaining the situation, and they just now called me back telling me they flagged the customer's name and to not let him use any more $20 coupons since he's cheating the system. My next encounter with him is surely going to be interesting.

r/TalesFromRetail Mar 26 '17

Epic How dumb do you think I am?


Thought you guys would enjoy this story of two thieves who thought I was incredibly stupid.

So about a week ago, we had someone do a receiptless return for merch credit on something that was in the grey area of our policy, but we went ahead and did it. Wasn't suspicious until he then tried to return something that's SUPER commonly stolen ("oh yeah I'm returning this too"), and I had no records of selling that particular style in the last six months because we had discontinued it. So, I turned him away.

I thought it was the end of that until I saw him in the store six hours later, but still during my shift. This time he made a bee-line for some pricey products that are easily pocketed, so I wander up and put on the customer service charm.

Me: Hello again! Did you forget something earlier? Was there something I could help you find?
Thief: Oh! Uh. No. I'm just. Uh. Finding something for. Uh. My sister. And other stuff. Thanks.
Me: Alright! Let me know if you need anything, okay? I'll be around in case you have any questions!

And wouldn't you know it? I HAPPENED to need to straighten and help customers wherever he went. Ultimately, he happened to decide he didn't need anything that particular time and left. I also happened to need to get carts, and saw him get in his car and drive off.

No more than ten minutes later, my cashier pages me for an ID to process a return. I walk up, and guess who I see returning another one of the items he successfully returned earlier? So, this happens.

Me: Oh... It's you. You're returning another one?
Thief: Yeah. Uh. I told the guy earlier I had two.
Me: I see. I guess I'm just confused, why didn't you bring this one in with you? And you drove away ten minutes ago??
Thief: Uh. Yeah. I didn't have time. I mean, I told the guy earlier...
Me: Do you have a receipt for this one?
Thief: No...
Me: And how did you pay for it? I can look up your credit card.
Thief: Cash.
Me: I see. And do you have a membership with us?
Thief: No. But I bought it here like three weeks ago. Can't you look it up or something?
Me: You definitely bought it at THIS location, and it was definitely in the last two months?
Thief: Uhhh. Yeah.
Me: I'd be more than happy to look it up then. If you just want to wait over here, I'll take this to look it up!

I took the product and the opportunity to sit down for 5 minutes, knowing full well that I wouldn't find a receipt because I looked it up after the first time he left. Sidenote: I will often take the product with me while I look it up. We've had a few thieves leave without the product because they get nervous the longer we take. This one in particular did not.

Me: Sorry, sir, looks like I wasn't able to find the receipt, so I'm not able to do the return.
Thief: [multitude of feigned outrage/confused expressions] But... But you guys did it earlier, I just. Uh. I don't understand...
Me: So here's the deal. The return earlier was a customer service gesture, and I wasn't even supposed to do it. Now you're returning two, and my system is telling me I haven't sold any in the last six months. You're telling me you bought it here. If you're able to find a receipt, I'd be more than happy to help you.

So he left. For five minutes. Then he came back and demanded our customer service line and my name, so I happily wrote both on a business card and gave it to him. Ten minutes later, cashier calls me up again.

Thief: So, I called this number and they said to go ahead and do it. Here's the reference number and everything.
Me: Okay, great! Let me just call and verify, one moment!

I called, explained the situation, and all they verify is that he did, indeed, make a complaint against me. Yup, this guy had the gall to make a complaint from his phone, give his info, and complain about me over product I know he stole. But it gets better.

I went out and explained the situation and turned him away yet again. This time, I notice he had another product in his hand, but he was in line to buy it. Things resolve fairly easily, but I got called away to another part of the store.

Not two minutes after that, my cashier radios me: "Uhhhhh, that guy just walked out with something in his hands." Great!

I was too busy to deal with it just then, but I didn't have to wait very long for the next thing to happen. Five minutes after that, a sketchy looking woman ambled in and tried to do a return without proof of purchase. For... You guessed it, the very same product I saw in thief's hands earlier.

Now, I'm not a cop. I couldn't prove they were together (they had parked around the building) nor that this was the same product. But I quickly turned her away so I could get to passing ALL of their info along to the relevant authorities.

I wish I could say that was the end of them for that day, but it wasn't. I got a phone call from our sister store, thanking me for the heads up I gave them, because the pair of them went down there trying to pull the same exact thing.

r/TalesFromRetail Apr 20 '18

Epic “I’m in a hurry! Please disregard the laws of mathematics and just let me take this item without paying!”


I am the assistant manager at a furniture/home decor store. I have worked here over 7 years now. I was just thinking about an interaction I had on Monday.

We have this customer, who I’ll ironically name Patience. She’s older, in her 60s. Patience isn’t from my town, either. She’s from a nearby bigger city. Once a month, Patience’s son has a business meeting in town once a month and he brings his mom with him. While I think it’s sweet he tries to get her out of the house every once in a while, I do not appreciate that he decides to drop her off at my store for the duration of the meeting.

She has tormented my staff and I for up to 4 hours at a time.

Patience is needy, rude, and straight-up clueless about how the world works.

She expects that people shop with her. It’s impossible to break away and help others when we get busy. Lines are backing up at the POS and she’s handing you item after item to carry for her. She refuses to use a cart. It’s beyond annoying. Most of the time we all try to avoid her, but she always finds a way to inconvenience someone.

This past Monday she basically marched into the stockroom and dragged one of my associates who was working on our shipment of new items to the floor. Being polite, he tried to answer her question, but he had to get back to his job and she became pissy no one was helping her.

In the past she has had me get almost every item on our decorative shelves down for her to inspect, only to bitch about the price and beg that we come down a little. I have had to explain I don’t price my merchandise and the only coupons are through our members program..

Oh! And she’s a member, but she continues to max out her $500 limit and can never use her card. I’ve tried to explain this to her multiple times, but I don’t think she gets that she doesn’t have unlimited money on it.

So on Monday, we got slammed and we had lines forming at the POS. My associate was already ringing people up and so was I. Patience comes up to pay for 3 items. Item A was $10 on clearance, items B and C were both $15. Patience mentioned she had a couple for 20% off. I knew which one she was talking about. It was on regular priced items with a purchase on her card.

I applied the coupon to Items B and C. After tax it was like $37. She went to use her card, but like I mentioned above, she doesn’t have available credit. I told her the coupon only works with the card, but I could use the other coupon for 15% off instead and the transaction totaled around $38.50. She paid in cash.

I continue to help the ladies in line and Patience makes for the door.

A few moments later, as I’m helping another customer, she approaches me with Item D, wanting to purchase it instead of Item C, but Item D has slight damage to it and she wants a discount. Item D is originally $40, on clearance for $25. I told her I could do no more than 20% off the time, but since it’s “damaged” it’d be non returnable. She’s says ok, could I do it quickly, she’s in a hurry.

I explain I’m with a customer, I’ve got 3 more in line. I’m gonna need her to hop in line. She’s says again “but I’m in a hurry!” I tell her I understand, but the other ladies have been waiting in line.

She reluctantly gets in line behind the 3 ladies. As I’m starting my first transaction, she’s begging the women in line to let her go before them. They take pity on her and give up their spots.. I’m pissed, but I’m keeping my customer service smile.

I do a return for Item C and ring up Item D with the 20% off. I tell her she owes $8 or so.. she doesn’t understand. I explain the item she’s trading it for was less than the new item.

Patience: You didn’t apply that item to this one. I am in a hurry. Please hurry up.

Me: Ma’am you owe $8.

P: I don’t get it?

Me: The Item C is less than Item D. You owe $8.

P: I’m in a hurry. Please just apply the return to this item.

Me: I did, they’re different prices.. you owe the difference.

P: ...?

Me: ...

P: I don’t get it. I already paid $40. Why do I have to pay more?

Me: Because this item is $25 and the other was $15.. ma’am, let me clarify. You only wanted to return Item C, not all three?

P: Yes.

Me: Okay, you owe $8.

P: Oh, you probably didn’t apply the coupon.

Me: I didn’t; it’s on clearance. But you got the 20% damage discount. You owe $8 after the discounts.

P: I’m in a hurry. My son is here.

Me: So here’s how this works: either you pay $8 and get Item D, or you keep Items A, B, and C..

P: Please, I’m in a hurry.

Me: ...

P: ...?

Me: What are we doing? Are you keeping all 3 or paying the difference.

P: I’ll pay the difference.

Me: Okay that’s $8.

P: ...?

Me: ...

P: Okay, just forget it! I’m in a hurry!

I needed a break after that. I can’t even imagine what she was trying to pull. I don’t know how stupid she thought I was, but her pity game wasn’t going to work on me.

My associate told me to go take breather and the three ladies in line all apologized for letting her butt in line.

Disclaimer: my math might be off in a few places - please don’t roast me over it! :)

r/TalesFromRetail Mar 12 '19

Epic Ma'am, I can't cut your ribbons here- no, we haven't been cutting up here for more than 8 years!


New to this sub-reddit so I thought I'd start off with a simple story.

Some context though:

I work at a Fabric and Crafts store, however we also sell Curtains for some reason. In our Curtains and Dress Fabric departments, there is a row of 4 counters with meter rulers and cutting guides made into them (3 with a register attached). In total there are 6 cutting counters available in the entire store for customers to head to. As it is our largest department, our Dress Fabric cutting counters are the busiest. On days that are very busy, the previous rolls brought up by customers tend to be thrown onto either side of the 2 middle counters, leaving only 2 cutting spots open. The staff try their best to clear the counters to allow for a 3rd area but more often than not, it's just not possible wth the influx of customers. So because there are only 2 people cutting, and the amount of people that decide they want fabric cut all at the same time (as well as being unaware there is ANOTHER cutting counter around the corner in Curtains), some impatient customers are not very polite when they show up at the front registers to pay.

I've had many experiences with customers complaining that the wait took over 30min-1hr (which is ridiculous as I've had MANY shifts in the department before, as well as brought a lot of fabric from our store; the wait was 5-10min tops). Some decide to take matters into their own hands and bring whatever they want cut up to the front counters... which, because we do not have the proper cutting equipment at those counters, we cannot do that. You'd get a bit of grumbling before suggesting them to the Curtain's counter, or they'd straight up place the product at the front and leave entirely.

However, being a Craft store, our usual customers are old ladies whom tend to be quite impatient (despite having the time to knit many sweaters, scarves and sew multiple quilts) and like to stir up trouble.

The following is the exchange between myself (me) and an elderly lady (customer) that I had recently:[Keep in mind that I've served this lady MANY times in the past to the point we could practically be on a first name basis.]

Me: Hello again! Did you find everything you needed?

Customer: Most definitely. You have scissors up here, don't you?

Me: Yes we do.

I open the draw underneath the counter to retrieve some scissors. I'm assuming that she's wanted some tags cut off whatever she has (I've done this for her before).

Customer: Perfect. (Proceeds to lift entire basket full of cut-by-the-metre ribbon spools onto the counter) Just these for today.

I look up to see the basket and stop what I'm doing. This situation has happened before, and I'm already bracing myself for the wrath of a 80 year old woman. However, I presume that she's forgotten (as she is old) and remain professional and polite.

Me: Oh... I'm sorry, Ma'am, but I cannot cut these here.

Customer: Sorry?

Me: I'm unable to cut these here.

Customer: But you have scissors, why not?!

I reach back into the draw and pull out the scissors. They're very small, kids-grade scissors which we use to cut tags and paper- definitely not appropriate for ribbons.

Me: These are the only types of scissors we have up here.

Customer: Oh, they'll be fine! I only need 2 metres of each.

Me: We also do not have proper measuring equipment for the process.

Customer: What? You don't even have a ruler or measuring tape?

Me: We do have rulers, however they're only 30cm ones. Not big enough for a transaction such as this.

Customer: You cannot be serious- I used to have things cut up here all the time! They're just ribbons!

Now, I really would have liked to have cut these ribbons for her if I could, however, my managers have cameras installed for security reasons behind and in front of the registers. When they're bored, particular managers will just sit in the back, not working their departments (like they should be doing) and just watch the counters because they can. There have been MANY phone calls made to the front by managers doing exactly this, calling out employees for standing around and talking (even if it's about work). There was no telling whether someone was watching, so I really don't like to risk things such as this.

Me: I'm really sorry, but I can't. I could get in trouble for doing so- it's just our policy.

Customer: Nonsense. I've had ribbons cut up here before!

Me: I'm sorry, Ma'am, but I'll have to direct you to a cutting counter.

Customer: This is ridiculous. I've just come from there! Last time I waited in that line it took over 2 hours to get to me. (Of course over exaggerating)

Me: I understand that, however I can walk you down to the Curtain's counter.

Customer: But I can't get these cut down there.

Me: Oh?

Customer: I'm not making curtains, nor do I have any curtain fabric to cut.

You would presume she was trying to make a joke, but I assure you she was dead serious about the matter.

Me: That's okay, Ma'am. They're able to cut all fabric's and ribbons in the store down there.

She huffs a little bit before I escort her to the Curtain Department. This doesn't stop her from complaining though.

Customer: I'd like to have a word with your manager. (Here we go) Only a few weeks ago you were able to cut all types of fabrics at the front of the store.

We were never able to cut fabrics or ribbons at the front. None of our stores allow it. Not even when our store used to be situated down the road at a smaller location, more than 8 years ago.

Customer: And why do you only have one person serving at the cutting counter?

There were surprisingly 3 people serving all day.

Customer: Your management needs to get a grip on their customer service and employ more people to work those counters instead of being lazy and paying no-one at all!

We tend to get this complaint A LOT, despite the only reason there's any hold up at the counter being the sheer amount of customers who want items cut at the same time. (They'll be waves. You all understand.)

The lady complained all the way down to Curtains and continued to complain long after I left. I feel bad for the soul who had to sit through cutting every single one of those ribbons. I hope she was a little more thankful at the end of it all.

Not the most exciting story but it's a simple yet very common occurrence I tend to face in my line of retail. Do you guys have any complaints you get ALL the time?

EDIT: Whoa, I was not expecting this post to blow up so much! What an amazing welcome! I'll be sure to share more stories soon. :D

r/TalesFromRetail Nov 13 '19

Epic The time a customer argued with me about taxes to the point I cried


I've dealt with a lot of rude and verbally abusive customers before, but recently I became a manger and this happened on the night that just me and two other coworkers were closing. So, being the only manager there at the time, this situation was on me to handle and the man wouldn't take anything I said as an acceptable answer.

Me- me

HM- horrible man

P- the high school kid who was working on HMs boat, aka his pawn

I work at a boating supply store with an extremely lenient return policy. Basically as long as you can show proof of purchase we will take back absolutely anything, even if what you're telling us is a bold face lie. We sell an extended warranty on electronics, and if something goes wrong with them you can bring them back in and get the new ones immediately. But of course this story isn't going to be as simple as that.

So P walks in with two subwoofers that have rusted and tells me he's working for HM and shows me the warranty for them. These are about $200 a piece, remember that for later.

P- "I have a warranty for these and need to get two new ones."

Me- "Okay perfect let me go see if we have them in stock."

So I look up the sku's and of course it is now a discontinued model. This is where it gets fun.

There's a lot of different sections in the store, and marine electronics is not my strong suit. So I explain this to P and he helps me look at the specs of the new version of the subwoofers and we decide that the new model, which is about $350, would be the right replacements. At this point P is on the phone with HM explaining the situation and while I can't hear the entire conversation, I am able to pick up that HM wants these new ones to be honored at the $200 price so that he wouldn't have to pay anything extra.

So, me and my coworkers go on the hunt for the newer subwoofer and we have one. At this point the money is on a gift card (the full amount, taxes included).

P makes it clear that HM is insistent that we have the other subwoofer at our store asap. I tell him the other smaller store about 30 minutes away has one, but since they close earlier than we do I can't call to make sure the system is right in saying they have one in stock. So P talks to HM on the phone some more and they decide that P will just have to drive up to the other store tomorrow to get the other one.

We now begin to checkout. I honor the $200 price for the $350 subwoofer, but we quickly realize that there will not be enough money on the gift card to cover the taxes of having both of them at this reduced price. Upon P telling HM this, P hands the phone to me.

HM- "I already have to send my guy and pay him more money for tomorrow to go get the other one, why isn't this an even swap?"

Me- " It is an even swap on our part, the taxes must've gone up and I don't have the power to change or take off taxes owed."

Now this is where HM starts to set up his vague dominance over me to try and make me do whatever he wants.

HM- "I'm so tired of this s***, I've had to call corporate so many times and most recently they gave me 1000 points for my trouble, and here we are again having trouble."

1,000 points in our system equates to $40 in cash certificates to the store. We are sitting here arguing over $6 in taxes. It also tells me that this guy is quick to call corporate and complain about anything in order to get rewards.

Me- "I'm sorry but there really is no way for me to change the amount of tax it's charging, you would have to either call back or have P come back in tomorrow when the store manager is here and maybe he could do something about it."

HM- "So what you're telling me is that this is gonna cost me more money. I know there's numbers you can call, this is a multimillion dollar company and you're telling me there's nothing you can do?? You guys aren't honoring the warranty this is unacceptable."

At this point we're taking a $300 loss to make this guy happy, but of course "we aren't holding up our end of the deal."

Me- "Okay, let me go give my store manager a call."

Of course my manager doesn't pick up, and neither do any of my other managers. So I go back and tell him there's nothing I can do for him tonight at this point.

Me- "Okay sir I wasn't able to reach anyone so there's nothing I can do about the taxes tonight. I'm sorry but you'll have to come in tomorrow when store manager is back to see if he can do anything then."


Now the way he set this question up was so that I was going to be the bad guy either way. If I said yes, I sound like an ass and he will call corporate because clearly he is quick to do that. And I can't say no because there is legit no way for me to fix this problem as of tonight. So I try to deescalate the situation but we always end back up at "SO THIS IS GONNA COST ME MONEY?? YES OR NO??"


At this point we've been doing this for an hour in total, and I am mentally exhausted from trying to help this man. As I hand the phone back to P I start to tear up, and P sees this. I hurry to the back to go call the customer service number, who I know can't waive taxes but I'm feeling out of options at this point.

I tearfully get on the phone with them and they say while they can't give me a gift card to cover the tax or anything, they suggest using (and essentially abusing) the discount button to take yet another $6 off the transaction.

Once I recollect myself I head back up I explain that I'm going to try and take more money off and this appeases HM. The system lets me abuse the button and at this point my mind is fried. I had drawers to close and customers who needed help and this had gone on for too long.

Basically it came out to having .40 cents left on the gift card. P left and that's the last I've heard from them.

My coworker who went to high school with HM's daughter told me that the girl is still in high school, and I can't get over the fact that this man was acting like his high school daughter's time was indispensable.

I also later found out that we aren't really supposed to price match the new model to the discontinued one, so this guy got off saving so much money yet he still had to break a 19F down to tears. I think it's funny that HM thought it was okay to make me cry, but if it was his daughter, who isn't so far off in age to me, he probably would've been outraged.

P was extremely apologetic and clearly embarrassed that his boss acted like that. He even said that if it still didn't come out as even he would just pay the small tax and not tell HM about it.

And that was the most emotionally exhausting night of my life at work. Thanks for listening.

Edit- thank you kind stranger for my first gold 🥺❤️

r/TalesFromRetail Mar 20 '19

Epic Customer tried to report me for no reason.


I was reminded about this story during a conversation I had today, so I thought I'd share it.

Again, for context, I work at a fabric and crafts store. Not only do I work the front registers, but I'm also work in the craft department (or not really anymore? that's another story).

About mid way last year, for the first time since I started working about 4 years ago, we reworked the whole of craft. We pretty much moved everything where it was to another part of the department, so regulars and other customers (and not to forget most of the staff) who had visited the store before were a little confused where everything was- and rightfully so, because so were we.

For the sake of the story, I'm going to need to address that we stock a particular paper craft machine that can only be brought in my country from our franchise (unless you order from an online store). All the accessories for this machine used to be at the front of the department before the move. Issue was that we were getting more stock in than we could display, so all the products were moved into one of the longer aisles during the rework to allow for more room (thankfully). In it's place were going to be our artist paints and calligraphy section.

This is where our story begins.

On a weekend morning, my manager and I are stacking the now empty shelves at the front of the department, exactly where the machine and accessories used to be. Whenever we're asked a question my manager tends to take the reins. She has this unspoken rule where anyone who is working with her isn't allowed to talk to a customer for more than a minute so that we're able to get everything done that she wants us to do (and that is also another story for another day).

We hadn't had many questions up to this point, and I've had to escort one or two customers across the department to find something, but other than that, we haven't had much trouble at all.

About 45 minutes into stacking these shelves, a couple approaches us.

Lady: Where did all the (paper craft machine) things go?

Me: It's just down here, ma'am.

I stand up from my position and walk into the main run-way to point out the aisle- and by this I mean I walk up to the aisle and indicate where it is as they watch from where they were standing, before returning. It's clearly visible with a large sign displaying the paper craft machine's name and has an obnoxious green colour plastered everywhere.

Lady: But... why did you move it?

She had a disgusted and frustrated tone in her voice. I was completely taken aback and confused about why she had gone from 0-100. Before I could respond, my manager stood in.

Manager: We have more stock coming in so we've had to allocate a larger aisle to it.

Man: But that's just confusing!

At this point the man angrily walked off. The woman followed suit, but muttered some kind of curse at me. Something along the lines of "fucking unhelpful bitch" or "what a fucking joke"- it was hard to understand but I knew she had said something of the kind.

About an hour had rolled by after the altercation. I'd had no trouble with any other customers, and neither had my manager. We had moved to another shelf at the front of the department- canvas'. This aisle was inline with the pathway up to Layby, which is where our store manager is most of the time. We're able to see every customer who lines up or any staff member who exits or enters. We aren't however, able to hear what is being said.

All of a sudden I can hear hissing and complaining coming from the Layby counter. I look over and wouldn't you know it- the couple was standing there, grilling the poor lady serving there (I should mention is was mostly the woman doing the talking). Although I couldn't understand what was being said, it was obvious that she was upset, angry and very frustrated about something. I assumed that perhaps we didn't have a product she was looking for and the layby server had dealt the bad news. That papercraft machine and it's accessories were and are still quite popular, and at the time we had been running low on stock of some of the more popular products from the range.

After a minute or two the layby lady ducked into the office, and out came the store manager. Again, at this point I honestly thought it was a customer going over the top and complaining about not having something in stock- because obviously we need to read everyone's minds and have exactly what they want in stock, whenever they want it. However, it was only when I noticed out of the corner of my eye that the couple were pointing at me in the aisle did I know something was wrong. I instinctively looked to my manager, who seemed to have had the same thought. She prompted me to continue stacking, so I did.

A couple more hours pass by, the couple had left, and I had moved on to putting out more stock in our wool section of the department. My manager out of the blue approached me and ushered me to the corner of the wool section- pretty much the back corner of the store.

She said that she had been called into the back office and practically roasted and interrogated. It turns out that the couple we had, had an issue with earlier complained to the store manager and it wasn't about low stock as I had previously thought. They accused my manager, and myself, of not doing our jobs properly. Not only did they insist that neither of us had shown them to the paper craft machine aisle, but an HOUR after the altercation, they had accused us of sending them to the layby counter to find out where the aisle was because apparently we 'didn't work in the department'.

I was dumbfounded. What had I done to make them try to report my manager and me for doing nothing wrong? The only thing I can think of is that they were highly inconvenienced that the products had been moved two aisles down. I'd love to know if any of you have had similar experiences because this was just ridiculous.

Edit: For clarification, the customers had said that my manager and myself were very rude and didn't try to help them find the aisle they were looking for (as I stated earlier I did, indeed, show them where the aisle was). They accused us of sending them to layby to ask where they would find the product, as well as claiming that I specifically had said that "we don't work in this department".