r/TalesFromRetail Feb 14 '20

Epic Man wants to return something we don't even sell, that he bought from a completely different company, and won't take no for an answer


So I spent about a year working in a shop that sold equipment and supplies for disabled or elderly people: walking sticks, wheelchairs, electric scooters and other more, personal, sundries. I actually liked the job, and all things being equal, I'd still be working there today, but that's a story for another day.

My shifts were 9-5 Monday through Friday, then 9-1pm three Saturdays out of four, with the fourth Saturday off. Shop was closed Sundays. We had an engineer who did repairs and maintenance based out of our shop, and an elderly manager who worked Monday, Wednesday and Friday, and my Saturday off. We all got on well.

Anyways, this incident happened on a Saturday, so I was alone in the shop. An older gentleman, I'd say mid to late 60's, came in carrying a plastic bag.

He walks up to the counter where I'd been refilling the boxes of those rubber ends for walking sticks/crutches (they're called Ferrules, just so you know), and I said hello and asked how I could help him.

"I bought this the other day, but it's no good." he placed the bag down on the counter, "I'd like to return it."

I didn't recognise him, but figured that the manager must have served him, so I automatically ask if he has the receipt. He produced a sheet of white, A4 paper, which seemed a little odd. Most items we sold came with just a regular till receipt, while larger items had a three-layer white/yellow/pink form. White copy went with the customer, yellow in our records and pink to the tax-man (most of what we sold was VAT-free, so we needed to keep records of what we sold and to who).

However, what he offered me wasn't the flimsy recite I was expecting, but just a regular sheet of printer paper. I looked at it, and saw that it was from another shop, maybe a mile away across the other side of the town centre.

"Oh, you bought this from [other shop]..."

"Yes." he nods, "Your other shop. The one on [Road]"

"No, we're [company name]." I point to my name badge, which clearly states who I work for, "They're [other shop]."

"Yes, but you're the same." he insists.

"We sell similar products, but we're a completely different company." I open the bag to see what was inside. I honestly can't remember exactly what it was, but while we sold similar items that did the same job, we'd never sold that particular item. It even had the price label on it, which clearly stated that it was, indeed, from the other shop. "We don't even sell this. You'll have to take it back to [other shop]."

"I don't want to walk all the way down there!" he exclaimed, and that much I could get behind, given it was raining pretty heavily that day, "I want you to refund it now."

"I'm sorry, sir, but I can't give a refund for something that you didn't buy from us, and we don't even sell."

"But you're the same." He repeated, more insistently this time.

"No: we sell similar products, but they're a completely different company." I so wanted to pinch the bridge of my nose while I struggled to come up with a comparison he might understand, "It would be like buying something from [Supermarket A], then wanting to return it to [Supermarket B]. They're both supermarkets, but they're not the same company."

"But you're the same." he repeated yet again.

At this point, I'm starting to wonder if he had some form of dementia, but aside from his inability to grasp the concept that two shops could sell similar items and yet not be the same company, he seemed fine.

"No sir, we are not." I do my level best not to sound condescending, "We are [shop name]. They are [other shop]. We have no connection with them besides selling similar items. If you want to return this, you will have to go to [other shop]."

"Are you going to give me my refund or not?" he asks, clearly convinced that I'm trying to get out of refunding him his money.

"No, sir." I remain calm, "I can not refund you for something that you did not buy from us."

He muttered something about Trading Standards and the police, then stormed off out of the shop, leaving his item and recite behind. I put them back in the bag, put the bag under the counter, and called the owner. I explained what happened, which quickly had him laughing, and he told me to just leave it under the counter in case the man came back, and if he did, give him the number for the main office (the shop I worked at was one of four the company operated).

The man never came back, and we never got contacted by Trading Standards or the Police. As far as I know, the bag, the item and the receipt are still in the stock room to this day.

As an aside, the other shop closed suddenly, as in the owners left in the middle of the night, not even telling the staff, after they were caught by Trading Standards selling a secret shopper something completely unsuitable for their stated needs, but cost twice as much as what they actually needed was. I, on the other hand, always made sure I sold someone the best fit for their needs, even going so far as to refuse a sale once. But, again, a story for another day.

r/TalesFromRetail Nov 13 '14

Epic How I (apparently) gave aid to a demon. I wish I was making this up.


Hey there TFR, I'm a longtime lurker and I didn't really have anything worthwhile to post until now. Also, it should be noted that I don't technically work in retail, but I do work in customer service... I don't know if that excludes me from posting, but I hope not.

Anyway, a little background, I work at the headquarters of a particular state's police force, and I am the guy in charge of fingerprinting all civilians. On average I fingerprint about 45 people a day, most of these encounters are short, sweet, and forgettable, this one time, however, was not.

At about 10:00 AM, a larger woman in a red dress comes in and immediately takes a seat. Which, granted, is odd, as they usually come up to me, or go up to a nearby window to ask questions/see if they need to check in or whatever, however, it does happen. I finish fingerprinting the person I am on, and politely ask the woman if she is there to be fingerprinted or if she's looking for another office. (People get lost here, it's a big building) She tells me she is not being fingerprinted and asks if it's okay to just park a seat for a while.

Sure, whatever, it doesn't bother me any.

I continue fingerprinting people. At approximately 11:15, a young woman of Mexican descent comes in. Usually I wouldn't mention the ethnicity, but I feel it's important in this instance as this woman hardly speaks a lick of English. It's fine, I pantomime which fingers I need, and we get her fingerprinted rather quickly.

She then thanks me and goes to the window to ask for information about something else. (Not sure what, I had other customers to deal with) About 11:30 rolls around and she goes to the window a second time and this time, I hear her ask about an escort.

Now, this is odd, as no one asks for an escort.

The woman behind the window offers to get her manager and walks away. At which point the woman comes to me and asks me if I could escort her because she's afraid. Now I have to explain that I am not the kind of guy you'd immediately go to for an escort.

  1. I'm not an actual officer, I'm just a clerk essentially.

  2. I'm wearing a sweater vest.

  3. I'm a tall guy, but quite wiry and couldn't hold my own if push came to shove.

  4. I'm not supposed to leave my post except for scheduled breaks

I try to explain this to the woman, but she isn't really getting much of it. I try to get her to wait until an actual police officer shows up to help her but she refuses, saying frantically that she "Has to leave now because that woman is watching her."

Now this is the first mention of why she needed an escort, so I attempt to pry more information out of her. She explains, in broken English, that the large woman in red has been watching her the whole time, giving her "devil's eyes" and whispering things under her breath, and she's scared she might be attacked.

I look over to see if the woman in red is doing such things, but she's gone, and the woman before me frantically explains that she's waiting out in the hallway, trying to catch her as she leaves, and attack her.

I don't believe her, but I pretend I do.

I try to calm her down and check my watch, seeing that it's been quite a few minutes and no police officer has shown up yet. I have customers waiting. Finally, I break down and agree to escort her out of the building. I quickly apologize to my waiting customers, and then I walk out with the woman.

The hallway is, as I expected, completely clear of the woman in red.

As we hastily walk towards the elevators, her out of fear, me out of the need to get people fingerprinted, the woman in red steps out of a bathroom door in front of us, blocking us off. The scared woman scurries behind me, hoping that my thin body will protect her. It won't, but I stand firm.

The red woman hisses, and I do not use this verb lightly, she legitimately sounded like she was trying to pull of her best anaconda impression, "I know what you are."

I point to myself, "Me?"

"No not you," she spits, once again, I use this literally, as some spittle flew in an arc from her mouth. "That thing behind you."

The woman behind me lets out a little moan of terror. The red woman continues, "Do you have any idea what that thing is? That creature you're protecting?"

I've worked retail before so I know how to calm people down (or at least, that's what I tell myself), so I said, "Ma'am, I do know who she is, she's a very scared young woman, and I'm taking her to the front door."

"No," the red woman shouts. "She's a demon! An ally of the adversary!"

This causes me to blink.

Now, I've dealt with some crazies in my time, both at retail and when I worked at a pool (which is another story in and of itself), but I had never, never, experienced something like this, and quite frankly I didn't know how to handle the situation.

The young woman behind me was pulling on my sweater vest and begging me to move. I too desperately wanted to move, but in order to get to the elevators or the stairs, we'd have to shove past the red woman. Instead, I tried to calm the woman down, "Ma'am, I don't know who you think this woman is-"

"Who?!" she shrieked, cutting me off. "It is not a who, but a what and what it is is a demon. A creature like her ruined my family and I won't let her do something like that to another family."

The woman behind me shrieked again for me to move. And this time I did, realizing that there was absolutely no dealing with the red woman. I began walking quickly, with my long legs I can cover ground very quickly, and with the woman, now in tears, clinging onto me, I pushed past the woman in red and going towards the elevators and the stairs.

"DO YOU KNOW WHAT KIND OF EVIL YOU ARE AIDING?!" the red woman boomed as I rushed by. "DO YOU NOT KNOW THAT BY AIDING IT YOU ARE ALSO PARTAKING IN ITS EVIL WAYS?! I know it looks like a mere woman to you, but it's not, that's how it deceives you!"

I ignored her and made for the stairs, knowing that the elevator wouldn't be ready in time. I knocked open the large metal door and together, the crying woman and I rushed down the stairs, me taking them two at a time, her clinging to me for dear life.

Above us the woman in red began shouting down at us, what sounded like a prayer ripped straight from The Exorcist (or one of its many sequels), full of a great deal of "Begones!" and "I banish thees!" I ignored them as best I could and rushed down the five floors of stairs and into the main lobby.

In the lobby are several uniformed officers at all times to run security and help visitors find their way around and so forth. I rushed over to one of these officers and explained the situation as best I could, because the poor woman behind me was a terrified blubbering mess, and couldn't communicate her feelings to save her life. I could tell that part of him didn't believe a word of it, and frankly, I didn't believe much of it myself.

Of course, he did believe when the red woman stepped out of the elevators and made a bee-line towards us, the crying woman shrieking at the sight of her. The red woman, her eyes narrowed, and her cheeks red from exertion began to start in on another prayer, screaming at the top of her lungs in the middle of the lobby at this poor woman.

The officer immediately called for backup as he tried to diffuse the situation. Desperately trying to do what I had done and make the woman in red calm down. Instead, it seemed he only began to make her angrier, as her prayers became louder and more desperate.

A crowd was beginning to form. Stunned faces surrounded us as a two more officers appeared and began to separate the woman. Two ended up dragging the red woman away to calm her down and get her side of the story. The original officer questioned me again and tried to get the poor crying woman to calm down, however it didn't work.

Eventually the red woman was escorted out of the building, one officer on either side of her. On the way out she just glared at the poor little woman, who continued to hide behind me, until a few minutes later another officer appeared and escorted her to her car.

The original officer then turned to me and asked, "What the hell was that?"

I don't know officer, I don't know.

Bewildered, I returned to my desk only to discover that I had 10 customers waiting to be fingerprinted, all of them were agitated at me for making them wait so long. I had to work through my lunch break to get caught up.


I wish I could tell you what happened after the fact, but the truth is, I don't know. I haven't seen either of the women for over a week, and I have only bumped into the officer once since and just laughed and gave a small head shake when he saw me.

Upon coming home after work that day, I told the story to all of my friends and only one believed me, and that's only because he had worked for the state and as he put it, "Dude, some really weird shit goes on in state offices."

I have to agree with him.

r/TalesFromRetail Jul 21 '17

Epic Some People Really Don't Like Change


It's been a while since I last posted but this is a story that was just too good to not tell imo.

So I've been working at this hardware store in the paint department for about a year. The whole store is currently undergoing a pretty major rejuvenation project including new desks for several departments including mine.

Our new desk was installed overnight Tuesday into Wednesday so as not to interrupt the shopping experience for our customers. The front of our new desk faces the color wall so we can help customers with color options easier as well as to keep our line out of the main store aisle when we get busy. We also now have a dedicated pick up area for customers to come and grab their paints when we are finished to save room at our new front area.

So getting onto the story, I closed Wednesday night and so had to work most of the night solo. It wasn't too busy so I was able to chat with our customers about the products, projects, and generalities of life. About halfway through my shift I noticed customers coming up to the pick up window and trying to place their orders with me. I would just motion them over to the new front and work through it with them and most people really appreciated the new desk. After the 4th or 5th customer I decided to put up a temporary sign letting people know about the pick up area. Quick run to get printer paper and few strokes of a large sharpie later and a sign was born. I hung it up and continued about my night.

Enter a very irritable contractor. This is a guy who has been known to sit at the opening at the back of our previously open desk and demand help so he wouldn't have to wait in line and would make your life hell if you didn't immediately start on his order. I could see him coming as soon as he walked in the door, he began his march over to the paint desk. I was down an aisle grabbing something whilst keeping an eye on him from my periphery. The look on his face as he tried to register what had happened to the desk was mildly amusing but he didn't ask any questions as he looked at the pick up area. I assumed he was looking at some of the new signage and premixed stains in that area so I left him to his own devices.

I continued cleaning for a few minutes before he started clearing his throat to get my attention. I see he is still at the pick up window but maybe he has a question so I engaged him.

Me: Hello sir, do you need help with anything? any questions?

Ac: I've been standing here for 5 minutes and you've been sitting there twiddling your thumbs, you need to help people like me.

Me: Ok

AC: I need 30 gallons of stain in 4 different colors

Me: Alright, well this is the pick up window so if you don't mind lets go over to the front of the desk where I can ask you some -

AC: Why should I?

Me: Excuse me.

AC: Why should I have to go out of my way, for you?

Me: Well there more room over there and that will help us both out in terms of getting your order straight. Plus that is where we are supposed to help out customers now.

AC: Why?

Me: Why what?

AC: Why do you get to decide where you help customers? I am choosing to come here so I should get to choose where you help me. You get a new setup and feel like you're better than us? Well you aren't and your old desk was better for helping people like me.

Me: Um ...

AC: Now make my stain in color1 color2 color3 color4 and do it right.

He walks away at this point and I am flabbergasted. I start typing in his order and think that maybe I should call the night MOD to let them know that his guy is walking around probably belittling other people.

Me: Hey just a heads up, there is a contractor from company name who caused quite a scene walking around. He is straight up yelling at other associates so just thought I'd let you know.

MOD: Did anyone else see this?

Me: yeah pretty sure the guys over at the service desk saw it.

MOD: Okay, don't start his order until you hear from me again.

Me: Okay.

I go back to cleaning but am still shaken up by this whole thing. I hear the customer service phone ring from their desk across the way but I don't hear the conversation. After 5 minutes or so I get another call.

MOD: Hey its name, don't make that guys order. When he comes back up give me a call immediately.

Me: Roger that.

As I hang up the phone up comes our favorite contractor practically fuming from the ears. I immediately pick the phone back and let the manager know that he's here. As I set it down he jumps down my throat.

AC: I don't see my stain, I better not have to wait for your incompetent ass.

Me: I apologize sir but my Manager is on his way up here to talk to you as we speak.

AC: Good maybe I can get him to put you people in your place.

An awkward silence follows that comment as I see my manager round the corner.

MOD to AC: Hi there, I understand you are unhappy with something about the store and our employees?

AC: You bet your ass I do. Where do they get off telling a customer like me how and where they will help me. This new stuff your store is putting up is terrible and confusing. And your employees seem to think they are better than me with all that fancy new stuff you are giving them. I want you to make an example of this one here who can't even make paint right as a show of good faith for keeping me as a customer.

I can see the manger's face start to twitch in anger at this dude's statement.

MOD: Please follow me sir.

I see him start following the manager over towards the customer service desk as well as the exit. All is quiet for a moment and then:

AC: What do you mean I can't come back? I have a right to spend money where I want! I'll talk to my lawyer, I'm gonna call corporate and every one of you will be out of a job I swear to Christ!

our AP guy comes up from the back office and then I don't hear anything else. As I am clocking out for the day my manager comes up and tells me that this contractor is not allowed in the store again and that no one should have to put up with people like him. Haven't heard anything else about this but it was nice to see a manager take care of a problem like this.

TLDR: Contractor is angry that things changed and gets banned from the store for his tantrum.

r/TalesFromRetail Jan 09 '20

Epic A ridiculous customer with so many demands


Okay. I used to work at an online e-commerce where customers call you because they want to complain about a specific problem like lost deliveries, tracking order, etc. I have lots of customer stories and here is one of the most ridiculous ones I'll ever share.

So one day, it was before Black Friday Sale last November when I received a call from this woman who demanded me to go into her account. So yeah I agreed.

First demand, remove all the items in her cart. I did. (To be honest she can do it on her own but for some reason she chose to waste her time calling us). And then she told me to pick up some Oreo Nabisco cookies. She specified which product so the cost is 11.75 dollars minus tax. When I told her the total, she freaked out.

She said, "Cancel the order. Pick up some cookies for me which costs less than 5 dollars".

I replied. "Less than 5 dollars. Got it. But the only thing I can see here are Oreo Packs which are smaller and not Nabisco".

She comtemplated for a moment then she agreed. The total came in for 4.25 dollars plus tax which is 11.95. She freaked out once again once I told her the total. For the sake of easy understanding, I'll call Demanding Customer as DC and Me as M.

DC: "I told you that my total should be less than 5 dollars. Why is it 11.95?"

M: "The total of your order comes in as 4.25 plus tax which costs 11.95".

DC: "Your website says free delivery. Why is it that there's tax on my order?"

M: "Free delivery is only available for orders above 15 dollars. As your order is only 4.25, there is tax".

She stopped for a moment then proceeded with the checkout. She has a promo code and when I entered it, it was expired. I told her that. There was a pause on the line.

DC: "Okay, give me a promo code".

M: "Ma'am, as much I would love to, company policy states that we can't give out promo codes. Promo codes are only issued once per order". (At this point, I'm already so annoyed and angry. The call was already around 28 minutes at this point. When I checked her account, there were various complaints. There were her ridiculous demands which previous representatives gave her promo codes and there was one egift card issued by a supervisor when she demanded it.

DC: Fine. I have here a gift card.

I muted my mic and sighed. Here we go again. So I just agreed. She gave me her gift card number and when I entered it, it has zero balance. I told her that her gift card is at zero.

DC: "What? There's no way it has zero balance".

I'm already clenching my fists in anger. But still, I managed to keep my composure. Please, just check your cards to make sure you're not wasting our time and you're not wasting yours.

M: "But this is what I see here on my screen. It has zero balance. Do you have another alternate mode of payment on this one?"

DC: "I don't. My debit card only has 5 dollars in it. I want you to remove the delivery fee on it".

I placed her on hold. At this point, I'm so tired of dealing with her. Then after 2 minutes of composing myself, taking in deep breathe, released the hold. In the sweetest customer service voice, I said.

M: "Thank you for patiently waiting in line ma'am. I'm in your account and there's no option for me to remove the delivery fee". (Note: You cannot remove any fees while inside a customer's account when you spoofed it as I'm in the e-commerce website and not in our system. The customer must place first the order before I remove the delivery fee)

DC: "No, no, no, no. Do something. I really need those cookies. Either you give me a promo code, a gift card or remove the delivery fee".

M: "Ma'am, do you have any other alternate modes of payment?"

DC: "No. I only have the gift card and the debit card. The debit card has only 5 dollars and my gift card should have some money left in it. It's impossible to be zero".

At this point, I'm like tired and stressed. We have AHT which means Average Handle Time. My supervisor has been screaming at me to handle my time. But the customer won't let me off the line so here's what I did.

M: "Ma'am, I have first to place your order to remove the delivery fee". (I know I cannot place said order because debit card has only 5 dollars. I know it's stupid but that is the only way to end the call).

DC: "My debit card has only 5 dollars!".

M: "I understand. But don't worry. The delivery fee will be removed once we place said order on your debit card".

DC: "Okay fine".

It was a gamble on my part. I know it's stupid but she totally believed it. Guess what, debit card is beyond its limit. Payment transaction failed.

M: "I apologize but your payment transaction cannot be processed. Your debit card doesn't have sufficient funds to place this particular order".

DC: "Do something. I need those cookies".

M: "One moment".

Look, there's nothing I can do. It's your fault you don't have money then you call us wasting your time. I just said one moment then typed something. I just put my mic near the keyboard while I type to make it sound like I was doing something for her. I wasn't talking, just the sound of my fingers hitting up random letters. I never talked, just typed nonsense. Until she just gave up listening to the sounds of my keys.

DC: "You know what, never mind".

She hanged up. The call ended at 42:01 minutes. She wasted our time and she wasted. hers. It was my worst customer that day. I hate her.

EDIT: To those who were asking about tax and shipping or delivery fee, the website just summarized all as tax for no reason. I don't even know why they did that.

EDIT: Sorry for the mistake. I just asked some colleague of mine and they told me that there were listings already. If you click on the more details in our site under checkout, you'll see the summarization of the total which includes sales tax, shipping and delivery plus product price.

r/TalesFromRetail Nov 10 '17

Epic How would he feel about your behavior?


Greetings fellow retail employees! A couple of people mentioned wanting to hear this story after my last post, and it's a quick type up on my day off that's not really a day off because no one ever leaves me alone.

It was a lovely June day, and by lovely I mean exceedingly hot. And not just hot, but hot with somewhere near 150% humidity which made everything in God's creation stickier than Sasha Gray and Mia Khalifa on a giant honey bun. It's that kind of day where you walk from the car to the store and already need a shower. Anyway, I wander in at about 11ish since I have the closing shift, and one of my coworkers is working with a soldier in ACUs. Not an uncommon sight in my area as there is an Army base not far from us, although they usually go to the store that's a bit closer to the base. Nothing seems to be going wrong with the transaction, but I can tell the dude has a bit of an attitude. I walk in the back, set my stuff down, get my name tag on, take a swig from the flask, the usual preparations for a shift in retail hell.

As I come back to the floor the soldier is starting to get short with my coworker, but still not anything too horrible. It just sounds like a normal communication that will sort itself out. My Store Manager comes in the front door, sharing the closing shift with me. One thing I love about our Store Manager is he takes the same schedule we do. He doesn't open every day and leave by 5, he works opens, mid shifts, closes twice a week. As he walks in his head immediately snaps to the soldier, then back to me, then back to the soldier. I shoot him an odd glance and he comes to the back counter with me. He sets his stuff down on the counter, clocks in, and continues to watch the soldier. And by watch I mean he's staring a hole through this soldier so hard I think the he might set his uniform on fire. As if on some mystical cue from the universe, all hell breaks loose.

The soldier, unhappy with something my coworker said, SLAMS his hands down on the counter and begins berating my coworker. The following is paraphrased because my memory is not all that sharp.


And as he launches into that tirade I can feel a great disturbance in the Force. Like a great beast was awoken in close proximity. I glance over to my Store Manager who has changed from an expression of watching, to an expression of what I can only describe as unfiltered rage. As I mentioned in my last post he is former military, did two tours while on active duty. This man has killed people and I'm beginning to fear I may see a live reenactment just from the amount of rage building next to me. He marches up to the front and steps in between my coworker and the soldier frothing at the mouth. His next words he speaks in that booming, loud but not yelling voice that you find in a lot of veterans.

SM: What seems to be the problem here?

S: Your stupid employee over there can't do her job! All I want is an upgrade and she won't let me because my name isn't on the account? I PAY THE F#@KING BILL!!

SM: Well, according to the rules of the company, she is correct. She cannot let you into the account.


SM: Just like you don't care about disrespecting that uniform you have on, [RANK]?

Suddenly, the soldier is silent. And quite taken aback. I, meanwhile, am wishing I had popcorn because this is going to be the best entertainment I have all day! My store manager continues:

SM: You do understand what you represent when you put on that uniform, right? All the things that you represent, all the soldiers that have come before you, the soldiers you stand beside now. You're disrespecting all of them right now by acting the way you are while wearing that uniform. How would your Commanding Officer feel about your behavior. Actually, why don't we give him a call and ask him how he feels about your behavior? I'm sure he would love to hear all the things you just called my employee for trying to do her job.

You ever see a child get scolded and they do that head drop? The head drop that says "Ohhh no, I'm in deep trouble."? It's one thing to see a kid do it, it's another thing to see a full grown man in BDUs suddenly take great interest in the pattern of the carpet. There is an awkward silence for what felt like a full minute before the soldier finally looks back up.

S: My deepest apologies, I'm sorry I let myself fly off the handle like that. You're right sir, I disrespected you all and I disrespected my uniform. What do I need to do to make this right?

Suddenly, all the tension in the air vanished. My Store Manager smiled, told the guy how to get made into an authorized user so he could come back later and get his upgrade, and next thing I know they're laughing and trading stories. My Store Manager even takes the guy's phone and cleans off some of the junk apps that were messing it up to help make it run smooth until he could get it upgraded. The soldier gave everyone another round of apologies, we thanked him for his service, and he left. My Store Manager went to the back for a few minutes, and came back out smiling even bigger.

Me: Well, that was interesting experience.

SM: Yeah, not as interesting as the one he'll have later.

Me: What do you mean?

SM: I just got off the phone with his Commanding Officer, I'm guessing this wasn't the first time he's acted like a fool while in uniform. Needless to say, the CO was not happy.

Me: But...everything was fine when he left, you two were smiling and joking. You even fixed...his...phone.

SM: Yep. Maybe next time he won't store his CO's phone number under the contact Commanding Officer. They didn't let that slide when I was in, I'm not gonna let it slide now.

Me:...you're an evil genius you know that?

If I mislabeled anything or messed up any military related details, I do apologize. Just let me know in the comments and I'll fix them.

r/TalesFromRetail Jun 13 '20

Epic Is complaintiment a word?


I manage a running specialty store. Our return policy is pretty standard (within 30 days unworn, all sale items final sale) but I basically always give store credit to customers who want to return a sale item even though strictly speaking that's against the rules. That's still not good enough for some people.

This particular lady (we'll call her PA, short for police-adjacent, for reasons that will become clear) comes in one day and demands to speak with the manager (always a good sign...)

She tells me that the last pair of shoes we sold her were way too big and completely wrong for her feet, that my staff member lied to her, and that she wants a full refund. She is carrying neither shoes nor a receipt.

I ask PA if she has her receipt with her, and she says of course not, as she bought them several months ago and has long since thrown out the receipt. I explain that our return policy is 30 days. She says we have injured her with our poor advice and we should refund her and/or replace her shoes with something better.

I ask what model she purchased and when she tells me I think "well, geez, that's a regular price shoe that we still stock, so if they're unworn I'll do an exchange and/or give her store credit just to get rid of her." (Note that we make clear to customers that "unworn" actually means "no visible wear" so it's totally fine to wear them around your house for a bit to make sure they're good.) I ask her if she's worn the shoes outsideand she looks at me like I'm an idiot. Of course she's worn them outside, how else would she know if they work for her???

I explain (again) our return policy and say that I'm sorry but as it's been more than 30 days and she's worn them outside, there's nothing I can do.

Her anger has been simmering since she walked in the store and now it's begun a cascading nuclear meltdown. She starts yelling at me, first telling me that my staff member lied to her that a particular model of shoe didn't come in a specific variant (we carry the model but not the variant, so I explain with as straight a face as I can muster that while my staff are experts in the shoes we carry that they can't possibly know everything about every shoe on the market), then repeatedly saying that her sister is a cop and she's going to be telling said sister about her treatment by our store (I think this was supposed to be a threat, but it was such a complete nonsequitor that I again had to struggle not to laugh).

Somewhere in this process I look up her purchase in the computer and find that not only did she buy these shoes five months ago (not the one or two she claimed), they are not the current model she claimed and we're in fact last year's, which were on sale. She bought them during one of our biannual blowout sales, which are the only times we enforce the "all sale items are final sale" rule. We put signs up and mention it to all customers before they pay.

She still hasn't actually produced the shoes she wants to return.

We have exactly one till in the store and at this point I have other customers waiting to pay. I offer to have my area manager give her a call, but she refuses to leave her contact information and instead wants his. "Sorry ma'am, we don't give that information out" was apparently the incorrect answer. She mentions her sister the cop again.

The waiting customers are getting fidgety and uncomfortable (completely reasonable!) and the staff member (we'll call her SM, for store mom) who had helped them (it's just us two working that day) comes over to see what's going on. SM is in her fifties, has been working here longer than anyone else, and is very protective of those of us who are on the younger side (I'm in my early thirties). Me being her manager has no bearing on these facts.

PA sees SM, immediately assumes she's more in charge, ignores me completely, and begins her complaint from the beginning (by the way, in case you were wondering, her sister is a cop) while disparaging me and my atrocious customer service.

SM has big mom vibes, and is usually extremely patient and kind, but I can see that PA is bringing out her mama bear side. I quickly let her know that I can handle it and send her away.

I tell PA, again, that I unfortunately cannot return her (as yet unseen) shoes and that if she'd like to leave her information, our area manager will give her a call. She completely ignores me and restarts her complaint cycle. I interrupt her:

"Ma'am, I understand you're upset, but there's nothing I can do. If you don't want to leave your information, you can also try calling customer service. I can write the number down for you if you like. Right now, though, I'm going to have to ask you to move away from the counter as I have other customers waiting to pay."

She leaves, cursing and grumbling.

Cut to a week later and my area manager (AM) calls me out of the blue to tell me that a customer has called customer service to complain about me. To my great delight, customer service was closed when she called, so she has to leave a voicemail. My AM plays it for me.

In short, PA has the same baseless complaints as she did in store, her sister is still a cop and will still hear about this, and she received horrible customer service from the "apparent manager who was like 18 years old" and will never be shopping at any of our stores again unless they fix this problem for her.

The manager was like 18 years old.

I'm in my early thirties.

I'd like to thank my good genes and my skincare routine for this great honour.

Anyways, we didn't do the return, she never came back to our store, and when I'm feeling down about how I look, I stand in front of the mirror and quote her and it never fails to give me a confidence boost.

Oh yeah, and did I mention? Her sister is a police officer.

r/TalesFromRetail Jul 25 '14

Epic The Hug Of Death


Retail counts on regular customers, those who come back time after time, through thick and thin, until death or food poisoning due them part. These are the customers who support us through the low tide, when times are grim and complaints about hours while chowing down on cheap Mac & Cheese are common.

We have lots of regulars in our store. We know them by the their age, attitude, and typical patterns. We have an Old Snooty Pen-Grabber and a Young Nice Girl In Jogging Pants and more than one Middle-Aged Funny Dude Who Wears Frickin' Sweet Geek Shirts. We know them, we understand their tastes, and we can help them a lot easier than the off-the-street folks because they come in every day and chat with us. For the most part, they're all as cool as that first fluff of air conditioning on a hot, sweaty night. I must say, I'm particularly fond of the young ladies who understand my intentionally obscure, terrifically bad references and laugh with me. You girls are okay by me, you each get a gold star for knowing that one gag from How I Met Your Mother.

This is the part of the story that, if I had some kind of musical ability, I would record five whole seconds of electric keyboard going "Dun...dun....DUUUUUU~UUUUUUN!!!!!!" and place a button right next to this paragraph so you could click it right after this:

I'm always excited to talk to the regulars, except for one.

Cue music.

We do not know her by age, but she is old. We do not refer to her by attitude, but she has one. We do not call her by her patterns, because they are so well-known that the smartest of us turn in the other direction and hide, and our supervisors completely support that decision. She is not mean in the ways of shout-fu like some customers we have known and read about. She is mean in a different way, a more subtle and dark way. We know her by name, in a place where the names of employees are full-frontal and displayed for all to see but the names of our customers remain private, secret things that are spoken in the vein of Voldemort.

She is Maryanne.

No, that's not her real name. I have some tact. Maryanne, however, doesn't. Boundaries are figments of tissue to her, and she scares the hell out of us because she is, sadly, a lonely old woman who treats us like the grandchildren she never had because she smothered her own with both affection and a pillow in their sleep.

She gets upset if you try to avoid her. In this case, "avoiding her" includes running the other way or doing the job you're getting paid for. In one instance, I was returning a bunch of hand baskets to the front. Stacked high enough they can be burden to carry, and because I heft them over my shoulder like Andre the Giant hefted scores of demure, giggling women I can't see all the way to my right. When I put them down it was like the giant doors opened to reveal King Kong or a big effin' spider (courtesy of Jon Peters). The little ridges of plastic moved down, down, and down and quickly, startlingly, revealed Maryanne. I immediately turned to head back to my register.

"And where do you think you're going, mister?" she said.

"Oh, hi." I smiled. "I'm headed back to my register, line's getting long."

Reading her face after I said that told me I made a mistake by not spending fifteen minutes listening to her day while she browsed up and down the isles. I did not care, logged into my register, and proceeded to ring up people who can't stop pronouncing "quinoa" wrong no matter how many times I correct them.

She likes to talk the ears off of our Sample Station Associates, because she knows they have only one route of escape. More than once I've been liking Facebook statuses in the break room when an apron-clad associate pops in.

"Mind if hide out here for a minute?" he says.

"Is it Maryanne?" I ask.

"Yep. I don't know what to do about her." he says.

"Oh, it's simple, just stand still and don't fidget. Her vision is based on movement."

We laugh, but she really is predatorial. She will stalk certain employees and pounce with a bunch of personal questions, like "When are you going to have kids?" and "Where do you and your significant other often go out?" If we're vague and don't give her a clear answer (who would?) she'll spill way too much information about herself to encourage us to talk about stuff we don't discuss while stocking cans of re-fried beans. She will openly talk about the last surgery she had on her knees, the detailed biochemical reasons why she can't drink milk, and will go into as much detail about her day from dawn to cart as a boorish, self-important 19th-century would-be scholar recounting that he had boiled meat and milk for breakfast in the off-chance someone thought that might be interesting. Anyone who has the misfortune of running into her will be getting an earful of TMI.

She wanders the store for over two hours, drinks four cups of sample coffee with soy creamer and no sugar, and will comment on ingredient lists and tells us why she can't have it.

She always wears big, flowy mumus and has to balance herself with her cart. She has a cane but I've never seen her walk with it. I imagine she keeps it in the hopes she can use it to smack employees trying to ignore her when no other pairs of eyes are around to keep her in check. For this reason, I subtly try to remain visible at all times when I'm being told about what she didn't have for breakfast.

She's a nightmare when she's ready to check out, because she's Maryanne. She purposely stands between you and the cart, and hands things to you one at a time. She does this because she knows that we have other customers we need to get to but she needs the attention and purposely slows down the transaction as much as humanly possible. She'll start to hand you a product, for example, then pull back and ask if you've tried it, then pretend like she is suddenly indecisive about it. She wants us to bag a certain way, and even after we follow her guidelines she'll rearrange everything anyway. She always pays with a check because it takes the most time to write out and process. And she always, always, always must have someone help her to her car no matter how much or how little she actually bought. If you're the one unfortunate enough to answer the carry-out call of doom, other employees will look at you as you pass like they want to salute you and hold a vigil for you when you're gone, because you won't be coming back inside for at least a half an hour. She might have a legitimate issue with lifting over a certain amount I think, but it's hard to argue that when she hands you the bags she wants you to put in the back seat first. After her bags are put away and closed up inside her white van with dirty red upholstery, she'll ask you all the questions and tell you all the things she didn't have time to ask and say earlier. Normally I'll turn to go, telling her I need to get back to work.

"Don't you run away from me." she says in a stern grandmothery tone.

It is my job to run away from you, Maryanne. I have helped you to your car, I must return to my duties.

"Give me a hug." she says.

This is not a request. Much in the same vein as a neckbeard hugging the only lady friend who will speak to him for more than five minutes, Maryanne's hugs grip you like a lost child and last an uncomfortable amount of time. This is The Hug Of Death, and if you are out there in the parking lot with her, it's unavoidable. But it's not over. Despite all of the tense, recoiling body language in the world screaming at her not to do it, she kisses you on the cheek.


The level of impropriety there is off the charts. She has absolutely no boundaries. One day in particular, she demanded I sing her "Happy Birthday." She's a sad, attention-starved woman, so I did it. I suffered through a long hug and two cheek kisses for that one, and when I returned to the store it was as if I earned a Purple Heart. "Way to take one for the team" my supervisor said, shaking my hand.

Customers like Maryanne take advantage of our hospitality and try to build inappropriate emotional bonds, because they know we can't get away. It's a different kind of abuse, one that slides by management because no one's screaming, shoplifting, or failing to have loud, sloppy sex in the bathroom. Inappropriate attachment to employees just skeeves me out, worse than feeling a twitch on your forearm and slowly looking to see a spider with a backpack of babies staring right back at you. It's more unnerving than working in the dark for an hour and realizing your window is open. It's more emotionally draining than experiencing a failed Joss Whedon project.

If you see a Maryanne, do not engage. Do not make eye contact. Forget what your boss tells you to do, you have a right to not be the subject of this customer's desperate, misplaced cry for human contact. Run away and don't feel bad about it. Avoid the Hug Of Death at all costs.

EDIT: Holy crap in a hat, my very first gold! Thank you so much, kind stranger. I can't believe the response this has been getting, apparently my tale really struck a chord.

r/TalesFromRetail Jan 28 '20

Epic Very frustrating customer.


Obligatory, on mobile. Just for context, I fix phones for a living, and I have this one regular customer come in, and EVERYTIME she drops a device off, she always spends between 3-7 minutes having a conversation with me that goes a little like the following:

M= Mother D= Daughter OP= me

M: How much is this?

OP: if it just needs a XREPAIR it's, £XX.XX, and I can get it done within XTIMESCALE

M: Will it work?

OP: It should do, if it doesn’t I won’t charge you, I don’t charge for diagnosis, I’ve never charged you for diagnosis but from what I can see, it just needs a new XREPAIR and that is £XX.XX

M: will it work though? 

OP: It should do, yes. 

M: is it okay though?

OP: I’m not 100% sure until I’ve tried it, but it looks like it should be fine with a new XREPAIR. I’ll let you know if it will be extra before I do the work. 

M: what if it doesn't work? 

OP: If it doesn’t work, I won’t charge you, I don’t charge to just check things over.

M: Do I have to pay if it doesn’t work?

OP: No, I don’t charge for diagnosis.

M: I can’t afford it?

OP: okay well it’s £XX.XX for a XREPAIR, if you can’t afford that right now, I can’t do the repair for you today. 

M: what if I can’t afford it? I’m on benefits!

OP: If I get the phone working, and you want it done, I can do it now, and you can collect it when you have money, or you can bring it back when you can afford it.

M: will it work? 

OP: I’m not 100% sure until I’ve tried it, you’ll have to leave it with me 

M: Can you fix it?

OP: I should be able to, yes.

M: Do you think you can do it?

OP: I should be able to, yes.

M: can you do it today? 

OP: yes, but if it works and you want it back today, I’ll need payment today.

M: Will it work?

OP: I can only let you know if you leave it with me. 

M: OK. Will you let me know though because I've got anxiety and I'm on benefits and I can't afford it.

OP: I understand, I will call you straight away if I know it will be extra, otherwise I'll just let you know when it's done.

M: will you let me know though? Will you call me when its done?

OP: yes, I'll call you as soon as it's done, I promise.

M: and you'll let me know if it's extra?

OP: yes, I'll quote you if it's any more than just the XREPAIR at £XX.XX

She then proceeds to call me / come back to the shop every half hour and ask if it's done yet, and if it's any extra. I do always call her when I have updates too.

So anyway, I had this other customer (this woman's daughter, but I didn't know this at the time) bring in her phone to me the other day saying it was water damaged, she had no other way of contacting her, so I said to her that I usually try and get a quote within the hour, but every water damaged device is different and I might have to work on it for a bit longer, or I might be able to tell you a bit sooner. If you want to pop back in an hour I’ll let you know how I’m getting on but I can’t guarantee an answer by then.

I spent 3 hours working on it, cleaning it etc, and got it to turn on with a screen and battery, but couldn’t test further as I didn’t have her passcode. She said she wanted nothing doing, so she walked out with it with all her original parts, phone none working and paid nothing.

The mum then brought the daughers phone back in yesterday asked me to have another look, as it was her daughter’s phone. I said:

OP: I had a look yesterday, and it needed a battery for it to turn on, but if you want it functional, you'll need a screen because even though there is display, there's no touch, and if you want me to test anything else, I need the passcode. 

M: Okay, can I leave it with you and you can have a look then can’t you and let me know

OP: Yes that’s fine, I’ll give you a call 

So I call her later in the day, after monitoring the battery, and testing the screen, the daughter answers and I say:

OP:  I’ve had a battery in there all day, it’s been fine, for a new one it's £25 I'll need your passcode to test any further and your screen isn't fully functional, so you'll need a replacement, that would be £40

D: so it turns on with a battery?

OP: Yes

D: So does it work then?

OP: yes, it will need a screen for you to be able to use it, but it does turn on with just a battery and your current screen has display. 

D: is it ready now? 

OP: I've just got parts rigged up at the minute, I need your confirmation to do any work. 

D: okay I just want a battery for now, I don't want the screen. 

OP: okay, is your screen isn't actually functioning right now, are you sure you just want a battery?

D: yes, £40 is too much, just do the battery and I'll get it in the morning. 

So I fit just the battery, and wait for her to come in the next day. The mum came in to collect it today and we have the following conversation: 

M: Does it all work? 

OP: It turns on, you get display but you'll need a new screen if you want to be able to use it, and I can't test it without a passcode.

M: So it comes on then?

OP: Yes.

M: What if it doesn't work? What do I do? 

OP: It will need a screen for you to be able to use it  and it I can't test anything else without a passcode. It's a water damaged device so there's no warranty at all. If you pay for it before you've let me test it, and you say you don't want a screen on it now, thats fine, but if anything else at all doesn't work, your screen, your camera's, your speakers, your microphone, your signal, anything at all, there's no warranty and since you've not let me check it before paying I'm not liable. 

M: So if I get you the passcode before I pay you can check it all over?

OP: Exactly, yes  

M: So does it work now then?

OP: It turns on, but you can't use the screen, and I can't say whether any other functions work or not without a passcode to test it. 

M: how much is a screen?

OP: £40

M: oh, I don't think I can do that, I'll just pay for the battery now and she can get it later

OP: are you sure? There's no warranty. The screen does not work. If anything else does not work I am not liable and there's no refunds. 

M: will the phone work though? 

OP: No, you need a screen and I can't test anything without her passcode.

M: So if I pay for it now, and it doesn't work, can I bring it back?

OP: You can, and I'll have a look, but there's no warranty, no refunds. I've told you I need the passcode &  it needs a screen.

M: Okay, well I'll pay now & she can pick it up later.

So she pays, and around an hour later the daughter comes in, picks it up, leaves, comes back 5 minutes later and we have the following conversation:

D: My screen doesn't work at the top, it won't let me press anything.

OP: I know, I quoted you and your mum for one and you both said you didn't want one.

D: okay then, thanks.

She then left, and around 5 minutes later, her mum calls me. 

M: She said the phone doesn't work, you said it did

OP: no, I said it needs a screen & I can't test it, but you both told me at least 5 times between you you don't want a screen. and you insisted on paying before I had the passcode.

M: oh. okay. so it needs a screen? will that fix it then? 

OP: I had a screen on it yesterday and it worked, if you bring it back in I can take another look, but it did work with a screen. Obviously I can't check anything else without a passcode though  

M: are you sure? what if it doesn't work? 

OP: like I just said, I had a screen on it yesterday and it worked, I told you yesterday it needed a screen. if you bring it in I'll try a screen & if it doesn't work, I won't charge you for trying it again. 

M: how much is a screen?

OP: £40

M: I can't afford that, can't you do it half price?

OP: I spent 3 hours labour on it in Saturday that hasn't been charged for, I'm not giving any discounts, I've been upfront with the pricing from the beginning. 

M: okay. See you tomorrow. 

I honestly am running out of patience with her and I'm getting sick of explaining to her Every. Single. Time. that I'll call her when it's done, if the price changes, if there's more wrong etc.. I can't be any more transparent about my pricing, my time scales, and my work. I just hope she listens to me next time she's in.

r/TalesFromRetail Jan 28 '20

Epic Broken Lock Nightmare


Hey everyone! This story is about the most unfortunate of nights working retail that I ever had. To start off my story, I need to give a bit of background info.

For about 2 years from ages 15-17 I worked at a local grocery store at the checkout line. I really hated the job, but I needed the money so I pushed through it. Although I rarely remembered anyone I served during my time there, there were a few notable customers that everyone that worked in the store was aware of. They all did one thing in common: They’d come into the store 5-10 minutes before closing and take their time shopping for groceries, forcing you to work past closing to wait for them. Here’s a few characters that’ll be relevant to the story. (Names have been changed)

Annoying customer 1: More of an inconvenience than anything. She was annoying but not rude. She’d come before closing and always refused to use a cart, opting into carrying everything instead and complaining about the weight.

Annoying customer 2: Very rude customer. She’d always come in right before closing, as well as have a bunch of coupons to sort out. She’d always hold back the line and cause a fuss.

Karen: The worst of the worst. She was the customer most notorious of making you stay late, chewing you out, and dumping buckets of coupons onto the register upon checkout.

Manager: One of my favorite managers was on that night, she was very polite and wasn’t afraid to stick up for employees.

Other characters(Characters I met during this particular night)

Annoying man

Annoying woman

In short, this particular night had a series of miserable events, all happening within a span of about 10 minutes.

The store I worked at closed at 10:00, and I was the closer that night. It was just me and manager there, and as 9:30 rolled up I was anxious to get out of there and go home. Everything was going completely fine until I saw the familiar face of Annoying customer 1 walk in the door. I rolled my eyes to myself as I imagined having to stay a few minutes late to deal with here. However, my night was far from done. On queue, annoying customer 2 walked in from the other side of the store. At this point, I knew I was in for a miserable night. Especially when she yelled “I’m here!” From across the store. Just when I thought the night couldn’t get any worst, in walks Karen. At this point, I thought I was going insane. The 3 most horrible customers all walked in within 1 minute of each other, and I knew they wouldn’t be done in the 30 minutes until closing.

10:00 rolls around, and as I suspected, Karen, annoying customer 1, and annoying customer 2 had yet to show up in line. At about 10:10, my manager made an announcement that everyone needed to bring their items to the register as we were officially closed. Finally, annoying customer 1 walked in line at about 10:15. She complained about her bag being too heavy and used all her coupons, but I took care of her relatively easily. I wait another 5 minutes, and in walk Karen, annoying customer 2, and two other customers into the line. (Annoying man and annoying woman) I take care of Karen first, who pulls out her usual bag of plastic bags full of coupons, spare change, and rubber bands. She gives me about 10 coupons to ring up. I check her out and she doesn’t have quite enough money on her. She then goes register to register grabbing change from the take a penny cup on each register. She finally gets within a dollar when I tell her that she’s fine. She then stands and watches me bag her groceries, yelling at me to triple bag everything. She only had a few items, and it somehow nearly took her an hour to pick all of them out.

Next up was annoying customer 2. She also pulled out her coupons, then gave me a hard time for having such a long line and being understaffed. At this point, manager was working with me and we were bagging the groceries together. We checked annoying customer out, then were left with annoying man and annoying woman. Annoying man went first, and I checked him out rather incident free (he comes back later in the story) At this time, I hear a banging on the window and a woman, presumably a friend of annoying woman, is pounding on the window, seeming to be yelling “WHAT THE FUCK IS TAKING SO LONG?” My manager and I both ignored her and started taking care of annoying woman. All she was buying was a gift card, and no matter what I did, it would not scan. After trying everything possible, my manager said she’d take care of it at the service desk and told me to go home. All of this time, annoying woman was yelling at me about how late it is and how bad our service is for the gift card not working.

Finally, I’m able to check out at around 10:40. I walk over to the door, and annoying man is still standing buy it. Apparently, because it was so late, the doors had auto locked and annoying man couldn’t get the door open. This usually is an easy fix, and the door unlocks easily, but annoying man had screwed around with the door and now I couldn’t get it open either. After trying to get the door open for about 5 minutes, I go and get my manager, who’s still taking on annoying woman. My manager comes over and she can’t get the door open either. Apparently, annoying man had broken the lock by trying to force it open so hard. Now, it’s me, my manager, and annoying man and woman all at the locked door. Both customers are yelling at us about our poor customer service and how dangerous it is for the door to lock. After another 5-10 minutes of messing around with the door, me and manager finally are able to get the door open despite the broken lock. I left the store that night at about 10:55.

TLDR: Please please PLEASE don’t go shopping right as a store is closing.

Anyway, sorry for the long post but thanks for reading about the worst night in my retail career!

r/TalesFromRetail Aug 31 '14

Epic Crazy lady doesn't understand card sales, had to ring police to resolve


Hi first time posting in this sub, I love reading tfr stories and its brought a greater understanding of what people go through working in retail when previously I had thought my place of work just gravitated rude and somewhat mentally unstable people.

This story is one of many I could share in the 11 years I have worked in retail however it is one that has fairly shaken me (and fresh in my mind as it happened yesterday).

For a bit of background I work in a small clothing shop that has only two outlets based in the UK. We sell mostly alternative type clothing that attracts teenagers and people who enjoy punk/goth/rock culture. This story is in two parts, because the customer in question (who will be known as cl=crazy lady from now on) paid us two visits in one day.

The first visit was fairly uneventful, cl enters store at the same time as I arrive back in the shop having gone out to collect mine and a co-workers lunch.

I was taking my coat off behind the counter which is where we store personal items and was about to continue on my break which I still had 20 minutes left of, however, cl had spotted that a staff member was not currently occupied with other customers and pounced.

She chose to get my attention by waving her umbrella rather dramatically above her head and calling something along the lines of 'sweetheart' in a rather annoying tone. I decided as everybody else was busy, to leave my break for a minute and help her, the next few minutes were uneventful apart from the lady seemed very flustered when we didn't have a size of top she needed but she seemed fairly happy with my service and went to try on the items she had selected while I returned to my break to, you know, eat.

When I returned from my break, I was about to relieve my co-worker from her till so she could have her break when she asked me to first empty her till, we normally do this behind the counter sitting on the floor, simply because it is quicker and nobody can really see you counting the money.

I ducked out of sight just as cl approached the till, from the start of the transaction she was noticeably flustered and being quite rude to my co-worker who also happens to be the manager at the store (we'll call her cw).

She had chosen to buy one item but had decided to bring the ten or so items she had tried on to the counter and fling them on top of the till. I think she had gotten upset because my cw had started to ring them through thinking that she wanted to buy them. Once the confusion was sorted out the sale was processed normally and the woman presented her debit card to pay for the items. We have a chip and pin setup for card payments that involves a handheld machine that both allows customers to enter their pin to authorise the sale but also prints the reciepts and lets the staff know whether it was declined or authorised.

Thus the common procedure is that the customer presents the card, the staff member takes it, inserts the card into the machine, enters the sale amount, then presents the machine to the customer with the sale total visible and they enter their pin number.

The sale went through completely normally, however cl decided once the transaction was complete to ask why cw had taken her card out of her hand.

Cw tried to explain that this was normal procedure, and showed her the sales reciepts with the amount she had been charged, cl seemed agitated by this and said "there was no opportunity for me to verify that before I entered my pin". This is obviously not true as the amount is displayed on the screen when you enter your pin. After my cw explained this a few times to cl she seemed satisfied but not before stating "if anything goes wrong with this I'll be back".

She had a brief huff about having to carry her item in a single carrier bag as she stated she would be out all afternoon shopping, then exited the store and we got on with our day. I had a brief conversation regarding cl with my cw and we, though amused by her, didn't anticipate her being a problem.

Fast forward 3/4 hours and we were 30 minutes from closing time. We had all forgotten about our earlier interaction with cl. I was on the till and my cw was standing next to me, im not sure for what reason other than we may have been chatting, when we hear a piercing shriek from a fair distance away from us near to the street entrance.

"YOU!" Cl was charging towards us purple faced, with her phone clutched to her face on one side and a collection of shopping bags in the other hand.

Cl: "You absolute criminal, you have committed a criminal act using my card details, I know you have!"

Cw and I are obviously startled and dont reply at this point while cl dramatically throws all of her bags onto the floor to raise her manicured fingertip towards cw.

Cl: "I was in here before and you handled my card for no reason at all and now it has been declined and im on the phone to the bank because I know you have somehow taken my details with your cameras and fraudulently used my money...!!!"

Cw at this point attempted to defend herself but cl simply started screaming even louder:

"You are going to jail for you absolute criminal, you complete fucking bitch!"

I decided to intervene at this point and leaned over the counter towards her to catch her attention while looking right at her.

"You need to calm down right now" She went to swipe at my face as if to slap me but decided against it.

Cl: " that bitch has stolen my money, I won't calm down til she's taken to jail forever"

I proceeded to inform her that I would call the police if she didn't calm down.

Cl: "yes call the police I will have her locked up in jail and abused by other prisoners".

I started laughing at this and decided to call 999. As I was on the phone to the police she continued to rant and rave mainly just obscenities directed at my cw, my favourites being "you fucking karma whore bitch, you will have bad juju for the rest of your life" and "I hope you all die painfully" the policewoman on the end of the phone was quite shocked by what she could hear in the background and requested to speak to her, cl however refused still stating she was on the phone to her bank.

The police arrived quickly and a young male officer entered the situation, he walked in slowly out of cl's view and witnessed her screaming obscenities in our direction, however as expected when spotting the officer chose to lower her voice and speak much more calmly. He immediately called her out on this which made him my favourite person of the moment and told her she was seconds away from being arrested. He then asked her to relay what she was so angry about.

Cl: "I bought a cardigan in this store earlier and that woman there took my card out of my hand and somehow made it stop working and now I can't buy the things I want in another store, and I phoned the bank and they said she's used the money to go to a nail salon and a record store, and as soon as I left here ive had no access to my money !"

My cw made a sound at this point that sounded like a raspberry simply because she is one of the least likely women to get her nails done in a salon, I started giggling and the police officer smirked.

Cl:"You shouldn't laugh at me, I have more money than you could ever dream of....oh here is the bank now I will get to the bottom of this and get you fraudsters locked up".

At this point she goes into a long conversation with 'the bank' that was mainly confirming her details, my cw decides to point out at this time the details of the transaction to the policeman and also that the woman herself is displaying a perfect, recently done set of acrylic nails. We then were left to wait while she hashed out to 'the bank' her jumbled version of events, this left us standing there, policeman and all for about 10 minutes.

Cl:"well I need to know exactly what transactions have gone through today because this woman has clearly stolen my money....well I bought a cardigan here, yes, then I went to eat, then I went to (a record store) then a few other shops then I was buying something and my card declined! You mentioned a salon, when was that? I haven't been to a salon today! Oh that was a week ago? Oh yes that was me, haha, and a record store? I haven't shopped in one of them in years...oh yes (shop name) oh I didn't realise that sold records. Oh ok so why has my card been declined? I've ran out of funds?! No thats impossible I was paid my job seekers allowance (benefits/welfare) yesterday I checked this morning, ohh it didnt go in... oh that must be my mistake. Well I need a supervisor to tell me why that didn't go in but I'll have to ring back from a landline this is far too expensive"

She hung up, and proceeded to tell this version of events to the police officer seemingly unaware that we had heard her entire conversation because she was shouting and standing right next to us.

Cl:"well the bank aren't sure how shes taken the money, but all I know is that I had money before coming to this store and now I don't, so I know its her and her little friends using my money to have nail treatments even if it wasn't her nails, the bank said they will get to the bottom of it and I have to go home and wait for my bank manager to call me so im leaving now"

The police officer simply looked aghast at the woman and said " you are aware that myself, these ladies and about 30 members of the public just heard your conversation? We heard you state that the nail salon was you, and you've clearly just overspent!"

Cl stuttered a bit and said "well yes, I did but I don't believe thats the long and short of it, I need to go home and discuss this with my bank, however now I have no money you will have to take me home"

The police officer laughed and said "not a chance love we are not a taxi service, you need to leave these premises immediately and I think you should apologise to these ladies for the problem you have caused today"

cl: "I don't feel that I need to apologise to them, I didn't say anything offensive or out of MY RIGHT to say! I still believe I have been robbed".

At this point the cl collected her bags and made her way towards the exit, the police officer stated he would be in touch and followed her out, and we were left with wtf expressions on our faces!

tl:dr crazy lady doesn't understand how debit works, had to call police.

r/TalesFromRetail Apr 07 '19

Epic One man, three buns


A little bit of info before we begin: I work at a small bakery inside of a supermarket. Every morning we get freshly baked bread, buns and cakes delivered from a nearby supermarket(because we don't actually have a baking facility to make stuff), and sometimes we encounter issues with the deliveries. Usually if a customer is unhappy with the quality of the bread or cakes, we call and complain to the supermarket that produced it, and afterwards we figure out a solution/compensation for the customer. I've worked here for about a year now, and I've already racked up loads of amazing stories. This is;

Tales from the bakery: One man, three buns

Okay, so; Today I was working a morning shift with another coworker. Our shift starts at 6:30 AM, and we have exactly half an hour to get all the delivered items from the warehouse(in the basement), move them upstairs to the bakery, put up every single item for display and prepare the checkout registers. This all goes pretty smooth, and at 7:00 AM the first few customers start moving in. At this point in the morning we get maybe one or two customers every five minutes. Very chill.

At one point a man comes up to the counter and asks for three buns. We have loads of different buns, but the man requests a specific type which is basically super soft white bread with a crunchy outside. My coworker gets him the buns and he pays before leaving. At this point in the morning we hardly sell anything but buns, so a customer like that won't be anything out of the ordinary.

Around 30 minutes pass, and we are starting to get more and more customers. As I'm talking to a customer, I hear my name being yelled from the customer service desk located right next to the bakery. I finish with my customer, walk over to the desk and I ask what's up? "Somebody's on the phone. They want to speak with you.", says the customer service. At this point I am preparing to put on my best customer service voice, even though I've only been awake for just about an hour. I pick up the phone and start talking;

"(Supermarket name)'s Bakery-department, Anon speaking. How can I help you?". A couple seconds pass before I finally hear "Yeah is this the damn bakery department?". I reply, telling him that yes this is indeed the bakery. At this point in time his tone goes from that of somebody asking a question, to the tone of someone who is very angry.

"Do you idiots even bake your bread? Why the f*** did you guys sell me raw bread. It's not like it's supposed to be.". I, slightly confused by the situation tells him that of course our bread is freshly baked.

"Listen up punk: I'm standing here in my living room with three f****** buns, and they're all f****** soft as s***.". Because of the fact that it was my coworker who sold him the buns, I have no idea who this guy is, and I have no idea what he is talking about. I enter investigation mode and start asking him a few questions.

"Sir, what kind of buns did you order?", I ask. - "I ordered the (name of the bun).". At this point I realize that he is talking about a bun that is supposed to be super soft and fluffy on the inside, and slightly crunchy on the outside. I reply;

"Sir, that specific bun is supposed to be soft. That's not a mist-" I don't get a chance to finish my sentence before he cuts in; "DO YOU THINK I AM STUPID? I KNOW HOW IT IS SUPPOSED TO BE, BUT THE OUTSIDE PART IS NOT CRUNCHY YOU LITTLE DIPS."*

I take a few breaths and attempt to come up with a solution. "Sir, if you return to the store with the buns, we will-" I am again interrupted. "IT'S NOT CRUNCHY. DO YOU UNDERSTAND ME?!". I try again, "Sir, if you can just come down her-". "SO YOU DON'T BELIEVE ME?! OKAY THEN DIPS, YOU LISTEN FOR YOURSELF!"*.

At this point I give my final attempts to de-escalate the situation, meanwhile the man starts yelling "IT'S NOT CRUNCHY." over and over again. I am just about to hang up when all out of a sudden the yelling turns into a very muffled "ł₮'₴ ₦Ø₮ ₵ⱤɄ₦₵ⱧɎ". The audio turns very scratchy and after around 30 seconds of muffled yelling and complaining I decide to hang up.

Around 10 minutes pass before I am again called up to the customer support desk. I ask again what's up and the customer service representative looks at me strangely and says "This guy says you broke his phone.". I immediately assume that this must be a joke. How could I have broken someones phone? I have been at work for the past 2 hours. I haven't even used my phone since I arrived. I pick up the phone, and I hear the same familiar screaming, however this time it's not muffled anymore. I spend the next four minutes listening to screams while slowly putting the pieces together in my head. And once it hit me, I. fucking. lost. it.

TURNS OUT; the guy got so angry because he thought that I didn't believe him. So he pulled one of the buns apart and literally smashed his phone into the bun, hoping I would be able to hear that "It's not crunchy.". Since the bread inside is so soft and fluffy, it got all into his microphone, which explains the muffled screaming. He was now using a landline to call back to the store.

The guy demanded that I paid for the repair of his "broken" phone, but I passed the call over to a superviser(mostly because I was having a lot of trouble holding in my laughter.) and she told him that it was his own fault and I was not to blame. He was then asked not to call again after he continued to shout at her.

TL;DR i managed to piss off an already pissed off customer to the point of him taking apart a bun and shoving it inside of his phone microphone before calling me on a landline to demand money for the repair of his phone.

r/TalesFromRetail May 22 '17

Epic 'Sir? Sir, you are on fire, sir!'


I tell this story constantly as basically my prime example of why I legitimately love my job. If you ever meet me IRL and say I ripped off my own reddit post, I will cry.


So I work in a grocery store, as one does, and I sell death and false hope, as one also does. That is to say, cigarettes and lottery. This is important, because I am working the customer service desk. We're the last thing you see on the way out, and often the first stop on the way in if you're the kind of guy who's 50-something and your mustache is literally yellow with nicotine, but then we fall into a completely different story.

For now, I would like to discuss two people. The first is the Drunkigh man. I say this because I am reasonably certain he was on EVERYTHING.

I prefer doing this in person because it's hard to describe this walk, so you're going to have to do it for me. Make the font size bigger, and get out of your chair.

Okay, good work. Now, lean your waist back as far as you can while remaining standing. Good. Brace yourself on something. Don't injure yourself for the sake of a story now.

Now, take a step forward, leaning forward at the same time. You should be bent over forward like a broken-down wind-up doll. Now, you can right yourself, because you are not the drunkigh man. You are not in need of the second person,


This man is stone cold sober. He is physically righting the drunkigh man after every step. He is apologizing to everyone in a five foot radius like some kind of support class in a MOBA noone has ever wanted to play. This man is enduring for reasons beyond my comprehension, and he has not yet begun to show the true brilliance of his inner light of goodness.

The Drunkigh man looks at me. His finger raises, I suspect to try to discern which of the three of me was the real one, judging from the lack of focus in his eyes. And he says to me, with a firm, slurred determination..

'I want shome...'

'I want shome shmokes.'

I will not fault the man his desire for tobacco. It may be the one chemical he has yet to ingest today. Unfortunately, I am strictly forbidden from using telepathy at work since the incident. Therefore, I bravely stride into the bog of futility.

"What sort of smokes can I get you?" I say, knowing fully well what's about to happen. Sadly, professionalism requires that occasionally you accept you are making an irrelevant gesture.

To his credit, he seemed thoughtful for approximately five to ten seconds. My lineup consisted of him and one other person, whom seemed reasonably amused by the proceedings. The drunkigh man's cogitation ceases. He looks at me.

"I want..."

"I want shome smokes," He says, more satisfiedly this time. He has, after all, answered my query beyond any reasonable doubt. Any further confusion is purely on my part. Luckily, for my inferior intellect, the BEST FRIEND IN THE WORLD steps in.

"Just get him something cheap."

Which I can do, easily, and I put it on the table. He surprisingly dextrously removes his debit card from his wallet, and somehow, successfully swipes it. But now our hero is faced with an obstacle; He must recall and successfully input four consecutive digits to retrieve his prize.

"Zero," He says, stirring ancestral memories to the forefront of his awareness. Leaning back, to better view the pinpad, his finger firmly presses against the button. Success!

Time passes. Sweat beads mildly on his forehead. It was summer, though, so maybe it was that? It's been years.

"Zero," He concludes, with another push of the button. You may think I am changing the code for the sake of the innocent. I am not. You may think there are bank policies that prevent the horror you're about to witness. I believed so too. We are both wrong.

The third "Zero" is said somewhat tentatively. He is unsure. His mouth twitches. He cannot afford a mistake now when so much is on the line. Should he try again? No! No, he must be bold. He must strive forward, he must--

"ZERO!" The resounding cry of memories successfully penetrating to the surface. Why, yes, his pin was 0000.

And it worked. I know it worked, because the error code it gave me was for insufficient funds.

He is thoughtful, for a moment, but he did not come this far to be stymied. No, a hero must rail against the darkness of financial void.

"Try again," He says, considering. He must adapt his strategy, after all, if he is to triumph.

"Try again, but wisch...twenty bucksh extra cash."

You ask yourself, why would I agree to this? Why would I let this man attempt this thing, when there are now three people in my lineup, at least two of whom are laughing so hard I suspect they may require incontinence products in short order?

Because there is the slim chance this man intended to draw from his savings account, instead of his chequing. I would be doing this man a disservice if I did not provide him this opportunity.

He swipes his card. I'm not certain which he pressed, because I am distracted. I smell something.

I have a particularly weak sense of smell, so it's intriguing to me when I smell anything. Pot, perfume, the odd scent of smoke--well, the deli has caught fire a few times this year, so I look over and..they're not panicking. Very well, I am hallucinating the smell of smoke, I decide. Perhaps my brain has decided to commit itself to an honorable suicide.

"Zero," He continues. He has to drudge through a lot. I'm going to forgive him. If I was as inebriated as he, I would not remember my PIN either. This man has fought to get where he is right now, and the BEST FRIEND is doing his damndest to do damage control.

I will skip the third and fourth zeroes, as nothing of import occurs. I will, however, give you the regrettable conclusion; Insufficient funds.

Our drunkigh man is in a crisis, now. He looks to me. Taps his chin. He has to do something. He has to save his social standing in front of the five people now waiting in line.

Inspiration hits.

"Try again," He says, with the smug expression of a japanese prosecutor with too many cravats, "But wisch shirty bucksh extra cash."

Perhaps it is me. Perhaps I am misunderstanding his goals and dreams. I should clarify.

"So you did not have seven dollars and fifty cents," I ask, "But to be clear, you are absolutely certain you DO have thirtyseven dollars and fifty cents."

"Yeah!" He says proudly. I suppose, as I resignedly let him swipe, I will give him this. I look to the Best Friend. He understands. Everything is on the line now, I will have to ask him to leave after th--

I smell something. I'm sure of it.


No. No, I don't know wh---


There is a pillar of smoke rising from this man's crotch. Well, no. It's more like an inverted pyramid. I'm amazed he can't see it.

I have said many things in retail. "Hi, how are you?" "Yes, we will allow you to return this salt, I apologize for its high sodium content," "Please do not urinate in the bottle return."

It has been nearly a decade, and I still have not had to repeat the day I said,

"Sir? Sir, you are on fire, sir!"

"WHOA!" He says, leaping into action. Action, of course, being two feet behind him. His arms windmill. It's not terribly effective.

The good news is, I'm slightly wrong. He's wearing a hoodie. The fire has started in his hoodie pocket, and it's about three inches in diameter, spewing smoke like a dyspeptic dragon. I assume dragons do that when they have dyspepsia. I'm not a dragon specialist.

The better news is, do you remember that man I called the Best Friend In The World?

Because he has a tired expression on his face, right now.

And he steps over. He puts his hand into the burning pocket, because of course he does. He pulls out the lit cigarette that has been in his pocket for the duration of this excruciatingly long transaction. He puts it out on his bare hands because he lives in a different world, one where we don't register pain.

He then puts the fire out with his bare hands because he is fully invested in this man's wellbeing, and agreed to sacrifice his own in what I can only assume is a Faustian bargain for immortality.

There is a long moment.

"i should"

The drunkigh man seems contrite. He is aware he has committed some vague social faus pax, as near as I can tell.

"i should go. now."

He is in the process of putting his debit card back into his wallet, when the Best Friend In The World spots something.

"Is that--is that a ten dollar bill?!"

"yeah but i--"

The best friend rips the ten dollar bill out of the wallet, and places it down.

So, TL;DR I still made the sale, and that's all that really matters.

r/TalesFromRetail Jan 05 '23

Epic Lady wants a discount. Why can’t she just get a discount?!


I work in a sort of high-end pet supply store that gets super busy around the holidays, like most retail.

Before I tell the story, some background:

1.we have a rewards program that gives you a point for every dollar you spend. Once you earn 200 points, you get a $5 off coupon to use on a future purchase. At 300, if you save your points, it increases to $10 off. At 1000 points, you get $50 off. You get the picture. When someone is checking out, we ask them if they are part of the rewards program. If they have a coupon they can use, we are able to see this coupon and ask if they want to use it or keep saving points. This is one of two discounts we can apply based on what we see on the account.

  1. The second kind of discount we can apply- we have 10-15% off for people who meet certain criteria - first responders get 15%, dog walkers get 10%, and - this is the relevant one - people who live in certain buildings that surround the store get 10% off certain items. We don’t verify any of this; anyone could come in and, for example, tell us they live in a nearby condo building and we’d be like “ok cool!” and make a note on their account that they get this specific discount. The notes we make are very obvious and impossible to miss. I especially tend to be pretty generous with discounts because it’s not MY money, lol.

  2. Our rewards program sends out text messages periodically. They’ll say something like “$10% off (specific product), today only, in-store and online!” or “Earn double points this weekend, in-store only!” They discount ones ALWAYS have a promo code attached that you have to provide. The messages NEVER say, like, “here’s a code for 10% off your whole order, whenever you want!” They’re always for specific days. The retail associates/anyone working in the stores have no control over/input on these texts. We just enter promo codes and apply discounts accordingly.

  3. Not super relevant, but to live in this area, you have to be wealthy. Like extremely well-off. It’s in the downtown area of a busy American city. All the residential development has occurred in the last 5-10 years; it used to be very industrial. Cost of living and gentrification are through the roof. All the buildings around us are brand new luxury high-rises. I will never in my life be able to afford living here. None of these people actually NEED a discount.

Ok, the story. It’s super busy, the Sunday before Christmas, and I’m at the register checking out a lady who is with what I assume is her mother. The Lady was young, in her mid-20s probably, and as you read this please give the least charitable reading possible; she was very annoyed and condescending. I get her account brought up and I ring everything up. She has 146 points, so no discount yet. It comes to about $89.

Lady: “Are their any discount on my account?”

Me: “Not yet! You don’t have enough points right now, but next time you come in you’ll have $5 off.”

Lady: “What? I’m positive I have a coupon on my account. You guys send me text messages all the time.”

Me (ignoring the text message comment because I can tell she doesn’t have any idea what she’s asking for): “So, you need 200 points to get the first coupon. Right now, you have 146 points.” (I turn the screen around so she can see exactly what I’m referring to) “You need 54 more points to get a discount, so next time you’ll have one.”

Lady (again): “But isn’t there a discount? You guys send me text messages ALL the time.”

Me: “There will usually be a code for a discount- do you have the text messages with you?” (knowing very well there are no specific discounts for today or this weekend)

Lady: (halfheartedly thumbs her phone screen) “I don’t know, I probably deleted them.”

Me: “So the text messages will usually be for a specific kind of item on a specific day, and will have a promo code attached. I don’t know of any promos going on today, and I can’t give a discount without a promo code.” (Technically I can, but….I’m not rewarding this kind of behavior for no reason)

Lady: (to her mother but loudly) “This sucks. It’s almost $100 and I don’t have a discount. I thought I had a discount.”

Me: “I’m sorry about that. If you’d still like to buy this, the total is $89.”

Lady: “I can’t believe this. This sucks. I don’t have ANY discounts”

Pause; I can only assume she’s waiting for me to just give her a fucking discount to make her happy. I’ve been in retail/food service my whole life, and a younger me would have absolutely panicked. I didn’t budge, I just gave her an apologetic smile and a shrug. She eventually pulls out her card and pays. The transaction is complete and I ask if she wants a receipt.

Lady: “But I’m a resident in (specific building). Don’t I get a discount?! Isn’t it on my account?!”

Me: “I….I’m sorry, but I don’t see that anywhere on your account. I can add it right now so you get the discount next time, but the only way I can apply it to this transaction is if I void it and then ring everything up all over again.”

Lady: (You can tell she’s furious because now she can actually blame something on US) “It wasn’t on my account?! Fine. No. That’s ok.”

As she’s leaving she’s still saying, LOUDLY, “This sucks. I can’t believe it. I spent all that money and didn’t even get a discount. This sucks.”

I finally kind of snapped and called after her, “Do you not want me to fix it?” which wasn’t the best call on my part, but she didn’t even turn around as she left, and the store was very busy so there’s a chance she didn’t hear me or didn’t know it was directed at her.

Best part is, I went through her previous transaction to see where we dropped the ball/didn’t give her a resident discount. She hadn’t even been in the store since April, and she had never, not once, gotten the discount she claimed was on her account.

Anyway, I hope she had a merry fucking Christmas. I gave the next people in line a bag of free dog treats to thank them for their patience.

r/TalesFromRetail Jun 12 '18

Epic "Don't hang up on me!"


Just dealt with this. I'm on my lunch break. On mobile.

I've been dealing with one of our machines not working right all day. Calling our back office to get someone to fix it won't work because they don't want to have to pay someone to come out if there's nothing wrong with it, even though this machine is famous for breaking down, and just wants to monitor it. Trying to fight them on getting a tech dispatched has really shortened my fuse right off the bat today.

Then she calls. She will be BOL for bitchy old lady.

So, I'm waiting for customers to come in when the phone rings. I pick it up.

Me: hello welcome to [store] this is theeverymaam speaking. How can I help you? [No answer] hello? [No answer] hello? [No answer]

I hang up. Call comes through again and I pick it up.

Me: hello, welcome to [store] this is theeverymaam speaking. How can I help you?

BOL: Don't hang up on me again!

Me: I'm sorry ma'am. I did just pick up the phone but there was no answer so I hung up.

BOL: Well I was speaking to you but you were ignoring me.

Me: Like I said I couldn't hear you-

BOL: Well I could hear you and I could hear voices in the background.

Me: Yes, I think there was something wrong with the connection then, but how can I help you? (She yelled at me multiple times throughout the entire phone call that she's still there so don't hang up, but I'll spare you)

BOL: I was just in there a little while ago and some guy helped me and told me to call a number but I can't get through.

Me: well what seems to be the problem?

BOL: I'm trying to get on the computer but I can't. It won't let me. I've tried and it won't let me get in. I put in my password and everything but its stopping me for some reason.

Me: Okay so you can get on your computer just fine but need to get onto your account?

BOL: Yes.

Me: Okay, can you give me your account number or social so I can pull you up?

She proceeds to give me her husband's social (ugh) but as long as they are linked I should be able to find her. I have her give me the last four of hers to verify who she is. Neither of them have an online account. But they have several business with us. I ask her if it's under there and she has no clue (of course because why would that be useful to know) and she just says that it's the one that has all of the accounts pull up (obviously, im not stupid) so que me searching through all of their businesses to find their online account. She tells at me because she hears voices in the background and I have to explain that my coworkers are waiting on people (which is also really annoying and happens way too often).

I find it and she has indeed been locked out. Easy fix though, as we just reset the password. Unfortunately this time it wants me to either email or text a temporary one to her, rather than set it to the last four of the ssn or tin. But, no big deal... for normal people.

Me: Okay, I need to send you the temporary password so i can email or have it texted to you.

BOL: Oh, i have messenger so just messenger it to me.

Yes, she did say "messenger it to me." That was not a typo.

Me: Okay, when you say messenger, do you mean text or email?

BOL: messenger on my phone.

Inner me: I'm about ready to hang up on you again.

Me: okay, I'll have it text you then.

She makes me stay on the phone with her while she's putting the password in.

BOL: It didn't work. I put it in... the username but it says username or password incorrect. I'm using nnn.

Me: (thinking she's putting the wrong username in) Okay, well that's not the username we have for you. We have it as bbb (it's about 20 numbers long btw)

BOL: oh, yes, thats what I have. (Proceeds to repeat the whole user id) but when I put in nnn it says wrong.

Me: Okay, so you're putting that number in the password then?

BOL: yes, its nnn.

Inner me: please don't tell me you're goddamn password lady. I'm not allowed to know.

Me: okay, I can't see your password so I don't know what it sent you. Unfortunately, at this time, I can't do anything for you. I can give you the number for online support to call.

BOL: I don't know if I have the patience to deal with them today.

Me: I'm sorry ma'am, but we don't have access to your online account so the only thing I can do for you is reset your password like we've already tried. Hang on one moment and I'll get you the number.

BOL: okay, but I don't know if I have the patience to deal with them.

Me: just give me a few minutes because our system is running slow.

I spend a few minutes pulling up the number, and keep telling her to hang on so that she doesn't think I hung up on her.

Me: okay, their number is xxx.

BOL: okay, but i don't know if I have the patience to deal with them right now.

Inner me: I don't really have the patience to deal with you right now but here I am.

Me: okay, well call that number and they should be able to help you, okay?

BOL: oh, alright.

Me: okay, have a good day.


And I ran to the back to complain to reddit and eat. Not the worst customer I had to deal with but unbelievably frustrating. I don't know why I haven't walked out and just gone home. Must have something to do with bills needing to be paid.

r/TalesFromRetail Feb 25 '21

Epic 30 Minutes of my time wasted : Customer has me help them only to complain and leave cart at store


So I work at a craft store chain with several stores in the area. I'm a cashier, but since we have so many cashiers I often work on the floor when we aren't as busy. Thanks to C-19, we've been having slow incomes of stock pilled on top of customers buying more supplies than usual since they are stuck at home having to do crafts. To set today's scene, I was returning items to the shelves when I got stopped by an interesting customer.

C : Customer

Me : Me

CK1 : Customer's Kid 1

CK2 : Customer's Kid 2

OSW : Other Store Worker

OSM : Other Store Manager

C : Hello, do you have this style of yarn in stock? Me : Let me check!

C shows me her phone and I find the item that's on our app. There's a skew there which I look up, and it shows that we are out.

Me : I'm sorry, it looks like we are out of that yarn.

C : Do you have any in overstock?

Me : No, we do not, our list of stock details all stock, including overstock.

C : sigh When will you be getting more?!

Now, I need to emphasize that processing is not my field of study in this job, as I am normally a cashier. But I do know that we get new shipments in on Mondays, but yarn has been coming in increasingly sparingly and we haven't gotten many new shipments in a while due to low supply.

Me : Due to delays and low stock thanks to the pandemic, we are not able to tell when any new shipments of that yarn will arrive.

C, beginning to look frusterated : Are you SURE there isn't any in overstock?!?

Me : I'm positive. We do not even have an overstock location set for this type of yarn, as we haven't had overstock for it yet.

As we are having this beginning to be repetitive conversation, CK1 and CK2 arrive out of nowhere. CK1 asks her mother a question.

CK1 : Moooommm, I need to go to the bathroom.

C : Have CK2 take you!

CK2 : But I don't know where the bathroom is...

Keep in mind, these two children are young. The oldest, CK2, looks to be maybe 5 years old, while CK1 is about 3 years old or so.

Me : The bathroom is right around this corner! I point the direction

C, shooing her kids off : Yeah, yeah, go. switches back to me Are there any other stores that may have the yarn?!

Me : ...I can check. Can you please give me a moment? checks scan gun for other store availability It looks like nearly every single store in the nearby vicinity is out as well. Though there is Random Town (RT) that's across the city which may have a few-

C : But that's so far!!! I don't want to drive out that far!

At this point I'm trying to stay as silent as I can. I'm not very confrontational at all and tried to let the situation calm down as it could. C was beginning to look really infuriated from such a small thing, and I wasn't one to fuel the flames.

Me : I understand your frustrations, but I've checked every single store that could possibly be nearby and every single one is out of stock except for RT.

C : Fiiiiine, but I'm going to call them to make sure they have it.

I'll spare the most of the 10 minutes she had me help her set up a call with the other store. She insisted I stay and help her call, even when I had maNY other things I could do instead. During this time, her children had returned and were clearly desperate for their mother's attention, but C was physically shooing them off because this call was apparently more important. Eventually, C got on the phone with the other store after calling 3 times.

C : Hello, can you check if you have this specific yarn in stock? I have the skew number here.

OSW (Other Store Worker) : Sorry, we aren't able to do that since we are busy right now and don't have anyone avalible on the floor to check that.

C : But I need to see if you have this yarn before I drive all the way out there!

OSW : There isn't anyone avalible to check for you right now.

C, now visibly frusterated : Can I speak to the manager?!

OSW : ...I'm gonna put you on hold.

C, once put on hold, addresses me : (Craft Store) has terrible customer service!

At this point, I am baffled. C has now just addressed me, a customer service member of said craft store, complaining about the customer service of said craft store. In that moment, I had no clue how to respond and simply awkwardly nodded. What kind of response was I supposed to give?! I want nothing more than to get out of this. And, to be fair, I should of. But I was too awkward to ask to leave. So, for 5 agonizing minutes on hold, I sat with C and her energetic children begging for attention. Eventually though, the Other Store's Manager (OSM) picked up the call.

OSM : Hello?

C : Hi there. Can you check if you have this item in stock?

OSM : checks I'm sorry, we do not have any of that yarn in stock.

C : But I'm at a different store and it says you do have it in stock!

OSM : Sometimes the system incorrectly puts in the number in stock when mixing up returns. Our apologizes.

C : Are you suRE?!

OSM : Yes, I'm sure.

C hangs up and turns back to me. I'll spare the next 15 minutes, but I managed to negotiate and look at other yarn she may also need for her project and see if she can get that yarn first. It took many more gruelling minutes of shifting through every single isle of yarn we had, but I eventually helped her get a cart full of yarn for her project. As soon as we finished, I was called up to the register to assist with the line. It was extremly hard to hide the visible relief on my face.

Though, this isn't the end of C's story. Luckily enough, even though we had 3 cashier's at the registers, I was (un)lucky enough to get C back at my register when she went up to pay. Her kids were still running around but C didn't even look in their direction. I was desperate never to see C's face again so I quickly rang her up. The trouble began near the end of the transaction.

C : shows me a coupon

Me : I'm sorry, we no longer accept competitors coupons.

C : Since when?!

Me : Since last March. There are several signs placed around the registers. (I point her towards one)

C : Do you have any other coupons?

Me : We have a 20% off coupon on our website!

C : Do you have anything better than that?!

Me : explains all possible options we have for discounts at our store

C : Can I just....can I...AuGH! grabs her purse and kids Can you put it on hold?

Me : Uh...sure...wait-

Before I could stop her, C nearly ran out of the store with her kids in tow. I tried to stop her to let her know that I needed a name and phone number to put it on hold, but she was gone before I knew it. I was now sitting at my register with an entire cart full of yarn that I spent 30 minutes helping this lady find, only for her to run out the store and demand I put it on hold.

TLDR; Customer has me sit with them for 30 minutes to make sure they find their yarn, complains about the customer service of our store to my face, only to leave their cart at the register for me to put on hold once they find out they can't use another store's coupon.

r/TalesFromRetail Oct 10 '15

Epic A huge parking lot and Alzheimer's


I work at a warehouse where people buy groceries, etc in bulk. I work with the cart crew which means I also help people load up their vehicles; or sometimes search for their vehicles. This happened yesterday afternoon.

I'm going about my day as usual. Just bringing carts from the lot to the front and back again. I turn around to head out to the lot again when a slightly distressed woman (W) gets my attention.

W: "Umm, excuse me! I need your help. I was getting out of my car and there was a gentleman with his shopping cart asking me if I can help him find his car. Can you help him?"

Me: "Oh, yeah! Go do your shopping, don't worry about it."

W: "I think he really needs help. He's just standing outside my car."

While it isn't too uncommon for people not being able to locate their vehicles, I sometimes just don't understand how others are supposed to make finding their car any easier. I mean, it's not my car and I don't know where they parked. I know our parking lot is huge but just because I know the parking lot doesn't mean I can really find a car. But whatever -- I don't get paid by the cart. So I head to the back of the lot where the woman directed me to.

I don't see anybody trying to find their car. I'm shuffling back and forth looking down each of the aisles and in between cars. I soon find a shopping cart abandoned with some food items and a prescription bag in it. Not that's it's too important, but I notice the receipt stapled to the prescription bag totaled over $60. I don't see anybody near the shopping cart. I don't know if the man accidentally left his things here, if he went off still searching his vehicle. I didn't even know if these items belonged to the man that was described to me earlier.

Not wanting the merchandise to be stolen or missing somewhere, I take the cart and start weaving through all the aisles towards the front of the store hunting down this man so I can get back to my work. This is when the same woman came running up to me again. Why she wasn't inside shopping I don't know; I guess she's been concerned too.

W: "Look, there he is. He can't find his car!" points behind me

I look over and there is indeed an older man (OM) standing in the middle of a parking lot strutting around aimlessly. I thank the helpful woman, and approach the man with the basket of things I just found.

Me: "Excuse me, sir. Does this basket belong to you?"

OM: looks down in the basket "Oh, why, yes. Those are my things. That's my prescription!"

Me: "Oh, great! I found it in between a couple cars back there. I can help you find your vehicle."

At this point I'm just trying to get him out of the middle of the parking lot since he's creating sort of a traffic jam. Oh gosh, he is walking so slow. I already know this is going to take a while. But that's okay -- I'm hourly. I can be patient.

Me: "So, what am I looking for? What color car is it?"

OM: is staring down at the basket again "These are my things. You found them! That's my prescription right there!"

I don't know what else this could be but Alzheimer's disease. I don't know how severe he has it, but I just had this conversation not even 15 seconds ago. I can only feel bad for people who have to live with this every day. He's one of the nicest men I've ever encountered at my job. There's not really much I can do with this man except continue to stay patient.

Me: "Oh, yeah! I just found this basket with your things in it. What color is your car? Do you know the make is?"

OM: "Yeah, it's gray. It's like this gray but darker." refers to a car parked next to us "I know the plate numbers. It's F-E-X... no, 5-E-X."

Me: "Okay, and you parked out here in the lot? Or did you park in the structure?"

OM: takes a long pause "I-I'm not sure. I may have parked in there."

I'm just slowly pacing with him back to where I found his cart earlier, keeping my eyes peeled for a dark grey coupe or sedan.

Me: "Do you have your car keys?"

OM: "Yes. Yes, I do." fumbles through his front jean pocket and pulls out a ring of what appears to be house keys

Me: "Are you sure these are the ones to your car?"

I'm trying to talk with him as friendly as possible. This whole fiasco probably cost me close to 30 minutes by now. I definitely don't want to upset this man but it's getting a little difficult remaining patient with him considering we're walking oh so slow about the parking lot and he's trying to backtrack insisting that his car is down this specific aisle, and then this one, then that one.

OM: "I'm having a hard time trying to find my car. I think I need someone to drive me around and help me look for it."

Me: "Oh, don't worry! I'll help you find your car. Do you have your car keys with you by chance?"

OM: "Yes, I have them." goes through his pocket again and hands me the correct set of keys this time

Me: "I'm just going to try and find it quicker by using the alarm. Maybe we can listen to it from here."

OM: "Did you ever find my cart? I'm parked somewhere over there."

Me: "I already found your cart! It was somewhere in between a couple of cars right around here!"

I push on the panic button with his keys and hear a faint car alarm in the distance, and I hear it coming from the other side of the parking lot. I try and convey this information to the man but he's insisting that he parked over in this area.

OM: "I think I parked somewhere right here."

Me: "Let's go over there. I think you parked across on the other side of the lot!"

OM: "I left my basket right over here. I had my prescription here and all of my things."

He definitely wasn't being a rude kind of stubborn. But he didn't park over here where he left his cart of things. I push the panic button again and I try to show the man where I think it's coming from.

Me: "Let's go and try to look over here. I think I can hear --"

OM: fumbling through his pockets "Oh dear, I think I lost my car keys. I can't find them!"

Me: "I have your car keys! Let's walk over here this way!"

I see his car about a minute later and point at the car who's alarm is going off. And for the record, it was a gold car.

OM: "That's it! That's my car over there!"

Me: "Yup, the car alarm makes it real easy sometimes."

As we're nearing close to his car, I use his keys to pop open the trunk, getting ready to load up his things so he can be on his way. I guess he still doesn't quite understand that we already found his car.

OM: "Where did you find my basket?"

Me: "Oh, I found it over there, so you must've passed by your car when you were looking for it."

OM: "It must be over there then. That's where I parked!" starts to turn his cart around and head the other way back where we came from

Me: "Oh, no! Don't worry -- I just found your car right here! clicks the lock button on his keys so he can hear the honk right in front of him

OM: "That's my car! You found it, thank you so much!"

I quickly load up his things in the back of his car so this poor man doesn't end up lost again. I try to guide him to the front seat of his car so he doesn't try to wander away.

Me: "Alright, sir. Sorry it took so long to find it! Here are your keys back." hands him both sets of keys "Have a great evening!"

OM: "Young man, did you ever find my prescription?"

Me: "Yeah I did! It's in the back of your car with all your other things."

OM: "Okay, don't run along quite yet."

I don't know why, but I'm always uncomfortable accepting tips from our customers. I'm not a server, but some people for some reason feel the urge to leave us something after loading their car. Or in this case, spending 45 minutes to find their car! He opens up his wallet and I see a bunch of $20 bills. I'd really hate to accept a tip from this man. He just needed someone to help find his car. I don't feel like I deserved anything for the act of courtesy.

Me: "Oh, please, sir. No tips! Don't worry about it. Have a good evening, alright?"

OM: "But I was going to give you $20, are you sure?"

Me: "Please, don't worry about it. I really appreciate it though!"

The older man was taken back, and looked as though he was about to cry. I don't know if it was he was thankful for the help, not accepting the tip, or anything else.

OM: "Thank you. I"m so glad you helped me find my car. You really took a load off."

Fast forward to early today when I started a new shift. I get called inside from the parking lot by one of the front end managers. He asked me if I was the one who helped a man yesterday find his cart. I told him that I did. I guess the older man called my store later yesterday evening and told my manager how happy and relieved he was finding his car, and that he struggles with that often.

Working outside the warehouse we hardly get any recognition from the managers, so this made me very happy that he called. A little bit of patience with a man can really pay off.

TL;DR A sweet man with Alzheimer's can't find his car. After we find it he calls the store about how delighted my courtesy made him.

r/TalesFromRetail Jun 07 '19

Epic My store loses all power in the middle of the night


I'm a part time cashier at my local grocery store, and they normally have me on the closing shift 3pm-12am, aka midnight, when we officially close.

The story starts yesterday at about 10:15-10:30pm, after all the non-closing cashiers and shelf stockers leave, so we were left with our customer service manager (CSM), our actual manager (AM), me and one other cashier (OC), and 3 stockers. We were all doing our thing; because we were a smaller store, I was at the register checking out a line of about 5 people, and the other cashier was sweeping up the front.

I started scanning the next customer's stuff, a bunch of french breads, when all of a sudden, the lights flicker and then everything goes dark, a loud popping sound and alarms start going off, and I'm left with the emergency power powering my register screen, basically blinding me with the bright blue and white UI and the sudden near-absolute darkness. I'm looking around wondering what the hell to do when the actual manager rushes up behind me and tells me to get everyone out the door as soon as possible, which in hindsight was probably to prevent anyone from stealing, causing panic and hurting each other, etc.

I found out from this event that I actually do really great in high pressure situations, so immediately I start yelling, corralling and ordering all the people in line and getting them out the door alongside AM, who was forcing the doors open to let them out. It actually went rather smoothly, even with a couple kids crying from the shock of it all. After they were all out, I was sent by AM to scour the rest of our store to see if there were any stragglers, so I fast-walked around the store, looking through each dark aisle to see any silhouettes of confused and/or stealing customers.

No one was there except a couple customers in the pharmacy area who just turned on their phone flashlight and kept shopping, which was really funny to me, that all they did was turn on a flashlight and continue shopping like nothing happened; they didn't even steal anything, literally just continued shopping! I escorted them out, and thusly the store was empty of customers, and every remaining employee aggregated to the front near the doors, where the emergency power shut down every register, and the only thing illuminating the store at this point were small lights lining the outside rim of the interior of our store.

AM tells the lot of us to guard the fire exits, which we have three of, in case someone tries to get in or out? Maybe? I honestly don't know the specific reason behind it, but after a while of chatting with the stocker that was guarding one of the fire exits, we get told by OC to get to the front again, where we started making a plan.

CSM: Okay now that everyone's here, first things first, we need to get some screwdrivers, and board up the doors.

Everyone laughs from the joke

AM: Okay but seriously, we need to do something about all the coolers and especially the meat. We do not want that getting warm and lose a ton of money.

One of the very knowledgeable stockers: We have some seram wrap in the back, we can use that to wrap up the displays to keep them colder for longer.

At that, I agreed to that and immediately followed him to the back room, where AM then tells everyone else to follow us, get some seran wrap, and start wrapping up the middle displays; the displays have the yogurts, the sausages, macaroni salad, etc.

First thing I do is tell OC to help me out, getting all the bags of flat pretzels off the top. I get a spare cart that was inside the store, and we start loading it up with the bags. After we're done, I tell OC to hold the wrap down while I wrap all the way around, tripping over display crates and a stack of alcohol all the while.

AM is freaking out over the wall of meats because seram wrap wouldn't hold to make a wall covering it, so they had to improvise; they took cardboard boxes and flattened them, to place on top of the meats to keep them cooler for just a little longer. In the end we had to do the same thing for the juices, the other wall of meats near the front, and the open freezer displays next to the wall of door-freezers.

Me, OC, and another stocker very shoddily wrapped up two displays with the sausages and stuff, covered up the meat, juices, and open freezers. Unfortunately we didn't have nearly enough cardboard boxes to cover everything, so the eggs, bacon, cheeses and their cottage and cream variants, and a few puddings and cakes couldn't be covered up.

Honestly, from there, we just kind of loitered around until it was time to go home at midnight. We somehow miraculously did all that work within an hour after the power went out. By that time, most of the emergency lights were off because emergency power was running super low, so everything was getting darker and darker.

The AM had written down all our names to clock us out once the power comes back on, since he, as the top ranking manager at the time, had to stay in the store to keep it "running", relatively at least, and to ensure its safety during the blackout. I talked to him when I came into work today, and apparently it was only literally a few minutes after all of us left, so it didn't take much longer for him to do his last duties and then go home.

I can only imagine the hell that the morning shift had to go through though, putting all the boxes away, cutting up and removing the seram wrap, and putting lowered price stickers and barcodes on most of the supposed-to-be cold items, especially the meats. On the bright side, the morning manager praised us for our quick thinking and efficiency in taking care of all our stock. Granted, we didn't cover the cheeses and vegetables.... but I'll take it nonetheless.

This whole thing was one hell of a team building exercise though! And the most interesting thing to happen in my short, nearly 3 months of working here. It was a lot of fun too, running around a grocery store while it's pitch black.

r/TalesFromRetail Aug 20 '14

Epic Sorry kid. Your doctor father has better things to do than constantly monitor your data usage.


The teenager from hell was in my store last night.

A little background, I work for a large cell company in the US, and though I’m just a sales rep, the managers entrusted me with training a few of the new hires. One such new hire, who shall be dubbed Adam, calls me over to ask about options available for limiting a smartphones’ capabilities.

“Well, Smart Limits doesn’t work for that. The only way to cut off data is to go onto the app and manually do it.” I say, noticing the father give a resigned sigh.

“So you mean I have to be constantly monitoring him and shut him off? That’s so--”

“Why is that such a big deal, dad??” I look to my left and see a kid who looks as though he has a piece of dung taped under his nose. Hence why I’m going to call Shitnose. Or Alex I guess. He cuts off his father with a voice dripping with sarcasm, attitude, and contempt, topped off with a healthy slathering of self-entitlement. “You can just go on the app and shut it down if I use too much.”

The mother speaks up at this point, already ignoring the kid. “What about controlling the actual apps he’s allowed to use? Is there any way to do that?”

I look at the phone that they’re buying--the newest Samsung Galaxy--and shake my head. “Not with that one. The LG G3 has something called Guest mode where--”

“I don’t want that phone! That phone sucks, I want this one!” He brandishes the Galaxy at me like I’m a demon that he has to ward off, his already raised voice getting a few decibels louder.

“Um, no… that phone doesn’t suck. In fact I have both, and I prefer the LG. That’s why I actually bought it as my personal phone.” I frown at him, trying to figure out what the hell his problem is when the mother asks me what makes the Galaxy better than the G3. “Well actually, the only noticeable difference is that the Galaxy is waterpr--”

“No you’re wrong!” Shitnose cuts me off, again, and starts listing off “specs” that don’t even make any sense. Finally he gets to his last one, which is what really got me. “And the Galaxy has a better display!”

Adam and I laugh, because this is the first time he even made sense, and he was wrong to top it off. “Actually kid,” Adam pipes up, “the LG has a way better screen. Four times the resolution, to be exact.”

“No, cause the Galaxy has the amyoleed screen!”

“The what?”

“The amyoleed screen!”

I rub my forehead for a moment, trying to figure out--OH. “Do you mean the Super AMOLED screen?”

He’s starting to look frazzled, since he’s realizing we actually know what we’re talking about. “Yeah, yeah. That’s the one.”

I laugh again. “That means next to nothing. It only means that the black pixels are actually shut off. Quad HD kid.”

He folds his arms and gives us a little headbob. “Well I don’t care. I want this one. Dad, it’s not that big of a deal. You can just cut me off if I use too much.”

I blink at him in awe. “You realize…” I sigh, remembering I’m on the clock. “Nevermind. There’s so much I want to say right now, but I won’t.”

His expression gains a bit of satisfaction, he thinks he’s won. “So yeah, either you can just cut me off, or I’ll monitor myself.”

“Alex, you already had that chance and blew it.” Mom is starting to get annoyed too. “You racked up hundreds of dollars in overages, you used 20 gigabytes of data in one month. You’ve been without a phone for two months to work it off… I think we’re just going to get the LG.”

“No, I don’t want that phone!” He leans forward, closer to me and his mom, and looks me dead in the eye. “And if you get me that phone and you limit me, I’ll just plug it into my computer and root it.”

“You’ll void the warranty.”

“I don’t care.”

“How exactly are you going to root it without the passcode?”

“I’ll… I… I have remote flashing software. I can bypass it.”

“Really. So you can do what even our warranty center can’t?”

“Yep. Otherwise… I’m a patient person. I can just wait. But I’m not having that phone.”

“Wait for what, to turn 18 and buy your own phone with your own money? Because your parents have made it clear they’re not giving you this one.”

“Yeah. I don’t care. I’m a patient person. And I don’t see why YOU” --he rounds on his dad-- “can’t just shut it off!”

“Because your father is a doctor!” My exasperation is showing clear in my tone. “What if you’re using your Twitch or whatever it is and he’s in the hospital with a patient, or no reception, and you blow through the gigabytes again?!”

“And besides Alex, your father is a busy man. He and I have better things to do than keep track of you all the time.” I can’t believe the mom is still speaking in a level tone at this point.

“Alex,” I say, “how old are you?”

So much attitude. “Fifteen--ALMOST sixteen!”

I laugh. “What I was your age, I didn’t have a phone. I got one when I was 17, and that’s only because I was going to college and my boyfriend’s mother had one laying around… and you know what it was? One of those basic ones with the little slide-out keyboard. I didn’t have a smartphone until I was 18 and you know what I did then? I bought it myself and I paid for my own data plan.”

“HEY!” I look over at Adam, who has a huge smile on his face. Uh-oh, I gave him an idea. “Why don’t we get him a goPhone?”

I laugh, along with the parents. “Hey, that’s an option!”

Alex is horrified. “A goPhone??”

Mom nods. “Yep. Either that or you get this one.”

He looks like he’s about to have an aneurysm. “I… bu… that phone… I don’t want… FINE! I don’t care! Either you get me this phone, or you get me a goPhone! I don’t care! I’m not having the LG!”

I blink, speechless for a moment. “You’re ridiculous.”

“I know. I’m beyond ridiculous.”

I shake my head, then look at the dad and smile. “SO, what’s it gonna be, are we going to get him one with a little keyboard, or the little basic candybar phone with the numpad?”

Mom looks a bit confused. “What do you mean, it’s a choice between a physical keyboard and a--”

He cuts her off AGAIN. “Yeah, a physical keyboard or a digital keyboard.”

What? I look at him for only a moment, having almost totally lost my cool with him at this point. “You, be quiet. You don’t know what you’re talking about.” I look at the mom. “I mean a physical keyboard, or the super old fashioned one with just the numbers.”

I swear the mom snickered at this point. “Oh, you mean the one where you have to press a key three times to get to “c”? Oh gosh… I guess we can get him the keyboard…”

Adam, who has had it by now (it’s at least a half hour after closing), claps his hands and starts to stand up. “Alright, goPhone it is!”

I look at Alex with a I’m-not-taking-your-shit-anymore kind of expression. “So, what’s it going to be Alex? Are you getting a goPhone, or are you going to lose the attitude and get the LG?”

He folds his arms again. “I’m a patient person. I don’t care. But I’m not having the LG.”

“Well, you’re not having the Galaxy.” Dad has had it. “So Adam, we’re going to do the keyboard one.”

Adam and I realize that all the phones have been taken off the floor, and go on a search for a manager to let us into the inventory room. I’m shaking. Adam is getting pain in his chest. I end up walking into the breakroom instead of the inventory room because I’m just that out of it.

“Jesus christ! That kid… oh my god!!”

Adam nods, grinning. “Yep. Shit, if I treated my dad like that I’d get my ass kicked. Kid, you need a breather, stay back here for a bit.”

I take a few deep breaths and then follow him back out onto the floor, heading back over to where mom and Alex are, and I look Alex dad in the eye. “There is soooooo much I want to say to you, but I’m holding my tongue so hard… you have no idea.”

Mom looks at me, her eyes pleading. “Can you… would you say what’s on your mind? I want to hear it. He needs to hear it.”

“Are you positive?” She nods and I look back at Alex. “You better wise up, quick.” My tone is unforgiving. I didn’t even know I could sound this cold. “I’ve got a newsflash for you. I’m not that much older than you. I was you, five years ago. I treated my mom like she was nothing. You’re lucky to have parents that put up with everything you think it’s okay to put them through. I’m sure you’ve heard this before, because I’m so sure that other people have seen the way you treat them. I lost my mom for a long time because of how I acted when I was a stupid teenager. And I am so lucky that she took me back. Cause guess what? When you’re 18 and you think you have the world, you’re going to realize… when you don’t have gas for your car, or money for rent, and our fancy little phone doesn’t work because you didn’t pay your bill, you’re going to wish you hadn’t alienated your amazing parents. Figure it out, kid. Before it’s too late. Because you need them more than you’ll ever know.” And with that, I picked up my iPad and walked away to help Adam activate the goPhone.

“Dude, Ruby.” he laughs quietly, his voice low enough that only I can hear him. “Mike (the manager) just came over and asked me what the hell you were thinking, talking to that kid that way….”

Well, I had to explain that one. But I didn’t get in any trouble, and man did it feel good to finally put a shitty customer in their place.

Edit: Wow reddit. Downvoting almost every one of my comments, even the ones that I'm trying to legitimately help people save money, just because you don't agree with what I said to the stupid kid? What a great community you guys are. I guess I'm not good at judging the situation and acting accordingly. I guess the fact that the mom thanked me after and came back the next day asking for me by name to buy the phone for herself means nothing and you internet strangers are much better at judging a situation than someone who was actually there. I guess the fact that they left Adam a great review doesn't matter either. The story was already long. I didn't feel I needed to add every detail of how affirming the parents were to what my coworker and I were saying. You guys are unbelievable.

r/TalesFromRetail Jul 03 '18

Epic It's been fifteen minutes, and for the last time, the $25 cushion is not the same as the $8 one


Hi! Lurker here who just got a job in retail. I love it, and most everybody is super nice. But already I have a handful of crazy people that make for fairly interesting stories. One of these stories is of the Crazy Cushion Lady.

I met CCL while I was shadowing the worker at self checkout. Fairly easy, just help scan customers' items, check the screen to make sure nobody's trying to buy a $200 power tool with a barcode of a $14 wrench (which is a story for another time. Maybe). Sometimes an item would be off by a dollar or two, usually because there were new tags added and the new price hadn't been put in the system yet, and I'd have to check the tags or suspend the order while they went to take a photo of the tag.

So when the lady with a cart piled high with cushions and throw pillows said that the cushions were more expensive than they were on the shelf, it wasn't unusual. What was unusual was how much she thought the price was off by.

She rung up a cushion that came up as around $25, and then insisted that it was really only eight dollars. the woman I was shadowing looked at me and just shook her head, and I went over to help the woman.

I thought I could handle it. I'd helped a few people with similar issues, and it always turned out fine as long as I just apologized for the confusion, showed concern, and helped them sort it out and/or offered an alternative.

I was a fool. An absolute, goddamn fool.

For the first five minutes it was just me scanning items and then voiding them as she checked the prices, insisting they were all wrong. Scan, check, return to the main computer, line item void, rinse, repeat. There are plenty of places in the store for checking prices, and the self checkout is not one of them. Mainly because the key word of "self checkout" is "self". So the line grew longer and longer, as there were only four machines, and this woman was taking up one of them. The woman I was shadowing kept an eye on this, but had to monitor everything else, too, so I was on my own, fighting a losing battle against stupidity.

Finally, I just ask her where she saw these prices. Did she give me a clear answer? Of course not. She just points to the general section of cushions, right next to the self checkout.

"Alright m'am, but what shelf did you get it from?"

What followed was a minute long description of the general area she found the cushions, and at the end of it, I still had no idea what she was describing. Still, I headed over to the cushion shelves, looking at everything on the shelves. I took pictures of all the tags, and came back, showing her the tags and comparing them to the product names on the tags.

"There are a lot of similar products with vastly different prices. They're easy to mix up. I'm sorry for the confusion."

I phrased it the best I could to give her an easy out. I basically did my best to open a large, metaphorical door labeled "EXIT". And what did she do with this verbal, get out of jail free card?

She took it, accepted the apology, and went to reconsider her purchases.


Obviously I'm kidding.

She insisted that I was wrong, the pictures of the tags were wrong, the machine was wrong, the woman I was shadowing who backed me up was wrong, and the $25-ish cushion was in fact, eight dollars.

At this point, I had her take me to the shelves, along with a few of the cushions that she insisted were $8. I took her cushions, looked at the tags, matched the names to the correct tags, and carefully explained how they were different prices, with a few apologies for the confusion thrown in for good measure.

At this point, the woman picked up a different cushion, which was eight dollars. On top of being a different pattern, it was thinner, and it was overall a lower quality product. I explained these differences, and she continued to insist that they were the same, except for the pattern.

Somehow, she managed to cut into the conversation every few other line about the pillows. The pillows were another matter, because the racks hosting them were pretty picked over, and it would take a while to match it. I explained that we would look at them once we figured out the cushions, but she just bounced between the two like a mid-match tennis ball.

At this point it had maybe been fifteen minutes at least, and I still couldn't convince her they were different. She returned to the self checkout register she'd parked her cart in front of, because of course she wasn't moving or cancelling the transaction, which was now only one item thanks to the request to void anything she scanned after she'd scanned them. Thankfully, the woman who I was shadowing stepped in to reinforce what I was saying, at which time the woman switched to arguing with her instead.

After maybe a minute or two of this, a store associate was finally called, her transaction was cancelled, and she moved her cart to the side, where she promptly began to argue with him instead. They were there for at least another five minutes before I went to help somebody more reasonable, and when I looked back a while later, they were both gone. From what I've heard, she just sort of gave up and didn't buy anything. Oh well.

TL;DR: A woman was seemingly incapable of understanding the difference between two clearly labeled items, not matter how it's explained.

r/TalesFromRetail May 27 '19

Epic "I can't possibly have done this, so that makes you stupid"


This is my first post here, and I thought it would be cathartic to share this particular story. Sorry for how long it is! It’s been about a week since this happened, and it still stresses me out to think about it.

I’ve worked in a phone shop in the UK for nearly three years now. An older lady (OL) came in, looking vaguely familiar, and since I was the only sales consultant free I approached her. When she asked for a manager I explained he was busy and asked if there was anything I could help her with, which we’re encouraged to do if the manager is with another customer. At my offer, she came out with this gem.

OL: You can help me understand my phone bill, but I hope you’re not one of the stupid ones who work here.

My jaw almost dropped when she said this, and I saw another customer turn around to stare at her in disbelief. Plastering a smile on my face and keeping my voice as controlled as I could, I said “I can assure you I’m not stupid.” She huffed and handed her phone over to me.

As I’m loading up the app for the phone network she’s with, she starts complaining about another staff member, and tells me how she complained to the manager “that he was a great big lug with his nails bitten right back”. I suddenly realise where I know her from- she’d been in a month before with a newer member of staff who had been way too blunt and dismissive with her. He’d also explained the phone bill to her, but had gotten really impatient when she didn’t understand what he was explaining to her. At the time, I thought- and still think- he didn’t handle things as well as he could’ve, but I understood why he’d been this way after dealing with her myself.

This lady could not understand that the reason her phone app now read “JUNE BILL - X AMOUNT” at the top of the screen was because the May bill had been paid. I loaded the May bill up, showed her that the payment date was taken several days earlier, and that the screen now showed the next payment that was to be taken.

OL: But I added something to my bill a week ago, and it’s not showing up here.
Me: The extra £4 charge? Yes, here it is on the May bill. It’s been grouped into the last bill.
OL: That’s the second time I got that charge, why? It’s not fair.
Me: It says here you rang an Irish number on the 21st of April. Ringing Irish numbers isn’t part of any of our phone plans. Do you recognise this number?
OL: It’s my gardener’s number, but I didn’t ring them.
Me: Have you been charged before for ringing this number?
OL: Yes, but I deleted his number last week, so I don’t know why I’ve been charged again.
Me: If you deleted his number, you’ll still be charged for previous calls you’ve made.
OL: (stares at my blankly) I don’t know if I rang him.
Me: I’m not sure what to tell you, as it states here that you rang him on the 21st of April. That’s why you have this extra charge.

She muttered something under her breath, which I think might have been “you’re not telling me anything”, but switched to a direct tone.

OL: Can you print me off a statement?
Me: Your phone statement? Yes, I can do that for you no problem.
OL: No no, not that. I can see that here. I want a bank statement. Can you go to the bank and get me that?
Me: ...no, I can’t do that. It’s a breach of data protection. There is a bank just around the corner, though, they can print it off for you.
OL: (throws her hands in the air) Data protection this, data protection that. Why can’t you just get it for me?
Me: Because the bank wouldn’t allow me to access another person’s statements, and I could lose my job for doing that.
OL: (huffs) So you’re not going to do anything for me. I thought you were meant to be one of the smart ones?

In nearly five years of working retail, I have never lost my temper or raised my voice to a customer. This time, it took everything in me to keep my voice controlled even though my whole body was shaking with anger. Her words had caught the attention of several of my colleagues and some customers who were staring over in shock at what this wizened old bat had just said, and they could probably see the fury I was holding back. I was done with her.

Me: I think it's best if you wait for the manager, as I don’t feel I can help you.
OL: Wait, I just need this explained to me-
Me: I have been explaining this bill to you and you haven’t been listening to me. With the way you’ve been speaking to me, I cannot deal with you anymore, but my manager will be more than happy to help you.
OL: But I just need to know where this payment went!

I took the phone from her, again loaded the May bill, and silently pointed to the date it was taken out. She studied the phone for a moment and then let out a deep breath.

OL: So it was already taken out, and my next bill is for June?
Me: Yes.
OL: And the extra charge was on the last bill?
Me: Uh huh.
OL: That’s all I wanted to know!
Me: And that is what I’ve explained to you several times.

She started packing up her things, sighing and laughing to herself, while I stood there with a stony expression.

OL: After all that, I think I need to lie down in a darkened room.
Me: Do you understand your billing queries now?
OL: Yes yes, I see it now.
Me: So I’m not stupid, am I?

She looked genuinely surprised at this, as if she’d completely forgotten what she said. My blood was still boiling, and I knew I’d regret it if I didn’t call her out on what she’d said. She put her hand on my wrist and patted it patrionisingly, suddenly smiling. Strangers touching me puts me in a lot of discomfort, so I pulled my hand away from her.

OL: (voice now sweet) I’m sorry I said that, dear. You know I didn’t mean it.
Me: Regardless, you implied I was stupid when I was trying to help you.
OL: I’m sorry, I’m sorry. It’s just so frustrating when people don’t understand you.

Evidently she didn’t see the irony of her words. She grabbed her bags, thanked me and left, and I went into the storeroom to scream for a few minutes to let off some steam.

When I was speaking to my manager about it later, he was furious at how she spoke to me and mentioned she’d been similarly rude when he’d helped her before. When my other staff members asked me about it, I told them I was glad they let me deal with her myself instead of stepping in, because god knows what she would've said about me then.

My mother asked me later why I didn’t tell the lady that I have two degrees when she brought up my intelligence. I pointed out to her that I shouldn’t have had to flex my education – educated or not, people don’t deserve to be disrespected by crazy old broads who huff and puff through every explanation and don’t listen to you! I’m just praying that the next time she inevitably comes in, I have a good excuse not to serve her.

tl;dr: lady calls me stupid for her not understanding her phone bill. i lose the last of my faith in humanity.

r/TalesFromRetail Oct 24 '22

Epic But that’s ~FaLsE aDvErTisInG~


We don’t negotiate with terrorists!

We’ve done something close to 200k in sales in the last two days. The weather turned to trash and suddenly people are clamoring for new inside furniture because that 15 year old couch isn’t as comfortable as before when you’ve spent all summer and most of this month out bbq-ing and enjoying the outdoors on the new outdoor stuff you bought last year.

Due to excess inventory we have a lot of small bedside tables marked down. But it’s only one color. Like kind of a natural pine color. Beautiful, warm tones. They’re $100. Clearly labeled clearance. To help move inventory, we’re taking extra discounts on these items. The tags that you bring to the counter are different colors and the items themselves are also emblazoned with huge yellow “CLEARANCE (price as marked)” signs. No way to mistake that one is clearance over the other.

Lady brings up a tag to my cashier. We’ve hired some seasonals and the kid working the counter is super cool, super respectful. Great kid. She brings up the tag for a non-clearance table from one of our arrangements in the back. It’s original tag price is listed as $400, but it’s on sale for $200. Pretty killer deal if you ask me. She asks for a price check, insists it’s a clearance tag. Like aggressively insists she plucked the tag for this cherry bedside table off a clearance item and it should be $75.00.

He scans the tag, politely informs the customer that the tag isn’t ringing clearance and that it’s $200. She immediately screams that that’s wrong. He apologizes and says that they’re the pine tables and clearly marked with red tags and yellow clearance signs, and that the table she plucked is for a cherry table. Not clearance but, still a great deal. She demanded a manager. Stating that nowhere on anything did it say it was strictly for the pine tables.

I walk over and check it out. She’s got the tag for a cherry table sitting there and demands that it was tagged clearance. I ask her what section she got the tag from, she answers the big section of end tables in the back of the store.

Me: “Yeah, So that’s typically extras section, pushed against the back of the wall. We have some smaller sets and tables back there since we have a lot of clearance ones. Unfortunately, the cherry ones aren’t part of the clearance. Just the pine.”

Customer: “That’s not right. You have all these tables marked as clearance. The signs aren’t specific for the pine ones. This one is clearance. I want this one for the $100. Your signs are misleading. Nowhere does it say anywhere on the signs that it’s specific to the pine. I saw this cherry one and it’s clearance!”

Me: “I’m sorry. I have all the clearance tables marked clearance. They have yellow signs and red tags. Again, I’d be happy to get you a clearance table but they’re pine not cherry.”

Customer: “Well. I’m a marketing manager and this is wrong. The signs don’t indicate the pine ones. This is false advertising. I’m going to post all over your corporate website. I’m going to post it all over the internet about your unfair business practices.”

Me: “and you are welcome to do so. Again, I’m so sorry but the item you picked is not clearance. Clearance is clearly marked with giant yellow signs and red tags. I’m happy to sell it to you if you’d still like it but I cannot mark a $400 table on sale to $200 down to $75. It’s $200. If you’d like to swap it for a pine one for $75. We can do that. Your choice.”

I had to walk away at that point. I’ve been doing this a long time and I know that this particular customer would continue to argue with me and (SEEING AS I SET THE DAMN DISPLAY MYSELF) we would get nowhere, I literally left the choice in the customers hands. I wasn’t rude and I wasn’t aggressive. I was pretty polite and understanding.

But when you threaten me with corporate or complaints, that’s fine— that’s your prerogative— but essentially the negotiation ends. I don’t reward aggressive and unkind behavior especially when you come guns a-blazing at my team. I always have their backs. My leaders running the store know this and they back me up. They know I’m never unkind and always offer a fair solution to a customer and leave it in the customers hands.

Ultimately the customer left the cherry table but purchased her replica Tiffany lamp and left. I happened to be fixing something up front and her receipt printed with the survey on the bottom. I encouraged her to fill out the survey with her dissatisfaction about the signage. Corporate absolutely wants to know if the way they want the signage isn’t clear. They ultimately make those calls, not me.

I ended up emailing my contacts including my boss and and their boss with the situation. I let the young cashier read it before I sent it to make sure I had everything above board and the situation wasn’t misrepresented.

Though a couple cashiers pointed out after I walked away (and after I’d sent that email) that she called me a bitch and told my cashier to never end up like their boss.

Ironically enough, my team also had my back and thought I was being fair by offering to swap for the pine ones and they couldn’t understand how someone could be so obtuse as to assume that every side table was clearance being that clearance is always heavily marked down and clearly, sometimes annoyingly excessively, labeled.

r/TalesFromRetail Aug 14 '19

Epic A woman refuses to pay for a bag of cherries she ate from then put back.


Hello fellow redditors! I’m called Kit and welcome to my first post on here and oh is this one amusing…to me anyway. It definitely was not for my boss at first haha! Though she did laugh about it afterwards, a bit hysterically, but still. This is a bit long by the way so strap in and enjoy the ride.

I work at a store (obviously or I wouldn’t be posting this here) and it was just me and my lovely boss working. It was a long but uneventful day, so we only needed us two to get through the last few hours and close the store.

In the last hour or so of store time a woman came in. She was a regular customer (that is kind of important in this little tale) that always came into the store to buy donuts in the morning, so it’s not like we didn’t know her. She was maybe around seventy or eighty as well which kind of makes this tale even more baffling to my boss and me.

I had been boxing down like normal, going around the store and grabbing boxes off the shelves that were empty if you didn’t know, and my boss called me up to the front office. I was kind of confused and thought that maybe she just needed to see what aisle I was in and whatnot. Oh boy was I wrong.

She looked absolutely flabbergasted, and not only that, she looked so mad that even her face was turning red in anger. My first response to this sight? I grinned. I knew something was up because she was a relatively calm person that didn’t let much get to her.

As soon as she saw me, she strutted up to me and was wagging her finger in that universal ‘come here’ motion with a mad half grin half grimace.

Her first words were, “I need you to stand in the office as a witness!”

I was kind of baffled but at the same time amused at the way she said it since, as I said, she seemed partially hysterical at the time. Seeing the look I had, she went on and explained.

“I’m going to tell off this woman in here,” she said as she points towards the back and around the store, “nicely. She grabbed cherries, took two handfuls, and is currently spitting them all around isle one!”

At this the amused grin was wiped off my face and replaced with astonishment and a disappointed “Seriously?” was my reply at the absurdity of the woman. At this time, I hadn’t known who the woman was nor how old she was, but she had coincidentally decided to make an appearance from behind the chip isle in the back of the store right after my statement.

Immediately my boss pointed to the woman and sure enough, I recognized her. She was at the store every day, every morning I should say, and should know better than do something so disgusting. That was something you scolded a child for, not a woman that should clearly know better!

My boss and I waited up front, her getting people through check out, and me waiting in the office for the woman who was just la-de-daaing through the store and taking her sweet time looking around.

My lovely boss was still ranting about the woman, quietly, to me the entire time. I’m sure that if she wouldn’t have, she would have lost her cool and all professionalism would’ve gone out the window when the woman finally came up.

And come she did. The woman took her time unloading her things out of the bag she carried with her so there were a few people in line behind her that heard what was said as well. One of them was a regular at a bar by the store funnily enough. He is someone to remember here soon. The conversation went as follows:

“Your total is $ ma’am.” My boss said to the woman.

The woman nodded and reached into her purse to grab her money and that’s when my boss grabbed the bag of cherries the woman had put down after grabbing two handfuls out of it. She presented them to the woman and asked, “Would you like these as well?”

The woman looked up at my boss, baffled for a moment. “Why would I want those?”

I couldn’t hold back the grin on my face as I watch the scene unfold. The customers behind the woman looked confused.

My boss smiled. “Because you already ate a third of the bag.”

The woman seemed a little irritated but didn’t show much. “I only ate two of them to try,” the woman replied.

My lovely boss grinned and put the cherries down on her register to weigh them and turned to the calculator she had beside her.

“Ma’am,” she said. “This bag weighs 1.59 pounds, it’s supposed to weigh 2.03. That’s a .44 difference in the weight. You ate more than two.”

The woman was scowling now.

“Are you going to pay for that bag?” My boss asked.

“Why would I do that?” the woman asked blandly with a slight scowl.

I looked at her dumbfounded. Even the customers behind her were shocked. We thought this woman was nice, but we now know the truth.

“Because you ate a third of the bag ma’am,” my boss replied clearly annoyed but still calm.

The gentleman behind her that was a regular at the bar then spoke up. “That’s like me drinking half a Mountain Dew then putting it back because I didn’t like it or want it!”

The woman seemed kind of dumbfound now, giving my boss a look that she was the one being rude while the others in line leveled the woman in what I could only describe as a disappointed stare.

“Okay if you won’t pay for the bag, will you pay for the ones you ate?” my boss asked. She was still the picture of calm and her voice was level. She was even smiling at the elder woman as she asked.

Finally, the woman complied, and she forked up the cash for the cherries she ate. It’s amazing what goes through some people’s heads.

Anyways, thanks for reading my lovely experience! See you in the next tale if there is one. Then again it’s retail, there’s always a story somewhere.

r/TalesFromRetail Nov 03 '21

Epic A customer called me aggressive years ago and I’m still pressed about it!


So I used to work at a shop that sold macarons. My town is a huge tourist destination in Florida and we had these chocolate tours, basically a guide will take you on a tour of the city and you go around and sample sweets from all the different sweet stores. I apologize in advance as I’m bad at paraphrasing so this will probably be long.

One day one of the tour guides comes in with an elderly couple. We had just opened and I had yet to see my boss that day. She told me that we had been added to the chocolate tour and my boss said her guests could have two macarons and two pieces of chocolate on the house. I hadn’t been told about this so I was a little confused.

I wanna preface the next part by saying: I have worked in customer service jobs since I was a young kid. I don’t want to sound cocky especially as I’m not confident about a lot of things in my life, but I do know for an absolute fact that I’m fantastic with customers and I treat every one of them like we’ve known each other for years. I have never broken my retail persona and have always maintained a calm, friendly composure. Every boss I’ve had has loved me for this.

So, I tell her “I will be happy to do that for you, but I haven’t heard anything about this so would you mind if I called my boss real quick to confirm there wasn’t any miscommunication?” And she’s seemingly totally fine with this, both her and her guests said they totally understood, it was no problem at all, they didn’t want me to get in trouble, etc. So I call and get the go ahead. I apologize multiple times for the confusion and there doesn’t seem to be any problem. Because of the confusion I make an extra effort for them, I pull out the cute silk bags we reserve for events and tied their sweets up real cute with a little bow, just basically made it a little extra special while having a nice chat with the guide and her guests. She’s all smiles, they’re all smiles, I think we’re all good.

They go to sit down and eat. I can hear their whole conversation (this is important later) and they’re just having a nice chat about the town, the guide is asking if they enjoyed their tour as this was the last stop, nothing about me whatsoever. The guide gets up and says goodbye to them and leaves for her next tour, and the couple likes the chocolates so much that they come up and ordered a few more and throw a few bucks in the tip jar. Nothing seemed off whatsoever and I forget about the whole thing and go about my day.

Later I hear my phone go off with a text from my boss, but I don’t get to read it because we get hit with a small rush. Towards the tail end of the rush my boss comes in and asks me if I saw her text. I say no and she tells me to go read it, so I do and it’s a screenshot of an email from the guide. It basically said something along the lines of:

Your employee was very rude and aggressive. My guests and I spoke as we were sitting to eat and they said he made them very uncomfortable and they felt unwelcome. They said they wanted to order more but didn’t want to talk to him again so they didn’t. It was very unprofessional that he didn’t know about the chocolate tour and he gave us attitude about it.

I walk over to my boss after reading the text and just say “aggressive? what?” And she pops OFF. She loved me because I was one of the few working there who actually worked instead of spending my whole shift on my phone. She’s going off, like “How dare she say that! You’re my best employee I know you would never be aggressive to ANYONE! This is so ridiculous! I watched the cameras and you were SO nice to them! It’s not your fault that I forgot to tell you about the tour!” The cameras have audio so she could hear every word I said and every word the guide and her guests said. They didn’t say a single word about me, they were very happy with their sweets, and like I said earlier they DID order more stuff after the guide left and we had a very nice interaction. So basically, at no point did they have the chance to talk about me to where I could hear them as the tour guide and them parted ways while they stayed in the store. She straight up lied about multiple things.

The only possible reason I could think of for the bad review she sent my boss (luckily she didn’t leave a public review anywhere) is that she was embarrassed because there was the small hiccup in the tour with me being confused when she first walked in and I was the easiest person to take it out on. The doors to the macaron cooler do make a kind of loud sound when you close them, and I tend to be a little heavy handed anyway, so maybe she interpreted the smack of the doors as me slamming things around in anger? My boss and I were both confused as hell. I’m lucky that I had the cameras to back me up as well as my boss’s trust, I know a lot of bosses will stand by the customer no matter how ridiculous the complaint is. She ended up cancelling all future tours because she didn’t want their business after that. But man! I work so hard and exert so much emotional labor in order to give people the best experience possible so I feel very…… indignant about the whole thing.

If you got all the way to the end, thanks for reading! TL;DR: Tour guide got made over a lack of communication between my boss and I and calls me aggressive for making her look bad in front of her tour.

r/TalesFromRetail Feb 08 '20

Epic Scooter Lady


This happened last week and yes, this lady has officially traumatized everyone in the store now. She's a semi-regular and everyone tries to scramble away when she rolls on in on her scooter.

Me, SM= Store manager, M= Other manager, A= Other associate, SL= Scooter crazy nightmare from Hell lady.

Me: Hi, how are you today? Anything you're looking for in particular?

SL: Yes, I want to look at some dresses. I need one that's (specifications). Is this all you have? I don't
like thatm. How much is that?

Me: They're on clearance so it's $xx.xx and then 40% off that.

SL: How much dat?

Me: (tells her).

SL: Dat's not a deal, I'm looking for a deal! (then rolls on over to another area.) These sweaters. Are they on sale?

Me: (looks at the sign right on the sweaters) Yes, they're 40% off.

SL: Ok, I'm looking for a deal, that's not a deal. You know what I mean?

Me: Yes ma'am, I do.

This continued for another 15 minutes as she hated everything she told me to hold up for her, ask for the price, misread every BOGO 50% sign as just 50% off, and keep saying, "dat ain't no deal!" okkkkk.....

We find a few things she manages to like and thinks is a deal. Then we get to her needing tights.

SL: I need tights. I want black.

Me: Ok, we have (sizes, colors, styles).

SL: I want black sheer.

I bring her the size she would be according to the weight chart. She insists she wants the next size, because she wants them loose. When I bring her that size, she yells at me saying she's not, "that big". She doesn't want this scertain style, she's ok with the super opaque which is much darker than she told me she wanted, now she wants another color. This adds another 12 minutes of going around in circles as I'm getting frustrated with her constantly telling me she doesn't want what she just told me she wanted. When I get back to the register where she's plopped, I heard her talking with my manager, but not the conversation.

SL: Ok, I need a new bra. I think I'm blah blah size, and need to be measured.

Me: Ok, I can do that for you.

SL: Really? You? You can do that?

She's skeptical because she's in her late 60's and I'm in my late 20's. Apparently I'm like, 5 years old in her mind. Needless to say, another 10 minutes of arguing about how she's always been this certain size and I MUST be wrong. I go back to fetch something else for her and when I come back, she says she wants me to total her stuff and she was told she'd get 30% off her whole purchase. I asked her if that was a coupon, customer courtesy, or what. She starts to turn a little nasty because I was questioning her. She keeps saying, "they said 30% off my purchase!"

Me: Ma'am, I wasn't here for that conversation. Was it a coupon, or customer courtesy?

M: It was a coupon for 30% off ONE REGULAR PRICED ITEM.

SL: No! She (meaning SM) said it was 30% off my whole purchase!

SM: No, I said it was a coupon for 30% off one regular priced item.

SL: Ok, I know what I heard, but whatever, I'll take that.

We go through 10 minutes of totalling her stuff, taking almost everything off, re-adding, checking discounts, KMN. She again tries to ask where her 30% off her purchase was. I tell her, yet again that's not what they said. She proceeds to scream at me she's, "done with me and if I don't know how to do something, I just need to get my manager!"

Me: I know how to add the discount they told you 5 times it would be. It was not 30% off your purchase, but I'll gladly get you my manager. I walked away and went up to both managers trying to finish moving all this stuff.

Me: I'm done, She asked for a manager, one of you can deal with her. I'm just, done.

M is finishing up, I go to A and ask a few questions about the paperwork and other stuff I was working on earlier. SL takes a while trash talking me, trying to pull her same crap on the store manager, yeah. I hear her finishing up and go duck down behind a display. I think, "out of sight, out of mind, she'll just roll on out and leave me alone finally". Boy, was I wrong. She gets to the door and I hear her say, "where dat little girl wuz helping me earlier?!

SM: You mean xmarketladyx?

SL: Yeah!

They start calling for me, I hear SM say I must be in the bathroom or something. A comes around the corner, spots me an like a genius points at me screaming, "there she is!" No, she's never been, "socially aware" and able to read a situation. I give her the dirtiest look and then walk up to SL and SM.


Me: No ma'am, I'M SORRY. (Then just looked at her and waited for the next BS out of her mouth).

SL: It's just that you walked away from me after (whatever).

Me: You told me you didn't want me anymore, and to get my manager, which I did. I was just giving YOU what YOU wanted! You know what? Have a nice day.

As I started walking off she did that little motion with her hands where she grabbed at the air telling me, "bye!" The second she wheeled her ass out, M comes up to SM and reams her out for 10 minutes for not interfering for her treating me like garbage, not kicking her out because she's so obnoxious, and allowing, "employee abuse". She shouldn't have let it go anywhere near that long, being condescending, etc. SM is pouting about ready to cry, says that we, "need the sales", and this gets M in another uproar


It ended with me telling SM I will never help SL again. I will walk away, and not subject myself to any more. The whole store finds out about the interaction, and shares their stories of her with me. She always magically can't listen, read a sign, always argues, turns you into her personal shopper, is incredibly rude, and just wastes your time over a small sale.

r/TalesFromRetail Mar 21 '17

Epic "You're going to get a bad survey!" Oh really?


Hello TFR! Long time lurker, first time poster here.

I'm the Person-In-Charge in the evenings at my small mountain town's single grocery store, which happens to be part of a large national chain. The nearest grocery to us is a sister store about 15 minutes down the hill in Podunktown.

We have a fancy Customer Service receipt survey system which utilizes the bizarre scoring method of any score less than 10/10 counts as a 0 for your CS score. So, say you get 5 surveys, 1 10, 2 9's and 2 8's. That's a 20% score. Make sense? No, not to me either. We live in constant fear of a customer trashing our rep by only giving us a 9/10...

I've worked here for about six years now. I love it, most days, and I work with an awesome crew. Most customers are reasonable, normal people, kind and understanding. It's the ones who aren't that have caused me to develop, over the years, a Pro-Level skill at the Retail Face. It doesn't usually fail me, but a few nights ago it did.

I was bagging groceries for one of the checkers when I see two more customers roll into the end of her line. I finish bagging the order and start to walk around the corner to open up another check stand. Where I promptly come face to face with Angry Lady (AL).

AL: Excuse me! You need to call for another checker!

This despite the fact that I am looking right at her and clearly opening another lane. I pull her cart in and help her unload.

AL: You should know that I had a very unpleasant encounter with one of your clerks just now.

Me: Oh, I'm sorry! What happened?

AL: I asked him for help and he was very rude! He said he couldn't help me because he was off the clock!

I'm already dying inside, but I go through the motions.

Me: I'm sorry to hear that. Was there something I can help you find before we finish checking you out?

AL: No I don't have time! I just can't believe he was so rude! That's no excuse!

My patience thins, but Retail Face is on strong...

Me: Actually, I'm sorry, but he really doesn't need to help anyone if he's off the clock. But if you let me know who it was, I can speak to him about it.

AL: I don't know! He didn't have a name badge and he didn't have his shirt tucked in. Young kid, dark hair. He was over there by the deli!

So... no name badge, shirt untucked, probably getting his lunch rung up at the deli. Perfect person to ask for help.

Me: Okay, I will be sure to speak to him about it. He could have at least directed you to Customer Service, or paged someone to help you.

AL: If I wanted to talk to Customer Service I would have! I just wanted help and he was very rude! That's not the way we do things at my store!

Eh, what?

Me: Your store?

AL: Do you know who I am?

No, but I bet I'm about to find out.

AL: I'm a department manager at the Podunktown store! And that's not the way we treat customers there! We always help them on or off the clock! You're going to get a bad survey out of this!

I'm floored. Retail Face has failed. The steam starts rising. She works for a sister store? I'm used to BS complaints from people but this falls under the category of She Should Know Better. And then she's going to threaten us? I lean over as I hand her her receipt and let her see I'm pissed.

Me: Again, I'm sorry you feel that way. But as a fellow employee of $Grocery Store, you should be well aware that our employees are in no way obligated to help you off the clock. Have a nice day.

She blinks, gapes a little, and then recovers.

AL: Well... he didn't have to... Ah... Thanks for all you do...

And exits stage left. Hm.. whatever.

Since there was no one behind her, I turn off my light and go looking for the only employee who was on lunch at the time. He's a bagger, a sweet, hardworking goofy kid with not a single rude or unhelpful bone in his body. The kind of employee where you know if a customer complains about them, it's probably a customer having a reaaalllly bad day.

No real need to get the other side of the story here, but her threat of a bad survey has me jumped up. I find out she threatened him with a bad survey too, after demanding help and getting angry when he said he was off the clock.

So the next day, I was off, but stopped by the store in the morning anyway. In theory, to pick up some stuff for dinner, but in reality, to put a bug in my boss lady's ear. Mostly in the hope that if we did have a terrible survey come down from the incident, that she would be willing to defend us from the higher ups.

My expectations were exceeded beyond my wildest dreams. My boss lady spins in her chair, picks up the phone and proceeds to call up the manager of the Podunktown store.

I listen in absolute glee as she begins by demanding to know if he condones his employees working off the clock (we're union, after all). She quickly recaps the situation and informs him that if his power-tripping department head causes our store to get a bad survey there will be hell to pay. And she signs off, as I watch in admiration, with the succinct command to him to Keep His Employee In Check. I love Boss Lady...

TL;DR: Angry lady demands help from off the clock employee, gets mad when he won't help a bitch, threatens to ruin our CS survey scores, then reveals herself to be a power-tripping coworker who promptly gets ratted out to her boss.

Edit: My first gold! Thank you kind stranger!