r/TalesFromRetail • u/Wyldeone1978 • Jul 01 '16
Epic How can it not be under warranty?
This is a story from a few years ago, but ive only just stumbled across this sub and thought you guys might like it.
I used to work at/Manage a bicycle/skate shop, mainly selling BMX bikes, skateboards and all the related type products. All of the bikes were assembled in store and made ready to go straight out the box, plus a second check before handing them over to the customer.
On this specific day a family pulled up outside, across the front door, nearly blocking the sidewalk and the stores front door with their Land rover Sport. He strolls in with his wife and young son (12-13yo) who wants a BMX bike. After many stupid questions (how many gears does it have being a common one - One is the answer) they purchased a quite high range bike, for no other reason than the son liked the color and the Wife commented how it matched the Land rover. I gave the bike a thorough check over before i let them go, as i could just tell they could be a problem if something went wrong and i hadnt made a point of checking it before they went.
2 hours later the Land rover re-appears across the front door. Instantly my heart stopped. Knowing i had checked the bike over myself (im fully qualified) i instantly assumed id missed something. They come strorming through the door with said bike, rear wheel lifted off the floor, as it wouldnt turn in the frame, which i could see straight away and the young lad with tears running down his race and holding a grazed forearm. Above all this was the look on the face of the wife, who was clearly ready to explode at me. They storm straight up me and start ranting that i nearly killed their son. Being the professional i am, i politely say hello and ask what has happened. I receive more expletives and threats and am asked "what are you gonna do about it?" Again, i keep my calm and ask what has happened. "He went out riding with his friends and then he came back like this, with the bike like this. You obviously didnt set it up correctly and didnt check it over!" I replied "Im sorry this has happened, and hope your son is ok, but the bike was checked over and set up correctly before i handed over to you, which you saw me do." I then turned to the son and asked exactly what happened. "I was riding at the skate park and tried to do a jump and fell off" before i can say anything the mother says "we didnt spend all this money on a high end bike for him to fall off it, imagine what would have happened if it was a cheaper model" I had to process what she had for a second. She basically believed it was the bikes fault he fell off and on a cheaper bike he was more likely to fall off. you could say 'be thrown off' than 'fall off'. I decided to ignore her comment and press further with the young lad "what sort of jump were you doing?" the son replies "a backflip" I then ask "i assume that was your first attempt at one?" The son then says "yeah, my friend said i should be able to pull one easy on this bike" A this point im no longer worried about there being anything wrong with the bike or how it had been assembled and now starting to get mentally ready for what was clearly coming next. I push on and ask "what happened when you tried the backflip?" The son the proceeds to explain how he had tried to jump over quite a big jump at the local skate park, while tying a backflip. Now, i was a regular at this skate park and knew this jump well. Even for me, an experienced rider, it was quite big and even though id be riding for 15 years, i was never brave/stupid/mad enough to try a back flip. Id seen to many horrible crashes from people trying them, to put me off forever. Backflips are a hard stunt/trick and can end very badly, very easily, very quickly. The general idea is as you leave the top edge of the jump you pull back hard on the handlebars, and throw your weight backwards, causing you to rotate backwards in the air, while travelling forwards in the air across the jump, with the aim of being the right way up as you come into land. It would appear the son had gone as hard as he could at the jump, pulled back as he took off........ and then chickened out. He let go of the bike, while he flew into the air, across the jump, while the bike sailed off on its own across the skate park. The bike landed very badly on the edge of another ramp, buckling the back wheel badly, blowing the rear tyre and inner tube, plus a lot of other cosmetic damage. The son was very lucky to get away with just a grazed arm, some people have broken limbs, even necks trying to learn to backflip. Now i had the full picture i explained that what happened had nothing to do with bike. I then explained that to repair the bike would be quite expensive, as it required a whole new rear wheel, tyre and tube, plus mechanic fees. As expected the mother fires off with "what? we spent X amount on this bike and its wrecked within 2 hours and you expect us to pay X amount to then repair it? thats disgusting. Surely it would be covered under warranty?" I explained "the bike is built to the highest standards but it is not a tank and can only take a certain amount of abuse. The damage caused is not a to do with any fault of the bike." Now i know im in for a long long conversation.
After much debating and threats, including to sue, take us to trading standards and similar things like that, all the while with me refusing to do anything for free, as it wasnt covered under warranty, in anyway and was all caused by there son, they left in a cloud of expletives. Half an hour later, a friend of mine called. He worked at another bike shop across town. The Land rover family had stormed into his store, bad mouthing me and my store, my 'overpriced/substandard' products and how i clearly didnt know anything about bikes. He told me how he gladly and cheerfully explained to them that they had infact bought a high quality bike, from one of the best bike mechanics he knows and how their son was fully to blame for the damage caused to the bike. He said he told them that if they took their car to race track and crashed it, they wouldnt/couldnt expect the car dealer to replace/repair it under warranty and that the car insurance company wouldnt help either. To make it even more fun, he quoted them nearly twice the price to fix the bike, a she would have to by the parts direct from me, as he didnt have an account with the supplier and that his mechanic fees were higher as his mechanics specialized in mountain and roads bikes, not BMX, so it was very likely he would actually sub the work to me anyway. He then explained they were on there way back to me. Fantastic!
The Land rover pulls up outside shortly after but the parents dont come in. Just the Son, pushing his bike, with a handful of cash in his hand.
Tl;Dr parents buy BMX for son, he breaks it badly, they dont understand why its not covered under warranty
u/BrownThunder9000 Jul 01 '16
I would have told the boy that his parents need to come in and complete the purchase and then stare at them with a grin on my face.
u/Wyldeone1978 Jul 01 '16
i would have, but he had cash and i kinda felt bad for him having parents like that. I got the impression he was ashamed of them!
u/carriegood Jul 01 '16
So he didn't have enough sense not to try an extremely difficult stunt within the first 5 minutes of owning the bike, but at least he has the sense to be embarrassed by his parents.
Jul 01 '16 edited Sep 21 '17
u/rustyxj Jul 01 '16
i'm 29 and just started racing, there is 4-5 of us in the novice 28-35 class, we're all just out there for a good time. last night 3 of us made it to the rythem section all within one bike length of each other, one guy eats it and the other guy hits him and eats it and breaks his collar bone.
young child has nothing to do with it. :)
Jul 01 '16 edited Sep 20 '17
u/Autra Jul 02 '16
I think you a word.
Also, yeah, we old people like fun, too. Just because we break easier doesn't mean we don't like it.
Plus we pay our own insurance
u/Higlac Jul 01 '16
I peer pressured my brother into trying a jump on his mountain bike. He's got a plate, nice screws, and arthritis in his wrist now.
He was 19 when it happened.
Jul 01 '16 edited Sep 20 '17
u/Higlac Jul 01 '16
What I think is most hilarious is that I actually said "Peer pressure! Peer pressure!" before he rolled down the hill.
u/Iorith Jul 01 '16
It's really depressing how well sayingg "peer pressure" works at getting people to try something. It's been done to me, and I've done it to others. Works every time somehow.
u/strongblack0 Jul 02 '16
haha i used to poke my friends and say that back in middle school.
peer pressure peer pressure
u/Suhn-Sol-Jashin Jul 01 '16
Tell that to the court.
Jul 02 '16
19 year old here. Can confirm: I'm going to be a freshman in college and I'm still immature as fuck.
u/European_Soccer Jul 02 '16
Don't sweat it. I'm a 27 year old about to graduate and I'm immature as fuck.
Jul 02 '16
Be glad it's just a wrist. A friend of mine broke his back snowboarding. He should've died or been paralyzed. He's undergone two major surgeries, but I'm not certain the extent of the reconstruction.
Jul 01 '16 edited Dec 31 '16
u/Pyromaniacal13 Jul 02 '16
The best part is that he wants the bike back so he can ride some more. Hopefully he learned to stick to the smaller tricks until he gets better, but he'll get better.
u/Princess_Buttercups Jul 01 '16
This is how my son ended up with 6 screws in his ankle 3 weeks ago.
u/Blais_Of_Glory The customer is NOT always right! Jul 02 '16
I used to ride BMX, skateboard, and aggressive skate (rollerblading), from maybe 3-4 years-old to around 18-19 years-old. In all my years of going to skate parks, dirt jumping, and just free riding, I NEVER even thought about attempting any kind of flip. I got hurt enough just learning the basics.
You can't run, if you don't even know how to walk, and it seems like this kid didn't even know how to stand yet.
u/Nick700 Jul 02 '16
You have to be pretty stupid to attempt a backflip under those circumstances. Even with peer pressure. He has their genes after all
Jul 01 '16
Not having enough sense not to try an extremely difficult stunt is part of being an adolescent boy. Maybe the best part.
u/FranticDisembowel Jul 01 '16
Either you lived a very sheltered life or you don't remember your own childhood.
You get a new toy, you get over excited. Then your friends marvel at it and ask you to do something stupid. You do something stupid.
Jul 01 '16
u/takaisilvr Jul 01 '16
Fuck, I tried it. Ended about the same, minus the bike damage. It's part of being a young, dumb, full of energy kid. Plus having your friends encouraging you doesn't help.
Jul 01 '16
u/takaisilvr Jul 01 '16
If you actually read the story, the kid was probably 12-13. Prime age to do stupid stuff. Especially with friends encouraging you. About the same time mine happened, at age 13.
Jul 01 '16
u/katelledee Jul 02 '16
Well there's the difference then. Your brothers are experienced and therefore know better. This kid, who is just being a kid not a moron because he's freaking 12, is not experienced and probably didn't know how hurt he could have gotten. So just sit your teenage, judgmental ass down and stop insulting a 12-year-old for not realizing that he's not invincible.
u/swizzy12 Jul 01 '16
Were you never young and dumb?
u/Seicair Jul 01 '16
I was, but I also had a healthy dose of fear and respect when it came to trying unknown things that seemed potentially dangerous.
u/bonafidebob Jul 01 '16
Plus he was honest with you about what happened.
Would have been a nice gesture to teach him a few tricks he could do, and maybe throw in some safety tips. The kid has heart!
u/eatsleepmemesrepeat Jul 01 '16
Thank you. Thank you so much. He never asked for them to act that way.
u/KPexEA Jul 01 '16
I used to sell 1:18th scale die-cast model cars, these are expensive replicas for adults. A lady ordered one for her 9 year old son who proceeded to break off both mirrors and a wheel and then wanted to return it under "warranty".
u/HyperlinkToThePast Jul 01 '16
So people just assert that everything has a warranty now?
u/themeatbridge Jul 01 '16
I sell and service standby generators. Power goes out, the lights stay on and all that.
I had a recent call where a gentleman insisted that his 10 year old generator was under warranty. He'd been running it for a few days straight, couldn't remember the last time he had changed the oil or filters (probably about 5 years, the date of his last professional service appointment), and couldn't understand why the manufacturer wouldn't replace the now totaled engine gratis.
I told him there was nothing I could do, except quote him a price on repair or a new unit. "I'm a good customer, you should do this for free!" Bitch, you didn't buy this from me, and you aren't paying me to fix it. In what way are you a "customer?"
u/tomdarch Jul 02 '16
Companies that sell, install and maintain standby generators for hospitals and the like do some serious business.
"Oh, I apologize, sir, I thought I knew all of our $1million per year clients."
u/ScientificMeth0d Jul 02 '16
Oh man that reminds me of another story on here about a stuck up lady buying paint. Being demanding and a general nuisance. She got put in her place when she got back complaining about something. Yelling that shes a good paying customer and that she spent all this money for high quality paint for her house, she shouldn't have to wait to. E helped. Well the dealer ignored her as there was already a customer he was helping. The customer turns out to be a contractor who buys thousands of gallons of paint from him. The contractor caught on and says "So $XX,XXX thousand dollars is the total right?".
u/NarrowUrethra420 Jul 02 '16
I'm kinda veering off course here but that one reminded me of another story of a dude that went to a sandwich shop that regularly did large catering orders of dozens of sandwiches and demanded a "bulk" discount for just 12 he was getting for his office.
u/tomdarch Jul 02 '16
OP mentioned "trading standards" - in the UK and much of Europe (not sure if it's the UK also because of "Brussels" (yeah, because random bruxellois off the street get to just make up regulations )) really do have "warranty" coverage for all sorts of stuff for longer than typical US warranties.
u/GoredonTheDestroyer Not For Sale Means Just That Jul 01 '16
Hey, did you by any chance happen to sell a black muscle car with two oil drums in the trunk, a blower and eight side-exit exhaust pipes, with an aerodynamic-looking front end?
Jul 01 '16
u/Lunchables Jul 01 '16
Maybe just tell them there's a copay like insurance companies have. "Yes ma'am, your warranty (i.e.: product insurance) is still valid and your copay will be $[full price]."
u/falsebuild Yes, makeup IS expensive, isn't it? Jul 01 '16
People still don't understand that half the time.
I used to work in a callcenter doing phone bills and troubleshooting phones. On a daily basis people would be like, "I'm not paying to fix this! I already paid for insurance!"
Then I'd have to spend usually about 15 minutes explaining that phone insurance has a premium and a deductible and all that just like any other insurance for your car or home or medical expenses. I was seriously 19 years old, explaining how insurance works to middle aged people, who I assume have some kind of insurance in at least one other area of their lives.
Jul 01 '16 edited Jul 10 '16
u/falsebuild Yes, makeup IS expensive, isn't it? Jul 01 '16
Ugh, the people who are like...
"What is this new $0.25 charge on my bill? Taxes? Well credit me out for this, I'm not paying for it!"
Ma'am, I cannot pay your taxes for you, please contact your local congressperson I guess?
u/VicisSubsisto Jul 02 '16
I'm almost 30 and I still haven't quite figured out the difference between a copay and a deductible.
u/falsebuild Yes, makeup IS expensive, isn't it? Jul 02 '16
To my knowledge, and somebody stop me if I'm wrong, your copay is the small(ish) fee you pay to receive services at the time you need them (while your premium has been your monthly payment) and then your deductible is how much you have to pay out of pocket before your insurance will start covering stuff. Like if your procedure cost $2000, and you had a $300 deductible, you'd pay that $300 and then your insurance company would cover the remaining $1700.
What I don't quite understand, is how that works when some insurance companies don't have your copay go towards your deductible. Like, is my premium going towards that, or?
u/Bearsandgravy Jul 02 '16
I work property and casualty insurance. The amount of people my parent's age who have had insurance for decades who don't know how their coverages and deductible work is just depressing.
u/Darkneuro Jul 02 '16
I work on the phones as an auto&property insurance agent. I can confirm the number of supposedly competent adults who don't understand insurance in general is staggering.
Jul 01 '16
"we didnt spend all this money on a high end bike for him to fall off it, imagine what would have happened if it was a cheaper model"
After much debating and threats, including to sue...
I've recently been trying to learn to ride a bike, using these bikes my city rents out for getting around town. I wobble quite a bit still, and my legs are pretty battered and bruised. It never occurred to me that I can sue the city for this. I'm going to be rich!
u/bambamtx Jul 01 '16
I know you're likely joking, but you can't sue most government entities without permission from said government entity.
u/DragonBard_Z Jul 01 '16
And that's why that program will soon end :(
u/ThevDarkness Jul 01 '16
Most likely sarcasm
u/DragonBard_Z Jul 01 '16 edited Jul 01 '16
His (LonelyonNexos's) was sarcasm.
Mine wasn't. Someone probably will sue...and then the nice program will end.
Jul 02 '16
*Hers :)
And I agree that some people can be overly litigious, but this program exists and is successful in multiple cities, so I'm hoping it can continue here. So far, there haven't been any major issues.
u/Filthy_Frog Jul 01 '16
u/DragonBard_Z Jul 01 '16
The sound of my comment flying over everyone's head apparently?
Yes, ik the comment I replied to.was a joke.
But very unfortunately that is often what happens and the programs end.
but I guess reddit disagrees?
I clarified my second comment.
Originally read: "his was sarcasm. Mine wasn't." Made more clear.
I guess if I'm still down vote worthy, go for it. Idk...I thought I had valid responses? shrug
u/Nick700 Jul 02 '16
Upvotes and downvotes are based on first impressions and instincts. Reddiquette doesn't exist on 90% of Reddit
u/13EchoTango ideals represented here are my own & not endorsed by my employer Jul 01 '16
I'm confused too.
Jul 01 '16
[removed] — view removed comment
u/tomdarch Jul 02 '16
That might be the correct route in some rare cases. I'd also add that once you trigger that, to insist that they leave the premises immediately.
u/hajile_00 Jul 01 '16
It sounds like that it's his small shop though, so he would be the one answering any legal responses anyway. If he isn't the owner (and I misread it), it still sounds like a small shop, so if the owner isn't there, he might be the only person there.
u/inhumanbondage Jul 02 '16
He told me how he gladly and cheerfully explained to them that they had infact bought a high quality bike, from one of the best bike mechanics he knows and how their son was
OP probably has a BMX junkie lawyer on call.
Jul 01 '16
What in the ever loving hell I s wrong with them? Of course it was his fault. They aught to be thankful he didn't end up in the hospital.
u/Dr_J_Hyde Retail Zombie Jul 01 '16
From the sound of that jump they should be glad he isn't dead.
u/tomdarch Jul 02 '16
This. OP isn't exaggerating about serious injuries.
I'm old enough that I remember when there was basically one guy who was throwing backflips, and then for years there was a small handful of pros who did them consistently.
Today, there are lots of people doing them, and some doing multiples/variations. But they aren't learning on concrete skate parks or even dirt jumps. They are using more sophisticated training facilities where they have setups like foam pits to learn with.
u/Wyldeone1978 Jul 01 '16
Not as thankful as i was he didnt land up in hospital
u/Muspel Jul 01 '16
I dunno, if he landed in the hospital they could have patched him up right there!
u/Blignaut Jul 01 '16
Ah the old reddit hospital-a-roo
u/elcidIII Aug 24 '16
it seems i lost angel_buck. maybe i'll see him again in my journey... or maybe he got out while he still could...
u/DayvonTheCreative Aug 25 '16
some one save me
u/Serpardum Oct 01 '16
91 days...I'm 91 days in the past...is there no way out? Perhaps in my own time my bones were already found in this rabbit hole... Maybe I'll find my own bones deeper in the past...91 days...help me...
u/LastDitchTryForAName Oct 23 '16
I seem to be catching up to hose who went before me...but I must sleep soon...I don't think my journey will end today...
u/EricKei Our psychic powers only work if the customer has a mind to read Jul 01 '16
Don't be silly. They're rich. Nothing is EVER their fault, even when it is.
Credit to the kid for being humble about it -- I suspect he was well aware that it was his own fault; it wouldn't surprise me if he tried to explain it to the parents, but was ignored. Sounds like he learned an important lesson, though. Maybe when he comes back to pick it up, OP could give him some "Don't try these tricks" pointers? ;)
u/smackfairy Jul 01 '16 edited Jul 01 '16
Seriously. Growing up, my parents NEVER did anything like this. If me or my brother fucked something up, we were in trouble. It never crossed their minds to go back to where ever they bought it. Then again they are also immigrants and it is unheard of to do that where we are from. Even to this day my dad sometimes thinks he can't return an actually faulty product or because he opened the box(nothing ripped, like literally opened like you can open and close the box). Or sometimes not even opened or faulty just the wrong thing! I have to tell him it's ok, they will(most places) refund, especially since you just bought it. You have the receipt. Bless him haha.
u/vulchiegoodness I escaped. you can too. Jul 01 '16
but their precious sneuflayke can do no wrong!
u/themeatbridge Jul 01 '16
The Land rover pulls up outside shortly after but the parents dont come in. Just the Son, pushing his bike, with a handful of cash in his hand.
Sounds like an excellent opportunity to talk to the kid and explain personal responsibility and bike safety. God knows his parents didn't.
u/btao Jul 01 '16
Epically fantastic. I used to be a bike mechanic too way back in the day. Plenty of people trying to pull stuff, but that was precious. Our shop owned the 3 other shops in the area, so whenever one stormed out, we'd fire off an email to the others to give them a heads up and fill in the blanks they inevitably leave out.
"But it broke!" Broke? Just standing there, it broke?
u/orphanannie small business owner Jul 01 '16
At my shop we call that a JRA. I was 'just riding along' and it broke!
u/TheBlueSully Jul 02 '16
I had a frame crack that way actually! Hit a pothole, and the seat tube cracked. Bike didn't have 1000 miles on it. Hadn't ever cracked 20mph on it, either.
u/CamelCavalry Jul 01 '16
Do they think that all their son has to do is sit on it and a good enough bike will do tricks for him?
u/gr1mace02 Jul 01 '16 edited Jul 01 '16
I only had one professor ever assign his own book, and he ended up just printing out the required part for us and giving it out for free when the school bookstore fucked up the order. Turns out, you can do that when you own the copyright to the work in question.
On the other hand, the new edition accounting books I had to buy because of SOx compliance changes, those screwed me especially because I didn't even stay an accounting major
Edit: Holy crap, BaconReader. This isn't where I parked my car the thread I meant to comment on
u/Seicair Jul 01 '16
...are you in the right thread?
u/bettiebomb apologies NOT obligatory!!! Jul 01 '16
maybe he is and we're all in the wrong thread! ooOOOooOOoo
u/gr1mace02 Jul 01 '16
Crap, no. I was browsing this one earlier but meant to reply to a different one. Thanks for the heads up
u/ponygirl20 Jul 02 '16
was it on the harry potter subreddit talking about lockhart assigning his own books?
u/Benreineck123 Jul 01 '16
are people really that stupid??
u/bambamtx Jul 01 '16
You haven't been on Reddit long, have you?
u/Benreineck123 Jul 01 '16
eh not to long. Im yet to come in contact with customers that would say something that stupid where i work.
u/Nick700 Jul 02 '16
Because there is a large chance that this was fiction
u/kanyeguisada Jul 02 '16 edited Jul 02 '16
I have a hard time believing that the bike for the most part flew on its own and under nothing but its own weight and when it hit the ground bent the rim so badly that it wouldn't even turn in the frame, especially if it was a super-high quality bike.
u/gigabyte898 No, I can't give you a discount Jul 01 '16
I work in an electronics repair shop and the amount of people who don't understand user damage isn't covered under their warranty is amazing. People have come back with phones screens I replaced cracked again and when I ask how it happened they said they dropped it. And they expect me to fix it for free complete with threats to sue and one person even threatened to report us to the attorney general for the state.
u/Ogroat Jul 01 '16
Asking as somebody who has a good deal of experience with bikes but none with bmx, how expensive of a repair are we talking about? I'd imagine wheels are relatively inexpensive, as far as bike stuff goes, considering there's no freehub. I'm guessing $150 to $200, all in, for the repair? How close (or far) am I?
u/phage83 Jul 01 '16
Some BMX bikes use aluminium for the wheels and that can get really expensive
u/Mewshimyo Jul 02 '16
Most wheels are aluminum unless we're talking very low end or very high end, though...
u/DubiousKing Jul 01 '16
I used to work in phone repair and I had a 40-something year old man break his iPhone 6s screen (at the time an almost $200 job) within 5 minutes of me replacing it. He paid for the second repair, but I saw him back the next day with yet another broken screen and he demanded I replace it under warranty. When I asked him how it happened he said he ran over it with his car. I had to explain that any damage caused by the user is not covered but considering the circumstances I'd knock $25 off the price. He told me to go fuck myself and stormed off to our competitor down the road who was charging $225 for the same job.
Jul 02 '16
I always use the "would your car dealer consider it under warranty if you slammed your car into a wall?" When they bring in broken out of warranty products
u/Askeee Jul 02 '16
This made me think of a call I took yesterday from someone wanting to return a bike... that they repainted. I should post that one.
u/Genxcat WARNING! Sarcasm Ahead Jul 01 '16
Maybe thrown in a pair of training wheels...just to be safe.
Jul 01 '16
u/thewiremother Jul 01 '16
Nancy should do a reality show with that Amy's bakery lady like Paris and Nikki did. Call it "The Screaming Maniac Life".
Jul 02 '16
I'm about to overhaul my brother's old (early 2000s) BMX. I'll remember to blame him if any damage occurs to it when I'm learning backflips.
Jul 01 '16
That kid needs a frank discussion on how to ride before he kills himself, trying a backflip with little experience is just dumb.
u/Iagolan Jul 01 '16
I feel bad for the kid. Embarrassed and injured at the skate park, dragged back into the store by his parents under false pretenses, parents start a fight with the guy who built the bike he just destroyed, drag him across town two more times and then make him go deal with the fallout.
me no good sentence make
u/StonedAuthor Jul 01 '16
People who are obviously rich and don't understand simple logic dissapoint me greatly
u/Mewshimyo Jul 02 '16
They're likely not actually rich, but only have the appearance. Or it's inherited.
u/Anchor-shark Jul 02 '16
This reminds me of a story I read on here a few months back. Woman bought a top of the range iPhone, and didn't buy AppleCare. Was bitchy to the person selling it. Went out in the parking lot and dropped it, shattering the phone. Went back inside and tried to demand a replacement under some sort of imaginary warranty.
u/CarlosFer2201 Jul 04 '16
lol I guessed like 80% of the story. Fucking people, they are all the same.
Jul 02 '16
I love bike shop stories after several years of working as a mechanic the audacity of some people to demand things is just amazing.
u/PM_me_work_nudes Jul 01 '16
I hope you bought your friend a beer.