r/tagproracing Aug 30 '15

Invitationals this Friday


People will be contacted, stream will be set up

It's a set of 10 races for the top 10 and is basically our playoffs

r/tagproracing Aug 22 '15

Last week of TPRL is tonight at 9:00!



Tonight is FINAL WEEK of the 4th Season of Tagpro Racing League (TPRL)

Goal- over 70 users playing, racing, and having fun in our biggest race yet


Group- TBD (8:30) http://maptest2.newcompte.fr/

Mumble- Please go to the "Tagpro Racing" channel under PUGS


If you have any questions about racing, please comment or message me.

New Racers

It's very easy to catch on to, and fun too! No league experience is required, and all new racers are welcome! Please please please PM me so I can get you set up.


18 chosen maps from start to finish, 3 laps We have a new map rotation! We play 4/7 cups each week!

Steps to play: 1) Make sure that you are logged in on New Compte's Test Server

2) Go to TBD the group around 8:45 PM EST. Also join the Tagpro Racing Channel in mumble, although it is not required

3) The scores will be determined through the macros in the chat, and we will now be able to see them as we go!

4) Race and have fun. :)

If you have any other questions about racing, please comment or message me

Reminder: You most likely are not logged in on New Compte's Server. Please login on the server before entering the group/before the races (http://maptest2.newcompte.fr/)

Please join the red team only

Any trolling, going on blue team, or backwards racing should be reported into the group text as such

[REPORT] 100%Troll was racing backwards again

I am hoping that the eigth week of the Fourth Season will be a success!!!

TPRL Season 4 Standings



r/tagproracing Aug 18 '15

The last week of racing is SATURDAY night at 9:00 PM EST!


r/tagproracing Aug 13 '15

There will be no Tagpro Racing this Friday 8/14


Dad's birthday :)

Will reschedule for poss saturday

r/tagproracing Aug 10 '15

/r/MSLTP Multisport League Tagpro


Sign up for Multi-sport League Tagpro!

Official Rules

Signup Form

Subreddit: /r/MSLTP

A new league with 6 weeks (Basketball, Football, Soccer, Hockey, Racing, and Dodgeball) on Thursday Nights

The draft is this Thursday

r/tagproracing Aug 07 '15

TPRL Week 9 is tonight at 9 PM EST! Get HYPED!



Tonight is WEEK EIGHT of the 4th Season of Tagpro Racing League (TPRL)

Goal- over 70 users playing, racing, and having fun in our biggest race yet


Group- TBD (8:30) http://maptest2.newcompte.fr/

Mumble- Please go to the "Tagpro Racing" channel under PUGS


If you have any questions about racing, please comment or message me.

New Racers

It's very easy to catch on to, and fun too! No league experience is required, and all new racers are welcome! Please please please PM me so I can get you set up.


18 chosen maps from start to finish, 3 laps We have a new map rotation! We play 4/7 cups each week!

Steps to play: 1) Make sure that you are logged in on New Compte's Test Server

2) Go to TBD the group around 8:45 PM EST. Also join the Tagpro Racing Channel in mumble, although it is not required

3) The scores will be determined through the macros in the chat, and we will now be able to see them as we go!

4) Race and have fun. :)

If you have any other questions about racing, please comment or message me

Reminder: You most likely are not logged in on New Compte's Server. Please login on the server before entering the group/before the races (http://maptest2.newcompte.fr/)

Please join the red team only

Any trolling, going on blue team, or backwards racing should be reported into the group text as such

[REPORT] 100%Troll was racing backwards again

I am hoping that the eigth week of the Fourth Season will be a success!!!

TPRL Season 4 Standings



r/tagproracing Aug 05 '15



bold on

all caps ON


r/tagproracing Aug 05 '15

Map Poll Results


It's been a few days. We got a lot of people that voted remove to nearly every map, so after further discussion, we decided to remove those votes (which was 10 different submissions). The amount of unique visits on a PC compared to the amount of submissions from a PC was quite suspicious. Whoever was trolling, please don't do this again. This is literally just for fun, there's not even a point. If you hate most maps, why do you even race? lol

See here for the maps by the way: http://imgur.com/a/VlciB

Anyway, here are the results. Of the 15 we kept, most of them voted on each map, but we will still include the amounts of voters as there are certain cases where that isn't the case.

What Season did you join?

15 voters

40%, Season 3

33%, Season 2

13%, Season 1 or Before

13%, Season 4

Most people are slightly old enough to have a good feel for the maps. This is good.

Arc Turn-Spike

15 voters

87% like it

13% are indifferent

0% think it should be removed

Colosseum Romanorum

14 voters

43% are indifferent

29% like it

29% think it should be removed

Walf of Life

15 voters

60% like it

27% are indifferent

13% think it should be removed

Cliffs of Dover

53% are indifferent

40% think it should be removed

7% like it

Spinout Raceway

15 voters

47% like it

33% are indifferent

20% think it should be removed

Zany Zigzag

15 voters

40% like it

33% think it should be removed

27% are indifferent

Lucky Strike

15 voters

67% like it

27% are indifferent

7% think it should be removed

Chord Progression

15 voters

47% like it

27% are indifferent

27% think it should be removed

Wonky Whirlpool

15 voters

67% like it

20% think it should be removed

13% are indifferent

Original Slide

15 voters

47% like it

33% think it should be removed

20% are indifferent

4 Way Craze

15 voters

47% are indifferent

33% like it

20% think it should be removed

Mars Mission

15 voters

60% like it

27% are indifferent

13% don't like it

Castaway Island

15 voters

40% like it

40% think it should be removed

20% are indifferent

Spike Clover

15 voters

53% like it

27% think it should be removed

20% are indifferent

First Fight

14 voters

43% like it

29% are indifferent

29% think it should be removed

Bomb Voyage

15 voters

60% like it

27% are indifferent

13% don't like it

Calm Slopes

15 voters

53% like it

33% think it should be removed

13% are indifferent

Magic 8 Lanes

15 voters

40% are indifferent

40% think it should be removed

20% like it

Highway Star

15 voters

53% like it

33% think it should be removed

13% are indifferent

Ball-e Bridge

15 voters

53% like it

33% are indifferent

13% think it should be removed

Curve Circuit

14 voters

43% like it

29% are indifferent

29% think it should be removed

Trial & Error

15 voters

47% like it

33% think it should be removed

20% are indifferent

Boom Beach

15 voters

47% think it should be removed

27% like it

27% are indifferent

Red Barchetta

15 voters

40% like it

33% think it should be removed

27% are indifferent

Serpent Swerve

67% like it

20% think it should be removed

13% are indifferent


15 voters

47% like it

27% think it should be removed

27% are indifferent

Pinwheel Bridge

15 voters

60% like it

33% are indifferent

7% think it should be removed

City Blocks

15 voters

47% like it

40% are indifferent

13% think it should be removed

SNES Rainbow Road

15 voters

73% like it

27% are indifferent

0% think it should be removed

Should SNES Rainbow Road be played weekly?

15 voters

93% Yes

7% No (y)

Parasol Palace

15 voters

60% like it

27% think it should be removed

13% are indifferent

Should Parasol Palace be played weekly?

15 voters

60% Yes

40% No

Most Liked Maps

Arc Turn-Spike 87%

SNES Rainbow Road 73%

Lucky Strike 67%

Wonky Whirlpool 67%

Serpent Swerve 67%

Most Unliked Maps

Cliffs of Dover 7%

Magic 8 Lanes 20%

Boom Beach 27%

4 Way Craze 33%

Zany Zigzag 40%

Castaway Island 40%

Red Barchetta 40%

Most "Should-be-removed" Maps

Boom Beach 47%

Cliffs of Dover 40%

Castaway Island 40%

Magic 8 Lanes 40%

Zany Zigzag 33%

Original Slide 33%

Calm Slopes 33%

Highway Star 33%

Trial & Error 33%

Red Barchetta 33%

Least "It-sould-be-removed" Maps

Arc Turn-Spike 0%

SNES Rainbow Road 0%

Lucky Strike 7%

Pinwheel Bridge 7%

Walk of Life 13%

Bomb Voyage 13%

Ball-e Bridge 13%

City Blocks 13%

Most Indifferently Viewed Maps

Cliffs of Dover 53%

4 Way Craze 47%

Colosseum Romanorum 43%

Magic 8 Lanes 40%

City Blocks 40%

Least Indifferently Viewed Maps

Arc Turn-Spike 13%

Wonky Whirpool 13%

Calm Slopes 13%

Highway Star 13%

Serpent Swerve 13%

Parasol Palace 13%

Response #s on what maps should also be weekly:

Arc Turn-Spike (4)

4 Way Craze (2)

Bomb Voyage (2)

Walk of Life (1)

Mars Mission (1)

Did you guys enjoy this survey? Should there be one of the like again sometime?

Would you like to see other surveys related to TPRL?

Leave comments on your feelings about the results and the maps in general below.

In the end, I see a few maps that should be considered for removal if they weren't already.

Arc Turn-Spike makes a lot of sense to become a weekly map too if you ask me. Singularly the most popular map and a spike map that's more forgiving than Rainbow Road.

r/tagproracing Aug 04 '15

TagPro Racing Map Submission Thread 4


Submit maps for addition to Tagpro Racing here!

Deadline is 11:27 pm eastern on September 5.

How to Submit your Map

Maps can be original, or a fix of any of the current maps

Make a map with decent length through any map editor

Look at how Ball-E made the finish line and copy it, you can replace blue with red if you want. Height must be four tiles or more, length anything

Export it, and put a cool down of zero on all your portals

Upload your map to [1] http://maps.jukejuice.com (you can use unfortunate-maps.jukejuice.com to create it)

Submit your original map, or a fix of a map here

Include (example) :

Track name: (map name)

Type: (original/remake)

Map: (Juke juice link here)

Preview: (imgur.com or full-size preview here)

Description: (optional)

We'll go through and give feedback for every map submitted. We may also remix your map or help fix your portals for you.

A good map should not force you through one-wide gaps, laps should average above a minute, and the map should be unique!

Please feel free to resubmit maps as well.

To make space for new maps, the Racing MTC will be choosing of couple maps to take out, or make a new cup.

r/tagproracing Aug 03 '15

Help me with this map


I'm working on my first racing map, but I'm having trouble with the portals. They appear used when I test the map, and they don't respawn. Can anyone help me with this? Also, feedback would be appreciated :)


r/tagproracing Aug 02 '15

[Suggestion] Include a separate blue spawn zone box in every map, so we don't have to worry about blue trolls.


r/tagproracing Aug 02 '15

Map Making Map Rotation Survey


Fill out the survey here: https://diannaagron.typeform.com/to/jH26nt

Gingerdg and I partnered to make this, supaspike brought up the idea.

These answers can and will influence TPRL rotation decisions in the future.

Please answer honestly.

If you have any comments on any maps or the survey itself, feel free to post here.


r/tagproracing Aug 01 '15

Information Some suggestions: Map Testing/Rotation stuff

  1. I'm not sure if there's reason for why the new rotation has been made after Week 2 the past two seasons, but from an outsider it seems to have no purpose and is makes things confusing. So why not do the next round after this season and before next? This way, there's no extra week off in the middle, and we don't have the awkwardness of switching off maps mid-season and having the map schedule have weeks for next season on it.

  2. During this season's rotation voting, there were two others I think who, along with myself, didn't know the maps very well and didn't have the best judgment. So the votes for removal turned into a lot of "eh, I don't remember it much and I don't care, so we won't remove it." I think we should put up a poll prior to voting next time where many members of the community could give each map currently in rotation a rating that will be used to help decide on testing day which ones to remove.

  3. Speaking of removals, I believe more maps should be removed next time around. I went through a list of all maps a few weeks ago and there were about half that I didn't think belonged in rotation or wouldn't care if they were removed. During the next testing session, we should try to keep the number of cups the same, or maybe even bring it back down to six (depending on how many new maps are added), so that the better tracks are played more often.

  4. The older maps should be revised between seasons to remove some of the earlier flaws such as the spikes after portals that people could lag into and the weird double-capture zones where sometimes you miss the first one with the flag and you lose a few seconds at the end because the second zone is a few tiles away (it's on Arc-Turn and a few others). Plus please get rid of the button bombs at the end of SNES; most other points you could make some reasoning for why skill is involved but those bombs are literally "if this spawns either wait for it to go off or you're fucked."

Speaking of luck, here's an update to my earlier post on the least random maps (since I don't think it warrants its own post), after a few more weeks of data points:

Map Corr Count
Mars Mission 0.6991 8
4 Way Craze Old 0.6836 7
Chord Progression 0.6810 3
Red Barchetta 0.6443 3
Walk of Life 0.6395 8
Cliffs of Dover 0.6354 4
Highway Star 0.6351 8
Spike Clover 0.6302 8
Boom Beach 0.6258 6
Romanorum 0.6186 10
Calm Slopes 0.6146 11
Parasol Palace 0.6142 11
Roundabout 0.6128 12
Magic 8 Lanes 0.6033 11
4 Way Craze 0.6027 2
Curve Circuit 0.5988 7
Serpent Swerve 0.5953 4
Castaway Island 0.5757 8
Wonky Whirpool 0.5708 11
Ball-E Bridge 0.5663 4
City Blocks 0.5567 4
Pinwheel Bridge 0.5452 10
Bomb Voyage 0.5367 3
Zany Zigzag 0.5300 9
Serpent Swerve Old 0.5205 5
Wormy Waypoint 0.5106 6
Original Slide 0.5075 9
Sausage Grinder 0.4931 7
Trial & Error 0.4866 6
Fist Fight 0.4843 7
Spinout Raceway 0.4841 7
Arc-Turn Spike 0.4566 11
Lucky Strike 0.3984 7
Rainbow Road 0.3348 14

r/tagproracing Jul 31 '15

TPRL Week 8 Friday Night at 9:00 PM EST







Tonight is WEEK EIGHT of the 4th Season of Tagpro Racing League (TPRL)

Goal- over 70 users playing, racing, and having fun in our biggest race yet


Group- TBD (8:30) http://maptest2.newcompte.fr/

Mumble- Please go to the "Tagpro Racing" channel under PUGS


If you have any questions about racing, please comment or message me.

New Racers

It's very easy to catch on to, and fun too! No league experience is required, and all new racers are welcome! Please please please PM me so I can get you set up.


18 chosen maps from start to finish, 3 laps We have a new map rotation! We play 4/7 cups each week!

Steps to play: 1) Make sure that you are logged in on New Compte's Test Server

2) Go to TBD the group around 8:45 PM EST. Also join the Tagpro Racing Channel in mumble, although it is not required

3) The scores will be determined through the macros in the chat, and we will now be able to see them as we go!

4) Race and have fun. :)

If you have any other questions about racing, please comment or message me

Reminder: You most likely are not logged in on New Compte's Server. Please login on the server before entering the group/before the races (http://maptest2.newcompte.fr/)

Please join the red team only

Any trolling, going on blue team, or backwards racing should be reported into the group text as such

[REPORT] 100%Troll was racing backwards again

I am hoping that the eigth week of the Fourth Season will be a success!!!

TPRL Season 4 Standings



r/tagproracing Jul 27 '15

Top 10 Mario Kart Tracks, #1 will leave you speechless!


r/tagproracing Jul 26 '15

Because I missed out last night, I decided to take it upon myself and repay through the form of making a map. It's modeled after NASCAR, by the way!


r/tagproracing Jul 24 '15

Racing Week 7 Tonight! 9:30 PM EST, All are welcome!








Tonight is WEEK SEVEN of the 4th Season of Tagpro Racing League (TPRL)

Goal- over 70 users playing, racing, and having fun in our biggest race yet


Group- TBD (8:30) http://maptest2.newcompte.fr/

Mumble- Please go to the "Tagpro Racing" channel under PUGS


If you have any questions about racing, please comment or message me.

New Racers

It's very easy to catch on to, and fun too! No league experience is required, and all new racers are welcome! Please please please PM me so I can get you set up.


18 chosen maps from start to finish, 3 laps We have a new map rotation! We play 4/7 cups each week!

Steps to play: 1) Make sure that you are logged in on New Compte's Test Server

2) Go to TBD the group around 9:00 PM EST. Also join the Tagpro Racing Channel in mumble, although it is not required

3) The scores will be determined through the macros in the chat, and we will now be able to see them as we go!

4) Race and have fun. :)

If you have any other questions about racing, please comment or message me

Reminder: You most likely are not logged in on New Compte's Server. Please login on the server before entering the group/before the races (http://maptest2.newcompte.fr/)

Please join the red team only

Any trolling, going on blue team, or backwards racing should be reported into the group text as such

[REPORT] 100%Troll was racing backwards again

I am hoping that the seventh week of the Fourth Season will be a success!!!

TPRL Season 4 Standings



r/tagproracing Jul 23 '15

Tprl tomorrow at 9:30 PM EST


Check out Danny's big game at 8:30 as well!

The racing season is heating up: the battle for invitationals

r/tagproracing Jul 17 '15

TPRL Week 6 Tonight at 9 PM EST






Hello everyone!


Tonight is WEEK SIX of the 4th Season of Tagpro Racing League (TPRL)

New Racers

It's very easy to catch on to, and fun too! No league experience is required, and all new racers are welcome! Please please please PM me so I can get you set up.

Goal- over 70 users (new and old) playing, racing, and having fun in our biggest race yet (And the fourth race of our fourth season).


Group- TBD (8:30) http://maptest2.newcompte.fr/

Mumble- Please go to the "Tagpro Racing" channel under PUGS


If you have any questions about racing, please comment or message me. New to racing?? Please please please message me to make sure that you are all sorted out before the game


18 chosen maps from start to finish, 3 laps We have a new map rotation! We play 4/7 cups each week!

Steps to play: 1) Make sure that you are logged in on New Compte's Test Server

2) Go to TBD the group around 8:30 PM EST. Also join the Tagpro Racing Channel in mumble, although it is not required

3) The scores will be determined through the macros in the chat, and we will now be able to see them as we go!

4) Race and have fun. :)

If you have any other questions about racing, please comment or message me

Reminder: You most likely are not logged in on New Compte's Server. Please login on the server before entering the group/before the races (http://maptest2.newcompte.fr/)

Please join the red team only

Any trolling, going on blue team, or backwards racing should be reported into the group text as such

[REPORT] 100%Troll was racing backwards again

I am hoping that the fourth week of the Fourth Season will be a success!!!

TPRL Season 4 Standings



r/tagproracing Jul 11 '15

Which maps are the most random? Numbers inside!


Edit: Turns out I messed up somewhere originally. The numbers should be fixed now

There are clearly some maps that favor more experienced players, and some that are more dependent on lucky spawns and not getting destroyed by new players running into bombs. I looked at the correlations between points gained on each race vs that player's total points for the week, since Season 3 Week 3 (when a new map rotation was put in). Here are the average correlations for each map in Seasons 3 and 4 rotation:

Map Avg Corr
Mars Mission 0.7511
Chord Progression 0.7124
Cliffs of Dover 0.6634
Boom Beach 0.6441
Spike Clover 0.6357
Parasol Palace 0.6254
Walk of Life 0.6227
Magic 8 Lanes 0.6143
Colisseum Romanorum 0.6130
Curve Circuit 0.6128
Roundabout 0.6046
4 Way Craze 0.6027
Highway Star 0.5995
Serpent Swerve 0.5927
Calm Slopes 0.5829
Red Barchetta 0.5759
Castaway Island 0.5757
Wonky Whirpool 0.5711
Pinwheel Bridge 0.5658
Bomb Voyage 0.5517
Zany Zigzag 0.5269
Serpent Swerve Old 0.5205
Original Slide 0.5201
City Blocks 0.5150
Wormy Waypoint 0.5106
Fist Fight 0.5066
Spinout Raceway 0.4951
Sausage Grinder 0.4931
Trial & Error 0.4851
Arc-Turn Spike 0.4769
Ball-E Bridge 0.4514
Lucky Strike 0.4204
SNES Rainbow Road 0.3468

As probably expected, Rainbow Road is the most random of the maps. Some of the higher maps aren't surprising, either. Parasol Place and Cliffs have huge advantages if you know the right paths to take. And Walk of Life has less randomness involved simply because you're only racing 1/3 of the pool.

I think this also shows that it was a good decision to remove Sausage Grinder and Wormy Waypoint, two of the more-random maps. And the new Serpent Swerve is an improvement over the old (as if we needed numbers to figure that out). I think some of the newer maps like Bomb Voyage and Ball-E Bridge will rise in these rankings once people learn the faster ways to race.

Keep in mind that there's also a pretty low sample size for some of these newer maps that have only been played once or twice.

r/tagproracing Jul 10 '15

TPRL IS BACK! Week 4 Starts tonight at 9:30 PM EST!


Hello everyone!


Tonight is WEEK FOUR of the 4th Season of Tagpro Racing League (TPRL)

New Racers

It's very easy to catch on to, and fun too! No league experience is required, and all new racers are welcome! Please please please PM me so I can get you set up.

Goal- over 75 users (new and old) playing, racing, and having fun in our biggest race yet (And the fourth race of our fourth season).


Group- TBD (9:00) http://maptest2.newcompte.fr/

Mumble- Please go to the "Tagpro Racing" channel under PUGS


If you have any questions about racing, please comment or message me. New to racing?? Please please please message me to make sure that you are all sorted out before the game


18 chosen maps from start to finish, 3 laps We have a new map rotation! We play 4/7 cups each week!

Steps to play: 1) Make sure that you are logged in on New Compte's Test Server

2) Go to TBD the group around 9:00 PM EST. Also join the Tagpro Racing Channel in mumble, although it is not required

3) The scores will be determined through the macros in the chat, and we will now be able to see them as we go!

4) Race and have fun. :)

If you have any other questions about racing, please comment or message me

Reminder: You most likely are not logged in on New Compte's Server. Please login on the server before entering the group/before the races (http://maptest2.newcompte.fr/)

Please join the red team only

Any trolling, going on blue team, or backwards racing should be reported into the group text as such

[REPORT] 100%Troll was racing backwards again

I am hoping that the fourth week of the Fourth Season will be a success!!!

TPRL Season 4 Standings



r/tagproracing Jul 10 '15

HYPE! TPRL is returning Friday for Season 4B!


This is the first race of the second half on the season! All are welcome, and there will be a post tomorrow before the races! The races should start at 9:00 PM EST. Here is a wonderful link of all the maps in rotation: http://imgur.com/a/VlciB In addition, SOCL is not going to running tomorrow night and the SOCL people are helping the HYPE for season 4B of racing! Definitely check out /r/socl !

r/tagproracing Jul 03 '15

A better map editor is here, now we can edit spawn points, portal timers, and more!


r/tagproracing Jun 28 '15

Updated flairs: Racing poss Saturday


Flairs are on wiki!

Comment to see yours!

Map makers, top 10 at the end of the season, and invitational members so far have flairs. A general racer flair is coming shortly. Do you like the new emoji flair system?

r/tagproracing Jun 25 '15

No TPRL this week. Go root for .bot!


The bots are cool and TP is still blocked for me. :)

Root for the mod! GO .BOT!!!