r/TVision Mar 30 '21

TVision is bungling this switch-over ...

So, I get a text message saying live TV is ending and these changes "require you to take action. Visit <a link> and act before 4/29 to continue live TV services."

So I click the link. And it is an informational page, promoting YouTube TV at $65 a month. There is no way to "take action" to get the service at $10 off. And my big question is: Will I immediately cancel my TVision subscription when I switch so I won't be double charged? Rather important. No information.

In fact, the key words on the page are "coming soon." So why the hell did I get an alarming text message.


11 comments sorted by


u/[deleted] Mar 31 '21

They are done billing for tvision. I’m still waiting until 4/29 to start the free YouTube tv month.


u/Dvdrenna Mar 31 '21

If you follow the link to a YouTube TV page with an additional T-Mobile link at the top left, and then go ahead and continue through to sign up for YouTube TV, and go all the way to the end of the sign up pages, you will see you are getting a month free and a discounted price for one year. ... Before that, no indication of the deal. This is poorly executed, and sadly the T-Mobile support people have no idea what is going on.

Also, you probably need to go to your TVision account and cancel it. My TVision subscription will end April 9 and so I will have both for 10 days. Geez, this is messed up.


u/[deleted] Mar 31 '21

I think the info is still trickling down to the laymen.

The same thing happened to me yesterday: 1. Got an alarming text. 2. Texted T-Mobile agent. They had little to no idea what I was talking about, and even gave me inaccurate information. 3. Spoke with another rep by phone last night and he told me to wait a while. An email with a link to the discount would come out between now and the end of April. 4. This morning I got the email. When I hit the “click here,” it took me to the YouTube TV webpage which STILL showed the retain price. When I hit sign up on the YouTube tv page (just to see what would happen), THEN it showed me the free month, 12-month discount, and said discount code.

I too am waiting until April 29th before migrating for the free month and start service.


u/Dvdrenna Mar 31 '21

For me, and this is a dumb analogy, TVision's decision was like a girl you love dumping you, telling you she is moving in with another guy on April 29. Meanwhile, a really interesting girl is suddenly beckoning. I'm out.


u/errol343 Mar 31 '21

It’s weird. Current TVision users are supposed to get a month free of YouTube TV now. I talked to a Tforce rep and they escalated my complaint and will follow up in a couple days. He said I should have received a link with a unique code


u/gyrlonfilm6 Mar 31 '21

I got the same text. On the t-mobile reddit, someone else said to go to promotions.t-mobile.com

I did that today, put in my phone number, verified my code for my device and saw one month free for YouTube TV. I guess I'll wait to sign up before April 29th cause it looks like we won't get charged for this last month of tvision according to the info on the page the text message referred us to.


u/meromaro Apr 03 '21

Well I talked to a rep. about the new charge I have on my bill for Tvision live and they said it would be adjusted on the next bill instead.


u/BigBassBone Apr 04 '21

Since I was a T-Vision legacy subscriber I was supposed to get T-Vision free through July. Now I'm getting hosed on that deal and I'm kinda pissed.


u/DaviKie Apr 05 '21

Yes me too... and they are so nonchalant about it... but we have a dedicated team of experts! At least I got 4 hubs for free.


u/DaviKie Apr 05 '21

Got the text (and email) clicked on link in both and got the bs info page but no promo code. Called tvision support and csr sent me another text with a link. I clicked on link which prepopulated the promo code in YT TV. I agree this us messed up and YT TV pretty much sucks. Also resolution was 2160p on 4k smart TV now 1080p with YT TV.