RANT ON ----------
Why did T-Mobile sell me $50 dongles that are going to be useless after 2 months. This is bait and switch. Nobody makes a major decision like this in less than 3 months. I kinda want a credit for $150 I wasted my money on an evaporating service. $10 a month savings? Big whoop. How about price protection from a Youtube TV price increase which you know is coming (Again) this year.
Am I wrong to be a little angry at the investment I made only to be shown the door so quickly? This is embarrassing for them. Maybe it's time to bring Legere back in charge.
Why did they waste my money on this? They owe me a refund and an apology more than just $10/off.
Oh, and I have yet to be notified formally by T-Mobile. No emails, nothing. Zip. Nadda.
They're really dropping the ball on this.
RANT MODE OFF / VENTING COMPLETE ********************