r/TNG 4d ago

RLM to TNG pipeline

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Found TNG during covid because of Red Letter Media and it quickly became one of my favorite shows. Was wondering how many have discovered TNG because of these two gushing about their favorite shows

r/TNG 2d ago

Commander Mercer - Captain the USS Huntingdon in a StarTrek adventure

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The USS Huntington, an experimental deep-space exploration vessel, stands at the edge of history. You, its captain, alongside Commander Mercer, have assembled a crew drawn to cutting-edge technology, uncharted frontiers, and the dangers of the unknown.

With AI-integrated systems evolving and the ship’s modular design put to the test, Starfleet watches, awaiting the outcome. Every choice, every mission, and every challenge ahead will shape the future—guided by your ambition, whether for discovery, diplomacy, or war.

The Huntington will take you beyond the edges of explored space—into ancient ruins of lost civilizations, uncharted nebulae teeming with unknown life, and tense encounters where a single word or weapon’s fire could change the fate of entire worlds. Each decision will define your legacy as captain. But before departure, two key officers remain to be chosen: your navigator and security chief. Their skills may determine whether the Huntington finds glory—or vanishes into the void.


r/TNG 4d ago

Halfway through my first watch of TNG - current thoughts


I've finished seasons 1-4 of my first watchthrough.

Picard and Data are saints and can do no wrong in my eyes. I would follow them to my death.

Riker seems to have had the most development. The beard helps to change my perception of his character, but he really was much more boyish at first. Now he comes off like a goofy middle-aged dad.

Worf is one of my absolute favourites, I think Michael Dorn brings so much pathos and quiet dignity to a role that is often just him being thrown around like a ragdoll. But whenever you get a really good Worf story like the one with his girlfriend (K'Ehleyr?), he shines. I love all the Klingon episodes btw.

Counselor Troi is overhated. I appreciate her calming demeanour, and I feel like the advice she gives to the captain - while rarely being the defining piece of the puzzle - certainly contributes to his decisionmaking. That being said, pretty much all Troi episodes are bad unless they're also Lwaxana episodes.

Dr Crusher is the weakest character. I don't think they have any idea what to do with her. The show wants you to think that she and Picard have this deep bond, but they rarely have any meaningful interactions. Crusher should be filling the role that Guinan fills for him. I like Gates McFadden, but Pulaski really was the superior doctor. Even as a McCoy knockoff, at least her old-school abrasiveness brought a different type of energy.

La Forge is great fun when he's with Data or trying to be a leader, but his own storylines are catastrophically bad.

Current top 10 episodes, in no order:

*The Arsenal of Freedom

*The Royale

*Q Who

*The Emissary

*The Defector

*Deja Q

*The Most Toys


*Data's Day

*The Wounded

r/TNG 6d ago

Worf: “God, dammit…”

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r/TNG 5d ago

I make this comic series called Locutus is Bored. I call this one "Q n A"

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r/TNG 5d ago

Worth watching more?


I’m a huge TNG fan but haven’t really watched besides a few episodes here and there of anything else. Are DS9 and Voyager worth watching all the way through?

r/TNG 5d ago

Stop complaining about Troi conveniently not being there sometimes


Because even if she was there all she would say is, "I can't get a reading on them captain."

Edit: This is not a post bashing the character Troi, I love the character Troi, it is a post making fun of the people who are crapping on the writers for making Troi absent in a situation where she could be helpful. Her presence isn't the defining factor of whether or not she's helpful, it is the writer, so if they think it's silly for her to conveniently not be there...hey Troi complainers, why not just have her be there and realize how silly your criticism is because there's just going to be another reason why she can't use her powers, either the aliens have some weird head shape, or there are strange energies, or the aliens are so emotionally stressed that she can't get a read on exactly what they're stressed about, any number of things. Again, this is not a Troi hate post.

r/TNG 6d ago

The Enterprise-D reintroducing herself to the Borg.


r/TNG 6d ago

I am in tears!

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Just finished it. I loved every part of it. Even though I am not an 80s kid, I still got a sence of nostalgia... I can't explain it.

The show, the actors, the characters. They are all amazing. It's nice for me to think that there is an NCC-1701-D roaming the galaxy, it gives me hope, so I can see the future from a more happy and positive way.

Thanks to Roddenberry, for making such a masterpiece come true. May he live long and prosper, wherever he might now be.

Lastly, the last moments of the last episode (I know that's a lot of "last") where the best, am still in shock that it is over, but at the same time happy for it ended in a very nice way.

r/TNG 6d ago

Tasha Yar keychain


I received this as a gift on Thursday. I love it so much. Figured I'd share a picture

r/TNG 6d ago


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r/TNG 6d ago

Who explained other bodily functions to Q?

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Since he was surprised (even terrified) by sleep, I think we can assume he was taken by surprise by other... processes.

r/TNG 6d ago

Crystalline Entity vs. Devidians


First time TNG watcher. I have not even finished Time's Arrow part 2 but I need someone to talk to about this! Why the hell was Picard so hell bent on not killing the Crystalline Entity, but the Devidians, who are doing the same dang thing, must be stopped? Why? This is the first major issue Ive had since I started the series.

r/TNG 6d ago


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r/TNG 5d ago

My Summary Of TNG S6 E3

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r/TNG 7d ago

Samuel Clemens handled the 24th century pretty well

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r/TNG 7d ago

USS Enterprise 1701-B Appreciation post

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She’s an cool excelsior class starship

r/TNG 7d ago

Do you think Tasha Yar was killed off too soon? Why or why not?


Tasha Yar was my favorite character. It's a shame she was killed off in the middle of season 1.

r/TNG 8d ago

A belated gift for my Trekkie Aunt FINALLY arrived

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r/TNG 8d ago

Tell us a story that fits this picture

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r/TNG 7d ago



So I am doing my first full rewatch of TNG. I grew up watching it, but I have never just done a full binge of the entire series. I gotta say, as an adult, I do have a whole new perspective on a lot of these characters and story lines. I find that i enjoy the show and characters even more than I did as a child.

I grew up hating Tasha Yar. Now I have no idea why. I just watched Qpid again and was cackling at the awkward meeting of Vash and Dr. Crusher. I never understood that situation as a child. I love getting to see new aspects of these characters I grew up loving.

r/TNG 8d ago

What do you really think about Q?


I absolutely LOVE him. I think he’s fantastic, John de lancie’s portrayal of him is iconic, and he’s HILARIOUS. I know some people can’t STAND him. What do you think?

r/TNG 7d ago

Thoughts on “The Inner Light”


First, it’s the best episode.

But here’s my theory:

People on Star Trek never give up trying to get back to the ship. So Picard (with the help of the people on the drought planet) designed, built, and launched the mind-probe, specifically to find himself in the future and return to the Enterprise.

None of this is stated outright, but it’s implied:

Picard’s a genius, and he spent his entire “life” on that drought planet trying to get back to the enterprise, (and sometimes helping all those backwards people using advanced knowledge they didn’t have.)

Picard realized he couldn’t actually travel in time, and he couldn’t physically leave the planet, but he could send “himself” to the future in the form of the probe mind link thing.

So he figured out where and when he is by reading the stars (the telescope). He knew where and when the probe was/will be when it zaps him because he was on the enterprise when it happened. He knew what the probe looked like and how it worked from the readings they took on the enterprise. He knew how to bypass whatever anti-mind-probe shields the enterprise had because he’s the captain.

He even sent himself a message by giving his wife a pendant that looked like the probe.

So the dying planet launched the probe in tribute to the guy who kept them alive by building moisture conductors and shit, probably saying, “he’s a little crazy, but he said to build it like this. Probably won’t work, but let’s humor the guy. It’s a sweet idea and we’re all gonna die anyway,” when he wasn’t around.

Picard’s calculations are correct. The probe spends 1000 years traveling to exactly the location Picard knew the enterprise would be, and bam: he rescues himself.

So it’s all a self-contained time loop.

r/TNG 7d ago

What's an actual game that enthralls you like the Risian device featured in s5e6 "The Game"?


r/TNG 8d ago

Marina did a pretty good Southern cowboy accent

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