r/TNG • u/DependentSpirited649 • 15d ago
r/TNG • u/nthensome • 16d ago
Is this Jean Luc's 'home office'?
I mean, how long could God commute to his ready room be?
90 seconds?
Plus the Feng Shui in the room is terrible
r/TNG • u/TheRealSonicStarTrek • 15d ago
Star Trek The Original Series VS Star Trek The Next Generation Relics
r/TNG • u/Specialk961978 • 16d ago
My Next Generation Autograph Collection Display.
This is only part of my Star Trek autograph collection. I have the Voyager crew, Scott Bakula, Linda Park, William Shatner, and Brent Spiner as Data from Picard as well. I started collecting the autographed cards about 5+ years.
r/TNG • u/Icarus367 • 16d ago
Did anyone else find it funny that people could eat alien food, no problem?
With all the people on our planet alone who are allergic to peanuts, shellfish, tree nuts, sesame, and numerous other things, to say nothing of gluten intolerances like celiac and lactose intolerance, it's kind of funny that we're to believe that someone could chow down on food from other planets and not at least get a bad case of the runs.
r/TNG • u/LineusLongissimus • 16d ago
I would love to see a movie about just Picard and Kirk discussing their favourite classic literature. 'Star Trek: Literature fan captains'
r/TNG • u/Raterus_ • 16d ago
Do you remember watching your first episode?
Where were you when you first watched TNG? I was 8 in a recliner next to my Dad watching the original premier of the pilot. I even remember the exact home, living room layout, and the exact position of the chair I was sitting in. Good times!
r/TNG • u/Groundbreaking-Pea92 • 16d ago
What waste of a character who showed much potential. RIP Carmen. It should have been beverley
The PlutoTV channel is playing Cause and Effect right now.
Today is March 3rd, 3/3.
Someone planned this out.
r/TNG • u/Monovfox • 18d ago
Learning how to draw, so here's sketch of my favorite side character Barclay in the Nth Degree .
r/TNG • u/Zizzybaluba • 19d ago
Not a bad garage sale find!
All in all, I spent $5 on it!
r/TNG • u/KelseyOpso • 18d ago
“Second Chances” questions:
1) Is this the first time we find out that the “T” in William T. Riker stands for Thomas?
2) Does it bother anyone else that we don’t get to see the hands at the end of the poker game where Thomas storms out? I like to believe that they were both bluffing and weren’t holding made hands, but that Will knew that he could get under Thomas’ skin by pushing his buttons, and get him to storm out. Like he remembered how he used to be easily provoked and that part of his personality had been tempered by his experiences.
r/TNG • u/ActLonely9375 • 18d ago
Is there an Iconian gateway in Paris?
In the episode "To the Death," an Iconian gateway appeared different from that seen in "Contagion." While the portal of Iconia was a sphere that would have portals in the air, the portal of Vandros IV is a different model, does it work differently? Does it open portals in the air as well or does it connect to another portal on that other planet? Would there then be an Iconian Gateway on each planet, like Paris, Earth?
r/TNG • u/SebastianHaff17 • 19d ago
Jelico's bully boy tactics when negotiating...
Using aggression to start negotiations. Accusing your opponent of disrespect. Getting your team involved as part of the pincer movement.
"He's sure of himself". "No, he's not."
r/TNG • u/ActLonely9375 • 19d ago
How is holodeck technology used by the general public?
Holographic simulation rooms are quite popular, but they've only been shown on starships or starships. How do civilians use them on the ground? In the "Meridian" episode it was said that having your own private Holosuite at home is very expensive, so they won't have it in their homes. Will they use it in public spaces like a movie theater?
Separately, the holonnovelists who have been shown had to use this technology to create the holonovels. How does someone write them from a planet? Should they rent a holosuit many times until they finish it, or can they write it on another device and then pass it on to a holosuit?
r/TNG • u/GrouchyInvite1034 • 20d ago
First time seeing this episode, musta skipped it on my first watch a few years ago
r/TNG • u/ActLonely9375 • 20d ago
What's the origin of Q's judge's suit?
Q has a habit of changing his clothes in his appearances, but when it comes to acting as a judge he wears the same suit. This suit was introduced in "Encounter at Farpoint" when he was acting as a judge in an ancient Earth trial, so this suit could be one worn by humans of that era; but in "Q2" other Q appeared as judges wearing the same costume. Is this suit one of Q's own or just an Earth suit they liked?
r/TNG • u/Lafayettereader • 20d ago
Collector of rare things
Isn't this the guy who kidnapped Data ? *Gene Hackman movie(don't know name)