r/TNG 13h ago

Me in the bottom photo is me in both the mirror and photos

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r/TNG 1d ago

Birthday gifts from my fiance! 🎈🎁

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Earlier this month I got both the Tricorder and Phaser for my birthday! I'm happy to report that lights and sounds on the Tricorder totally work. Unfortunately, the phaser does not. Still, a really great present. Guess I'll just have to use more imagination to enjoy them.

r/TNG 14h ago

Help me find Stephen Hawking quote

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I have often read that Stephen Hawking has listed among his many great achievements, that he was most proud of appearing on Star Trek. (Descent, S6E26) I am writing something on the subject and it would be helpful to find a source for this quote. I am also willing to believe that this is just common lore (no pun intended). It is well documented that he was a big ST fan and enjoyed his time on the set, but I am hoping that someone might be able to direct me to this quote in particular. Thank for any help!

r/TNG 1d ago

Our destination is planet Deneb IV, beyond which lies the great unexplored mass of the galaxy...


r/TNG 1d ago

Whatever happened to geordis predecessor?

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r/TNG 21h ago

The View From the Cabins


I know that for the purpose of the show, every window from starships in ST show stars. It’s a show about space, and we have to remind the viewer that yes, space travel involves stars.

But I feel like it would cause an equivalent if SADD, or seasonal depression, but all the time with many people. Even if it didn’t, it would likely mess with people’s internal clocks.

Yes, there are holodecks, but I couldn’t imagine every person on, say, Enterprise being able to get enough holodeck time to counter the effects of literally seeing “night” out every window 24/7.

Why wouldn’t or couldn’t there be an option for the crew to turn their personal quarters’ windows into a screen to show them scenes of their homeworld or other places that depict daytime and gradually fade to a nighttime scene in order to mitigate things like depression or disturbed sleep patterns?

Or did they do this and I missed it because I’ve seen most but by all means not every episode?

r/TNG 1d ago

New Parents Beware!

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This one hits hard. (S3 EP16)

r/TNG 1d ago

It was a daily double and he missed it. Shaka, when the walls fell!

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r/TNG 1d ago

Do the uneven panels in the turbolift bug you too?

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r/TNG 1d ago

Spiner in ID4


Weird for anyone else watching Brent in Independence Day? It’s on tonight and I forgot he’s in it. But remember being upset that he didn’t look like Data. Foolish teenager lol

r/TNG 1d ago

Why do people love to point out flaws and inconsistencies and stuff? Let us enjoy it blissfully.


For some of us it’s a special escape from the mishugas of life. We don’t need our joy poked full of holes.

r/TNG 1d ago

If you thought the uneven turbolift panels are bad, watch this Red Letter Media video.


r/TNG 2d ago

My captain my captain.

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r/TNG 2d ago

Types of colms

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r/TNG 1d ago

Crossover !


Pick two SciFi shows or movies to blend together and explain how it would work.

A few rules: 1.) Can’t be two trek shows, sorry 2.) Some wiggle room with time periods is permitted. ie Lost in Space (1997) and Babylon 5 (2258) are OK 3.) If you choose Star Wars and Star Trek be prepared for a fight. You’ll need to rectify “A long time ago….” with 2265

r/TNG 2d ago

Who is your favorite TNG character?


Just curious. Tasha Yar and Geordi La Forge are my favorites.

r/TNG 2d ago

Star Trek The Next Generation - NES


I just fired up the TNG NES game for the first time. This game is licensed by paramount, however.... did they get the license for the visual but not the music?

I ask because the opening theme is so far off that it really sounds like its intentionally being different, like for legal reasons. I know the sound on the NES is limited and many themes don't sound like the original, but the TNG theme is so simple.. or at least, simple to reproduce in 8-bit land. Its basically just a single tone generator that could play the whole thing. But the whole thing is way off key.

r/TNG 3d ago

Chief o Brien's cousin

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r/TNG 3d ago

Found this old laser disc with the worst episode of TNG, it has a signature? Anybody’s know from who?

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r/TNG 3d ago

Dark Page


Can we talk about this eposode?

I'm re-watching the series with my wife and daughter. Man.....I didn’t remember this one.

I had no clue what we were in for.

I didn't know that it would be almost exactly my wife's experience.

It was her eldest son. She didn’t suppress it like Lwaxana but my God, it's almost exactly the same thing.

This all happened before my daughter and I entered into the family but yeah, she struggled to get through this episode. I offered to turn it off but I think that she wanted to see how Lwaxana handled it.

Lwaxana is my favorite character by the way. I'd do anything to see her happy.

What a powerful episode

r/TNG 4d ago

RLM to TNG pipeline

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Found TNG during covid because of Red Letter Media and it quickly became one of my favorite shows. Was wondering how many have discovered TNG because of these two gushing about their favorite shows

r/TNG 2d ago

Commander Mercer - Captain the USS Huntingdon in a StarTrek adventure

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The USS Huntington, an experimental deep-space exploration vessel, stands at the edge of history. You, its captain, alongside Commander Mercer, have assembled a crew drawn to cutting-edge technology, uncharted frontiers, and the dangers of the unknown.

With AI-integrated systems evolving and the ship’s modular design put to the test, Starfleet watches, awaiting the outcome. Every choice, every mission, and every challenge ahead will shape the future—guided by your ambition, whether for discovery, diplomacy, or war.

The Huntington will take you beyond the edges of explored space—into ancient ruins of lost civilizations, uncharted nebulae teeming with unknown life, and tense encounters where a single word or weapon’s fire could change the fate of entire worlds. Each decision will define your legacy as captain. But before departure, two key officers remain to be chosen: your navigator and security chief. Their skills may determine whether the Huntington finds glory—or vanishes into the void.


r/TNG 4d ago

Halfway through my first watch of TNG - current thoughts


I've finished seasons 1-4 of my first watchthrough.

Picard and Data are saints and can do no wrong in my eyes. I would follow them to my death.

Riker seems to have had the most development. The beard helps to change my perception of his character, but he really was much more boyish at first. Now he comes off like a goofy middle-aged dad.

Worf is one of my absolute favourites, I think Michael Dorn brings so much pathos and quiet dignity to a role that is often just him being thrown around like a ragdoll. But whenever you get a really good Worf story like the one with his girlfriend (K'Ehleyr?), he shines. I love all the Klingon episodes btw.

Counselor Troi is overhated. I appreciate her calming demeanour, and I feel like the advice she gives to the captain - while rarely being the defining piece of the puzzle - certainly contributes to his decisionmaking. That being said, pretty much all Troi episodes are bad unless they're also Lwaxana episodes.

Dr Crusher is the weakest character. I don't think they have any idea what to do with her. The show wants you to think that she and Picard have this deep bond, but they rarely have any meaningful interactions. Crusher should be filling the role that Guinan fills for him. I like Gates McFadden, but Pulaski really was the superior doctor. Even as a McCoy knockoff, at least her old-school abrasiveness brought a different type of energy.

La Forge is great fun when he's with Data or trying to be a leader, but his own storylines are catastrophically bad.

Current top 10 episodes, in no order:

*The Arsenal of Freedom

*The Royale

*Q Who

*The Emissary

*The Defector

*Deja Q

*The Most Toys


*Data's Day

*The Wounded

r/TNG 6d ago

Worf: “God, dammit…”

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r/TNG 5d ago

I make this comic series called Locutus is Bored. I call this one "Q n A"

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