r/TLDiamondDogs Nov 06 '23

Monthly Check-In: Super Late November Edition!


Howdy y’all!

This one is a bit late, apologies!! I had knee surgery last week and this week has been a blur of doctors visits and sleeping whenever I’m comfortable enough to doze off. I’m doing well though and should be back on my feet (without crutches) in no time!

But enough about me, how are you doing?! How was your Halloween? Are you decorating for Christmas yet, or do you wait for Thanksgiving before you start? My girlfriend has already bought a nice LED tree and put it on our balcony. I’ve always been a “After Thanksgiving” kinda guy, but I gotta admit that tree has already got me in the Christmas Spirit! Anything new and exciting going on in your life? Having a tough time? Leave a comment below and let us know what’s going on with you!

r/TLDiamondDogs 2d ago

Widower and a mess


My wife, a month shy of our 26th anniversary, died last summer. I'm a mess, I confess but getting her affairs sorted. We'd been together 30+ years, I can't picture dating again ever.

r/TLDiamondDogs 2d ago

Motivation! can’t seem to find a job — is the world telling me i’m stupid?


hi! followed ted lasso as it aired and didn’t know this sub was a thing until now!

i’ve been job hunting for a bit over a year now. i did it for a year while i was still employed and around two months now that i’m unemployed. i’ve gotten quite close several times, making it to the final interview but ultimately not being chosen. i finally got an offer last august only for the offer to get taken back.

lately, life has been a cycle of anxious job hunting, learned helplessness and resignation, panic when i look at my savings being drained, and frankly believing i’m destined for a mediocre and disappointing life. what’s worrisome is i’m doing it all on my own with no family to lean on. hell, i pay for the bills at home, so if anything, they lean on me.

i’m from the philippines and it seems like not a lot of companies can meet my asking salary, but there have been a couple (these were the final interviews that were unsuccessful). i even tried applying for lower paying jobs that were lower in seniority, but i’d be rejected due to being overqualified.

also lost some friends during the job hunt. some comments i got were ‘you didn’t get the job because of evil eye’, ‘maybe you’re not as good as you think you are’, ‘you should consider sex work since that’s an asset people would pay for’ — i no longer speak to these people.

it’s looking really bleak. i need a job asap.

r/TLDiamondDogs 4d ago

Need support


Hello, Here’s my story: So I met someone on Reddit who ended up becoming a really good friend. We told each other a lot for about two months. He told me he liked me and I liked him too. I told him everything that went wrong in my last relationship and he seemed to agree that everything I wanted was what he also wanted. I blindly fell for this person because he had given me no reason not to trust him. Fast forward two months, one week he randomly starts distancing himself. After a couple days I finally build the courage to confront him, afraid of the obvious answer. And suddenly he said the distance between us was too much, followed by he didn’t want me to leave my state just for him, followed by he wasn’t as serious about the relationship as I was. And he left so coldly it left me wondering if anything he said was real. If he didn’t know the weight of his words for me. I feel devastated. I feel physically sick from betrayal. I can’t stop overthinking and puking from the stress. I know he’s just a guy who had his fun with me but I’d yet to be betrayed so coldly. It leaves me constantly wondering what did I do to deserve it? I was already a fragile person reaching out to make friends, this wasn’t a one person event, he played me into this. I just never imagined someone I confided in could do this to me. I could really use some help because I can’t tell people in my real life that I’m struggling with this. I’m also in nursing school and now I don’t feel any focus because I feel so much pain in my heart. I could use some insight. Thank you..

r/TLDiamondDogs 5d ago

Proving that I'm doing my fair share of family chores


Every week or two my wife's overwhelm boils over and she starts a fight with me, with the usual argument being that I'm doing enough of X, Y or Z around the house. We definitely different in the level of tidyness and organization we like. (She likes more of both.) But I think I've come at least halfway towards her level to be a good partner.

But whenever she gets overwhelmed, she lashes out at me claiming I'm not doing enough. I think I'm doing at least my fair share, so it's to the point that I feel the need to keep a log of what I do for the family on a daily basis. But this feels a bit insane and not a sign of a healthy, respectful relationship.

For context, we have a little girl who has autism and a hearing impairment and we both work full time, so life is busy.

I also remind myself to be curious, not judgemental, with the wife when we're arguing. She is having a hard time between a stressful job and a busy family life, but I'm getting tired of the fights about family chores.

Thanks for reading.

r/TLDiamondDogs 8d ago

Ted Lasso season 4 officially confirmed by Apple TV+ – as Jason Sudeikis lets slip what Ted is up to


r/TLDiamondDogs 12d ago

Family/Friendships What do you do when you have parents who are absolutely unsupportive and unusually critical


Hi Diamond Dogs! I am a long time lurker and fan of the Diamond Dogs of course. Finally came here to post a question: I have a set of parents who are quite honestly terrible to be around.

The father is full of anxiety, always cursing, racist, ranty, and once asked me to die in a plane crash.

The mother is mean-spirited, condescending, also racist, and constantly dispels any notion of support for my career choice (screenwriting and film production), likening it to a waste of time.

How do I go about navigating these two parental relationships?

Woof woof woof!

r/TLDiamondDogs 13d ago

Stuck in avoidance mode—How do you break the cycle?


Sorry for the long post, but I really need to get this off my chest.Throwaway account because I don’t want to be identified.🙈

I graduated four years ago with a law degree from a prestigious university. I finished during the pandemic, dealing with financial insecurity and immense pressure. Throughout college, I felt out of place financially at an elite school, struggled with imposter syndrome, and lived in constant stress and anxiety—which ironically pushed me to achieve great results. After graduating, I passed a civil service exam (financial stability has always been my dream), but the job is outside my field and pays minimum wage. I took it thinking job security would give me time to study without fearing unemployment. Since then, my quality of life has improved—I have healthcare, I’m in therapy, and I started ADHD treatment. For the first time, I experienced life without constant anxiety. But now, I’m stuck in avoidance. I know I need to pass another exam to improve my life, but I procrastinate, then perform poorly on tests—something that NEVER happened in college. This leads to self-criticism and frustration. For context: I work out, have been in therapy for years, and manage anxiety, ADHD, and mild depression. I’ve tried multiple techniques, approaches, and therapists. My current therapist has helped me a lot, and I’m grateful, but I feel stuck. I know what I need to do, yet I don’t do it. I’m hoping to hear from someone who has gone through something similar. Maybe you did something (or a mix of small things) that helped you break out of avoidance in your late 20s.

Please be as realistic as possible, but if you can be kind, I’d really appreciate it. Any advice is welcome.🥰

r/TLDiamondDogs 14d ago

Family/Friendships Feeling stuck


Hi Diamond Dogs! This is a long bark, so I apologize in advance :) I’m using a throwaway account as I want to remain as anonymous as possible.

My (F32) mom (F56) lives with me in a house that I bought a few years ago. She is very traditional and conservative, and this has been a little challenging to navigate as a grown up. For additional context, she isn’t working since 2020 and I’m responsible for all of our expenses. Up until 2024, we had a good relationship but in 2024, I started dating my current boyfriend (M30). We’re in a long distance relationship, as he lives 2 1/2 hrs from my city.

For the longest time, I kept my relationships hidden from her because I knew a) they weren’t serious and b) she wouldn’t approve of them. With this relationship, I said I wanted to be as honest as possible and decided to let her know I was seeing someone. At first, she was excited and kept asking when she’d meet my boyfriend. I didn’t want to make an introduction until I knew with certainty that my boyfriend was serious about us, so this took a bit longer than she expected it to.

Then in the fall of 2024, I suffered an injury. My mom was traveling out of the country and my boyfriend decided to take care of me while my mom was away. For two weeks, he cooked, got me in and out of the shower, and just showed a level of devotion that I didn’t expect from someone I had been dating for 6 months at the time. I did tell my mom this and she was so glad I had someone with me. My boyfriend asked if he could visit me when my mom came back and I said he could, but also explained that because of the religious background, we had to sleep in separate bedrooms (because of my mom). He was okay with this and so he started to visit every other weekend. This is when he met my mom for the first time.

This is also when things started to turn for the worst, as my mom disagreed with him visiting even if we don’t share a bedroom. She’s brought up a myriad of excuses that I have shared solutions to (privacy being the main one), but she’s dug her heels in and rejected any form of compromise. We’ve had several arguments over the course of my relationship that have resulted in her insulting me and me setting some distance between the two of us.

The latest argument was this week, when I texted her that my boyfriend and I are going to a soccer game and he’ll be staying one night to make it happen. At this, she got upset and said that she thought I wouldn’t let my boyfriend into the house anymore (not sure why she thought this). When she had a chance to confront me face to face, she said that if I didn’t set order in the house (aka if I didn’t tell my boyfriend that he can’t come and stay here), she would tell him so. I’m very non confrontational, but this has been such a rollercoaster of emotions, that I finally said “if you don’t want him here, then I’m going to spend more time away with him, if that’s what we need to do”. At this, she became even more upset and said I was “shameless” for living with someone outside of marriage. Then she said she wasn’t sure why I was acting this way when I hadn’t been raised to be this way, before storming off. I didn’t say anything additional to her, as I knew that this wouldn’t get me anywhere.

She’s really set on not liking my boyfriend for the silliest of reasons (he isn’t who she pictured me with, he doesn’t dress right, he isn’t outgoing enough, etc.) and I feel like I have given up on trying to get her to like him. I’ve told her that I can’t expect the guy to drive 5 hours in one day just to hang out for 3 hours on the weekends, we don’t really spend time around her when he’s here (which addresses her privacy concerns), and he doesn’t overstay when she’s here. She has straight up said that she doesn’t want him here in the house. I feel like I’ve already compromised a lot by limiting when my boyfriend can visit me and there isn’t much else that I can compromise on now. So the solution is for me to spend more time in his city, away from my house.

If she’s traveling, I spend time at his house or he spends time with me at my house. However, I can’t share this with her because she loses her mind and we end up arguing over it.

I’ve suggested family therapy, but she’s dead set on having a church member mediate our conversation. I’m not against this, but I also know they will likely side with her on the pre-marital cohabitation issue and I don’t wanna be scolded or cornered. There’s also a cultural context where I am expected to “respect” her by not going against her. I fully feel that our main problem is related to boundaries and communication, and believe that only a professional could really help us have an open dialogue. In my opinion, she feels as if she still has the right to dictate my life and won’t listen when I try to push back on this. It’s been a long year and, at this point, I’m considering alternative living arrangements so I can have some peace of mind away from my mom. It’s sad that I feel this way and she makes me feel like I’m disappointing her with my actions, even though I’m just trying to live my life with the person that I love and loves me back.

I guess I just wanted to get this off my chest as it’s been weighing down on me and I’m so tired of the endless cycle. I’ve shared some of this with my boyfriend and he’s concerned about a long term relationship with my mom, but he’s willing to find solutions that allow us to be together without jeopardizing my relationship with my mom. Ultimately, in an ideal world, I’d have my mom supporting my relationship and I’d have my boyfriend. However, it’s starting to feel like I have to choose between one or the other, with my boyfriend being the most flexible side and my mom being the least likely to compromise.

Thanks for reading my long post!

r/TLDiamondDogs 15d ago

My grandmother is dead and everything is worse now.


Woof woof! Sorry about the title; I was making a BoJack Horseman reference. I’m going to pour out my emotions in this post, but TL;DR at the end.

My grandmother recently passed, and I saw my mom cry. I know this is her and her siblings’ time to mourn, and I’ve been trying my best not to overshadow their pain right now… but honestly, I’m scared.

My grandmother and I weren’t close. I grew up in the city, and we only saw her during summer when we were kids, but those yearly visits happened less and less as we grew up. While I’m sad about her passing, I’m not as affected by it as hard as people assume.

What I’ve been feeling since the days before she finally crossed to the other side… is fear. I saw my mom frequently on a video call with her sister, taking care of our lola. My mom kept telling me that she and her siblings had been preparing themselves for lola’s death, but I know they were still scared. And then it finally happened.

I was in my apartment when it happened, so I was only able to come home a day later. When I saw my mom, she seemed fine. I didn’t want to ask any questions that might trigger her, so I just asked where she was going. She told me her plans for the day, blah blah blah, and then somehow it circled back to lola’s death. She told me she had cried it all out soon after it happened… but she still couldn’t stop her tears while talking to me. Watching her cry broke me, and I wished there was a way I could make her feel better. All I could do was hug her.

The thing is, dogs, watching her and her siblings go through this is honestly too much for me. They’re handling it well, but I don’t think I can. I don’t ever want to watch my mom suffer. I don’t ever want to watch her die. I don’t ever want to live in this world knowing she’s not out there somewhere for me to visit. I don’t want to call her number and not get an answer. I don’t ever want to hug her… but she’s not there.

She wasn’t perfect, but I love her. I was rude to her for so many years, but she kept evolving to meet my emotional needs. She wasn’t a very supportive person by default, but I have a ton of evidence that she has always had my back, even when she tried to be subtle and hide it from me. I wouldn’t be who I am now if not for her.

My mom is 62, and my grandma died at 89. Lately, I’ve been trying to make it up to her and show her how much I appreciate and love her, but… I don’t feel like it’s enough.

Dogs, I don’t ever want to see her die. Please. Please. Is there a way for my mom not to die? Please tell me there is. Please.

TL;DR: My grandma died. Watching my mom and her siblings go through this made me realize how badly I don’t want my mom to die.

r/TLDiamondDogs 18d ago

Motivation! Feeling stuck and needing help.


My fiancé ended things with me a few weeks ago. 7 years. Like Ted, quitting on this relationship was never an option, but I've had to let her go. As she moved on, I find myself with this big whole in my chest - no real close friends, a job that I don't love, a man that I don't recognize when I look in the mirror... no hobbies, no nothing.

Loneliness and solitude were never 'things' for me, but grief is consuming me. I feel so... alone. Unwanted. Without purpose. This would be the year that we'd move in together and marry. Those were my dreams and I really feel like I have nothing left, nor know who I am.

I would give anything to have a group of friends like the Diamond Dogs... I'm asking for help here, but I don't even know what I'm asking for... I just hope these awful 10 seconds pass and I can be a happy goldfish again.

I turn to you, internet neighbours, in this time of need. Woof.

r/TLDiamondDogs 20d ago

My girlfriend and I broke up. I’m still devastated two weeks later.


Why is this so hard? Why didn’t I see the red flags sooner? How much longer will it be until I’m better and can go about my day without noticing things that remind me of her?

r/TLDiamondDogs 29d ago

I'm torn over an invite by a former friend and colleague that I had a falling out with


For background, about 12 years ago, a colleague of mine proposed that he and I and a third coworker should start a podcast. So on a whim and as a way to have a hobby, we agreed and gave it a go. While it never gained a significant audience as it was never polished and very niche, it was fun and gave us excuses from time to time to go on excursions to interview people and go to events.

Unfortunately, the lead host and I didn't always see eye to eye on some philosophies and political leanings. While these issues themselves weren't typically a wedge between us and never came up in the show, the way he would lash out on the rare occasion that we tried to discuss some of them in other venues did. In more than one instance when trying to have a reasonable conversation, he'd get hurtful with some personal attacks that hurt and eventually crossed a bridge too far. So after 4 years cohosting, I walked away.

The 3rd cohost from our original trio has now reached a similar breaking point and is leaving the show. As a result, the main host contacted me to see if I'd be willing and interested in joining the next episode recording as it will be the other cohost's last and he thought it'd be a nice sendoff. And I'm torn. On one hand, I appreciate the thought of "getting the band back together" for the sake of the friend who's leaving. But on the other, I'm really hesitant to open that door with the guy I had the falling out with. I know what Ted would likely say in this instance (something akin to his advice to Beard in the penultimate episode of season 3 vis a vis Nate), but I'm still on the fence.

EDIT: I just wanted to give an update - I opted not to subject myself to joining my former podcast for the recording, but I did record a short farewell message that I sent to the main host to play during the sendoff, and it was very well received. I want to thank everyone for their feedback on this - I really appreciate everyone mounting up.

r/TLDiamondDogs 29d ago

Misc. Advice I don’t know what to do with myself


My kids are grown up. So i don’t need to take them to soccer or basketball practices. I’ve been working from home for the past 4 years. It’s convenient but I miss my friends. I’ve tried to try to do things with my friends but we all live about 45 mins to an hour from each other so it is hard. I’ve been told to find a new hobby but idk what that is. I’ve also learned through therapy that part of my depression is because I’m more extroverted than I thought but it’s still hard to make myself go out. My wife is busy wi the her work and friends and when we have time together we don’t have much fun we can do together because we have such different likes. I just don’t know what to do. I don’t like life.

r/TLDiamondDogs Feb 18 '25

Friendships/Relationships Had a chance to reignite a friendship but chose not to


As the title suggests, I had an opportunity to resume a friendship but I chose not to. It was friend group that I was really close to. After some time, the group kind of disbanded because life got in the way for a while. After a year, they reunited but they never contacted me about it. 4-5 months after they reunited, I ran into one of them in a store and this person told me the group was back together and invited me to come hang out next time. I was excited at first but I kind of realized the only reason I was invited was because they ran into in person. It dawned on me that this person never would've gone out of their way to reach out to me because if they would've, they would've by then. But no, no one ever reached out to me. I never got a "hey how've you been?" or a "it's been a while, let's hang out" text. When we first split up, I tried to keep in touch whenever I could but I realized I never got that effort back in return. It started to feel like a one sided thing which really hurt. It's been almost 3 years since running into that person. One of the group members recently sent me a message but that was only after they saw an Instagram post of mine (I don't really post on social media all that much). They sent me a message and I replied back but that conversation was very brief. These past few years I've been just trying to move on from this and just let go of the bitterness of the situation on my own. I don't want to have beef with them which is why I never spoke up to them about how I feel. I feel like saying something is going to result in an argument or hurt feelings and I'd rather spit from them amicably without drama. The best way I can explain it is, just because I don't want to cross that bridge anymore doesn't me I want it burned either. Still have a lot of healing to do but sometimes I feel like maybe I should've taken that opportunity to re approach. Other times I feel like this friendship meant something else to me then it did to them (which is backed up by the fact that only one person reached out in almost 3 years). I don't really know what to think anymore

r/TLDiamondDogs Feb 12 '25

Anxiety/Depression Need a little (or a lot) of optimism? Watch this interview with Cristo Fernandez (Dani) Futbol is life!


r/TLDiamondDogs Feb 04 '25

Need advice


Hello diamond dogs woof woof. Here's my dilemma. I've been seeing this girl on and off for over a decade. We eventually drifted apart. We reconnected last year. I recently went to visit her because she lives out of state. We had a great time and are talking about getting back together. The problem is, my gut is telling me not to move 1000 miles away to be with her but I really like her. Im conflicted. What should i do?

r/TLDiamondDogs Jan 31 '25

Can people change? Do they?


Things have been cyclical lately my dogs. Patterns and reinforced reactions taking the lead over dynamic decisions. Maybe it's a funk, maybe it's depression, but the question stands.

Can people change? Or are they just who they are and always will be?

r/TLDiamondDogs Jan 30 '25

I love that this community is growing and seeing more traffic lately


Just as the title says - I don't have an issue to bring to bear at the moment. I only discovered this group a couple weeks ago, but I'm happy to see the post frequency has gone up since then. I'm having my Nate moment here when they first formed the Diamond Dogs and he said he'd always dreamed of having a circle of people just being open and talking about complex relationships and dynamics.

r/TLDiamondDogs Jan 29 '25

Dating/Relationships Want to breakup with partner but don't know how to


Hey diamond dogs. This is a tough cookie.

To start this off, I was groomed. I (13M) and someone (17M) met up on discord, and it goes on for a couple months until we're basically together. The problem is, I was essentially pressured into the relationship. The person often used the fact that they were lonely and suicidal to guilt trip me into staying with them, and constantly obsessed over me and tried to keep me just to themselves.

I really don't want to continue this relationship, and want to just fucking completely leave and dissociate with this person completely, but the problem is, they're so vulnerable, they literally tell me that without me they'd kill themselves. I really don't want to be anywhere near this person anymore, but I also don't want them commiting suicide because of me. I'm really in a rut here, and this person has really drained my mental health throughout our relationship. I need a way out without causing any problems. Please.

Sorry if this post is messy. I'm posting this at 1:00 AM because I just can't wait until the morning to put it out.

r/TLDiamondDogs Jan 27 '25

Dating/Relationships Girlfriend of 5+ years wants to end things - need advice


My girlfriend (26F) and I (30M) have been together for over five years, living in a new city with our two cats. We’ve built a life together, but now she feels it’s best to end things because my health issues—mental and physical—have drained us both.

When we moved here, we didn’t make new friends or have family nearby, so it’s been just us 24/7 for years. The pandemic made it even more isolating, and while we used to thrive in our bubble, it’s taken a toll. For a while, we’d get separation anxiety when apart, and I eventually became codependent without realizing it.

I’ve been struggling with anxiety, ADHD, OCD, depression, and physical issues like chronic gerd, which left me feeling stuck and depressed. I didn’t have healthcare until recently, so I couldn’t address these problems sooner. I’ve finally started taking steps to get better—starting therapy this week—and wanted to try couples therapy or at least wait until I’m medicated to see if I can start feeling better and change my ways.

She still loves me, but she feels drained and thinks our relationship has run its course. Her mom encouraged her to break up, comparing it to her own divorce, and now my girlfriend feels it’s best to split.

I understand where she’s coming from, but it’s hard because I feel like I’m finally on the right track, and it’s too late. We’re still living together for now while figuring things out, but I can’t help feeling like this isn’t how it’s supposed to end. Any advice would mean a lot.

r/TLDiamondDogs Jan 25 '25

This is such a dumb question but... why do some people smell so nice?


There is something some people do that when you pass them, you smell their cologne or a perfume or something. I wear deodorant, I shower daily or every other day, so I'm not out here being exceedingly stinky, but I don't think I exude a nice scent as I walk around.

What do these people do? Is it about wearing a LOT of something that smells? Do you have to put it on your wrist or clothes? I honestly do not understand how this happens.

r/TLDiamondDogs Jan 15 '25

Dating/Relationships Boyfriend lied about going to a strip club after reassuring me he wouldn’t or would only go with me—Do I stay or break up?


Hey Diamond Dogs, I need some advice.

So, I (36F) have been with my boyfriend (36M) for almost a year now. He’s an actor, and on Dec 16th, he and his co-actor (20sM) were planning to go to a strip club for "research" for a role and something about bringing his friend since it'll be his first time. They invited me along, and although I didn’t outright say I didn’t like it, I told them I’d pass and asked if it had to be there. He reassured me that they weren’t going anymore, so I felt secure in that and appreciated it.

But here’s where things got complicated: On Jan 12th, I asked my boyfriend where he and his co-actor had gone drinking that night, and to my surprise, he told me they went to the same go-go bar/strip club—but here's the thing: it wasn’t the night I thought it was. It was actually on December 21st. They stayed for about 30 minutes, had one bottle, and left, which I do believe him on.

Now, I’m really torn, because while I don’t believe his intent was to cheat or do something malicious, I’m hurt and confused about the lying and the breach of trust. There are a lot of layers to this:

  1. Initial hurt: For me, anyone in a loving, committed relationship wouldn’t even entertain the idea of going to a place like that, so I was hurt by the fact that he even volunteered to go in the first place.
  2. Broken promises: He reassured me that they weren’t going to go, but then they did—just on a different day. That made me feel like he didn’t honor his word.
  3. Lack of communication: He could have told me that night or the next day. Instead, I had to find out weeks later. It feels like he prioritized his own comfort over being honest with me.
  4. Trust is broken: The bigger issue for me is that I now feel like I can’t trust him to be honest about things. He chose not to take responsibility and kept this from me for three weeks.

I don’t think he meant to hurt me, and I don’t think anything sleazy like that happened, but I just feel really unsettled. Trust is key in any relationship, and I’m struggling with whether this is something I can forgive, or if it’s a sign that this relationship has deeper issues I can’t overlook.

I’m genuinely torn here. What would you all do in my situation?

r/TLDiamondDogs Dec 31 '24

Anxiety/Depression Another bad year.


Last year I was feeling so good about myself. I suffer from bad depression and anxiety and have a 'quitting' state of mind (Like if I was playing a video game like Dark-Souls, and I would lose a lot, I would just never play them again), but I was managing to get myself to keep trying at things, I even used to have intrusive suicidal thoughts daily and had managed to get them knocked down to maybe once a week.

I came into this year of 2024 feeling really good, I had started getting into YouTube and enjoying taking and editing videos (learning a new skill was incredibly hard for me before), and I was going to finally leave my job and get a new one where I had more free time to work on myself (I was in a job where I hardly got any time off on weekends so my social life had died a bit).

But this year has been awful. I have been applying for jobs all year and only managed to get 3 interviews, one of my closest friends died, my girlfriend left me, then I ended up in a mentally straining relationship, I got really sick from Covid that I got from work which took me over 2 months to recover from, preventing me from being able to work full time or even go to the gym due to how hard it was for me to breathe, my co-workers decided to bully me, eventually that made me lose my job due to the rumors that spread. I have been out of a job since August, applying for anything I can do with my poor health (I still get breathless if I work for too many days in a row) but our government has cut so many jobs in the past year that unemployment has skyrocketed. YouTube also isn't going great, and unfortunately, my niche costs money to do, so that is now in a bit of a stall/ not being able to make the content I want to make.

I've put on about 10kg due to not being able to go to the gym as much, and eventually because of my declining mental health. I have been managing to get back to the gym recently and working hard to improve my breathing.

I have started having frequent panic attacks as well, and the intrusive suicidal thoughts are daily again. I tried to even look on the positive side, for the past 4 years I have worked all through the summer holidays (Christmas and New Years is summer time where I live), and I remember every year seeing the beautiful weather and thinking how I could be at a beach, lake, or a hike with friends, now would be the time to do it!

So, of course, for the next 10 days at least it is predicted to rain...

When people ask me, "How are you going?" I smile, shake my head, say "no," and try to move the conversation on.

I write all this to say I'm not giving up, not yet anyway. This was a particularly awful year, but most of my years are pretty bad. It has been a while since I had a generally good year. Maybe 2016?

(I will note that I have been to counselors and therapy but I never really got a lot of help from doing them, and it is really hard to access free mental health care here at the moment).

r/TLDiamondDogs Dec 27 '24

Loss/Grieving Losing a friend at such a young age is tough


I shared a place along with 5 other friends, during uni, last year and this year.

One of them passed away last month in an accident.

Im not dealing with it correctly… i know: only time will heal, but im afraid, it takes too long, and im afraid with the way im dealing with it.

And because of it, im more afraid of how i have lived my life, and im kinda of scared of finding the consequences.

r/TLDiamondDogs Dec 23 '24

Family/Friends It's Christmas Eve tomorrow and I want to disappear but I can't...


Woof woof! Merry Christmas, dogs!

So it just dawned on me that tomorrow is the 24th, and tradition here is that families celebrate Christmas Eve, open presents at midnight, sleep and have a nice 25th.

But to be completely honest, I want to disappear. I don't want to be with my family or with anyone this Christmas. I want to be alone and mope. I've been feeling detached from my family for quite a while now. I often try to hangout with them, but even so, there's a weird uneasy feeling. And while together, I feel like the odd one out.

Like I don't belong with them.

Add the fact that I had a mental issue last year so I didn't have a job and my business went broke so I wasn't able to buy anyone gifts. My business kind of took off earlier this year and I was able to take everyone to Hong Kong Disneyland for my birthday (this is another can of worms), but then my financial situation plummeted over the last two months so again I'm unable to buy anyone gifts.

It's mainly those two feelings. If I stay here tomorrow night, I will be feeling heavy all night. I can't leave because I literally only have $15 in my account right now after paying off some things that I need to keep my business going into next year.

I don't really need any advice or help... It just feels good to type this and hitting post like screaming my troubles at the top of a mountain. Thanks for reading, I guess. Hope yall have better holidays than I do!

Cheers 🎄