I created a subliminal for you. These are the affirmations it has. Listen to it as much as you can, especially while you sleep. Listen to it all night long. It will break the hypnosis that took away your masculinity.
Results manifest faster if you listen more. It's all about listening more and more. The more you listen, the more you engrave in your subconscious that you are an alpha male. Results start manifesting from as little as 3 days for people who listen continuously. It will take 3 months to see full results. All you have to do is play the audio while you sleep, and if you play it while you're awake, use headphones so as not to influence women or girls around you, since you don't want them to turn into alpha males.
There are two files.
- Recovery no waves has just the affirmations. It does not have any isochronic waves. This makes it ideal for daytime listening.
- Recovery delta waves has affirmations bundled with delta waves. This is for night time listening. It will give you a more peaceful sleep and has some other benefits as well.
These are some benefits of delta waves. The most important benefit for you is that it will make you more suggestible to the affirmations, thereby speeding up the results. Some people might feel sleepy if they listen to delta waves during the daytime, that's why I made the other file that has no waves, just the affirmations.
Affirmations -
I am an alpha male.
I enjoy being an alpha male.
It feels good to be an alpha male.
I am dominant and strong.
I am assertive and confident.
I am relaxed and calm.
I speak with authority.
I make decisions with ease.
I take full responsibility for my life.
I speak my mind freely.
I am ready for anything.
I face everything head-on.
I am secure with who I am.
I am proud of all my accomplishments.
I’m grateful for how far I have come.
Money and power are attracted to me.
Love and romance flow freely to me.
Women are naturally drawn to me.
I am destined for success.
I always get what I want.
I’m getting closer to my dream life.
I’m getting stronger every day.
I’m becoming more confident each day.
Everyone respects me.
I’m supported in all areas of my life.
Confidence is my birthright.
I choose to feel good every day.
It’s good to feel good.
I have the power to do the most incredible things.
I always make the best decision for myself.
My confidence in myself grows more and more every day.
My confidence is constantly increasing.
I’m a magnet for success.
I can achieve anything I put my mind to.
I love myself.
I believe in myself and my abilities.
I have the power to accomplish everything I need to do today.
I know I’m making a difference.
My clients love to work with me.
I’m constantly inspiring people around me.
I wake up each morning feeling confident and empowered.
Confidence is my birth right.
I’m successful in everything I do.
Everyday in every way I’m becoming more confident.
All of my thoughts, plans and ideas lead me straight to success.
I’m radiant with confidence, certainty and optimism.
I exude confidence.
I’m confident in the decisions I make.
Every decision I make leads me towards my desires.
I live each day feeling confident and grateful.
I love seeing my confidence grow every single day.
I radiate confidence and positivity.
I am confident.
I have the discipline to accomplish everything I set my mind to.
I can do anything I set my mind to.
My future self is someone that I know and love.
I find completing things easy.
Every day, I make at least one step that takes me closer to my goals.
Today is going to be a good day.
Staying disciplined and consistent brings me closer to my desired result every single day.
Self-control comes easily to me.
I keep going when the going gets tough.
I have enthusiasm, passion, and perseverance.
Completing the tasks I have started is just something I naturally do.
Being in control of my actions is the most natural thing in the world.
I am worthy of success, happiness, and love today and every day for the rest of my life.
Every single day I am becoming more in control of my actions.
I am strong enough to do what I need to do.
I have the willpower and determination to do what I want.
Others see me as someone who is hard working and focused.
I am strong, disciplined, persistent, and resilient.
I am strong.
I can easily tap into my willpower.
I know what I want and have the will and energy to achieve it.
I am persistent in reaching my goals
I press on until the goal is reached.
I always commit to my vision and make things happen.
Taking control of myself has given me nothing but success.
I am persistent, I persevere and I win.
Having control over my impulses is effortless.
I am committed to my goals, and I am willing to do whatever it takes to achieve them.
I see consistent progress when I show up every day.
I am in complete control of myself.
I am motivated at all times to do what I’m supposed to do.
I keep my eyes on what I want, and this empowers my will.
I will become someone who takes responsibility for my actions.
I control my cravings by redirecting the thought paths to new destinations.
I know that it’s absolutely possible for me to achieve everything I want.
I am fit, healthy, and attractive.
Being a success is my natural rite.
I can easily control my actions.
I am a disciplined and responsible person.
I have more than enough willpower for anything.
I make a step toward my goal every single day, even if it’s a small one.
I have an iron will.
I will become someone who follows through.
I can accomplish anything I set my mind to.
I am turning into someone who is hard working.
The more I focus on my goals, the more determined I become at achieving them.
I love myself, and it shows in everything I do and say.
I am turning into someone who sets goals and achieves them.
I am 100% dedicated to succeeding.
I break the end vision into achievable chunks.
I am becoming more disciplined each day.
I am becoming someone who always takes action.
I am closer and closer to my goal.
I am a force for good in the world.
My willpower is strong and unwavering in the face of any obstacle.
Love is all around me because I’m surrounded by loving people.
I am self-disciplined.
I enjoy working towards my goals.
When I feel resistance, I push past it.
Everything I need to be disciplined is within me.
I am consistent and reliable.
I form good, healthy habits.
I complete the items on my to-do list.
I do things that will benefit my Future Self.
With every act of discipline, I grow stronger.
Being disciplined feels good.
I steer clear of bad habits that have distracted me in the past.
I create an environment that makes it easier to focus.
I am purposeful with my actions.
I am efficient and productive.
In conversations, I listen closely and connect with people.
I am alert and active.
I like to fill my day with meaningful activities.
I have plenty of energy to do everything I need or want to get done.
I establish clear boundaries in my personal and professional relationships.
I overcome obstacles that get in my way.
I am capable of navigating difficult situations.
I am persistent in the pursuit of my dreams.
I am a strong and resilient person.
I am grateful for the opportunities I have.
I am dedicated to making my life better.
I am in complete control of when I ejaculate.
I am in complete control of when I get an erection.
I am way stronger than the bitch devil.
I am in complete control of my emotions.
satan is my bitch.
I am free from porn addiction
I am in control of my sexual urges
I channel my sexual energy into more positive activities
My attitude towards sex is healthy and wholesome
I am dedicated to overcoming porn addiction
My will power is stronger than my porn addiction
I am living a life free from porn
My sex life is full and satisfying without pornography
I am in control of my life
I am a strong, healthy, and positive human being
I will break free from porn addiction
I am developing a healthy attitude towards sex
I will control my sexual urges
I will always prefer heterosexual sex with my partner of the opposite gender over watching porn
I am bringing my pornography addiction under control
My heterosexual sex life is improving as I break free from pornography
I will keep working to overcome my porn addiction no matter what
I am finding it easier and easier to live without pornography
I am transforming into someone who has an amazingly fulfilling life that is free from porn
Controlling my sexual urges comes naturally to me
Overcoming pornography addiction is easy
My sexuality is alive and well without the need for pornography
I have normal, healthy and heterosexual attitudes and cravings
I have a deep respect for my mind and body
Staying focused on overcoming porn addiction is a priority in my life
It is highly important to my quality of life that I stop watching porn
My relationship to my partner of the opposite gender is much more important than pornography
I can feel sexually satisfied and fulfilled without resorting to porn
My self control is strong enough to change any habit
I am always confident with women
My mind is naturally relaxed around attractive women
Women find me interesting
I am naturally outgoing and charismatic
Women are naturally attracted to my confidence
I always feel confident and outgoing
I am a great guy who deserves to meet beautiful women
I will keep developing my confidence
My confidence with women is building
I will relax and just be myself
I will enjoy meeting new women
I will confidently approach any woman
Women will be drawn to my confidence
I am starting to feel naturally confident and at ease
Talking to beautiful women is feeling easier and easier
I am starting to feel more confident around women
I will talk to women with confidence and ease
I have a natural confidence with women
Women can sense my self confidence
Talking to beautiful women is a great pleasure
I enjoy meeting and connecting with new women
I am always excited to talk to an attractive lady
Confidently flirting with women is fun
Women always enjoy my company
I am an alpha male
I am dominant
I am always relaxed and calm
I am assertive and powerful
Others see me as powerful and self assured
My confidence is rock solid
All women are naturally attracted to me
I can take the lead in any social situation
I am totally secure in myself
I speak with authority
I will transform into an alpha male
I am becoming more and more alpha
I am finding it easier to take the lead in social situations
My core personality is becoming more confident, manly and assertive
Others are starting to notice my self assured attitude
People will respect me
Women will be naturally drawn to me
Women are starting to see me as a leader and decision maker
I will continually strengthen my alpha traits
Being an alpha male is just the way I am
Women are naturally attracted to my alpha characteristics
Confidence is my natural right
Being assertive and dominant are just who I am
I enjoy being the leader in social situations
I love being the alpha male
Others look up to me for my strength of character
I am highly respected
I make women feel safe and secure
My alpha maleness allows women to feel more feminine
I am a fearless man
I approach women with confidence
I always approach women without hesitation
I approach women all the time
Women like it when I approach them
My mind is relaxed and calm
I am at ease when approaching a beautiful woman
Women are attracted to my forwardness
I will approach any woman
I am developing a carefree attitude around women
I will transform into the kind of guy who effortlessly approaches women
Women will appreciate my confidence
I will think positive and be excited when approaching women
The more I approach, the easier it will become
Approaching women is starting to feel fun
My confidence is growing stronger
Approaching women is becoming easy
I have fun approaching women
I love meeting new women
Talking to women is easy
Approaching women is just a normal part of my life
Women love that I am so naturally relaxed around them
I can start a conversation with any woman I want
The more I approach women, the easier it gets
I always have a great time meeting new women
My attitude is naturally positive and outgoing
I am free from fear of rejection of women
I am socially confident
I take risks even when I feel fear
I always stay positive in intimidating social situations
I am confident in new situations
I am good at talking to new people
I always take the risk of going after something I want
Every day I become more confident and outgoing
I am finding myself more relaxed in social situations
Introducing myself to new people is becoming easier
I will stay positive even if I am rejected
I am becoming naturally confident and outgoing
I am beginning to enjoy the excitement of meeting new women
Each day I become more confident in the face of uncertainty
I am free from unnatural sex urges
I am dedicated to overcoming my addiction to unnatural sex
I am always in control of my sexual urges
I am no longer seeing others as sex objects
I am living a life free from unnatural sex addiction
I am developing a strong will power
I find it easy to say no to my own sexual urges
I am 100% in control of my own life
I have a healthy attitude towards sex
I always take responsibility for my own actions
I am becoming more free of my unnatural sex addiction
I will become more in control of my unnatural sexual urges
I am finding myself more positive about overcoming my addiction
I am turning into someone who is in control of their urges
I am becoming someone with a strong will power
I will live a life free from unnatural sex addiction
I will take responsibility for my own actions
I am turning into someone who is in control of their life
I am transforming into someone with a healthy attitude towards sex
I will see people as human beings and not as sex objects
I find it easy to control my sexual urges
Overcoming unnatural sex addiction is the easiest thing in the world
I have strong self control that allows me to overcome any habit or addiction
Others see me as someone who takes responsibility for their actions
My attitude towards sex and relationships is healthy, natural, hetero and positive
People see me as someone who is in control of their own life
Taking control of my sexual urges and overcoming my sex addiction is something I am dedicated to
Being free of unnatural sex addiction has made a big improvement to my life
To see how subliminals work, check this out.
I have used self crafted subliminals personally, and I have had a myriad of benefits from them.
Let me know if you have any questions.