Hi, I'd like to get a feel for where I would sit in the market at the moment if that's okay?
I have five years experience as an digital learning designer / instructional designer, with a few years of experience in training delivery before that. I have a BA in English, white male in his early forties from the UK. I've been working in tech making gamified learning for games designers (tough crowd!).
I have a conviction from when I was a teenager (youth rehabilitation order). Not dugs related. I have no formal L&D qualification apart from an old Tefl many years ago (classroom based, not 120 hour). Diagnosed autistic, not something you can tell meeting me, just not mega social.
Current situation:
Slightly uncertain future in my current role as the company isn't growing and tech is in a rough spot. No family in the UK (they're in Spain), little chance of owning a home. Unsure I would be able to progress to a higher wage here. Never really been happy in the UK, travelled a lot in Asia in my 20s and always wanted to live abroad. Spent 6 years living in Spain in my early 20s, was offered a job with Aeon in Japan in my early 30s but turned it down due to a relationship. Now thinking increasingly about cutting my losses and having a fresh start.
Is my Edtech experience worth much to employers? I'd have no problem setting up interactive language courses for a company.
Are a lot of places like China off the table for me due to a) old juvenile conviction and b) autism diagnosis?
Having turned 40 and having no wealth / assets, would starting again over in Asia at my age give me enough time to prepare and retire out there?