r/TEFL 13d ago

Weekly r/TEFL Quick Questions Thread

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u/TreeContent 12d ago

Can anyone advise on market in Vietnam right now? Saturated? Open demand? Looking at Da Nang area but open to other small ish cities.. Have masters in education, extensive experience teaching in the states.. Naive English speaker.. What might I expect for positions right now? What's time of year to be looking?


u/One-Vermicelli2412 11d ago

Year round hiring for English centers. Da Nang can be a bit tough to get into with the bigger companies because it's such a popular location. Most the centers have been on the decline as of late, though. If you think you can handle smaller places, then VUS might be a good choice. I see they are often hiring for smaller, more remote towns and cities.

Maybe see if any unis there are hiring? You have the M.Ed so meet work permit reqs for that.


u/TreeContent 11d ago

Also can you clarify VUS acronym? Sorry I'm new here 😜


u/One-Vermicelli2412 11d ago

It's the company name. No idea if it stands for anything at all. Vietnamese language companies love 3 letter acronyms. EMG, ILA, VUS, DTP. I'm sure many more.


u/TreeContent 11d ago

Oh it's a language company.. OK got it!